gnuradio phase drift of AM demodulation - audio

I am beginning a project using GNUradio and an inexpensive SDR.
One portion of the project requires me to generate a reference audio tone and compare the phase of that tone to demodulated audio.
To simulate this portion of the system, I have generated a simple GNUradio flowchart:
I had some issues with the source and demodulated audio in that they would drift relative to each other. This occurred on the scope sync on the original flowgraph. To aid in troubleshooting I sent the demodulated audio out thru the soundcard’s second channel and monitored both audio streams in addition to the modulated RF on an external oscilloscope:
Initially all seems well but, the demodulated audio drifts in relation to the original source and RF:
My question is: am I doing something wrong in the flowgraph or am I expecting too much performance out of an inexpensive SDR?
Thanks in advance for any insights

You cannot expect to see zero phase drift in anything short of a fully digital simulation, or a fully analog circuit with exactly one oscillator, because no two (physical) oscillators have identical frequencies.
In your case, there are two relevant oscillators involved:
The sample clock in the RTL-SDR unit.
The sample clock in your sound card output.
Within an GNU Radio flowgraph, there is no time reference per se and everything depends on the sources and sinks which are connected to hardware.
The relevant source in your flowgraph is the RTL-SDR hardware; insofar as its oscillator is different from its nominal value (28.8 MHz, as it happens), everything it produces will be off-frequency in an absolute sense (both RF carrier frequencies and audio frequencies of demodulated output).
But you don't actually have an absolute frequency reference; you have the tone produced by your sound card. The sound card has its own oscillator, which determines the rate at which samples are converted to analog signals, and therefore the rate at which samples are consumed from the flowgraph.
Therefore, your reference signal will drift relative to your received and demodulated signal, at a rate determined by the difference in frequency error between the two oscillators.
Additionally, since your sound card will be accepting samples from the flowgraph at a slightly different real-time rate than the RTL-SDR is producing them, you will notice periodic glitches in the audio as the error accumulates and must be dealt with; they will start occurring either immediately (if the source is slower than the sink, requiring the sound card to play silence instead) or after a delay for buffers to hit their maximum size (if the source is faster than the sink, requiring the RTL-SDR to drop some samples).


