How to print a number within a string in matlab - string

I would like to use the command text to type numbers within 57 hexagons. I want to use a loop:
for mm=1:57
where x(m) and y(m) are the coordinates of the text .
The script above types the string "m" and not the value of m. What am I doing wrong?

Jubobs pretty much told you how to do it. Use the num2str function. BTW, small typo in your for loop. You mean to use mm:
for mm=1:57
The reason why I've even decided to post an answer is because you can do this vectorized without a loop, which I'd also like to write an answer for. What you can do place each number into a character array where each row denotes a unique number, and you can use text to print out all numbers simultaneously.
m = sprintfc('%2d', 1:57);
d = reshape([m{:}], 2, 57).';
text(x, y, d);
The (undocumented!) function sprintfc takes a formatting specifier and an array and creates a cell array of strings where each cell is the string version of each element in the array you supply. In order to ensure that the character array has the same number of columns per row, I ensure that each string takes up 2 characters, and so any number less than 10 will have a blank space at the beginning. I then convert the cell array of strings into a character array by converting the cell array into a comma-separated list of strings and I reshape the matrix into an acceptable form, and then I call text with all of the pairs of x and y, with the corresponding labels in m together on the screen.


Format in Python

I have a list of values as follows:
no column
1. 111-222-11
2. 112-333-12
3. 113-444-13
I want to format the value from 111-222-11 to 111-222-011 and format the other values similarly. Here is my code snippet in Python 3, which I am trying to use for that:
I hope that you can help.
Assuming that column is a variable that can be assigned string values 111-222-11, 112-333-12, 113-444-13 and so on, which you want to change to 111-222-011, 112-333-012, 113-444-013 and so on, it appears that you tried to use a combination of slice notation and format method to achieve this.
Slice notation
Slice notation, when applied to a string, treats it as a list-like object consisting of characters. The positional index of a character from the beginning of the string starts from zero. The positional index of a character from the end of the string starts with -1. The first colon : separates the beginning and the end of a slice. The end of the slice is not included into it, unlike its beginning. You indicate slices as you would indicate indexes of items in a list by using square brackets:
would return
Usually, the indexes of the first and the last characters of the string are skipped and implied by the colon.
Knowing the exact position where you need to add a leading zero before the last two digits of a string assigned to column, you could do it just with slice notation:
column[:8] + '0' + column[-2:]
format method
The format method is a string formatting method. So, you want to use single quotes or double quotes around your strings to indicate them when applying that method to them:
'your output string here'.format('your input string here')
The numbers in the curly brackets are not slices. They are placeholders, where the strings, which are passed to the format method, are inserted. So, combining slices and format method, you could add a leading zero before the last two digits of a column string like this:
'{0}0{1}'.format(column[:8], column[-2:])
Making more slices is not necessary because there is only one place where you want to insert a character.
split method
An alternative to slicing would be using split method to split the string by a delimiter. The split method returns a list of strings. You need to prefix it with * operator to unpack the arguments from the list before passing them to the format method. Otherwise, the whole list will be passed to the first placeholder.
It splits the string into a list treating - as the separator and puts each item into a new string, which adds 0 character before the last one.

append cell row to matrix

I'm reading an excelfile in matlab with
In the excelfile are different datamatrices in different sheets in the following form
Date Firm1 Firm2 Firm3 ...
1.1.16 12 12 12
... ... ... ...
Currently I'm handling the pure data with the NUM object and the header row with the TXT object. My first issue is how to combine the header row with the data rows. Looping does not work, since I predefine the data matrix with
daten=zeros([length(sDatesequence) size(RAW,2)]);
because I want to be able to add more data from different sources to that object. Predefining with zeros, however, leads Matlab to expect doubles and not characters. Converting the cell array TXT with cell2mat delivers unsatisfying results:
hence only a long string vector.
Question: Is there another way to combine character vectors and double matrices?
You can combine them in a cell array.
c{1,1} = 'Firm1';
c{1,2} = datavector;
c{2,1} = 'Firm2';
c{2,2} = datavector;
But as far as I know it is not possible to add text headers to a numerical matrix, unless you do something with typcasting. But I would not recommend that.
d(1:8)='Firm1 '; %must have exactly eight characters (a double has a length of 8 bytes)
y = typecast(uint8(d),'double') %now you have a number that would fit in a matrix of doubles
x=char(typecast(y,'uint8')) %now it's converted back to text

