How to change the menu icon in the latest Raspbian buster on Pi 3? - menu

I need to change the menu button icon on the latest Raspbian OS (Buster). I tried to change it by right clicking on the button itself and brought up the menu editor. Then, clicked on the preference button menu button. On that popup window, there is no browse button to select the image you want to apply to your menu button. So, how can you change the menu icon on the latest Raspbian OS (buster)?

I had the same problem with Pi OS Buster (Debian 10.11). Entering the image path in the popup window wouldn't work, so I searched for the image itself or a link to it. Sadly I didn't find any links so I am not able to enter a path where my icon is located. But I found the images and you can replace them.
There are four versions of the menu icon for the sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 in /usr/share/icons/PiXflat/48x48/places/ (replace the 48x48 with the previously mentioned formats)
Depending on your taskbar symbol size (default in my version was 36px) the matching image is used. So I replaced the start-here.png with my icon in every format and it worked.
Here is an example for the 24x24 format with my image located in the home directory.
cd /usr/share/icons/PiXflat/24x24/places/
sudo mv start-here.png start-here_backup.png
sudo cp ~/menu.png ./start-here.png
Note: The images for the icon "rpi" are located in /usr/share/icons/PiXflat/48x48/apps/


How to scroll android screen by AndroidViewClient

Currently, I'm working on Snapchat and I want to scroll the screen slightly"").touch()
Now I want to scroll the screen to findViewWithText My friends. so how I can do it,
You can use culebra and generate the python code needed for scrolling or dragging.
culebra -Gu --scale=0.25
then right-click and open the command dialog, select Drag dialog and grab the points clicking on the device image (using Settings here as an example)
something like the following code will be generated
device.dragDip((184.73, 699.64), (176.0, 443.64), 1000, 20, 0)
When executed you will see the device scrolling.

How do I save jupyterlab's sidebar width, or set the default width?

I recently installed jupyterlab3, which has a lot of great plugins. But I found that I couldn't save its sidebar width Settings, which caused me to manually drag the sidebar to display the full filename every time I opened JupyterLab(even everytime i refresh).
I noticed related issues on github, but I did not find a solution.
I tried to change --jp-sidebar-min-width in the following two files, but it didn't work.
My jupyterlab version is 3.0.14
cmd picture
this is the default width
enter image description here
This is the width that suits me
enter image description here
What should I do to fix my width or set the default width?

How can I change icon theme in Inkscape?

I'm using Inkscape (0.92, installed via pacman) on Linux (Manjaro Gnome) with a dark theme.
It is very hard to see the icons in Inkscape (gray on gray) and therefore I'd like to change the icon theme. I think I should be able to do that by replacing the icons.svg, but unfortunately I don't see any change if I replace the file in /usr/share/inkscape/icons/.
In Inkscape under Preferences -> System there is a setting "Icon theme". But it is just a text box with locations, that cannot be changed.
The text box content looks like this:
I checked all the locations for icon files and tried to add the icons.svg file to some of the locations, with no change after restarting Inkscape.
Is there another way to change the icons? Or how can I find out where my Inkscape installation is getting the icons form?
The issue seems to be similar to this post regarding Ubuntu.
With Inkscape 1.0 (May 1, 2020) you can go to Edit > Preferences, and then to Interface > Theme to change the icons:
Thanks #Moini!
It seems that the Gnome Icon theme overwrites the icons theme in the Inkscape .config/inkscape/icons folder.
By using the Gnome tweak tools, you can change the icon theme and some of the themes affect also the icons in Inkscape.
In my case the Gnome icons that affect Inkscape are in /usr/share/icons/<theme-name>/22x22/actions. Unlike the default icons each icon has it's own svg file, and they are not all bundled in a icons.svg file.
if you install it by flatpak you can fix it just by putting icons.svg in
and then go to gnome-tweaks and change icons to default icons then open inkscape and close it then go to gnome-tweaks and change your icons back then congratulations !
The latest version of Inkscape (v1.1) ships with a dark theme. This theme can setup at startup or from Themeing option in Interface (screenshot below)
Change Theme of Inkscape
For Linux distros, install using their app image or Snap. From the normal Ubuntu repositories (20.04 LTS), I could install only a version <1.0. Versions <1.0 do not contain the Theme tab in the Interface option in Preferences.