ESP8266 analogRead() microphone Input into playable audio

My goal is to record audio using an electret microphone hooked into the analog pin of an esp8266 (12E) and then be able to play this audio on another device. My circuit is:
In order to check the output of the microphone I connected the circuit to the oscilloscope and got this:
In the "gif" above you can see the waves made by my voice when talking to microphone.
here is my code on esp8266:
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
Serial.print(" ");
I would like to play the audio on the "Audacity" software in order to have an understanding of the result. Therefore, I copied the numbers from the serial monitor and paste it into the python code that maps the data to (-1,1) interval:
def mapPoint(value, currentMin, currentMax, targetMin, targetMax):
currentInterval = currentMax - currentMin
targetInterval = targetMax - targetMin
valueScaled = float(value - currentMin) / float(currentInterval)
return round(targetMin + (valueScaled * targetInterval),5)
class mapper():
def __init__(self,raws):
self.raws=raws.split(" ")
self.raws=[float(i) for i in self.raws]
def mapAll(self):
self.mappeds=[mapPoint(i,min(self.raws),max(self.raws),-1,1) for i in self.raws ]
return self.strmappeds
Which takes the string of numbers, map them on the target interval (-1 ,+1) and return a space (" ") separated string of data ready to import into Audacity software. (Tools>Sample Data Import and then select the text file including the data). The result of importing data from almost 5 seconds voice:
which is about half a second and when I play I hear unintelligible noise. I also tried lower frequencies but there was only noise there, too.
The suspected causes for the problem are:
1- Esp8266 has not the capability to read the analog pin fast enough to return meaningful data (which is probably not the case since it's clock speed is around 100MHz).
2- The way software is gathering the data and outputs it is not the most optimized way (In the loop, Serial.print, etc.)
3- The microphone circuit output is too noisy. (which might be, but as observed from the oscilloscope test, my voice has to make a difference in the output audio. Which was not audible from the audacity)
4- The way I mapped and prepared the data for the Audacity.
Is there something else I could try?
Are there similar projects out there? (which to my surprise I couldn't find anything which was done transparently!)
What can be the right way to do this? (since it can be a very useful and economic method for recording, transmitting and analyzing audio.)
There are many issues with your project:
You do not set a bias voltage on A0. The ADC can only measure voltages between Ground and VCC. When removing the microphone from the circuit, the voltage at A0 should be close to VCC/2. This is usually achieved by adding a voltage divider between VCC and GND made of 2 resistors, and connected directly to A0. Between the cap and A0.
Also, your circuit looks weird... Is the 47uF cap connected directly to the 3.3V ? If that's the case, you should connect it to pin 2 of the microphone instead. This would also indicate that right now your ADC is only recording noise (no bias voltage will do that).
You do not pace you input, meaning that you do not have a constant sampling rate. That is a very important issue. I suggest you set yourself a realistic target that is well within the limits of the ADC, and the limits of your serial port. The transfer rate in bytes/sec of a serial port is usually equal to baud-rate / 8. For 9600 bauds, that's only about 1200 bytes/sec, which means that once converted to text, you max transfer rate drops to about 400 samples per second. This issue needs to be addressed and the max calculated before you begin, as the max attainable overall sample rate is the maximum of the sample rate from the ADC and the transfer rate of the serial port.
The way to grab samples depends a lot on your needs and what you are trying to do with this project, your audio bandwidth, resolution and audio quality requirements for the application and the amount of work you can put into it. Reading from a loop as you are doing now may work with a fast enough serial port, but the quality will always be poor.
The way that is usually done is with a timer interrupt starting the ADC measurement and an ADC interrupt grabbing the result and storing it in a small FIFO, while the main loop transfers from this ADC fifo to the serial port, along the other tasks assigned to the chip. This cannot be done directly with the Arduino libraries, as you need to control the ADC directly to do that.
Here a short checklist of things to do:
Get the full ESP8266 datasheet from Expressif. Look up the actual specs of the ADC, mainly: the sample rates and resolutions available with your oscillator, and also its electrical constraints, at least its input voltage range and input impedance.
Once you know these numbers, set yourself some target, the math needed for successful project need input numbers. What is your application? Do you want to record audio or just detect a nondescript noise? What are the minimum requirements needed for things to work?
Look up in the Arduino documentartion how to set up a timer interrupt and an ADC interrupt.
Look up in the datasheet which registers you'll need to access to configure and run the ADC.
Fix the voltage bias issue on the ADC input. Nothing can work before that's done, and you do not want to destroy your processor.
Make sure the input AC voltage (the 'swing' voltage) is large enough to give you the results you want. It is not unusual to have to amplify a mic signal (with an opamp or a transistor), just for impedance matching.
Then you can start writing code.
This may sound awfully complex for such a small task, but that's what the average day of an embedded programmer looks like.
[EDIT] Your circuit would work a lot better if you simply replaced the 47uF DC blocking capacitor by a series resistor. Its value should be in the 2.2k to 7.6k range, to keep the circuit impedance within the 10k Ohms or so needed for the ADC. This would insure that the input voltage to A0 is within the operating limits of the ADC (GND-3.3V on the NodeMCU board, 0-1V with bare chip).
The signal may still be too weak for your application, though. What is the amplitude of the signal on your scope? How many bits of resolution does that range cover once converted by the ADC? Example, for a .1V peak to peak signal (SIG = 0.1), an ADC range of 0-3.3V (RNG = 3.3) and 10 bits of resolution (RES = 1024), you'll have
binary-range = RES * (SIG / RNG)
= 1024 * (0.1 / 3.3)
= 1024 * .03
= 31.03
A range of 31, which means around Log2(31) (~= 5) useful bits of resolution, is that enough for your application ?
As an aside note: The ADC will give you positive values, with a DC offset, You will probably need to filter the digital output with a DC blocking filter before playback.

