the mapping struct return null by web3 - struct

Now I try to do the solidity to save the struct data, and retrieve the data by mapping string in web3 interface.
Now I've finished the data saving part, and I can get the data in my Remix API, but if I wanna get the data by web3, it'll return null as following:
the version of the web3 is 1.3.4. I once tried whether I can return the data in the function of saving data and it worked, thus I guess that the data isn't shared by functions in web3...
and I found out this problem, but I still can't get the solution.
the following is the code:
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Storage{
string b = "calculation a";
struct UserInfo {
string time;
uint emission;
mapping (string => UserInfo) public users;
function saveData(string memory input_time, string memory input_source, string memory input_mycalculate, uint input_material) public{
users[input_source].time = input_time;
if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(input_mycalculate)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(b)))
users[input_source].emission = input_material * 3 / 2;
users[input_source].emission = input_material * 5 / 2;
function search(string memory input_source) public view returns (UserInfo memory) {
return users[input_source];
and the following is the js code to show the data:{from:web3.eth.defaultAddress})
.then((result) => {
companyResultLineChart.innerHTML += result[0] + result[1]

It should be an timing issue. It is a asynchronous JavaScript code so you have to use ".then" or await. In Your code example you are using ".then". I used saveData function with "60sec", "test_src", "calc", "10" for testing purpose. So below code:
console.log("------ before then ------ ")
let innerHTML = "HTML ""test_src").call().then((result) => {
innerHTML += result[0] + result[1]
console.log("------ after then ------ ")
will type in console:
------ before then ------
------ after then ------
[ "60sec", "25" ]
HTML 60sec25
Code with await:
console.log("------ before await ------ ")
let innerHTML2 = "HTML "
let result_async = await"test_src").call();
innerHTML2 += result_async[0] + result_async[1]
console.log("------ after await ------ ")
will type in console:
------ before await ------
[ "60sec", "25" ]
HTML 60sec25
------ after await ------


Unable to run includes() method on string returned by fs.readFileSync()

having a bit of trouble:
let data = fs.readFileSync(pathToCsv, "utf8");
the value of data comes out to be:
(through console.log())
but still data.toString().includes("pm") is false.
Here is my full code:
const filter = (m) => === false;
.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 60000,
.then((collected) => {
if (clans[parseInt(collected.toJSON()[0].content) - 1]) {
let clan = clans[parseInt(collected.toJSON()[0].content) - 1];
let data = fs.readFileSync(pathToCsv, "utf8");
console.log(typeof clan);
// let reg = new RegExp(clan, "g");
// let count = (data.match(reg) || []).length;
if (data.split(",").includes(clan)) {
"People from this clan are already registered!\nPlease contact the hosts for help!"
} else {
teamCheck = true;
} else {"Invalid Clan! Please try again!");
.catch((collected) => {
try {
console.log("Error" + collected);
} catch (e) {
if (teamCheck === false) {
I have tried splitting the data, using regular expressions but nothing seems to work on the string returned by
PS. I am making a discord bot.
In the source string you have pm with a space before it. That's why after calling split("," you end up with the element " pm" in the result array and "pm" is not equal to it.
You just need to trim spaces in all elements before searching some string in it
The problem was in the clans array.
I was defining it as such:
var clans = fs.readFileSync(pathToData, "utf8").split("\n");
but the problem was that the readFileSync() method added an "\r" after every string of the array. That is why it was not able to match the clan string to the data
So what worked was var clans = fs.readFileSync(pathToData, "utf8").split("\r\n");
Now, the array includes only the string, and the includes() method can find a match!

Tabulator number not shown > [object promise] shown

takeaway() is called in Tabulator, but is not shown in Tabulator. Tabulator throws a "[object promise]" message instead of showing the number of the variable number. How can this code be changed to show the number in Tabulator instead of the "[object promise]"? Tabulator of Olifolkerd. Tabulator probably only accepts sync (not async).
function Restaurant() {
return fetchOrders("/orders/" + orderID()").then(result => {
menuNumber =["menuNumber"];
console.log("menuNumber = ", menuNumber);
async function takeaway() {
let number = await Restaurant();
console.log("number = ", number);
return number;

