SQL MODE error code during installation vtigercrm 7.3 - vtigercrm

I try to install vtigercrm but always it show me this probleme. how can I solve it?
MySQL Server should be configured with:

May be this will help
setting global sql_mode in mysql
I believe your hosting company should help in this regards.


Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. Cannot reset neo4j database

I have my community 4.1.1 neo4j service installed on the ubuntu commandline running on my windows machine. I have been using neo4j steadily for a month or two now, just recently it has prevented me from accessing the neo4j database, it will say this in neo4j browser:
Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. Run :sysinfo for more info.
I have tried uninstalling neo4j and reinstalling but that has not worked either. I tried playing around with the default listen address previously, but now with the reinstall all config data is back to normal. Running ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/cypher-shell under bin does not work. It says:
Unable to establish connection in 3000ms
If I run ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/cypher-shell -a it says:
Database 'neo4j' is unavailable
When I run ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/neo4j-admin check-consistency --database=neo4j it also states:
.2020-08-18 22:12:16.868+0000 WARN [o.n.c.ConsistencyCheckService] Index was dirty on startup which means it was not shutdown correctly and need to be cleaned up with a successful recovery. Index file: /home/thomp105/neo4j-community-4.1.1/data/databases/neo4j/neostore.relationshipgroupstore.db.id.
I would love to reset everything from scratch but I am unsure how
At this point I cannot even access the browser at localhost:7474. It hangs indefinitely trying to load.
I am truly stumped. Anyone have any advice on how I navigate this issue?
It's not easy to guess the issue without seeing your system, but may I ask if you can try to delete your default database, i.e. neo4j physically from the disk (e.g. rm -rf /home/thomp105/neo4j-community-4.1.1/data/databases/neo4j/), and then try to create another database with different name instead (open neo4j.conf, search for dbms.active_database, which point out on default database, and change it to some other name)?
I had this problem running on a linux server. The server was up but got this error on any query: Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. To troubleshoot I ran sudo neo4j console and the problem went away. When I ran the console as user ne04j the problem came back.
$ /usr/share/neo4j/bin/neo4j console
Directories in use:
home: /var/lib/neo4j
config: /etc/neo4j
logs: /var/log/neo4j
plugins: /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
import: /var/lib/neo4j/import
data: /var/lib/neo4j/data
certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
run: /var/run/neo4j
So I tried: sudo chown -R neo4j:neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/data and the problem went away. Apparently when I'd done a restore of the database I'd run the neo4j server as root and when the system runs neo4j it does it as the user neo4j so couldn't read any of its data. It seems that an error like this would warrant an easy to parse error message but verbosity is not the neo4j way.

Lua with Apache on Linux (Ubuntu Server) errors?

Iv'e been trying to set up a web server off my homes internet. At the moment its a dusty little Toshiba Netbook with and Ubuntu server running off of it. I have all that set up, and apache + php, but now i'm trying to get lua to work with it. I first edited the htttpd.conf to have the
LoadModule lua_module modules/mod_lua.so
line uncommented so it would load (I somehow got it to install with all the modules enabled, just not active), and I got this error after trying to start it back up.
httpd: Syntax error on line 116 of /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/mod_lua.so into server: /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_lua.so: undefined symbol: luaL_loadbufferx
Since this isn't working and I have no idea why, I'd like to ask you all for help! Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer!
Seems like mod_lua.so is unable to find the Lua library (in which luaL_loadbufferx function is implemented). Verify that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes path to Lua library folder, and that the user account under which the web server runs has execute privileges on liblua51.so.

Solr server installation issue

I have installed solr server on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.I am able to accesshttp://solrserver:8983/solr but when i do curl http://solrserver:8983/solr
Its giving me “Proxy authorization error”
What can be the problem? Is it due to corporate firewalls?
I have given proxy settings in .bashrc file ,/etc/apt/apt.conf and in /etc/environment file and restarted the machine
But did not work.
Thanks And Regards
Try using http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum88/10572.htm and try using
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
Thanks & Regards,
Alok Thaker


I am very new to Linux but I am trying best to learn. We have dedicated hosting server of CentOS 6. It is configure with Apache Server as our public website. Now we need to install PHP JAVA Bridge on it.
What I did is, I install TomCat 6 and jdk 1.6. Then I copy JavaBridge.war file to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder and jar files on $CATALINA_HOME/lib folder. When I check from tomcat 8080 port JavaBridge is working very good.
Then I make symlink of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/JavaBridge on my apache server. Untill here everything is okay
But when I try to browse from browser like http://www.xxx.com/JavaBridge I will get following error
You don't have permission to access /JavaBridge/ on this server.
Apache Server at www.gizeleonline.com Port 80
Now my question is that do I am doing it in wrong way or do I have to get rid of Apache server or I am missing something.
Kindly help on this experts :)
Actually it was my mistake. I just re-image my server and re-install everything it start working everything. thanx for help every body

How to change the host name of the ubuntu server running oracle xe

I have a oracle 11g XE instance running under ubuntu server. I tried changing the hostname of the server by modifying the host name in /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, tnsnames.ora and listener.ora but the oracle-xe instance fails to start after reboot. Any idea which configuration I am missing?
Sometimes Oracle starts with only certain services / functionalities not working properly... If that's the case and your Oracle instance partially failed to start you can get some more information about running listeners by invoking the lsnrctl command line utility and then using the status command.
You can also look for clues in the Oracle log files under <oracle-install>/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/<hostname>/listener/alert/log.xml - you should definitely have one for your old hostname and you might have another one created for your new hostname as well.
I had this and solved it just rename your listner.ora and restart, it will change the setting for the new host name
see my explanation Here
