How to avoid splitting decimal number into two integers by Razor View? - decimal

From my controller I am returning a Razor View with a model, where in the model there is property: AllTotalQuotes.SomeItem
This property is type of decimal and has a value: 4.6666M.
In my Razor View code I am assigning JS variable from my model as follow:
var jsItem = Model.AllTotalQuotes.SomeItem;
And SomeItem property is recognised by the engine as type of decimal.
But when I console.log(#jsItem) I receive:
4 6666 instead of 4.6666.
Why? And how to change this? Is this about culture settings?
Things I tried:
var jsItem = (decimal)Model.AllTotalQuotes.SomeItem
var jsItem = decimal.Parse(Model.AllTotalQuotes.SomeItem.ToString())

Ok, problem is fixed with:


Is asp mvc 5 Html Action method Post or Get request?

What method the Html.Action use for rendering a partial views ?
Example 1 (with parameters):
#Html.Action("_PartialGetMemo", "Memos", new { id = 0 })
Example 2 (without parameters):
#Html.Action("_PartialGetMemo", "Memos")
Can somone explain how this works please ?
This Html.Action renders partial view as an HTML string so we can store it in another string variable. It is string return type method so first it returns result as a string then renders result to response.

How to set `invalidAttributeNamePrefix` value in Java?

Suppose I'm cleaning some html using HtmlCleaner (v2.18) and I want to set the property invalidAttributeNamePrefix (see section Cleaner parameters) to some value, i.e.: data-.
This way an attribute my-custom-attr="my-value" in the HTML will be transformed to data-my-custom-attr="my-value".
How can I do that? I wasn't able to find any example for the Java usage.
You can take as reference this piece of code:
HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
CleanerProperties properties = cleaner.getProperties();
// properties.setInvalidAttributeNamePrefix("data-"); there is no such method
// html is a declared variable which contains some html content
TagNode rootTagNode = cleaner.clean(html);
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new PrettyXmlSerializer(properties);
String cleanedHtml = xmlSerializer.getAsString(rootTagNode);
Upgrading to version 2.22 solves this.
Now it can be done
// ...

Kentico Document Get Page Meta Data Custom Page Type

When trying to retrieve DocumentPageTitle and DocumentPageDescription using GetStringValue() on a custom page type TreeNode, the result is always coming back as the default value (in this case an empty string) passed into the method.
I'm able to successfully retrieve other column values as well as standard document properties such as DocumentName, DocumentID and AbsoluteURL, but not the document meta properties.
The respective fields in the Meta tab of document/page do have values and are being successfully rendered in the by default such as <meta name="description" content=".." />
// returns empty string
string documentPageDescription = DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.GetString("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty);
// returns empty string
TreeNode document = parameters[0] as TreeNode;
string documentPageDescription = document.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty);
I've tried setting option Inherits fields from page type to "Page (menu item)", but that did not help.
Does the custom page type need to inherit from something specifically or have a specific setting activated to access these values? Or if what I think is a TreeNode in fact isn't, how could I get the TreeNode from this object that has the properties listed before available?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
ValidationHelper.GetString(CMS.DocumentEngine.DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.GetValue("DocumentPageDescription"), string.Empty)
Two things to check, one, are you sure the meta data is available on the page you are pulling? Two, is your API actually pulling all the data for that page?
I've used these in my test and both returned the metadata.
var page = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments().Path("/Articles/Coffee-Beverages-Explained").FirstObject;
Response.Write(page.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty));
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
TreeNode tn = tree.SelectNodes().OnCurrentSite().Path("/Articles/Coffee-Beverages-Explained").FirstObject;
Response.Write(tn.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty));
The DocumentPageTitle and DocumentPageDescription were coming back as null when the custom page type document/page was inheriting from parent/global values.
I was able to use the following to get the properties when not inheriting, while falling back to the parent value when inheriting was taking place:
string documentPageTitle = document.GetStringValue("DocumentPageTitle", DocumentContext.CurrentTitle);
This approach came from the following issue on Kentico DevNet.
Thank you for your help and suggestions, it's appreciated.

When exporting numbers to CSV it become exponential

I developed a C# windows application which export some data from sql server as CSV file. Now I am facing issue with a number having more than 12 digit.
Instead of showing the number it is showing the exponential value.
like 1.4588E+12 instead of 1458795648552
How can i export the actual value instead of exponential.
Consider the following:
var someDecimal = 1458795648552m;
var value = String.Format("{0:N}", someDecimal); // 1,458,795,648,552.00
var value2 = string.Format("{0:##################}", someDecimal);//1458795648552

NgAttr value initially empty when containing mustache directive in AngularDart

Chapter 3 of the AngularDart tutorial defines a rating #NgComponent (see excerpt below), that is used in index.html like this:
<rating max-rating="5" rating="ctrl.selectedRecipe.rating"></rating>
In that chapter it is also suggested that that the max-rating #NgAttr can be set via a {{...}} like this:
<rating max-rating="{{ctrl.max}}" rating="ctrl.selectedRecipe.rating"></rating>
In the RecipeController I have simply declared:
int max = 5;
If I add print("maxRating('$value')") at the top of the component's maxRating() setter body (see below), then in running the app I get the following output:
maxRating('') // printed 7 times
maxRating('5') // printed 7 times
Questions: Why is the value initially empty? I assume that it is because the interpolation has not been done yet, but then why is the setter called at all before the value is "ready"?
Excerpt of RatingComponent class definition:
selector: 'rating', ...
publishAs: 'cmp'
class RatingComponent {
int rating;
set maxRating(String value) {
var count = value == null ? 5 : int.parse(value);
stars = new List.generate(count, (i) => i+1);
As far as I know, angular dart is very eager in applying values. As soon as angular is running it starts applying values, I guess to provide a feel of responsiveness.
I've been bitten by this too and had to write more than one workaround for not yet initialized values.
The setter and getters are called by the binding mechanism to stabilize the values, as some values may depend on each other and the mechanism "brute forces" this by just setting and getting values multiple times (7 by default, IIRC).
