How to check for words in two excel columns? - excel

I have two columns in my excel sheet. I want to add their output in 3rd column. Formula should check for tags in both columns.
If tag totally miss-matches in both columns output should be shown as "inaccurate" or "failed".
If every tag is matching in columns output should be "accurate".
If some of tags are matching, then output should be "incomplete".
Another Example where i am unable to add incomplete as output. It only checks for inaccurate and accurate.

You can use LET and FILTERXML to test to see if the entire/a partial/no part of the string is in another. For example:
=LET(x, FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(I1, ",", "</s><s>")&"</s></t>", "//s"),
y, FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(J1, ",", "</s><s>")&"</s></t>", "//s"),
z, COUNT(MATCH(x,y,0)),
IF(z=MIN(COUNTA(x), COUNTA(y)), "Accurate", IF(z>0, "Partial", "Failed")))
Here we first create a dynamic array of the contents of each cell and call them x and y respectively. Next, we count the number of matches in each array. Finally, we test this count: if the count is equal to the size of the smallest dynamic array, then all the tags match and we call it "Accurate". Otherwise, if there is any match in the dynamic arrays, we call it "Partial". Finally, if there are no matches, we call it "Failed".


EXCEL - Dual VLOOKUP and Interpolation

I have a table on Excel with data as the following:
Meaning, I have different JPH based on the %SMALL unit and the number of active stations.
I need to create a matrix like the following (with %SMALL on horizontal and STATIONS on vertical axes):
And the formula for each cell should:
Take the input of Stations (column "B")
Check, for that specific Stations number, the amount of data on the other table (like make a filter on STATIONS for the specific number)
Perform an VLOOKUP for checking the JPH based on the %SMALL value on row 2
Interpolate for the exact JPH value, if not found on table
For now, I was able to create the last part (the VLOOKUP and the interpolation), with the following:
The problem I'm facing is than with this, the calculation is not checking the number of stations, so the Iteration is not accurate.
Unfortunately I cannot use VBA macros to solve this.
Any clue?
This is an attempt because more clarity is needed in terms of all possible scenarios to consider, based on different input data and how to understand the "extrapolation" process. This approach understands as extrapolation the average of two values (lower and greater), but the idea can be customized to any other way to calculate it. Per tags listed in the question I assume there is no Excel version constraint. This is O365 solution:
=LET(sm, A2:A10, st, B2:B10, jph, C2:C10, smx, F1:J1, sty, E2:E4, NULL, "",
GETLk, LAMBDA(x,y,mode, FILTER(jph, (st=y)
* (sm = INDEX(sm, XMATCH(x, sm, mode))), NULL)),
GET, LAMBDA(x,y, LET(f, FILTER(jph, (jph=GETLk(x,y, 1))
+ (jph=GETLk(x,y, -1)), NULL), IF(#f=NULL, NULL, AVERAGE(f)))),
HSTACK(ac, GET(x, yi)))),,1)),
DROP(REDUCE("", sty, LAMBDA(ac,y, VSTACK(ac, HREDUCE(y)))),1))
The above formula spills the entire result, I don't think for this case you can use a LOOKUP-like function.
Here is the output:
The highlighted cells where the average is calculated.
The main idea is to use DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK/VSTACK pattern to generate the grid. Check my answer to the following question: how to transform a table in Excel from vertical to horizontal but with different length on how to apply it.
We use two user LAMBDA functions to abstract some calculations:
GETLk(x,y,mode), filters jph name based on %SMALL and Stations columns values, based on input values x (x-axis value from the grid), y (y-axis value form the grid) respectively. The third input argument mode, is for doing the approximate search in XMATCH (1-next largest, -1 next smallest). In case the value exist in the input table, XMATCH returns the same value in both cases.
GET(x,y) has the logic to find the value or if the value doesn't exist to calculate the average. It uses the previous LAMBDA function GETLk. We filter for jph values that match the input values (x,y), but we use an OR condition in the FILTER (+), to select both lower or greater values. If the value exist, returns just one value otherwise two values are returned by FILTER (f). Finally if f is not empty we return the average, otherwise the value we setup as NULL.
HREDUCE: Concatenate the result by columns for a given row of the grid. Check the referred question for more information about it.

