Sync music to frame-based time - audio

I'm making a game in which there are a series of events (which happens, say, every 30 frames in a 60fps setting) that I want to sync with the music (at 120 bpm). In usual cases, e.g. rhythm games, syncing the events to the music is easier, because human seems to perceive much smaller gaps in music than in videos. However, in my case, the game heavily depends on frame-based time, and a lot of things will break if I change the schedule of my series of events.
After a lot of experiments, it seems to me almost impossible to tweak the music without disturbing the human ear: A jump of ~1ms is noticeable, a ~10ms discrepancy between video and audio is noticeable, a 0.5% change in the pitch is noticeable. And I don't have handy tools to speed up audio without changing the pitch.
What is the easiest way out in this circumstance? Is there any reference on this subject that I can refer to? Any advice is appreciated!

The method I that I successfully use (in Java) is to route the playback signal through a path that allows the counting of PCM frames (audio frames run at rates like 44100 fps, as opposed to screen updates which run at rates like 60 fps). I don't know about other languages, but with Java, this can be done by outputting using a SourceDataLine class. As the audio frame count is incremented, it can be compared to the next item (pending item) on a collection of events that require triggers to other systems or threads. Java has an excellent class for handling the collection of events: ConcurrentSkipListSet. It is asynchronous, and automatically sorts elements via a Comparator set to the desired PCM frame count.
Some example code that showing the counting of frames can be seen in this tutorial Using Files and Format Converters, if you search on the page for the phrase "Here, do something useful with the audio data". They are counting bytes, not PCM frames, but the example does give the basic idea.
Why is counting PCM effective? I think this has to do with the fact that this code (in Java) is the closest we get to the point where audio data is fed to the native code controlling the sound system, and that this code employs a blocking queue. Thus, the write operations only happen when the audio system is ready to receive and playback more sound data, and audio systems have to be very accurate in how they maintain their rate of processing. The amount of time variance that occurs here (especially if the thread is given a high priority) is smaller than the time variance incurred by choices made by the JVM as it juggles multiple threads and processes.


gnuradio phase drift of AM demodulation

I am beginning a project using GNUradio and an inexpensive SDR.
One portion of the project requires me to generate a reference audio tone and compare the phase of that tone to demodulated audio.
To simulate this portion of the system, I have generated a simple GNUradio flowchart:
I had some issues with the source and demodulated audio in that they would drift relative to each other. This occurred on the scope sync on the original flowgraph. To aid in troubleshooting I sent the demodulated audio out thru the soundcard’s second channel and monitored both audio streams in addition to the modulated RF on an external oscilloscope:
Initially all seems well but, the demodulated audio drifts in relation to the original source and RF:
My question is: am I doing something wrong in the flowgraph or am I expecting too much performance out of an inexpensive SDR?
Thanks in advance for any insights
You cannot expect to see zero phase drift in anything short of a fully digital simulation, or a fully analog circuit with exactly one oscillator, because no two (physical) oscillators have identical frequencies.
In your case, there are two relevant oscillators involved:
The sample clock in the RTL-SDR unit.
The sample clock in your sound card output.
Within an GNU Radio flowgraph, there is no time reference per se and everything depends on the sources and sinks which are connected to hardware.
The relevant source in your flowgraph is the RTL-SDR hardware; insofar as its oscillator is different from its nominal value (28.8 MHz, as it happens), everything it produces will be off-frequency in an absolute sense (both RF carrier frequencies and audio frequencies of demodulated output).
But you don't actually have an absolute frequency reference; you have the tone produced by your sound card. The sound card has its own oscillator, which determines the rate at which samples are converted to analog signals, and therefore the rate at which samples are consumed from the flowgraph.
Therefore, your reference signal will drift relative to your received and demodulated signal, at a rate determined by the difference in frequency error between the two oscillators.
Additionally, since your sound card will be accepting samples from the flowgraph at a slightly different real-time rate than the RTL-SDR is producing them, you will notice periodic glitches in the audio as the error accumulates and must be dealt with; they will start occurring either immediately (if the source is slower than the sink, requiring the sound card to play silence instead) or after a delay for buffers to hit their maximum size (if the source is faster than the sink, requiring the RTL-SDR to drop some samples).

How to get amplitude of an audio stream in an AudioGraph to build a SoundWave using Universal Windows?

I want to built a SoundWave sampling an audio stream.
I read that a good method is to get amplitude of the audio stream and represent it with a Polygon. But, suppose we have and AudioGraph with just a DeviceInputNode and a FileOutpuNode (a simple recorder).
How can I get the amplitude from a node of the AudioGraph?
What is the best way to periodize this sampling? Is a DispatcherTimer good enough?
Any help will be appreciated.
First, everything you care about is kind of here:
uwp AudioGraph audio processing
But since you have a different starting point, I'll explain some more core things.
An AudioGraph node is already periodized for you -- it's generally how audio works. I think Win10 defaults to periods of 10ms and/or 20ms, but this can be set (theoretically) via the AudioGraphSettings.DesiredSamplesPerQuantum setting, with the AudioGraphSettings.QuantumSizeSelectionMode = QuantumSizeSelectionMode.ClosestToDesired; I believe the success of this functionality actually depends on your audio hardware and not the OS specifically. My PC can only do 480 and 960. This number is how many samples of the audio signal to accumulate per channel (mono is one channel, stereo is two channels, etc...), and this number will also set the callback timing as a by-product.
Win10 and most devices default to 48000Hz sample rate, which means they are measuring/output data that many times per second. So with my QuantumSize of 480 for every frame of audio, i am getting 48000/480 or 100 frames every second, which means i'm getting them every 10 milliseconds by default. If you set your quantum to 960 samples per frame, you would get 50 frames every second, or a frame every 20ms.
To get a callback into that frame of audio every quantum, you need to register an event into the AudioGraph.QuantumProcessed handler. You can directly reference the link above for how to do that.
So by default, a frame of data is stored in an array of 480 floats from [-1,+1]. And to get the amplitude, you just average the absolute value of this data.
This part, including handling multiple channels of audio, is explained more thoroughly in my other post.
Have fun!