undefined parameter received in Bixby function

I'm trying to process an utterance in the format "Get News from Impeachment Sage" where Impeachment Sage corresponds to an enum of publication names. Bixby is successfully understanding the utterance and trying to call my goal (GetNewsByName) but the trained Value is not arriving at the function. (This is based off the user persistence data example).
The operative portion of the function is thus:
function getNewsByName(altBrainsNames) {
// const name = "Impeachment Sage" //hard coded for testing
const url = properties.get("config", "baseUrl") + "altbrains"
console.log("i got to restdb.js and the url is ", url);
console.log("AltBrainsNames is", altBrainsNames)
const query = {
apikey: properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
q: "{\"" + "name" + "\":\"" + name + "\"}"
// q: "{}"
console.log("query", query)
const options = {
format: "json",
query: query,
cacheTime: 0
const response = http.getUrl(url, options)
if (response) {
const content1 = response
// const altBrainsData = response[0][properties.get("config", "altbrainsName")]
// altbrainsData.$id = response[0]["_id"]
console.log('content1', content1);
console.log('identifier', content1)
return content1
} else {
// Doesn't exist
console.log('doesnae exist');
What is happening here where the Value is not reaching the function?
The Action model is:
action (GetNewsByName) {
description ("Get news data from remote Content db by searching on AltBrain name")
type (Calculation)
output (Content)
collect {
input (altBrainsNames) {
type (AltBrainsNames)
min (Required) max (One) //this means js must catch error when multiple names offered
We resolved this offline, just wanted to follow up on the public channel to any fellow Bixby developers seeing this question posted. The function that calls 'getNewsByName' needs to receive the input parameter. Once populated, the action worked successfully.

Error when submitting transaction

I have a little bit unusual problem. Following code works in online playground, but id doesn't work when i'm using generated API on rest server deployed locally. When trying to post transaction i get an error.
cto file:
namespace org.dps.track
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> BU owner
--> Item [] items optional
participant BU identified by buId{
o String buId
o String name
o String country
o String city
participant Assembler extends BU{
participant Manufacturer extends BU{
transaction Trade{
--> Item item
--> BU newOwner
enum status{
* Sample transaction processor function.
* #param {org.dps.track.Trade } trade - the sample transaction instance.
* #transaction
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {
const factory = getFactory();
trade.item.owner = trade.newOwner;
var list = [];
if (trade.item.items && trade.item.items.length > 0) {
trade.item.items.forEach((asset) => {
const assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.dps.track.Item');
// persist the state of the current ITEM
await assetRegistry.update(trade.item);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
let res = await assetRegistry.get(list[i].getIdentifier());
res.owner = factory.newRelationship('org.dps.track', 'Assembler', trade.newOwner.getIdentifier());
// persist the state of the ITEM with new owner as a relationship
await assetRegistry.update(res);
When trying to post transaction via Rest API i get error:
"error": {
"statusCode": 500,
"name": "Error",
"message": "Error trying invoke business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.\nResponse from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: Could not find any functions to execute for transaction org.dps.track.Trade#e4764be8e037c7186774512860c0cde6d7eaed5c301ddf36c4c1ab560577861a",
"stack": "Error: Error trying invoke business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.\nResponse from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: Could not find any functions to execute for transaction org.dps.track.Trade#e4764be8e037c7186774512860c0cde6d7eaed5c301ddf36c4c1ab560577861a\n at HLFConnection.invokeChainCode (/home/bryczek/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.3/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/node_modules/composer-connector-hlfv1/lib/hlfconnection.js:1002:30)\n at <anonymous>"
Has anyone an idea what is wrong? I would be really thankful for help.
Your problem is your model file, not the transaction code. You need Assembler not BU in the relationship field for Item and for Trade
Your asset should be:
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> Assembler owner
--> Item [] items optional
as Assembler is the resource class (not BU, which is an extended class - there is no registry for this).
Your transaction Trade should also reflect the same resource ie (not BU) :
transaction Trade{
--> Item item
--> Assembler newOwner
Other than that, it should work fine with your existing code (have tested it against a Fabric network, using the following example Trade transaction in my REST API, where previous owner was Assembler#1 and it changes related Items from the items array for Item #1)
"$class": "org.dps.track.Trade",
I modified model file and now whe n trying to generate rest API i only get System(General business network methods), no Item, BU and Trade API, why is this happening?
* New model file
namespace org.dps.track
//asset section
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> BU owner
--> Item [] items optional
//participant section
participant BU identified by buId{
o String buId
o String name
o String country
o String city
o participantType type
//tranasaction section
transaction Trade{
-->Item item
-->BU newOwner
enum status {
enum participantType{
o Manufacturer
o Assembler
* Sample transaction processor function.
* #param {org.dps.track.Trade } trade - the sample transaction instance.
* #transaction
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {
const factory = getFactory();
trade.item.owner = trade.newOwner;
var list = [];
if (trade.item.items && trade.item.items.length > 0) {
trade.item.items.forEach((asset) => {
const assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.dps.track.Item');
// persist the state of the current ITEM
await assetRegistry.update(trade.item);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
let res = await assetRegistry.get(list[i].getIdentifier());
res.owner = factory.newRelationship('org.dps.track', 'BU', trade.newOwner.getIdentifier());
// persist the state of the ITEM with new owner as a relationship
await assetRegistry.update(res);

