Unable to create text file using Android Studio Kotlin. Neither able to build apk with text file manually added via gradle - android-studio

I am new to kotlin.
I normally used val file = "Data.txt" that easily creates the file. But now the app is almost completed I noticed that code is not able to create file anymore. Whenever I tries to create file (execute it with a button and app crashes). With so many errors (one of them) "java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.example.waterledger/files/Data.txt (No such file or directory)"
When I locate the folder and manually added the file there. The app works without any problem (it easily read, writes, modify the file "Data.txt") but when I build apk it didn't get that text file that is manually created via gradle so the app crashes when I press the button

I don't think that is the proper way to create a file in Kotlin. What your code is doing is simply creating a variable named file whose value is "data.txt".
However, Kotlin provides a number of methods to create files. One of them is the writeText() method. So you could create your file like this using the writeText() method
val fileName = "data.txt"
var file = File(fileName)
The "" will simply give an empty string, as argument to writeText(), to write data to file. You may provide the string you would like to write into this file.


Electron get data from custom extension file

I am using electron and trying to achieve a result where the user clicks on the saved file which opens the electron application and gets the data of the file.
So far I have done is:
1) Created the custom extension registry and added the file open command using reg file.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Water Treatment Plant Design File"
#="\"C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\ENV\\electron.exe\" \"%1\""
2) Now it opens the electron application but i want to get the data inside of the .wtpd file in order to calculations.
I have tried to use this but the links in this examples are broken. https://www.theodo.fr/blog/2015/12/link-files-to-application-in-windows/
It seems that Windows passes the file path as an argument to the application (your Electron app in this case). So you can use process.argv to get the file path.
var filePath = process.argv[1];
var data = fs.readFileSync(openFilePath, 'utf-8');
Obviously you may want to add checks such as process.argv.length >= 2 to ensure the argument was passed (in case the application was opened manually, not invoked by windows). But this is generally how you could get the file contents.

Always create types in new file

How can I instruct ReSharper to always create a new type in a new file instead of within the file I'm working on? I want to do this using the alt+enter+enter command.

minko / lua issue : premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)

I am working with minko and managed to compile MINKO SDK properly for 3 platforms (Linux, Android, HTML5) and build all tutorials / examples. Moving on to create my own project, I followed the instructions on how to use the existing skeleton project, then using an existing example project.
(I believe there is an error in the skeleton code at this line :
auto sceneManager = SceneManager::create(canvas->context()); //does not compile
where as the example file look like this :
auto sceneManager = SceneManager::create(canvas); //compile and generate binary
I was able to do so by modifying premake5.lua (to include more plugins) and calling script/solution_gmake_gcc.sh
to generate the make solution a week ago. Today, I tried to make a new project in a new folder but calling
script/solution_gmake_gcc.sh and script/clean failed with this error:
minko-master/skel_tut/mycode/premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)
Now at premake5.lua line 3 there is this line : minko.project.solution(PROJECT_NAME),
however sine i am not familiar with lua at all, can anyone shed any light on the issue ?
What is supposed to be declared here, why is it failing suddenly... ?
(I can still modify,compile and run the code but i can't for example add more plug-ins)
PS: weirdly enough, the previously 'working' project is also failing at this point.
PROJECT_NAME = path.getname(os.getcwd())
minko.project.application("minko-tutorial-" .. PROJECT_NAME)
files { "src/**.cpp", "src/**.hpp", "asset/**" }
includedirs { "src" }
-- plugins
--html overlay
Assuming that's indeed your project premake5.lua file (please us the code tags next time), you should have include "script" at the beginning of the file:
If you don't have this line, it will not include script/premake5.lua which is in charge of including the SDK build system files that defines everything inside the minko Lua namespace/table. That's why you get that error.
I think you copy pasted one of the examples/tutorials premake5.lua file instead of modifying the one provided by the skeleton. The premake conf file of the examples/tutorials are different since they are included from the SDK premake files. But your app premake5.lua does the "opposite": it includes the SDK conf files rather than being included by them.
The best practice is to edit your app's copy of the skeleton's premake5.lua (instead of copy/pasting one from the examples/tutorials).
(I believe there is an error in the skeleton code at this line :
That's possible. Our build server doesn't test the skeleton code. That's a mistake we will fix ASAP to make sure it works properly.
script/solution_gmake_gcc.sh and script/clean failed with this error:
minko-master/skel_tut/mycode/premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)
Could you copy/paste your premake5.lua file?
Also, what's the value you set for the MINKO_HOME env var? Maybe you've moved the SDK...
Note that instead of setting a global MINKO_HOME env var, you can also set the corresponding LUA constant at the very begining of your premake5.lua file.

