Name or Service not known - intermittent error in Azure - azure

I have a TimerTrigger which calls my own Azure Functions at a relatively high rate - a few times per second. It is not being stress tested. Every call takes just a 100ms and the purpose of the test is not a stress test.
This call to my own endpoint works about 9999 times out of 10000 but just once in a while I get the following error:
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Name or service not known (
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0xFFFDFFFF): Name or service not known
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
I replaced my actual domain with "" in the error message above. It is a custom domain set up to point to the Azure Function App using CNAME.
The Function App does not detect any downtime in the Azure Portal and I have Application Insights enabled and do not see any errors. So I assume the issue is somehow on the callers side and the call never actually happens.
What does this error indicate? And how can I alleviate the problem?

For your second question - alleviating the problem, one option would certainly be to build in retry using a library like Polly. High level you create a policy, e.g. for a simple retry:
var myPolicy = Policy
This would retry 3 times, to use the policy you can call a sync or async version of Execute:
await myPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
//do stuff that might fail up to three times
More complete samples are available
This library has lots of support for other approaches, e.g. with delays, exponential delays, etc.


Azure Function Timer Trigger & API management - Manual execution returns 404

I have a function app with:
a few functions triggered by a Timer Trigger
and some triggered by the HTTP Trigger.
I have also an Azure API Management service set up for the function app, where the HTTP Triggered functions have their endpoints defined.
I am trying to trigger one of my timer triggered functions manually as per the guide here
I am however getting a 404 result in Postman, despite the seemingly correct URL and x-functions-key.
The function:
The key:
The request:
I also noticed that:
if I don't include the x-functions-key header, then I get 401 Unauthorized result
and if I include an incorrect key, then I get 403 Forbidden.
Could it be related to the API management service being set up for the function app?
How can I troubleshoot this further?
I have managed to solve it.
It turns out that Azure Functions timer trigger requires six parts cron expression (I was only aware of the five part style)
Without that, it does not work - sadly this is not easily noticeable in the UI.
I have realized that by investigating Application Insights logs:
The function page shows that everything is fine:
Changing the CRON format has fixed the 404 issue and I started getting 202 Accepted response.
As a bonus note, I have to add:
Even though the response was 202 Accepted, the triggering didn't work correctly, because my function return type was Task<IActionResult> which is not accepted for timer triggered functions.
Again, only ApplicationInsights showed that anything is wrong:
The 'MonkeyUserRandom' function is in error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'MonkeyUserRandom'. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Cannot bind parameter '$return' to type IActionResult&. Make sure the parameter Type is supported by the binding. If you're using binding extensions (e.g. Azure Storage, ServiceBus, Timers, etc.) make sure you've called the registration method for the extension(s) in your startup code (e.g. builder.AddAzureStorage(), builder.AddServiceBus(), builder.AddTimers(), etc.).
That's a bonus tip for a 'manual triggering of non-http function does not work'.
I test it in my side, it works fine. Please refer to the below screenshot:
Please check if you request but not Note it's "TimerTrigger1".
I requst with ..../TimerTrigger at first test because the document shows us QueueTrigger, and it response 404.

Azure Function Failing on portal with Exception: System.TimeoutException

I am new to Azure development and developed a function app
I published my function app to Azure portal. It is working fine on my development machine but on portal it's throwing following exception (some times)
The operation 'ScanLogs' with id '2eggec6de-54f5-4t34-5423-afffce5c6a43' did not complete in '00:02:00'.
I couldn't find solution to this error. Can somebody help me to understand what this error is about and why we get this?
following is timeout specified in host.json in prod.
Depending on the version of function you are running check here for the exact syntax in host.json -
The default timeout for a function on the consumption plan is 2 minutes, if you need it to run longer then change/add the functiontimeout value, i.e.
"functionTimeout": "00:05:00",
in host.json.
NB: On a Consumption plan this can't be more than 10 minutes so if you need it to run longer either find a way to break up your function into smaller chunks and maybe use a Durable function fan=out fan-in pattern or change it to run on a dedicated App Service Plan where it can run for as long as you like but obviously you'll have to pay to have the server running 24/7