Getting an error while saving JSON in to mongodb [duplicate]

How do I display the content of a JavaScript object in a string format like when we alert a variable?
The same formatted way I want to display an object.
Use native JSON.stringify method.
Works with nested objects and all major browsers support this method.
str = JSON.stringify(obj);
str = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4); // (Optional) beautiful indented output.
console.log(str); // Logs output to dev tools console.
alert(str); // Displays output using window.alert()
Link to Mozilla API Reference and other examples.
obj = JSON.parse(str); // Reverses above operation (Just in case if needed.)
Use a custom JSON.stringify replacer if you
encounter this Javascript error
"Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON"
If you want to print the object for debugging purposes, use the code:
var obj = {
prop1: 'prop1Value',
prop2: 'prop2Value',
child: {
childProp1: 'childProp1Value',
will display:
Note: you must only log the object. For example, this won't work:
console.log('My object : ' + obj)
Note ': You can also use a comma in the log method, then the first line of the output will be the string and after that, the object will be rendered:
console.log('My object: ', obj);
var output = '';
for (var property in object) {
output += property + ': ' + object[property]+'; ';
Displays an interactive listing of the properties of a specified JavaScript object. This listing lets you use disclosure triangles to examine the contents of child objects.
Note that the console.dir() feature is non-standard. See MDN Web Docs
Try this:
This will print the stringify version of object. So instead of [object] as an output you will get the content of object.
Well, Firefox (thanks to #Bojangles for detailed information) has Object.toSource() method which prints objects as JSON and function(){}.
That's enough for most debugging purposes, I guess.
If you want to use alert, to print your object, you can do this:
alert("myObject is " + myObject.toSource());
It should print each property and its corresponding value in string format.
If you would like to see data in tabular format you can use:
Table can be sorted if you click on the table column.
You can also select what columns to show:
console.table(obj, ['firstName', 'lastName']);
You can find more information about console.table here
var print = function(o){
var str='';
for(var p in o){
if(typeof o[p] == 'string'){
str+= p + ': ' + o[p]+'; </br>';
str+= p + ': { </br>' + print(o[p]) + '}';
return str;
var myObject = {
name: 'Wilson Page',
contact: {
email: '',
tel: '123456789'
$('body').append( print(myObject) );
In NodeJS you can print an object by using util.inspect(obj). Be sure to state the depth or you'll only have a shallow print of the object.
Simply use
var args_string = JSON.stringify(obj);
Also, note in javascript functions are considered as objects.
As an extra note :
Actually you can assign new property like this and access it console.log or display it in alert
foo.moo = "stackoverflow";
To print the full object with Node.js with colors as a bonus:
console.dir(object, {depth: null, colors: true})
Colors are of course optional, 'depth: null' will print the full object.
The options don't seem to be supported in browsers.
In these examples, yourObj defines the object you want to examine.
First off my least favorite yet most utilized way of displaying an object:
This is the defacto way of showing the contents of an object
will produce something like :
I think the best solution is to look through the Objects Keys, and then through the Objects Values if you really want to see what the object holds...
It will output something like :
(pictured above: the keys/values stored in the object)
There is also this new option if you're using ECMAScript 2016 or newer:
Object.keys(yourObj).forEach(e => console.log(`key=${e} value=${yourObj[e]}`));
This will produce neat output :
The solution mentioned in a previous answer: console.log(yourObj) displays too many parameters and is not the most user friendly way to display the data you want. That is why I recommend logging keys and then values separately.
Next up :
