I have a formula that works in Excel, I am trying to count the occurrences of J as the 2nd digit
The problem is I can't seem to get this to work in VBA...
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = temps.Range("J2:J2000")
n = Evaluate(WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(--(Mid(rng.Address, 2, 1) = "J")))
Any ideas?
I forgot I needed to pass a string to evaluate. The following worked:
n = temps.Evaluate("SumProduct(--(Mid(" & rng.Address & ", 2, 1) = " & Chr(34) & "J" & Chr(34) & "))")
I have a short code about inserting a formula to the cell instead of obtaining values but when I tried to use that with VLOOKUP and/or IFERROR, I get error 1004. I did it with SUB, SUBTOTAL before but couldn't achieved with these functions. If you may help, that would be amazing.
GerçekStok = 0
Set StokBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set BticinoBook = Workbooks("BTICINO.xlsm")
NoS = BticinoBook.Sheets.Count
For k = 1 To NoS
If BticinoBook.Sheets(k).Name = "DRAFT" Then
DNumber = k
Exit For
End If
Next k
TotalRow = BticinoBook.Sheets(DNumber).Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
If GerçekStok = 0 Then
For i = 2 To TotalRow
BticinoBook.Sheets(DNumber).Cells(i, 2) = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D" & i & ";'[" & StokBook.Name & "]Sheet2'!$A:$E;3;FALSE);" & Chr(34) & Chr(48) & Chr(34) & Chr(41)
Next i
For i = 2 TotalRow
BticinoBook.Sheets(DNumber).Cells(i, 2) = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D" & i & ";'[" & StokBook.Name & "]Sheet2'!$A:$E;4;FALSE);" & Chr(34) & Chr(48) & Chr(34) & Chr(41)
Next i
End If
You need to use .Formula to enter a formula into a cell.
Range("B10").Formula = "=SUM(B4:B9)"
If your string contains another string with double quotes, then you need to type the double quote twice, like this:
... whatever... ;FALSE);""0"")"
Using Chr() instead of the typed characters doesn't really fix the issue.
BticinoBook.Sheets(DNumber).Cells(i, 2).formula = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D" & i & ";'[" & StokBook.Name & "]Sheet2'!$A:$E;3;FALSE);""0"")"
Of course, there is no reason to put a zero inside of double quotes, so you could simply use
BticinoBook.Sheets(DNumber).Cells(i, 2).formula = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D" & i & ";'[" & StokBook.Name & "]Sheet2'!$A:$E;3;FALSE);0)"
I have a cell in that contains the following:
The result of this formula is in this format:
I want to use the formula VBA code. I want the number 1 in the $H$10+**1**&" to be the i of the for loop and the I10 in "&B5+I10&" to also change with the loop.
For i=1 to lastrow
.Range("X" & 13+i & "").Formula = "=$H$10+" & i & "" & "," & "B5+I" & i + 10 & "" & "," & "(2*$D$2+$E$2)/2"
Next i
Here code that can be used:
Sub mySub()
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Range("H:H").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
Dim myStr As String
'A=10 is for assigning first row in H as your data, hope no data upward from row 9 to row 1
For Baris = 10 To myRange.Row
On Error Resume Next
myStr = "=$H$10+" & Baris - 9 & "&"",""&B5+I" & Baris & "&"",""&(2*$D$2+$E$2)/2"
Range("K" & Baris).Formula = myStr
End Sub
I've done quite a bit of searching around for this one...and I'm not getting anywhere.
I have a spreadsheet(specific column) with values such as:
My goal is to add zero's after the - and before the existing #'s(to 4 places). Like:
I've tried a a lot of different options within the quotes of NumberFormat:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("C"). _ NumberFormat = "00000-0000"
No luck so far. :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sub testFunc()
MsgBox addZero("54126-3")
End Sub
'/ Function to add Zeros
Public Function addZero(strVal As String) As String
Dim arrTemp
Dim strTemp
arrTemp = Split(strVal, "-")
strTemp = arrTemp(0) & "-" & String(4 - Len(arrTemp(1)), "0") & arrTemp(1)
addZero = strTemp
End Function
As #tigeravatar stated it can be done with a formula. With the Evaluate function we can use an array form of the formula he gave in his comment.
You can apply this to your values in column C:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C4").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Evaluate("=INDEX(LEFT(C1:C4,6) & TEXT(--MID(C1:C4,7,LEN(C1:C4)),""0000""),)")
If your range is dynamic and you have the final row in a variable like lstrow you can replace all the C4 with C" & lstrow & "
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C" & lstrow).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Evaluate("=INDEX(LEFT(C1:C" & lstrow & ",6) & TEXT(--MID(C1:C" & lstrow & ",7,LEN(C1:C" & lstrow & ")),""0000""),)")
Select the cells you wish to process and run:
Sub dural()
Dim r As Range
bry = Array("0000", "000", "00", "0", "")
For Each r In Selection
ary = Split(r.Value, "-")
ary(1) = bry(Len(ary(1))) & ary(1)
r.Value = Join(ary, "-")
Next r
End Sub
and after:
If I have defined named ranges for some blocks - say for example, 2 by 2 blocks named Apple1, Apple2, Apple3, Apple4
and I want to create a Total Block being the sum of the above (in excel, the formula array formula would be {Apple1 + Apple2 + Apple3 + Apple4}
With the FormulaArray command - am I on the right lines in my thought process below?