DirectShow, specifically Rate Matching, time stamps and the DirectSound Audio Renderer

Can anyone give me a concise explanation of how and why DirectShow DirectSound Audio Renderer will adjust the rate when I have my custom capture filter that does not expose a clock?
I cannot make any sense of it at all. When audio starts, I assign a rtStart of zero plus the duration of the sample (numbytes / m_wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec). Then the next sample has a start time of the end of the previous sample, and so on....
Some time later, the capture filter senses Directshow is consuming samples too rapidly, and tries to set a timestamp of some time in the future, which the audio renderer completely ignores. I can, as a test, suddenly tell a sample it must not be rendered until 20 secs in the future (StreamTime() + UNITS), and again the renderer just ignores it. However, the Null Audio Renderer does what it is told, and the whole graph freezes for 20 seconds, which is the expected behaviour.
In a nutshell, then, I want the audio renderer to use either my capture clock (or its own, or the graph's, I dont care) but I do need it to obey the time stamps I'm sending to it. What I need it to do is squish or stretch samples, ever so subtly, to make up for the difference in the rates between DSound and the oncoming stream (whose rate I cannot control).
MSDN explains the technology here: Live Sources, I suppose you are aware of this documentation topic.
Rate matching takes place when your source is live, otherwise audio renderer does not need to bother and it expects the source to keep input queue pre-loaded with data, so that data is consumed at the rate it is needed.
It seems that your filter is capturing in real time (capture filter and then you mention you don't control the rate of data you obtain externally). So you need to make sure your capture filter is recognized as live source and then you choose the clock for playback, and overall the mode of operation. I suppose you want the behavior described hear AM_PUSHSOURCECAPS_PRIVATE_CLOCK:
the source filter is using a private clock to generate time stamps. In this case, the audio renderer matches rates against the time stamps.
This is what you write about above:
you time stamp according to external source
playback is using audio device clock
audio renderer does rate matching to match the rates
To see how exactly rate matching takes place, you need to open audio renderer property pages, Advanced page:
Data under Slaving Info will show the rate matching details (48000/48300 matching in my example). The data is also available programmatically via IAMAudioRendererStats::GetStatParam.

Sync two soundcards

I have a program written in C++ that uses RtAudio ( Directsound ) to capture and playback audio at 48kHz samplerate.
The input capture uses a callback option. The callback writes data to a ringbuffer.
The output is a blocking write function in a separate thread that reads from the ringbuffer.
If the input and output devices are the same the audio loops thru perfectly.
Now I want to get audio from device 1 and playback on device 2. Each device has its own sampleclock set to 48kHz but are not in sync. After a couple of seconds the input and output are out of sync.
Is it possible to sync two independent oudio devices?
There are two challenges you face:
getting the two devices to start at the same time.
getting the two devices to stay in sync.
Both of these tasks are difficult. In the pro audio world, #2 is accomplished with special hardware to sync the word-clocks of multiple devices. It can also be done with a high quality video signal. I believe it can also be done with firewire devices, but I'm not sure how that works. In practice, I have used devices with no sync ("wild") and gotten very reasonable sync for up to an hour or two. Depending on what you are trying to do, the sync should not drift more than a few milliseconds over the course of a few minutes. If it does, you can consider your hardware broken (of course, cheap hardware is often broken).
As for #1, I'm not sure this is possible in any reliable sense with directsound. To the extent that it's possible with any audio API, it is difficult at best: both cards have streams that require some time to setup, open and start playing. In general, the solution is to use an API where this time is super low (ASIO, for example). This works reasonably well for applications like video, but I don't know if it really solves the problem in general.
If you really need to solve this problem, you could open both cards, starting to play silence, and use the timing information generated by the cards to establish the delay between putting data into the card and its eventual playback (this will be different for each card and probably each time you run) and use that data to calculate when to start actual playback. I don't know if RTAudio supplies the necessary timing information, but PortAudio does. This document may help.

Real-time Audio processing - latency feasibility check

I have an application concept that required real-time audio signal processing that can be broadly described as: a) sampling incoming audio (from microphone), b) performing signal processing functions (such as filtering, fourier transform, filtering and manipulation, inverse fourier transform) c) play-out (via speaker jack)
I believe that the "end to end" round trip timing (a) to (c) would need be in the order of 2 to 5 ms for the application to work in the real-world.
So, my question is this possible on today's generation of iphones and android phones?
On iOS, it is possible, but not guaranteed. I have managed to get ~6ms (22050 sampling rate, 128 samples buffer size) in my iOS app which does real-time processing of speech input. Take a look at Novocaine ( - which provides a nice encapsulation of Audio Units and makes programming easier.
However, keep in mind that even if you request a particular buffer size, at run time iOS may decide to send larger buffers at longer intervals (=> higher latency) based on resource constraints. For example, if you have requested a buffer size of 128 (~6ms), you MAY end up getting 256 size buffers at 12ms instead. Your app has to take this into account and handle the buffer accordingly.
On Android, unfortunately, low-latency round-trip audio is a much bigger problem. This is because latency is driven by a host of device/manufacturer driven factors like hardware/driver level buffers and these vary from device to device. You can find a discussion of this long-standing Android handicap here:
My suggestion would be to ignore Android for now, and implement/validate your signal processing algorithms on an iOS device. Later, you can consider porting them to Android.