Someone in an earlier comment suggested this one, however it never worked for me. If it does work for someone else on a different browser or something, then kudos! Ill still put the code here for reference!
Will output something like this to the console :
Here's a way to do it:
console.log("%o", obj);
Use this:
console.log('print object: ' + JSON.stringify(session));
As it was said before best and most simply way i found was
var getPrintObject=function(object)
return JSON.stringify(object);
(This has been added to my library at GitHub)
Reinventing the wheel here! None of these solutions worked for my situation. So, I quickly doctored up wilsonpage's answer. This one is not for printing to screen (via console, or textfield or whatever). It does work fine in those situations and works just fine as the OP requested, for alert. Many answers here do not address using alert as the OP requested. Anyhow, It is, however, formatted for data transport. This version seems to return a very similar result as toSource(). I've not tested against JSON.stringify, but I assume this is about the same thing. This version is more like a poly-fil so that you can use it in any environment. The result of this function is a valid Javascript object declaration.
I wouldn't doubt if something like this was already on SO somewhere, but it was just shorter to make it than to spend a while searching past answers. And since this question was my top hit on google when I started searching about this; I figured putting it here might help others.
Anyhow, the result from this function will be a string representation of your object, even if your object has embedded objects and arrays, and even if those objects or arrays have even further embedded objects and arrays. (I heard you like to drink? So, I pimped your car with a cooler. And then, I pimped your cooler with a cooler. So, your cooler can drink, while your being cool.)
Arrays are stored with [] instead of {} and thus dont have key/value pairs, just values. Like regular arrays. Therefore, they get created like arrays do.
Also, all string (including key names) are quoted, this is not necessary unless those strings have special characters (like a space or a slash). But, I didn't feel like detecting this just to remove some quotes that would otherwise still work fine.
This resulting string can then be used with eval or just dumping it into a var thru string manipulation. Thus, re-creating your object again, from text.
function ObjToSource(o){
if (!o) return 'null';
var k="",na=typeof(o.length)=="undefined"?1:0,str="";
for(var p in o){
if (na) k = "'"+p+ "':";
if (typeof o[p] == "string") str += k + "'" + o[p]+"',";
else if (typeof o[p] == "object") str += k + ObjToSource(o[p])+",";
else str += k + o[p] + ",";
if (na) return "{"+str.slice(0,-1)+"}";
else return "["+str.slice(0,-1)+"]";
Let me know if I messed it all up, works fine in my testing. Also, the only way I could think of to detect type array was to check for the presence of length. Because Javascript really stores arrays as objects, I cant actually check for type array (there is no such type!). If anyone else knows a better way, I would love to hear it. Because, if your object also has a property named length then this function will mistakenly treat it as an array.
EDIT: Added check for null valued objects. Thanks Brock Adams
EDIT: Below is the fixed function to be able to print infinitely recursive objects. This does not print the same as toSource from FF because toSource will print the infinite recursion one time, where as, this function will kill it immediately. This function runs slower than the one above, so I'm adding it here instead of editing the above function, as its only needed if you plan to pass objects that link back to themselves, somewhere.
const ObjToSource=(o)=> {
if (!o) return null;
let str="",na=0,k,p;
if (typeof(o) == "object") {
if (!ObjToSource.check) ObjToSource.check = new Array();
for (k=ObjToSource.check.length;na<k;na++) if (ObjToSource.check[na]==o) return '{}';
for(p in o){
if (na) k = "'"+p+"':";
if (typeof o[p] == "string") str += k+"'"+o[p]+"',";
else if (typeof o[p] == "object") str += k+ObjToSource(o[p])+",";
else str += k+o[p]+",";
if (typeof(o) == "object") ObjToSource.check.pop();