Comparing two columns and their values and outputting the greater value

I'm trying to compare two columns ("Shows") from different tables and showing which one has the greater number ("Rating") associated with it in another table.
Ignore the operation column above as part of the solution that I'm trying to get, it's just to illustrate for you what I'm trying to compare.
Important note: If the names are duplicated. Compare the matching pair in their corresponding order. (1st with 1st, 2nd with 2nd, 3rd with 3rd etc..) illustrated in the table below:
You can try the following in cell F3 for an array solution that spills the entire result at once:
=LET(sA, A3:A6, rA, B3:B6, sB, C3:C6, rB, D3:D6, CNTS, LAMBDA(x,
*(seq<=s))))))), cntsA, CNTS(sA), cntsB, CNTS(sB), eval, MAP(sA, rA, cntsA,
LAMBDA(s,r,c,IF(r > FILTER(rB, (sB=s) * (cntsB=c)), "Table 1", "Table 2"))),
HSTACK(sA, eval))
Here is the output:
The main idea is to count repeated show values. We use a user LAMBDA function CNTS, to avoid repetition of the same formula twice. Once we have the counts (cntsA, contsB), we use MAP to iterate over Table 1 elements with the counts and look for specific show and counts to compare with Table 2 columns. The FILTER function will return always a single value (based on sample data). Finally, we prepare the output as expected using HSTACK.

how to transform a table in Excel from vertical to horizontal but with different length

i would like to get table 2 from Table 1 in a quicker way. can people help? thanks
so far i have done pivot tables and manually copy and paste transpose, but this is really time consuming/
Here, a solution that uses DROP/REDUCE/VSTACK pattern to generate each row. Check for example #JvdV's answer from this question: How to split texts from dynamic range? and a similar idea DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern to generate the columns for a given row. In cell E2 put the following formula:
=LET(set, A2:B13, IDs, INDEX(set,,1), dates, INDEX(set,,2),
HREDUCE, LAMBDA(id, arr, REDUCE(id, arr, LAMBDA(acc, x, HSTACK(acc, x)))),
output, DROP(REDUCE("", UNIQUE(IDs), LAMBDA(ac, id, VSTACK(ac, LET(
idDates, FILTER(dates, ISNUMBER(XMATCH(IDs, id))), HREDUCE(id, idDates)
)))),1), IFERROR(VSTACK(HSTACK("ID", "Dates"), output), "")
and here is the output:
As #JdvD pointed out in the comments section there is a shorted way:
=LET(set, A3:B13, title, A1:B1, IDs, INDEX(set,,1), dates, INDEX(set,,2),
The main idea is to use the title as a way to initialize the VSTACK accumulator (no need to use DROP), and have all the dates for a given id all at once via the FILTER function. As a side note, it can be expressed in terms of the pattern we explained in the Explanation section (see below), as follow:
=LET(set, A3:B13, title, A1:B1, IDs, INDEX(set,,1), dates, INDEX(set,,2),
Note: Keeping the same name of the user LAMBDA function (HREDUCE) for sake of consistency with the Explanation section, but there is no need to use REDUCE. A more appropriate name would be PIVOT_DATES.
HREDUCE is a user LAMBDA function that implements the DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern. In order to generate all the columns for a given row, this is the pattern to follow:
DROP(REDUCE("", arr, LAMBDA(acc, x, HSTACK(acc, func))),,1)
It iterates over all elements of arr (x) and uses HSTACK to concatenate column by column on each iteration. DROP function is used to remove the first column, if we don't have a valid value to initialize the first column (the accumulator, acc). The name func is just a symbolic representation of the calculation required to obtain the value to put on a given column. Usually, some variables are required to be defined, so quite often the LET function is used for that.
In our case we have a valid value to initialize the iteration process (no need to use DROP function), so this pattern can be implemented as follow via our user LAMBDA function HREDUCE:
LAMBDA(id, arr, REDUCE(id, arr, LAMBDA(acc, x, HSTACK(acc, x))))
In our case the initialization value will be each unique id value. The func will be just each element of arr, because we don't need to do any additional calculation to obtain the column value.
The previous process can be applied for a given row, but we need to create iteratively each row. In order to do that we use a DROP/REDUCE/VSTACK pattern, which is a similar idea:
DROP(REDUCE("", arr, LAMBDA(acc, x, VSTACK(acc, func))),1)
Now we append rows via VSTACK. For this case we don't know how to initialize properly the accumulator (acc), so we need to use DROP to remove the first row. Now fun will be: HREDUCE(id, idDates), i.e. the LAMBDA function we created before to generate all the dates columns for a given id. Now we use a LET function to name the selected dates for a given id (idDates).
At the beginning of each row (first column), we are going to have the unique IDs (UNIQUE(IDs)). To find the corresponding dates for each unique ID (id) we use the following:
and name the result idDates.
Finally, we build the output including the header. We pad non existing values with the empty string to avoid having #NA values. This is the default behavior of V/HSTACK functions. We use IFERROR function for that.
IFERROR(VSTACK(HSTACK("ID", "Dates"), output), "")
Note: Both patterns are very useful to avoid Nested Array Error (#CALC!) usually produced by some of the new Excel array functions, such as BYROW, BYCOL, MAP when using TEXTSPLIT for example. This is one of the effective ways to overcome it.