Sync music to frame-based time

I'm making a game in which there are a series of events (which happens, say, every 30 frames in a 60fps setting) that I want to sync with the music (at 120 bpm). In usual cases, e.g. rhythm games, syncing the events to the music is easier, because human seems to perceive much smaller gaps in music than in videos. However, in my case, the game heavily depends on frame-based time, and a lot of things will break if I change the schedule of my series of events.
After a lot of experiments, it seems to me almost impossible to tweak the music without disturbing the human ear: A jump of ~1ms is noticeable, a ~10ms discrepancy between video and audio is noticeable, a 0.5% change in the pitch is noticeable. And I don't have handy tools to speed up audio without changing the pitch.
What is the easiest way out in this circumstance? Is there any reference on this subject that I can refer to? Any advice is appreciated!
The method I that I successfully use (in Java) is to route the playback signal through a path that allows the counting of PCM frames (audio frames run at rates like 44100 fps, as opposed to screen updates which run at rates like 60 fps). I don't know about other languages, but with Java, this can be done by outputting using a SourceDataLine class. As the audio frame count is incremented, it can be compared to the next item (pending item) on a collection of events that require triggers to other systems or threads. Java has an excellent class for handling the collection of events: ConcurrentSkipListSet. It is asynchronous, and automatically sorts elements via a Comparator set to the desired PCM frame count.
Some example code that showing the counting of frames can be seen in this tutorial Using Files and Format Converters, if you search on the page for the phrase "Here, do something useful with the audio data". They are counting bytes, not PCM frames, but the example does give the basic idea.
Why is counting PCM effective? I think this has to do with the fact that this code (in Java) is the closest we get to the point where audio data is fed to the native code controlling the sound system, and that this code employs a blocking queue. Thus, the write operations only happen when the audio system is ready to receive and playback more sound data, and audio systems have to be very accurate in how they maintain their rate of processing. The amount of time variance that occurs here (especially if the thread is given a high priority) is smaller than the time variance incurred by choices made by the JVM as it juggles multiple threads and processes.

Synchronization of WASAPI Audio Devices

Is there a way with WASAPI to determine if two devices (an input and an output device) are both synced to the same underlying clock source?
In all the examples I've seen input and output devices are handled separately - typically a different thread or event handle is used for each and I've not seen any discussion about how to keep two devices in sync (or how to handle the devices going out of sync).
For my app I basically need to do real-time input to output processing where each audio cycle I get a certain number of incoming samples and I send the same number of output samples. ie: I need one triggering event for the audio cycle that will be correct for both devices - not separate events for each device.
I also need to understand how this works in both exclusive and shared modes. For exclusive I guess this will come down to finding if devices have a common clock source. For shared mode some information on what Windows guarantees about synchronization of devices would be great.
You can use the IAudioClock API to detect drift of a given audio client, relative to QPC; if two endpoints share a clock, their drift relative to QPC will be identical (that is, they will have zero drift relative to each other.)
You can use the IAudioClockAdjustment API to adjust for drift that you can detect. For example, you could correct both sides for drift relative to QPC; you could correct either side for drift relative to the other; or you could split the difference and correct both sides to the mean.

What do the ALSA timestamping function return and how do the result relate to each other?