if (na) return "{"+str.slice(0,-1)+"}";
else return "["+str.slice(0,-1)+"]";
var test1 = new Object(); = 1; = 2;
var testobject = new Object(); = 1; = null;
testobject.loop = testobject;
testobject.dup = test1;
({run:1, fast:null, loop:{run:1, fast:null, loop:{}, dup:{foo:1, bar:2}}, dup:{foo:1, bar:2}})
NOTE: Trying to print document.body is a terrible example. For one, FF just prints an empty object string when using toSource. And when using the function above, FF crashes on SecurityError: The operation is insecure.. And Chrome will crash on Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Clearly, document.body was not meant to be converted to string. Because its either too large, or against security policy to access certain properties. Unless, I messed something up here, do tell!
If you would like to print the object of its full length, can use
console.log(require('util').inspect(obj, {showHidden: false, depth: null})
If you want to print the object by converting it to the string then
I needed a way to recursively print the object, which pagewil's answer provided (Thanks!). I updated it a little bit to include a way to print up to a certain level, and to add spacing so that it is properly indented based on the current level that we are in so that it is more readable.
// Recursive print of object
var print = function( o, maxLevel, level ) {
if ( typeof level == "undefined" ) {
level = 0;
if ( typeof level == "undefined" ) {
maxLevel = 0;
var str = '';
// Remove this if you don't want the pre tag, but make sure to remove
// the close pre tag on the bottom as well
if ( level == 0 ) {
str = '<pre>';
var levelStr = '';
for ( var x = 0; x < level; x++ ) {
levelStr += ' ';
if ( maxLevel != 0 && level >= maxLevel ) {
str += levelStr + '...</br>';
return str;
for ( var p in o ) {
if ( typeof o[p] == 'string' ) {
str += levelStr +
p + ': ' + o[p] + ' </br>';
} else {
str += levelStr +
p + ': { </br>' + print( o[p], maxLevel, level + 1 ) + levelStr + '}</br>';
// Remove this if you don't want the pre tag, but make sure to remove
// the open pre tag on the top as well
if ( level == 0 ) {
str += '</pre>';
return str;
var pagewilsObject = {
name: 'Wilson Page',
contact: {
email: '',
tel: '123456789'
// Recursive of whole object
$('body').append( print(pagewilsObject) );
// Recursive of myObject up to 1 level, will only show name
// and that there is a contact object
$('body').append( print(pagewilsObject, 1) );
You can also use ES6 template literal concept to display the content of a JavaScript object in a string format.
const obj = {
"name" : "John Doe",
"habbits": "Nothing",
I always use console.log("object will be: ", obj, obj1).
this way I don't need to do the workaround with stringify with JSON.
All the properties of the object will be expanded nicely.
Another way of displaying objects within the console is with JSON.stringify. Checkout the below example:
var gandalf = {
"real name": "Gandalf",
"age (est)": 11000,
"race": "Maia",
"haveRetirementPlan": true,
"aliases": [
"Gandalf the Grey",
"Gandalf the White"
//to console log object, we cannot use console.log("Object gandalf: " + gandalf);
console.log("Object gandalf: ");
//this will show object gandalf ONLY in Google Chrome NOT in IE
//this will show object gandalf IN ALL BROWSERS!
//this will show object gandalf IN ALL BROWSERS! with beautiful indent
console.log(JSON.stringify(gandalf, null, 4));
Javascript Function
<script type="text/javascript">
function print_r(theObj){
if(theObj.constructor == Array || theObj.constructor == Object){
for(var p in theObj){
if(theObj[p].constructor == Array || theObj[p].constructor == Object){
document.write("<li>["+p+"] => "+typeof(theObj)+"</li>");
} else {
document.write("<li>["+p+"] => "+theObj[p]+"</li>");
Printing Object
<script type="text/javascript">
via print_r in Javascript
var list = function(object) {
for(var key in object) {
where object is your object
or you can use this in chrome dev tools, "console" tab:
Assume object obj = {0:'John', 1:'Foo', 2:'Bar'}
Print object's content
for (var i in obj){
console.log(obj[i], i);
Console output (Chrome DevTools) :
John 0
Foo 1
Bar 2
Hope that helps!
I prefer using console.table for getting clear object format, so imagine you have this object:
