Always create types in new file - resharper

How can I instruct ReSharper to always create a new type in a new file instead of within the file I'm working on? I want to do this using the alt+enter+enter command.


Unable to create text file using Android Studio Kotlin. Neither able to build apk with text file manually added via gradle

I am new to kotlin.
I normally used val file = "Data.txt" that easily creates the file. But now the app is almost completed I noticed that code is not able to create file anymore. Whenever I tries to create file (execute it with a button and app crashes). With so many errors (one of them) " /data/user/0/com.example.waterledger/files/Data.txt (No such file or directory)"
When I locate the folder and manually added the file there. The app works without any problem (it easily read, writes, modify the file "Data.txt") but when I build apk it didn't get that text file that is manually created via gradle so the app crashes when I press the button
I don't think that is the proper way to create a file in Kotlin. What your code is doing is simply creating a variable named file whose value is "data.txt".
However, Kotlin provides a number of methods to create files. One of them is the writeText() method. So you could create your file like this using the writeText() method
val fileName = "data.txt"
var file = File(fileName)
The "" will simply give an empty string, as argument to writeText(), to write data to file. You may provide the string you would like to write into this file.

How to share a variable between 2 pyRevit scripts?

I am using the latest version of pyRevit, v45.
I'm writing some info in temporary files with
myTempFile = script.get_instance_data_file("id")
This creates a file named pyRevit_2018_xxxx_id.tmp in which I store useful info. If I'm not mistaken, the "xxxx" part is changing every time I reload Revit. Now, I need to get access to this information from another pyRevit script.
How can I retrieve the name of the temp file I need to read? In other words, how do I access "myTempFile" from within the second script, which has no idea of the name of "myTempFile"?
I guess I can share somehow that variable between my script, but what's the proper way to do this? I know this must be a very basic programming question, but I'm indeed not a programmer ;)
Thanks a lot,
Ok, I realise now that my variables in the 1st script cease to exist after its execution.
So for now I wrote the file name in another file, of which I know the name.. That works.
But if there's a cleaner way to do this, I'd be glad to learn ;)
pyrevit.script module provides 4 different methods for creating temporary files based on their use case:
for data files marked with Revit instance pid. This means that scripts running on another instance will not see this temp file.
for temp files accessible to all Revit instances and versions
Base method to get a standard temp file for current revit version
temp file marked with active document (so scripts working on another document will not see this)
Each method uses a pattern to create the temp file name. So as long as the call to the method is the same of different scripts, the method generates the same file name.
Script 1:
from pyrevit import script
tfile = script.get_data_file('mydata')
Script 2:
from pyrevit import script
tempfile = script.get_data_file('mydata')
In this example tempfile = tfile since the file id is the same.
There is documentation on each so make sure you take a look at those and pick the flavor that serves your purpose.

using FileChooser to save a file with default filename

I wat to save a file.I use this.
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
File file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null);
But in the dialog I want to suggest a name for the file, so that the user only selects a directory for the given file.The name of the file is known already.So i want to suggest that filename.
This is now fixed in Javafx 2.2.45 (bundled with java 7.0_45 now) and you can do what the OP is suggesing with the following property of fileChooser, setInitialFilename, used as such:
FileChooser myFile = new FileChooser();
Now, I don't think there is anyway to STOP the user from choosing a different file, but at leas this will give them a default you want them to pick.
Initial file name providing - it is a thing, which requires to transfer your string (initial name) through native call, to the call of the native file chooser. It is a complex thing, and you can look at these issues about its implementing : (main one)
They all have fix version lombard, so, they are fixed in JDK 8.
So, you can specify initial file name for a file, starting from JDK 8 (you can access it, downloading JDK early access).
Recently, I've tested this feature, and it is working.
There is a method setInitialName() or smth like that.
And, as I've mentioned, it is a complex thing, and you are not likely to be able to implement it by yourself (until you are able to build jfx).
So, the decision - to wait until JDK8 release, or to use early access builds. Or, to use your own implementation of file chooser.
Here's a workaround that worked for me:
you can use javafx.stage.DirectoryChooser to select a directory for the file you want to save and after saving create a new file in this directory with the default name and extension.
DirectoryChooser dc = new DirectoryChooser();
File file = dc.showDialog(null);
if (file != null) {
file = new File(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/dafaultFilename.extension");}

Using a Twig Extension

I am trying to use teh Twig i18n Extension.
As far as I can tell the file I need is here:
Now I am not quite sure where to save this file
I have Twig in a folder called includes/lib (/includes/lib/Twig). I see a folder Extension under Twig. Do I save it here?
After I save it, do I need to do a "require_once" to the file or will Twig_Autoloader do the job for me?
I am not using Symfony2
Here is the complete answer that worked for me:
Copy the file in Twig-Verzeichnis (extract in Twig).
For the I18n extension it would be Twig/Extensions/Extension/I18n.php
Eventually add other files requred by I18n. You will see what these are by the error messages that come. I had to add "Twig/Extensions/Node/Trans.php" and "Twig/Extensions/TokenParser/Trans.php".
In your config file add the following:
// Set language to German
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE');
// Specify location of translation tables
bindtextdomain("project_de_DE", "./locale");
// Choose domain
Register the Twig Extension
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
Create the directory locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES
Create the PO file (the easisest is to have a sample file to start from)
Open the file in a normal text editor (be sure to use utf-8 encoding) and start translating
Open the PO-Datei with PoEdit (
Save to locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES (a MO-Datei will be created).
Add the translation to the appropriate places in the Twig-Template with
{% trans 'Text in the original language' %}`
You need to register this extension with Twig:
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
If your installation is configured correctly, the autoloader should do the job of including the file. If not, you could include the file manually or make the installation with composer.
It seems the "proper" way to install these extensions without Composer is as follows:
Download a release from
Copy the contents of the lib/ directory somewhere to your project
include the file .../Twig/Extensions/Autoloader.php
Register autoloader: Twig_Extensions_Autoloader::register();
Continue as explained in the doc:

log4 net Dynamic file name assigning

I want to know how to dynamically assign file name using Log4net .My application is such that 10 different files should be dynamically created based on user input ,and later based on the name the corresponding file name needs to be picked up and information written to it
For example in my application based on my buisness requirement for every xml file a corresponding log file with the same name as xml file should be created .Later whenever I do any modification to the xml file an entry needs to be in the corresponding log file
Please help . I having trouble to get control of the appropriate log to write it
Have not done this, but there are probably a number of ways of doing this, so this may not be the best way, but it should work
public OpenLogFile(string fileName)
log4net.Layout.ILayout layout = new log4net.Layout.PatternLayout("%d [%t]%-5p : - %m%n");;
log4net.Appender.FileAppender appender = new log4net.Appender.FileAppender(layout , filename);
appender.Threshold = log4net.Core.Level.Info;
Then just call OpenLogfile when you need to switch files.
You might need to tweak the layout or appender type.
A big disadvantage of this method is you losing the xml configuration and the ability to change settings at runtime. So a better way might be to configure your appender in the xml file to use a property
file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="Logfiles\Log_For_%property{MyLogFileName}"
Then in your code you could change the property
log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["MyLogFileName"] = ...;
The tricky bit is to get log4net to reload itself. I haven't read the documentation of this, so I don't know if there is a way of forcing a reload. It might work if you just call log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch again. Otherwise it should work if you opened the xml file and saved it again (without needing to change anything)
Hope this helps.
