Natural language processing for hinglish tweets - nlp

I have used textblob to assign polarity score to english tweets.Can textblob be used to assign polarity score to Hinglish tweets?
If yes how?

TextBlob is not that good a solution. You can first try to convert the Hinglish tweets into English using this notebook here on GitHub.
And then do some BERT based Sentiment analysis as shown in these webpages:
survival8 Sep-2020
survival8 Sep-2022
Also, checkout this link that compares three Sentiment Analyzers:
BERT Based Project.
survival8: Sentiment Analysis Testing on Some Difficult Sentences


How to get the pov/neg percentage from nltk classifier?

I have a normal classifier which I made from the nltk twittes, more on that in this article:
I want to get the positive/negative percentage of a sentence. How do I do that?
You can use TextBlob library for sentiment polarity. If you'd like, you'll investigate these sites:

Named entity recognition with NLTK or Stanford NER using custom corpus

I am trying to train a NER model in Indian with custom NE (named entity) dictionary for chunking. I refer to NLTK and Stanford NER repectively:
I found the nltk.chunk.named_entity.NEChunkParser nechunkparser able to train on a custom corpus. However, the format of training corpus was not specified in the documentation or the comment of the source code.
Where could I find some guide to the custom corpus for NER in NLTK?
Stanford NER
According to the question, the FAQ of Stanford NER gives direction of how to train a custom NER model.
One of the major concern is that default Stanford NER does not support Indian. So is it viable to feed an Indian NER corpus to the model?
Your Training corpus needs to be in a .tsv file extension.
The file should some what look like this:
John PER
works O
at O
Intel ORG
This is just for representation of the data as i do not know which Indian language you are targeting. But Your data must always be Tab Separated values. First will be the token and the other value its associated label.
I have tried NER by building my custom data (in English though) and have built a model.
So I guess its pretty much possible for Indian languages also.

Stanford NLP core Sentiment Analysis using Naive Bayes and SVM classifierJava

Hi I am new to Sentiment Analysis and I am currently using StanfordNLP core api. I am able to get sentiments from sentences, positive, neutral and negative.
Is there any examples I could follow in using the different classifier algorithms provided by the api, such as Naive Bayes and SVM to get the different sentiment score for comparisons. Thank you.
There are currently no other algorithms supported for sentiment analysis. You can, however, train your own without too much difficulty: bigram features with a simple classifier work quite well for sentiment tasks.

Is there a way to use french in Stanford CoreNLP sentiment analysis?

I am aware that only the English model is available for sentiment analysis but I found edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/frenchFactored.ser.gz in stanford-parser-3.5.2-models.jar. I'm actually looking at Is it possible to use this model instead of englishPCFG.sez.gz with CoreNLP and if so, how ?
CoreNLP does not include sentiment models for languages other than English. While we do ship French parser models, there is no available French sentiment model to use with the parser.
You may be able to find French sentiment analysis training data. There is plenty of information available about how to do this if you're interested; see e.g. this SO post.

What are some good tools/practises for aspect level sentiment analysis?

I am planning to get some review data from tripadvisor and I want to be able to extract hotel related aspects and assign polarity to them and classify them as negative or positive.
What tools can I use for this purpose and how and where do I start? I know there are some tools like GATE, Stanford NLP, Open NLP etc, but would I be able to perform the above specific tasks? If so, please let me know an approach to go forward. I am planning to use Java as the choice of programming language and would like to use some APIs
Also, should I go ahead with a rule based approach or a ML approach that uses a trained corpus of reviews, so some other approach completely?
P.S : I am new to NLP and I need some help to go forward.
Stanford CoreNLP has lot of features in one package
POS Tagger
NER Model
Sentiment Analysis
But in Apache OpenNLP package consist
Sentence Detector
POS tagger
But they don't have built in feature to find out Sentiment polarity So you have to pass your tags to other libraries such like SentiwordNet to find out the polarity.
I used used OpenNLP and Stanford Core NLP. But for both you need to modify sentiment corpus with respect to restaurant domain.
You can try ConceptNet ( See for instance here (at the bottom of the page): how to "see 20 things in English with the most positive affect:"