Excel: Applying dynamic array function UNIQUE in excel to a table with rows & columns >1

I have a survey of rents in the table called "Rent Survey Data" which is defined as a name "TBL_RentSurvey".
I use the new dynamic array function "FILTER" to output data that is filtered with various AND/OR criteria according to the fields: W/D, Attchd Garage, SS Appliances, Den, Rehab, and a start/end date. Note that "*" operator refers to AND and "+" operator refers to OR. I have 2 rows for my filter because sometimes I would like to output various combinations of 1 criteria and hence use the "+" operator.
When I apply the UNIQUE function (also a new dynamic array function), I do not get a unique array outputted. You can see that Vizcaya is outputted twice.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I was expecting to have a unique table based on all of those arguments.
You can see below that Vizcaya was outputted twice. I'm not sure why.
I was expecting this output:
Code for the two scenarios:
*((TBL_RentSurvey[Attchd Garage]=D4)+(TBL_RentSurvey[Attchd Garage]=D5))
*((TBL_RentSurvey[SS Appliances]=E4)+(TBL_RentSurvey[SS Appliances]=E5))
*(TBL_RentSurvey[Unit Type]=H4)
*(TBL_RentSurvey[[Date ]]>=L4)
*(TBL_RentSurvey[[Date ]]<=L5))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(TBL_RentSurvey[[Property]:[Unit Type]],
*((TBL_RentSurvey[Attchd Garage]=D4)+(TBL_RentSurvey[Attchd Garage]=D5))
*((TBL_RentSurvey[SS Appliances]=E4)+(TBL_RentSurvey[SS Appliances]=E5))
*(TBL_RentSurvey[Unit Type]=H4)
*(TBL_RentSurvey[[Date ]]>=L4)
*(TBL_RentSurvey[[Date ]]<=L5)))
Thank you!

How to print a number within a string in matlab

I would like to use the command text to type numbers within 57 hexagons. I want to use a loop:
for mm=1:57
where x(m) and y(m) are the coordinates of the text .
The script above types the string "m" and not the value of m. What am I doing wrong?
Jubobs pretty much told you how to do it. Use the num2str function. BTW, small typo in your for loop. You mean to use mm:
for mm=1:57
The reason why I've even decided to post an answer is because you can do this vectorized without a loop, which I'd also like to write an answer for. What you can do place each number into a character array where each row denotes a unique number, and you can use text to print out all numbers simultaneously.
m = sprintfc('%2d', 1:57);
d = reshape([m{:}], 2, 57).';
text(x, y, d);
The (undocumented!) function sprintfc takes a formatting specifier and an array and creates a cell array of strings where each cell is the string version of each element in the array you supply. In order to ensure that the character array has the same number of columns per row, I ensure that each string takes up 2 characters, and so any number less than 10 will have a blank space at the beginning. I then convert the cell array of strings into a character array by converting the cell array into a comma-separated list of strings and I reshape the matrix into an acceptable form, and then I call text with all of the pairs of x and y, with the corresponding labels in m together on the screen.
