Can't call external API from Swagger UI inside Gitlab. Error with Content Security Policy - gitlab

I’m trying to use an OpenAPI file into GitLab (which runs the UI for my file) but when I use the feature Try Out/Execute from Swagger UI (which sends a request to an external API) I get an error with Content Security Privacy.
My OpenAPI works on Swagger Editor online, and in Gitlab don’t. I think that I need to set this external URL but I have no idea where to do it. Maybe something in my OpenAPI code? Or a setting in GitLab?
The error:

Just change a file name to:


Is it possible to update parts/directives in the "content-security-policy" header using DeclarativeNetRequest API?

I am in the process of migrating from Manifest V2 to V3, from Web Request API to Declarative Net Request API. Using Web Request, I modify the "content-security-policy" header by adding a domain into the list of various directives (default-src, frame-src, etc). I tried using the "append" operation in the rule action. Is it possible to target a directive? What if the directive does not exist? Does append just add the supplied string to the end? With Web Request, I was able to examine each directive and update each accordingly, before returning the new value. This allowed me to inject a script that is needed into each frame.
Instead, would it be possible to continue to use the Web Request API with V3? In my setup, I have my chrome extension "Published - unlisted". I do use the force install option when deploying the extension to our internal users, and the only reason I have it unlisted and not private is so that the users who have the extension can get updated whenever a new version is released. Would it be possible to have users updated without having the extension listed? Perhaps by hosting the extension in my own server? Please advise on what can be done to have the ability to update the response header, specifically the "content-security-policy" header the way I have done before, and whether I can continue to use Web Request API going forward (using V3). In the Chrome dev website, there's a mention about continuing to use Web Request if force install is used, and only if its "deployed to a given domain or to trusted testers", but I'm not sure what that actually means. What would I need to do to meet the criteria?
I tried using the append operation in the rule action via the Declarative Net Request API, but its not working as expected. I dont see the security policy being updated when I inspect the response header in dev tools. I also get errors stating that many scripts, images, etc violate the security policy for websites that did not have one to begin with (My extension targets any website).

jhipster, api-first approach, the generated api now shown in swagger-ui [duplicate]

Using jhipster 5.7.2
I created an api-gateway, and two micro-services.
In the first one, I created an entity and it works perfectly behind the gateway. The gateway displays the api endpoints for the generated entity.
I generated the second micro-service but this time I had already an api defined in a yml file so I chose 'API-first'.
My api was defined using open-api 3.
I successfully generated the code for my api, using the instructions there, and tested calling direcly my micro-service endpoint using curl : it worked as expected at this point.
The problem : when I put that micro-service behind the gateway, the gateway does not see the api. When I go to the api menu, my micro-service shows in the dropdown but when I select it, it shows no endpoints.
One weird thing I found while searching is that when I call the following url on my micro-service directly : http://localhost:8082/v2/api-docs (as pointed in the 'welcome page' of the micro-service), I get :
{"swagger":"2.0","info":{"description":"my micro-service API documentation","version":"0.0.1","title":"api-first micro-service API","contact":{},"license":{}},"host":"localhost:8082","basePath":"/"}
It says 'swagger 2.0' when my yml file declared openapi 3.0.1.
I searched and found this issue, which says :
Swagger UI very old version (2.2.10) is used which does not provide
the support for Open API
I though openapi was the problem, so I rewrote the yml file to swagger 2.0 and finally I have the same exact problem : micro-service API works but seems not visible to the gateway.
I'm starting to wonder if it's a problem on my side only.
By default, JHipster configures Swagger to only list API endpoints beginning with api. This is configured in application.yml, change default-include-pattern to include other paths. For example, to include endpoints beginning with either /api/ or /expires/, you can use the following:
default-include-pattern: /(api|expires)/.*

Gatsby+netlif+contentful bridge

I am trying to configure contentful webhook for auto deploy in netlify.
I am geting 404 during content changes.
Disclaimer: I work for Netlify.
This setup works well for many customers. I assume you have setup a separate build hook in the Build & Deploy settings page and are using it? You cannot use our automatic webhooks that trigger builds from GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket to trigger builds from other external systems like Contentful.
There is no authentication required and a 404 suggests to me a mistyped webhook address as we'll only return 404's when you try to visit something that doesn't exist.
Do make sure that:
your site is setup to build using our continuous deployment system. You can't trigger a site that we can't fetch via git, and only sites fetched via git can be built via our CD.
you use https
you POST (I assume this is the default for Contentful's outgoing hooks but if you can choose - POST is what you want)
your webhook host is
and in general you use the exact hook address you get from our UI.
If that doesn't show an obvious typo, this is probably something you'll need to contact our Tech Support about, including information like your webhook address and the site you are attempting to trigger a build from.

swagger-node only to serve API Docs

Is there a way to install and start only "reduced" Swagger-node configuration, being able only to serve API specs?
I am not using swagger-node web server, as I have my own.
I would just use swagger-node to visualize nicely the APIs.
I installed the swagger-ui as explained here:
Unfortunatelly, I cannot change the URL to point to my own file. If I follow the instructions, copy ma YAML in "dist" folder and change the URL to "my.yml" and open index.html in the browser, it tries to fetch "...index.html/my.yml".
How to fix this?
You can start your swagger lerning from :
You can create documentation, API authentication, models etc.
It will create a JSON and you can test your json for UI and functionality over here.
You can download this template and can upload on your domain. its an HTML template so can easily upload on any hosting.

Azure API Management Import API always says: API with specified name already exists

I am trying to import an API I have into Azure API Management using swagger, should be fairly simple but I always get the same error:
One or more fields contain incorrect values: API with specified name
already exists
I do not have ANYTHING setup in Azure API management yet, very frustrating.
I am using Swashbuckle ( to add Swagger to my WebAPI project.
It is generating Swagger 2.0 docs.
Here is the info element of the Swagger Doc:
swagger: "2.0",
info: {
version: "v3",
title: "ShopZioAPIv3"
It does not matter what I change that to, I still always get:
One or more fields contain incorrect values: API with specified name
already exists
I my case the title {"info":{"title": "API-NAME",... in the Swagger file did not match the name of the selected API (because we had created several test APIs).
Simply changing the string value fixed it.
That error message appears when you don't specify a unique API prefix.
I realize that you said that you don't have anything already already setup in the API however, if you could try putting some unique value in this field:
An API Management service instance is designed to host multiple APIs, so the prefix is used to differentiate between the APIs by using the first part of the path.
The subdomain part of the URL is used to identify the service. e.g.
Based on the provided Swagger, the problem comes from multiple operation objects with the same OperationId. This is invalid swagger.
Usually Swashbuckle will fail before generating operations with duplicate Ids. There is a ResolveConflictingActions method that allow you to put your own code to deal with these cases. It seems like in this case the resolution code is not doing the right thing.
The Azure API Management error, "API with specified name already exists," can be misleading, and in this case, it is inaccurate.
As discussed in Darrel Miller's answer, invalid Swagger can cause this issue. Although multiple operation objects with the same OperationId is invalid in Swagger 2.0, I think the core issue you are having is that Azure API Management does not yet support Swagger 2.0 (as of Dec 1, 2015).
Swashbuckle 5+ generates only Swagger 2.0 so some,if not all, definitions generated with it will fail with this error -- even well-formed Swagger definitions validated by, which also seems to only support Swagger 2.0.
Swashbuckle 4.2 supports generating Swagger 1.2 definitions.
Also, I was able to take my Swagger 2.0 definition (generated by Swashbuckle 5), and convert it to Swagger 1.2 using Restlet Studio.