I want to extract only last two numeric values from a string variable in SAS

I want to extract only last two numeric values from a string variable and assign it to a new variable. Firstly i have extracted all the numeric values from the string using the code below and assigned it to a new variable but i ultimately want to extract only the last two numeric values so is there any better way to do this.
UI_DUM = input(compress(Prod_Desc,,"kd"),best.);
And one more question is: how to assign a temp variable for doing some manupulation work in SAS?
Here is the code.
You are doing it right, to remove the characters and keeping only digits. The same is being done for variable "temp1"(in the below code).
In the second step, using the length function, to calculate the total length of the string which now contains only digits. In the third step using the substr function to extract the last two digits.
If you want to do it in one statement, "final" variable is the answer.
LENGTH Function - Returns the length of a non-blank character string, excluding
trailing blanks, and returns 1 for a blank character string
compress function with "kd" option - would keep only digits.
COMPRESS(<, chars><, modifiers>)
Modifier - specifies a character constant, variable, or expression in which each non-blank character modifies the action of the COMPRESS function. Blanks are ignored. The following characters can be used as modifiers.
d or D adds digits to the list of characters.
k or K keeps the characters in the list instead of removing them
substr function - Extracts a substring from an argument -
SUBSTR(string, position<,length>)
data _null_;
temp1=compress(Test_string, , 'kd');
final=substr(compress(Test_string, , 'kd'),length(compress(temp1))-1,2);
put _all_;
Regarding the temp variable, there is no such one in SAS. Just use any variable name and use the drop statement in final dataset like below;
data test(drop = temp); /*Would work as the temp variable*/
temp= 2*balance;/*just for example*/
/*use the temp in further calculations*/
A somewhat different take:
data want;
set have;
UI_DUM = input(compress(Prod_Desc,,"kd"),best.);
UI_DUM_last2 = mod(UI_DUM,100);
You could do that all in one line of course as well. This uses the numeric modulo function to simply give you the last 2 digits (any number modulo 100 will return the final 2 digits).

Counting the occurence of substrings in matlab

I have a cell, something like this P= {Face1 Face6 Scene6 Both9 Face9 Scene11 Both12 Face15}. I would like to count how many Face values, Scene values, Both values in P. I don't care about the numeric values after the string (i.e., Face1 and Face23 would be counted as two). I've tried the following (for the Face) but I got the error "If any of the input arguments are cell arrays, the first must be a cell array of strings and the second must be a character array".
Does anyone have any suggestion? Thank you!
Use regexp to find strings that start (^) with the desired text (such as 'Face'). The result will be a cell array, where each cell contains 1 if there is a match, or [] otherwise. So determine if each cell is nonempty (~cellfun('isempty', ...): will give a logical 1 for nonempty cells, and 0 for empty cells), and sum the results (sum):
>> P = {'Face1' 'Face6' 'Scene6' 'Both9' 'Face9' 'Scene11' 'Both12' 'Face15'};
>> sum(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(P, '^Face')))
ans =
>> sum(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(P, '^Scene')))
ans =
Your example should work with some small tweaks, provided all of P contains strings, but may give the error you get if there are any non-string values in the cell array.
P= {'Face1' 'Face6' 'Scene6' 'Both9' 'Face9' 'Scene11' 'Both12' 'Face15'};
n = strfind(P,strToSearch);
(returns 4)

Finding but not removing duplicates in Matlab

I have a big array in Matlab like this:
A =
{1x5 cell}
{1x7 cell}
{1x27 cell}
{1x11 cell}
where the cells look like this:
ans =
'apple' 'banana' 'kiwi' 'orange'
I want to find where in A find cells containing double information, like:
ans =
'turtle' 'kiwi' 'fox' 'badger'
I.e. here I want to see if C(1) and C(27) has a duplicate word 'kiwi'.
So I can manually look at them and decide where I should remove the duplicate where I see fit.
Sorry I'm not going to provide a coded solution, more the process I'd use so that you can start coding, if you then have any specific problems fell free to post an question
I would use nchoosek to generate an array of all the permutations of the cell array C so
nCells = length(C);
nPerms = nchoosek(1:nCells,2);
You can then loop over all the permutations using intersect to see if there are common strings.
result(i) = intersect(C{nPerms(i,1)},C{nPerms(i,2)});
This will give you an array listing all common strings and with the nPerms array you'll have the two rows with the common string. However if you try to run this it will fail as intersect likes to have the same number of element in each cell array.
So I'd create a temporary cell array padded out with blank cells so that each element in C is the same length, prior to the loop.
This will calculate the longest cell in the array C by calculating the number of elements (#numel) in each cell, followed by calculating the maximum.
cSize = cellfun(#numel,C);
maxSize = max(cSize);
We can then define a function to pad out blank cells
fcn = #(x) [x cell(1,maxSize - numel(x))];
paddedC = cellfun(fcn,C,'UniformOutput',false);
This should give you a cell array with same number of elements in each cell. You can then use this cell array in your loop testing each permutation.
No doubt someone will turn up with a one line cellfun solution but I hope that this is enough to get you started.