For i = 1 to 2
range("Total").formulaarray = "=" & "Apple" & i
next i
I've not understand why you need FormulaArray for such task, but you can use this:
Sub test()
Dim i%, Apples$
For i = 1 To 4
Apples = Apples & "+SUM(Apple" & i & ")"
Next i
[Total].FormulaArray = "=" & Mid(Apples, 2, Len(Apples))
End Sub
After my experiment, I find the behavior of FormulaArray is more complicated.
sub test()
dim i as long, Apples1 as variant, Apples2 as variant
for i = 1 to 3
Apples1 = Apples1 & "Apple" & i & "+"
Apples2 = Apples2 & "Apple" & i & ","
next i
range("total1").FormulaArray = "=sum(" & left(Apples1, len(Apples1)-1) & ")"
range("total2").FormulaArray = "=sum(" & Apples2 & ")"
range("total3").FormulaArray = "=" & left(Apples1, len(Apples1)-1)
end sub
the outcome is
If any cells in Apple1, Apple2 or Apple3 are string, the outcome is
This is what I am trying to do:
If J contains the word Defendant
If F contains the word Foreclosure
If G contains " V ESTATE OF "
Then keep everything to the right of "OF"
Else If G contains " VS "
Then keep everything to the right of " VS "
Else If G contains " V " (notice the spaces before and after V)
Then keep everything to the right of " V "
If K contains " " (two consecutive spaces)
Then Keep it
Then remove the very last character of cell, which will be a comma
And if the cell begins with an underscore
Then remove it
Then Keep it
Assign the result of G to the corresponding N cell
Assign the result of K to the corresponding O cell
This is what I did:
Sub Inspect()
Dim RENums As Object
Dim RENums2 As Object
Dim LValue As String
Dim LValue2 As String
Set RENums = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set RENums2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RENums.Pattern = "DEFENDANT"
RENums2.Pattern = "FORECLOSURE"
Dim lngLastRow As Long
lngLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim i
For i = 1 To lngLastRow
If RENums2.test(Range("F" & i).Value) Then
If RENums.test(Range("J" & i).Value) Then
pos = InStr(Range("G" & i), " V ")
pos2 = InStr(Range("G" & i), " VS ")
pos3 = InStr(Range("G" & i), " V ESTATE OF ")
dbspace = InStr(Range("K" & i), " ")
If pos3 <> 0 Then
LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos * 2)
ElseIf pos <> 0 Then
LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos - 2)
ElseIf pos2 <> 0 Then
LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos - 2)
End If
If dbspace <> 0 Then
LValue = Range("K" & i)
End If
schr = Right(LValue, 1)
If schr = "_" Then
With WorksheetFunction
Range("N" & i).Value = Trim(.Substitute(LValue, "_", ""))
End With
Range("N" & i).Value = Trim(LValue)
End If
Range("O" & i).Value = Trim(LValue2)
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
With the above macro, the correct value is never pasted into N in some cases. Rather a value from another cell in K is pasted to the wrong cell in N.
I attached an example of excel spreadsheet on the below link to which I never received a response:
Thanks for response.
Your LValue and LValue2 variables are being populated conditionally (ie, not each time through the loop), but your final block is executed EVERY TIME, so it stands to reason that some times through the loop, you are using an old value of LValue or LValue2 (or both).
You need to clear them out at the beginning of the loop, or else have an ELSE clause in both your LValue and LValue2 IF blocks that takes care of that scenario.
Edit based on your comment: I prefer using MID() to RIGHT() in this scenario, makes it much easier to get the math right, since we're counting from the left (which is the value that InStr() returns):
cellText = Range("K" & i).Value
LValue = Mid(cellText, Unknown + 18, 100)
A few additional notes:
You use it so many times, put the tested value into a variable like I did above. It might even be marginally faster that way instead of going back to the worksheet each time.
I prefer to use Cells(11, i).Value to Range("K" & i).Value. Works the same, but much easier to use with variable row or column numbers.
It usually works the way you've done it, but make sure to use the correct property of the range object (Range().Value or Range().Formula or whatever) instead of just relying on the "default property" to always be correct.
When checking for the underscore, you are testing if the last character is an underscore. Your question states that you want to test if the value begins with an underscore.
schr = Right(LValue, 1)
If schr = "_" Then
schr = Left(LValue, 1)
If schr = "_" Then