Lua with Apache on Linux (Ubuntu Server) errors? - linux

Iv'e been trying to set up a web server off my homes internet. At the moment its a dusty little Toshiba Netbook with and Ubuntu server running off of it. I have all that set up, and apache + php, but now i'm trying to get lua to work with it. I first edited the htttpd.conf to have the
LoadModule lua_module modules/
line uncommented so it would load (I somehow got it to install with all the modules enabled, just not active), and I got this error after trying to start it back up.
httpd: Syntax error on line 116 of /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/ into server: /usr/local/apache2/modules/ undefined symbol: luaL_loadbufferx
Since this isn't working and I have no idea why, I'd like to ask you all for help! Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer!

Seems like is unable to find the Lua library (in which luaL_loadbufferx function is implemented). Verify that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes path to Lua library folder, and that the user account under which the web server runs has execute privileges on


Why do all my browsers show error that the phpmyadmin config.js file is forbidden?

Ubuntu 20.04
Apache 2.4.41
phpmyadmin 4.9.5deb2
I can log in to phpmyadmin and see the main page where the databases are listed in the left-hand panel. But I get an error message. Using F12, I see the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) config.js:1
There is a config.js file under /usr/share/phpmyadmin/js. There are other js files in that folder that are included in the sources listed in the browser (again, using F12).
I confirmed that the config.js file has read permissions set for everyone. All the js files in that folder have the same permissions set.
I also confirmed that /etc/apache2/conf_enabled/phpmyadmin.conf links to /etc/apache2/conf_available/phpmyadmin.conf and that links to /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf. Neither this apache.conf nor /etc/apache2/apache2.conf deny access to config.js.
When I delete config.js, I do not get the error BUT I get other errors concerning functions that are contained in that config.js (like "Uncaught ReferenceError: isStorageSupported is not defined."). This tells me that the forbidden file is indeed this file. I renamed it and created a new empty config.js - still get the same forbidden error(fwiw).
We've been using phpmyadmin on this server since April. The error has cropped up in the last couple weeks. When I ssh'd into the server this week, it displayed a message that it needed restarted to make updates. I did not know there were auto-updates going on. I restarted, which did not help the problem. Then I updated and upgraded everything but still no help. I uninstalled (remove and purge) and installed phpmyadmin, but still no help.
My next step would be to upgrade phpmyadmin to the latest stable using a different repository (the debian repo is a little behind). But I thought I'd ask here because I have a feeling that might not help either.
I'm thinking that something changed in the server stack that isn't allowing the config.js file to be read; I just have no idea what that would be. Has anyone else seen this or something similar?
I implemented a band-aid: I copied the /usr/share/phpmyadmin/js/config.js file to config.1.js. I edited the code in /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/classes/Header.php to use config.1.js instead of config.js.
No error now!
But I don't like this answer because it doesn't tell me what the original source of the problem is and how to keep it from happening again.

permission error when trying to run node server in godaddy

im trying to run a nodejs server on godaddy using the cpanel thing. i followed this tutorial, and got to the part where you run the server file. however, the server gives me a permission error.
there may be something wrong with my file structure, or the tutorial may be out of date, as my file structure differed from that in the tutorial. ex: tutorial said to go to /home/username/public_html, but my public_html folder is located on the root folder.
i just found that i could change file permissions, and enable the execute option on the node file. i'm now getting a segmentation fault error
if you need any extra information, let me know.

Linux Lua: Permission denied on https request

I've been trying to send a https request using ssl.https library in Lua, however no matter what url I give, I alway get permission denied and no other values like headers, etc. The linux I am using is CentOS Linux version 7.
Here is the example code:
local httpsocket = require("socket.http")
local httpssocket = require ("ssl.https")
local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
local res, code, response_headers, status = httpssocket.request("")
module:log("info","%s %s",code.."",response_headers);
The code itself is part of a prosody plugin and the last line in this example prints this out:
permission denied <nil>
My question is how do I fix this issue so that I can access the page?
EDIT: It seem that the problem might be the user that the service is run under and needs root privilages otherwise it throws ACCES error for ports lower than 1024. Does anyone know what to do in this case?
So... after attempting fix this issue again, I finally found the solution. If you are having trouble with services not being able to send http/https request on centOS, there is a single command that has to be run to fix this issue:
setsebool -P nis_enabled 1
For those who might have similar issues but not quite the same as me, look into the /var/log/audit/audit.log for anything related to your program, process, service, etc. then use this command:
grep <pattern_to_match_specific_log> /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2why
This will give you a reason why it failed and how to fix it

phpmyadmin.conf default file

First of all, I'm pretty new to this all...
I am using Amazon web services and I have installed LAMP on Amazon linux using this.
When installing phpmyadmin, I was trying to grant access to all IP addresses (i know, not a good idea), so I tried adding Require all granted under # Apache 2.4 in phpmyadmin.conf file, I was using Mac's terminal, and I messed up the file while trying to learn how to add it, so now that I found how to add it, it is not working anymore... this the error I get:
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf:
Invalid command '# phpMyAdmin - Web based MySQL browser written in php', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Is there anyway that I can just replace the phpMyAdmin.conf file to default and start editing it over?
or do I have to unistall and re install phpmyadmin all over again?

Linking in localhost(LAMP)

I am newly(about 1 month) started using LAMP and Bootstrap.
I developed a web-site that worked perfectly until I reinstalled LAMP.
Here my progress:
0. reinstalled LAMP
1. moved my "backup-ed" file to my "localhost" direction
2. I run "chmod 777 *" to each dir and file
3. When I write "localhost" to my browser(firefox) the "index.html" is running
4. When I click the link(say: index)
The browser responds:
Not Found
The requested URL /undefined was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
Is there any way to fix this, by the way it's working(linking) perfectly when I write file:///var/www/html/index.html.
The reason why I want to use LAMP is add .php files to handle form.
What happens when you do hit http://localhost ?
What exactly do you see?? Tried http://localhost/html
What is exactly your document root as per apache conf?
You might need to check that you are placing your files in the root directoy. It should be in the "htdocs" foler.
If all else fails, you can try using xampp which is another free alternative to lamp.
I get this a lot, when your browser looks for a file that is not in htaccess you get a forbidden or unfound error. The way to fix this is to make sure the link you click goes to an accessible URL. Try finding if other links in the page or scripts are overwriting your link.
Finally check if you can access it from another browser, or try to demonstrate the security of your machine. From a public library you can request an Ubuntu CD from canonical, and while you're waiting, you can visually inspect your machine for tampering.
