NPM Install blocked - Import Dependencies through Local file system - node.js

Hi We are using jenkins and have a step in pipeline where we download dependencies such as mocha, cucumber etc. using
npm install
The client jenkins is not having internet access nor they have any dependency management server such as artefactory.
Is it possible to bundle the required dependencies from node_modules in zip or tar form and the same can be imported by them in global scope. So there is no need to run npm install for each job and they are available as global packages.
Is it that each project such as cucumber etc. needs to be downloaded separately and imported as file path.
Please share your thoughts as I am not able to find much information on what appeared to be a common problem initially with Organizations generally not allowing outbound internet on their servers.
thanks !!

Have a look at npm-pack-all that packs all of the node_modules as part of the artifact.


how to use npm to install all node modules in local network?

My node app will deploy in a bank that can't access the internet. Can I download all the node modules in a local directory, and install them from it, or just copy the node_modules to the bank machines? Any safe and practical advise will be highly appreciated, thank you.
How to add node_modules dependencies without using internet .
Add offline-npm to your project to serve a npm compatible tgz file wich contains all dependencies for offline installation with npm install.
Additionally you can use offline-npm -n to install packages from your local npm cache directory
For installation
npm install -g offline-npm
1) Open terminal and go to your project you want to prepare for offline use. This folder needs to contain a package.json file.
2) Prepare your project for offline use
offline-npm --add
3) This changes the package.json file and adds a offline folder which will contain all your dependencies.
Pack your project
npm pack
For more details , visit the Link
Hope this answer gets useful to you .
Typically you will want to bundle your node_modules into your deployable artifact.
There are some gotchas here around any native dependencies as you need to match the nodejs version of the build environment with the target system.
The easiest way to achieve this in my experience is by using docker to build and package your deployment. Though it is possible to do when running directly on host machines, you may find it safest to just avoid the usage of native dependencies to remove any risk of things breaking from a nodejs or os update.
I've also successfully achieved this packaging the nodejs binary into my deployment artifact that was deployed directly on centos hosts, however we had a mixture of centos 6 and centos 7 hosts at the time, which brought additional complexity related to different glibc versions causing nodejs to fail to start with the system provided library.
In short if you can I would use docker to package your application into a completely self contained image.
you can just copy the node_modules into the deployment machine but it is bad practice.
there are other solutions like using local-npm package... your npm installs are fetched from the registry and then modules and their dependencies get stored in a local PouchDB database. This caches them so subsequent npm installs use the local cache rather than calling to the network. local-npm also takes care of keeping modules updated when they change. It does this by listening for changes to the remote registry so you don't have to worry about staleness.
or bundling your packages to use them offline you could visit this link for more details for offline installation of npm packages:
How to install node modules in local network?
1. Solution: yarn offline and 'Offline Mirro'
One of the main advantages of Yarn is that it can install node_modules from files located in file system. We call it “Offline Mirror” because it mirrors the files downloaded from registry during the first build and stores them locally for future builds.
2. New problem: How to use yarn in local network?
Download yarn.tar.gz into the local repository, and install it in local node_modules directory.
npm install yarn.tar.gz --no-save
3. Usage
# run yarn install, and download the node modules (.tar.gz) into the offline mirror directory '$REPOSITORY/yarn/yarn-offline-mirror'.
npm run online-install
# with yarn.lock file, install node_modules from offline mirror directory '$REPOSITORY/yarn/yarn-offline-mirror'
npm run offline-install
4. Problems
4.1. problem 1
4.1.1. description
error can`t make a request in offline mode("http://....")
4.1.2. reason
the indirect dependencies could not be downloaded into offline mirror directory
4.1.3. resolution
yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror-pruning false
5. Github demo
6. Reference
1. Running Yarn offline

How to install just node modules without internet

There is a way to install npm package to a machine which doesn't have internet acccess is, using npm pack in machine with internet acces, copying it to machine without internet and running npm install <tar> in it. But npm pack, packs whole project.
But I want to manage and install the modules myself, without the opportunity for the developers to add/remove any modules. So I just want node_modules to be packaged. And then want to install it to machine without internet.
For example when developer push his/her commits to origin, I want to get node_modules from ftp etc. and codes from GitLab then go on continuous integration with this static node_modules.
How can I do that?
There is a solution to manage the modules yourself: you can store your node_modules in its own repo in which your developers will only be able to clone/get the repo and not contribute/modify it.
Hope this helped you
This can be done, please look at Installing a local module using npm? . You can FTP or whatever to get the packages and install them using npm.

Node.js project deployment without internet

What is the best way to deploy Node.js project to the machine without access to the internet? For example in a private network? Is there any option to make one package containing all of dependencies for the project?
in order to deploy a project, you don't need to download anything from the internet- you need it only for running npm install when building the project. if all dependencies are already there, you can just run it.
if you need it also for building the project, you can create a local npm repository and put in there all relevant dependencies

Upload npm dependencies to a server

I need some help with the following situation:
At the moment I am working with Maven and Spring in order to do a web application. My team was working downloading the dependencies for different frameworks, but now I want to use npm to make the dependencies managment easier.
When I run npm install it downloads the dependencies locally, but the idea is not to upload the node_modules folder to git or the web, is to have the package.json file and download them manually in each computer.
I know that the app is compressed in a war file (I don't know when and how, when I started working here that was working like that), and when is compressed it downloads the maven dependencies (or that is what I understood). I want to make the same with the npm dependencies, the idea is to configure somewhere that it has to run npm install before compressing the whole application.
Does anyone know how to do that? I hope that you could get the idea.
Thank you!
Assuming that for war packaging Maven war plugin is used - you cannot invoke npm command from it.
Note: When using the war: goals it is assumed that the compile phase is already done. The WAR Plugin is not responsible for compiling the java sources or copying the resources.
As workaround for endpoint you can install required modules by npm install -g if your server have the access to npm repo. Otherwise you need to copy node-modules manually.
Don't forget about the permissions.

Build and deploy framework for NodeJS

I've been looking around for a Java maven equivalency for NodeJS but can't really seem to find one so I'm posting this question to see whether there're a combination of tools/framework I can use to build and deploy Node. The specific tasks I'm looking for is:
Being able to grab dependent modules for a checked out code NodeJS project (for ex. Express or stuff like that)
Set up a private repository for NodeJS modules for in-house projects
Package with dependencies and make releases of Node projects to a repository (sorta like war)
Deploy a release to a remote box and fire up Node
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Npm does most of that for you.
Dependency handling:
Create a package.json for your project (see required contents or use npm init)
Commit it along your project files, this will be your dependency tracking
npm install will sort out and download all dependencies
Upload/push your files to the server
Either send the node_modules folder along or run npm install on the server
To use your private libraries you'll need to either upload the modules folder or publish them (see below)
Private/local libraries:
Create the library anywhere you want (e.g. ~/Projects/mylib)
go to the mylib folder and run npm link
go to the project's folder and run npm install mylib
Now your local library is symlinked into your project's node_modules
To set up a private repository for your modules, follow these instructions
