how can you move a shape in a gliffy diagram using the keyboard arrow keys? - keyboard

my company just upgraded to Gliffy 9.3 and I can no longer move a shape with my keyboard arrow keys...bug?


the blue screen in android studio disappeared

please help
im new to android studio and from the two screens for layout the blue one on the left disappeared
my API version is 30this is the picture from my window
I'm guessing what you're looking for is the Blueprint Design Surface. Your currently viewing the Basic Design Surface.
You can toggle between Basic, Blueprint and both by either pressing the B key, or by clicking on the Select Design Surface button - it looks like a blue diamond stacked on-top of another blue diamond . (I've circled it in the image you provided)

How to change keyboard movement to zqsd controls in A-frame scene?

By adding the wasd-controls-attribute, you can move using this keys on a Qwerty keyboard. But I have an Azerty keyboard. My question is now could I use this keys: Z (up), Q (left), S (down) and D (right) or maby the arrow keys ↑, ←, ↓ and →?
The WASD-CONTROLS enable You to move using the arrow keys.
I looked Through WASD-CONTROLS in here, and it seems You can't add any attribute to the WASD-CONTROLS to make them work with other keys. If You want to make it work on zqsd, You need to copy the code of the WASD-CONTROLS and rewrite the listeners, or make an easy component with Your own implementation of acceleration etc.

In Linux, what piece of software is responsible for drawing the mouse cursor?

As the title states it: what software actually draws the mouse cursor? Is there a programmatic way for modifying the visual appearance?
The mouse cursor (or mouse pointer) is drawn by the X server. Each application that the cursor moves over may be able to modify the appearance of the mouse cursor.
Since there are different applications and those are built over different toolkits, each could use a different method for changing the cursor's appearance.
xterm uses the X library for manipulating this:
xterm may choose a cursor-font which is small enough to hide the mouse pointer, but the X server continues to "draw" it.
Like other applications, xterm may also use cursor themes, which (in desktop systems such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE), may be configured in a desktop-settings.
But ultimately it is the X server which draws the mouse cursor. The application does not have to do anything to allow it to move around the screen. Rather, each application listens for X events to keep track of the mouse cursor.
Further reading:
How do I change the cursor from an arrow to a watch?
Cursor themes (Arch)
How do you hide the mouse pointer under Linux/X11?

Enterprise Architect snap to grid doesn't work

I'm trying to use the "snap to grid" feature on Enterprise Architect Diagram mode and it seems like it's not working. All elements and connectors didn't snap to the defined grid size (they still moving freely - pixel by pixel - when I drag and move them).
Does somebody know how to snap all elements and connectors to grid or, at least, to move the connectors pixel by pixel - like elements do when pressing SHIFT + arrows?
for that you should use 'Snap to Grid' option from 'Diagram' menu.
There you can select one of two options: 'Standard Grid' and 'Smart Placement'
Documentation says:
Standard Grid - constrains elements to the grid when they are added to diagrams
Smart Placement - places elements even distances away from other elements and spaces elements evenly
If neither of these options are enabled, the elements can be placed freely on the diagram.
Ensure that you have that option enabled
If it is not working try to reload diagram after point 1
BTW. For alignment elements on a diagram you can use more options from context menu (select elements and click right button):

Controls/Layouts of JavaFX allows to use the mouse to resize?

When I say "use the mouse to resize" I mean put the pointer at the edge, click and drag and it will be resize.
Is there any JavaFX control or layout let be do that by default?
The closest built-in control would be a SplitPane.
A SplitPane only has a horizontal or vertical orientation, so you couldn't arbitrarily resize in both directions unless you placed a vertical split pane inside a horizontal one (or vice versa).
Or you can create your own user resizable Pane by following Alexander Kirov's suggestion.