Append content from file using Email Ext Jenkins plugin

I have been modifying the default groovy template that the Email Ext plugin supplies.
Firstly, I had to modify the JUnitTestResult and need to format it accordingly to my need. I found in the it.JUnitTestResult, it is a reference to the ScriptContentBuildWrapper class. And then I was able to format the JUnitTestResult according to my need.
Now I am facing a second difficulty:
Along with those contents, I need to append more content from a file that resides in the job workspace. How to access the files that reside in the workspace directory.
I would be interested to know how I can access the build context object. Whats the java class name and things like that.
Just use build which returns an AbstractBuild
Try -
Which returns the FilePath of the directory where the build is being built.
See AbstractBuild.getWorkspace.
Tip: in Groovy, you can avoid the "get" and use field-like access notation.
Depending on which version of email-ext you are using, you can use the tokens provided to get access to things, so if you look at the token help, you'll see lots of tokens. These can be used in the groovy templates to do the same thing. For instance, the FILE token can be used in the Groovy by doing FILE(path: 'path/to/file') and it will replace with the contents of the file (only works on files that are below the workspace).
The build object is not available directly in all groovy scripts (e.g. groovy build script, groovy system build script, groovy post-build script, groovy script as evaluated in email-ext). The most portable way of obtaining build object in groovy script for a running build is:
import hudson.model.*
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
Then you can get workspace and access files inside like this:
workspace = build.getEnvVars()["WORKSPACE"]
afilename = workspace + "/myfile"
afile = new File(afilename);
// afile.write "write new file"
// afile << "append to file"
// def lines = afile.readLines()

using FileChooser to save a file with default filename

I wat to save a file.I use this.
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
File file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null);
But in the dialog I want to suggest a name for the file, so that the user only selects a directory for the given file.The name of the file is known already.So i want to suggest that filename.
This is now fixed in Javafx 2.2.45 (bundled with java 7.0_45 now) and you can do what the OP is suggesing with the following property of fileChooser, setInitialFilename, used as such:
FileChooser myFile = new FileChooser();
Now, I don't think there is anyway to STOP the user from choosing a different file, but at leas this will give them a default you want them to pick.
Initial file name providing - it is a thing, which requires to transfer your string (initial name) through native call, to the call of the native file chooser. It is a complex thing, and you can look at these issues about its implementing :
http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-16111 (main one)
They all have fix version lombard, so, they are fixed in JDK 8.
So, you can specify initial file name for a file, starting from JDK 8 (you can access it, downloading JDK early access).
Recently, I've tested this feature, and it is working.
There is a method setInitialName() or smth like that.
And, as I've mentioned, it is a complex thing, and you are not likely to be able to implement it by yourself (until you are able to build jfx).
So, the decision - to wait until JDK8 release, or to use early access builds. Or, to use your own implementation of file chooser.
Here's a workaround that worked for me:
you can use javafx.stage.DirectoryChooser to select a directory for the file you want to save and after saving create a new file in this directory with the default name and extension.
DirectoryChooser dc = new DirectoryChooser();
File file = dc.showDialog(null);
if (file != null) {
file = new File(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/dafaultFilename.extension");}