There are several "hi-res" timestamping functions in ALSA:
I would like to understand what points in time the resulting functions represent.
My current understanding is that trigger_htstamp represents the time when stream was started/stopped/paused. snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_htstamp returns a constant value and when I add audio_htstamp to that value the result is very close to the current system time.
audio_htstamp seems to start from zero on my system and it is incremented by a value that is equal to the period size I use. Hence on my system it is a simple frame counter. If I understand ALSA correctly audio_htstamp can also work in different more accurate way depending on the system capabilities.
driver_htstamp I guess by the name is a timestamp generated by the audio driver.
Question 1: When is the timestamp driver_htstamp usually generated?
With htstamp I am really unsure where and when it is generated. I have a hunch that it may be related to DMA.
Question 2: Where is htstamp generated?
Question 3: When is htstamp generated?
Question 4: Is the assumption audio_htstamp < htstamp < driver_htstamp generally correct?
It seems like this with a little test program I wrote, but I want to verify my assumption.
I can not find this information in the ALSA documentation.
I just dug through the code for this stuff for my own purposes, so I figured I would share what I found.
The purpose of these timestamps is to allow you to determine subtle differences in the rate of different clocks; most importantly in this case the main system clock that Linux uses for general timekeeping compared with the different clock that determines the rate at which samples move in and out of the sound device. This can be very important for applications that need to keep audio from different hardware devices in sync, since the rates of different physical clocks are never exactly the same.
The technique used is sometimes called "cross-timestamping"; you capture timestamps from the clocks you want to compare as close to simultaneously as possible, and repeat this at regular intervals. There is usually some measurement error introduced, but some relatively simple filtering can get you a good characterization of the difference in the rate at which the clocks count.
The core PCM driver arranges to take a system clock timestamp as closely as possible to when an audio stream starts, and then it does a cross-timestamp between the system clock and audio clock (which can be measured in different ways) whenever it is asked to check the state of the hardware pointers for the DMA engine that moves samples around.
The default method of measuring the audio clock is via DMA hardware pointer comparsion. This isn't terribly precise, but over longer periods of time you can still get a good measure of the rate difference. At the start of snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0, a system timestamp is captured; this will end up being htstamp. The DMA pointers are then checked, and if it's determined that they've moved since the last check, audio_htstamp is calculated based on the number of frames DMA has copied and the nominal frequency of the audio clock. Then, once all the DMA pointer update is done and right before snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0 returns, another system timestamp is captured in driver_htstamp. This isn't meant to be used when you're using the DMA hw_ptr method of calculating the audio_htstamp though.
If you happen to have an audio device using the HDAudio driver, you can use an alternate and much more precise method of measuring the audio clock. It supplies an extra operation callback called get_time_info that is used instead of the default method of capturing the system and audio timestamps. It the HDAudio case, it takes a system timestamp for htstamp as close to possible to when it reads an interal counter driven by the same clock source as the audio clock; this forms the audio_htstamp. Afterwards, the same DMA hw_ptr bookkeeping is done, but the code that translates the pointer movement into time is skipped. The driver_htstamp is still taken right before the routine ends, though; this is "to let apps detect if the reference tstamp read by low-level hardware was provided with a delay" as the comment says in the code. This is because there's no guarantee that the get_time_info callback is going to take a new system timestamp; it may have previously recorded an audio timestamp along with a system timestamp as part of an interrupt handler. In this case, the timestamps you get might not match with the available frames and delay frames counts calculated by hw_ptr bookkeeping, but the driver_htstamp will let you know the closest system time to when those calculations were made.
In any case, the code is designed in both cases to capture htstamp and audio_htstamp as closely together as possible, and for htstamp - trigger_htstamp to represent the amount of system time that passed during the period measured by audio_htstamp of the audio clock. You mostly shouldn't need to use driver_htstamp, but I guess it might be used with the USB Audio driver, as I think it and HDAudio are the only ones that do anything special with these interfaces right now.
The documentation for this, although it doesn't contain all the details you might want to know, is part of the kernel documentation:

Sync two soundcards

I have a program written in C++ that uses RtAudio ( Directsound ) to capture and playback audio at 48kHz samplerate.
The input capture uses a callback option. The callback writes data to a ringbuffer.
The output is a blocking write function in a separate thread that reads from the ringbuffer.
If the input and output devices are the same the audio loops thru perfectly.
Now I want to get audio from device 1 and playback on device 2. Each device has its own sampleclock set to 48kHz but are not in sync. After a couple of seconds the input and output are out of sync.
Is it possible to sync two independent oudio devices?
There are two challenges you face:
getting the two devices to start at the same time.
getting the two devices to stay in sync.
Both of these tasks are difficult. In the pro audio world, #2 is accomplished with special hardware to sync the word-clocks of multiple devices. It can also be done with a high quality video signal. I believe it can also be done with firewire devices, but I'm not sure how that works. In practice, I have used devices with no sync ("wild") and gotten very reasonable sync for up to an hour or two. Depending on what you are trying to do, the sync should not drift more than a few milliseconds over the course of a few minutes. If it does, you can consider your hardware broken (of course, cheap hardware is often broken).
As for #1, I'm not sure this is possible in any reliable sense with directsound. To the extent that it's possible with any audio API, it is difficult at best: both cards have streams that require some time to setup, open and start playing. In general, the solution is to use an API where this time is super low (ASIO, for example). This works reasonably well for applications like video, but I don't know if it really solves the problem in general.
If you really need to solve this problem, you could open both cards, starting to play silence, and use the timing information generated by the cards to establish the delay between putting data into the card and its eventual playback (this will be different for each card and probably each time you run) and use that data to calculate when to start actual playback. I don't know if RTAudio supplies the necessary timing information, but PortAudio does. This document may help.