set window icon tkinter macosx

This line works fine for my Windows program.
When i run this same file on the Mac OS X, I get a blank page instead of my icon.
Here is the windows line:
I have searched relentlusly for an answer I want this icon to work on both platforms. self is the root Tk window if your wondering if it's root or not.
Note: I have tried using icns, .xbm , .gif by loading a photo image and setting thru window attributes all produce the same blank page on the mac.
After 5 days of searching, and this post having been viewed at least 15 times I went directly to the tk/tcl documentation. If I understand this correctly, apparently there is no way to properly set the icon for mac OS X without using special library or other sort of hacks. It would be nice if there were a mac specific documentation for the tkinter library but alas there isn't that I have found. here is the part of the documentation I found:
wm iconphoto window ?-default? image1 ?image2 ...? Sets the titlebar
icon for window based on the named photo images. If -default is
specified, this is applied to all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected to
the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow different
images sizes (e.g., 16x16 and 32x32) to be provided. The window
manager may scale provided icons to an appropriate size. On Windows,
the images are packed into a Windows icon structure. This will
override an ico specified to wm iconbitmap, and vice versa.
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property, which
most modern window managers support. A wm iconbitmap may exist
simultaneously. It is recommended to use not more than 2 icons,
placing the larger icon first.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
if anyone has a working solution please post this. I want to accomplish this so that any system can open a freshly installed python and run my application without installing any additional library.
#GarryHurst This is not a solution but I sort of get the idea now:
On Mac, TK decided that the icon will never appear on the window title bar.
Instead, it shows up as the app's Dock icon.
It's most probably a by-design or won't fix issue on their side.
It is showing the icon of the file you are putting in the directory so setting the file to be an app will set the window icon to be the icon of that app.
for example:
root.iconbitmap("/Users/homedir./Desktop/Test apps/")
tk window with icon
I have a coup. Why not change mind, like this.
The emoji library is enough to choose a good-looking icon.
We can do that.:-D

Cygwin: Import Color Scheme from "Color Scheme Designer"

I am exploring how to get color coding in the Cygwin terminal.
First, I right click on the Cygwin icon and select "options":
Next, I see the following options panel. However, there are no themes. Instead, there is a button to a "Color Scheme Designer":
When I click on "Color Scheme Designer," I am directed to the following web page (the website interface of a GitHub project--fork on the bottom left) in my browser (Color Scheme Designer):
In the top right corner is a button labeled, "get scheme", which yields the next panel,
If I right click on the buttons in this final panel and click, "copy link," all the color settings are saved in the particular formatting of the button on my clipboard. Then I can paste it into a file.
It is at this last step where I am stuck.
How do I get one of these color schemes into the Cygwin theme list? Note that there is a button next to the "Color Scheme Designer" (picture 2) that is greyed out, named "Store"... so there seems to be some functionality where I can store one of these custom color schemes so that it shows up in the "Theme" dropdown?
You are almost there! Here's my solution, I'm sure there are other ways to achieve this. Note that the solution assumes that your cygwin install included the mintty terminal emulator (installed by default in recent versions of cygwin).
1) Right click on the .minttyrc button and save the link as a text document on your computer.
2) Open the text document and copy its contents to your clipboard. The file might look something like this:
3) Open cygwin and go to your home directory by typing cd ~
4) Type ls -a to see the various hidden configuration files that are stored in your home directory. In particular, you should see a file called .minttyrc.
5) Open .minttyrc with your favorite text editor and copy the code snippet that you got in step 2)
6) Restart cygwin or start another instance of the terminal and the new color scheme should be in effect.
In addition to jegudmunds answer, here is how to add themes:
Open cygwin and go to your home directory by typing cd ~
Type mkdir .mintty and mkdir .mintty/themes to create a directory called ~/.mintty/themes
Copy the files you downloaded from into that directory
Restart cygwin and the themes will appear in the theme dropdown box of the options dialog
See for more information.
Going back to that modal that shows up after you click the "Get Scheme" button, you can drag the ".minttyrc" button towards the drop down box in the terminal's options dialog. You can then type in a name for the theme in the drop down box itself and click the "Store" button to make it available on that drop box in the future. Finally, you need to click "Save" or "Apply" to have the theme applied on your terminal.
