How to open Tortoise SVN commit UI from Command prompt - tortoisesvn

I need to open the Tortoise SVN commit window from command prompt, and not be right clicking on the windows explorer.
What is the command to do it?


Can I input Git command in Android Studio IDE?

I use Github in Android Studio 3.3.1. I know I can open Version Control using Alt+9.
And Git command and result will be displayed in Console of Version Control. Can I input Git command and run it directly in Android Studio IDE ?
Yes sure.
About android studio on Windows you can change default command line to "bash"
First install git bash
then Setting in android studio to run terminal from bash
File -> Settings search for "terminal"
In topic "terminal" select on "Application settings" title then change "Shell path" to the directory of installed "git bash"
default root shell is "C/Program file/git/bin/bash"
close your current terminal and open new one in android so you will see new terminal with can use git command.
From your Android studio ->
Go to -
Make your settings there.
Hope you will be able to find out the Terminal.
or, for windows 10 on the File->Setting->Terminal->Shell path change the cmd.exe to powershell.exe. You will get git and also more linux commands plus some cool colors etc.

Version Control GIT-Commit is showing no changes

In Android Studio, when I'm trying to commit, it is showing No Changes. I have done a lot of changes since my last commit, it's been almost 20 days from my last commit. I don't why it's not detecting changes.
Due to no commits, push is also not working.
I'm getting the below error when I open version control in android studio
Found the problem.My Git Index File Was Corrupted.
Found solution in below link.
Found solution here
Thank You for your help
This is for anyone who has GIT working in Android Studio's terminal but not directly in Android Studio -
In my case, I was able to see the changes and new files list in the terminal when using Git commands (like git status or git add --all) but when I tried to commit by going to GIT -> Commit in Android Studio, it showed - No changes to commit when I clearly had changes to commit.
The solution which worked for me: Try to check if Git and Github are enabled in Android Studio. (It was enabled in my case, however, I disabled it and then again enabled both and restarted Android Studio and it worked.
File -> Settings -> Plugins -> (search for git) -> make sure it is checked (if it is already checked, uncheck and then check again) and click OK
Now, restart Android Studio

Windows - Android Studio No Longer Integrates With Subversion

When I first set up Android Studio on Windows, it was working with the TortoiseSVN install I had set up. A while ago I got a message that my Subversion client was out of date. I updated it to 1.8, but it was apparently too new for Android Studio at the time.
Now I'm running Android Studio 2.1.3 and TortoiseSVN 1.9.3, and it seems like they should be compatible. The command line client is set up, and I can see my repository in the "SVN Repositories" view. However, any other interaction with SVN (check out, commit, update) either times out or gives the error: Cannot checkout from svn: svn: E000002: Can't make directory '/cygdrive/c/Users/filePath/C:\Users\filePath': No such file or directory .
How do I get it to use the right path, or is there something else I have set up wrong? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Android Studio, but that did not seem to help.

AndroidStudio opens previous project

If I run androidstudio from project A folder, it still opens the last opened project instead of the project in the current directory.
Is it possible to force androidstudio to open the project from the current folder from command line?
Navigate to Settings-->Appearance & Behavior--> System Settings and uncheck
Reopen last project on startup
Hope this helps

What are the Console2 command line options? Launch new tab versus new window

The help file for Console2 isn't opening on my Win8 or Win7 VM and I'm looking to see what command line options it supports.
Basically I have integrated it a bit with Visual Studio as a 'External' tool with this command...
Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Console2\Console.exe
Arguments: -d "$(ProjectDir)"
Initial directory: $(ProjectDir)
But it launches a new window every time. I was hoping to make it launch a new window only if Console2 isn't running, otherwise simply open a new tab.