const obj = {name: 'Alireza', family: 'Dezfoolian', gender: 'male', netWorth: "$0"};
And you will you see a neat and readable table like this below:
Circular references solution
To make string without redundant information from object which contains duplicate references (references to same object in many places) including circular references, use JSON.stringify with replacer (presented in snippet) as follows
let s = JSON.stringify(obj, refReplacer(), 4);
function refReplacer() {
let m = new Map(), v= new Map(), init = null;
return function(field, value) {
let p= m.get(this) + (Array.isArray(this) ? `[${field}]` : '.' + field);
let isComplex= value===Object(value)
if (isComplex) m.set(value, p);
let pp = v.get(value)||'';
let path = p.replace(/undefined\.\.?/,'');
let val = pp ? `#REF:${pp[0]=='[' ? '$':'$.'}${pp}` : value;
!init ? (init=value) : (val===init ? val="#REF:$" : 0);
if(!pp && isComplex) v.set(value, path);
return val;
// ---------------
// ---------------
// gen obj with duplicate references
let a = { a1: 1, a2: 2 };
let b = { b1: 3, b2: "4" };
let obj = { o1: { o2: a }, b, a }; // duplicate reference
a.a3 = [1,2,b]; // circular reference
b.b3 = a; // circular reference
let s = JSON.stringify(obj, refReplacer(), 4);
This solution based on this (more info there) create JSONPath like path for each object value and if same object occurs twice (or more) it uses reference with this path to reference that object e.g. #REF:$.bar.arr[3].foo (where $ means main object) instead 'render' whole object (which is less redundant)
BONUS: inversion
function parseRefJSON(json) {
let objToPath = new Map();
let pathToObj = new Map();
let o = JSON.parse(json);
let traverse = (parent, field) => {
let obj = parent;
let path = '#REF:$';
if (field !== undefined) {
obj = parent[field];
path = objToPath.get(parent) + (Array.isArray(parent) ? `[${field}]` : `${field?'.'+field:''}`);
objToPath.set(obj, path);
pathToObj.set(path, obj);
let ref = pathToObj.get(obj);
if (ref) parent[field] = ref;
for (let f in obj) if (obj === Object(obj)) traverse(obj, f);
return o;
// ------------
// ------------
let s = `{
"o1": {
"o2": {
"a1": 1,
"a2": 2,
"a3": [
"b1": 3,
"b2": "4",
"b3": "#REF:$.o1.o2"
"b": "#REF:$.o1.o2.a3[2]",
"a": "#REF:$.o1.o2"
console.log('Open Chrome console to see nested fields');
let obj = parseRefJSON(s);
A little helper function I always use in my projects for simple, speedy debugging via the console.
Inspiration taken from Laravel.
* #param variable mixed The var to log to the console
* #param varName string Optional, will appear as a label before the var
function dd(variable, varName) {
var varNameOutput;
varName = varName || '';
varNameOutput = varName ? varName + ':' : '';
console.warn(varNameOutput, variable, ' (' + (typeof variable) + ')');
dd(123.55); outputs:
var obj = {field1: 'xyz', field2: 2016};
dd(obj, 'My Cool Obj');
The console.log() does a great job of debugging objects, but if you are looking to print the object to the page content, here's the simplest way that I've come up with to mimic the functionality of PHP's print_r(). A lot these other answers want to reinvent the wheel, but between JavaScript's JSON.stringify() and HTML's <pre> tag, you get exactly what you are looking for.
var obj = { name: 'The Name', contact: { email: '', tel: '123456789' }};
$('body').append('<pre>'+JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4)+'</pre>');
<script src=""></script>
i used pagewil's print method, and it worked very nicely.
here is my slightly extended version with (sloppy) indents and distinct prop/ob delimiters:
var print = function(obj, delp, delo, ind){
delp = delp!=null ? delp : "\t"; // property delimeter
delo = delo!=null ? delo : "\n"; // object delimeter
ind = ind!=null ? ind : " "; // indent; ind+ind geometric addition not great for deep objects
var str='';
for(var prop in obj){
if(typeof obj[prop] == 'string' || typeof obj[prop] == 'number'){
var q = typeof obj[prop] == 'string' ? "" : ""; // make this "'" to quote strings
str += ind + prop + ': ' + q + obj[prop] + q + '; ' + delp;
str += ind + prop + ': {'+ delp + print(obj[prop],delp,delo,ind+ind) + ind + '}' + delo;
return str;