How to set Infinite Timeout for Azure Function app v2.0

I have a very long running process which is hosted using Azure Function App (though it's not recommended for long running processes) targeting v2.0. Earlier it was targeting v1.0 runtime so I didn't face any function timeout issue.
But now after updating the runtime to target v2.0, I am not able to find any way to set the function timeout to Infinite as it was in case of v1.0.
Can someone please help me out on this ?
From your comments it looks like breaking up into smaller functions or using something other than functions isn't an option for you currently. In such case, AFAIK you can still do it with v2.0 as long as you're ready to use "App Service Plan".
The max limit of 10 minutes only applies to "Consumption Plan".
In fact, documentation explicitly suggests that if you have functions that run continuously or near continuously then App Service Plan can be more cost-effective as well.
You can use the "Always On" setting. Read about it on Microsoft Docs here.
Azure Functions scale and hosting
Also, documentation clearly states that default value for timeout with App Service plan is 30 minutes, but it can be set to unlimited manually.
Changes in features and functionality
From our discussion in comments, as null value isn't working for you like it did in version 1.x, please try taking out the "functionTimeout" setting completely.
I came across 2 different SO posts mentioning something similar and the Microsoft documentation text also says there is no real limit. Here are the links to SO posts I came across:
SO Post 1
SO Post 2
One way of doing it is to implement Eternal orchestrations from Durable Functions. It allows you to implement an infinite loop with dynamic intervals. Of course, you need to slightly modify your code by adding support for the stop/start function at any time (you must pass the state between calls).
public static async Task Run(
[OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext context)
var initialState = context.GetInput<object>();
var state = await context.CallActivityAsync("Run_Long_Running_Process", initialState);
if (state == ???) // stop execution when long running process is completed
You cannot set an Azure Function App timeout to infinite. I believe the longest any azure function app will consistently run is 10 minuets. As you stated Azure functions are not meant for long running processes. You may need find a new solution for your app, especially if you will need to scale up the app at all in the future.

Azure function goes idle when running in Consumption Plan with ServiceBus Queue trigger

I have also asked this question in the MSDN Azure forums, but have not received any guidance as to why my function goes idle.
I have an Azure function running on a Consumption plan that goes idle (i.e. does not respond to new messages on the ServiceBus trigger queue) despite following the instructions outlined in this GitHub issue:
The configuration for the function is the following json:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyConnectionString": ",1433;Database=myDB;User ID=user#project;Password=password;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;"
"Values": {
"serviceBusConnection": "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=SharedAccessKeyName;SharedAccessKey=KEY_HERE",
And the function signature is:
public static void ProcessQueue([ServiceBusTrigger("queueName", AccessRights.Listen, Connection = "serviceBusConnection")] ...)
Based on the discussion in the GitHub issue, I believed that having either a serviceBusConnection entry OR an AzureWebJobServiceBus entry should be enough to ensure that the central listener triggers the function when a new message is added to the ServiceBusQueue, but that is proving to not be the case.
Can anyone clarify the difference between how those two settings are used, or notice anything else with the settings I provided that might be causing the function to not properly be triggered after a period of inactivity?
I suggest there are several possible causes for this behavior. I have several Azure subs and only one of them had issues with Storage/Service Bus-based triggers only popping up when app is not idle. So far I have observed that actions listed below will prevent triggers from working correctly:
Creating any Storage-based trigger, deleting (for any reason) the triggering object and re-creating it.
Corrupting azure function input parameters by deleting/altering associated objects without recompiling a function
Restarting functions app when one of the functions fails to compile/bind to trigger OR input parameter and hangs may cause same problems.
It has also been observed that using legacy Connection Strings setting for trigger binding will not work.
Clean deploy of an affected function app will most likely solve the problem if it was caused by any of the actions described above.
It looks like this is also caused by setting Authorization/Authentication on the functions app, but I have not yet figured out if it happens in general or when Auth has specific configuration. Tested on affected Azure sub by disabling auth at all - function going idle after 30-40 mins, queue trigger still initiates an execution, though with a delay as expected. I have found an old bug related to this, but it says issue resolved.

Azure Function on Always-On App Service Plan Times Out with No functionTimeout Set

Like the title describes - I have an Azure Function on the App Service Plan, configured for Always On and no functionTimeout set in my host.json, and it appears to timeout / not finish anytime after 30 minutes to 1 hour.(...but I feel this may be a false positive...)
The HTTP Triggered function can sometimes take over 1-2 hours to complete. I understand that this probably isn't the best design and according to the Azure Function Best Practices I should break this out into smaller / more manageable pieces - I get that. However, I expect the Function on the App Service plan to work as advertised - no hard limit on execution time. Perhaps this is the same question as Unexpected azure-function timeouts on app-service-plan, but that has no answer and I am using an HTTP Trigger instead.
Currently, the HTTP Triggered method does not return until the work is complete. (Is this a problem - the HTTP trigger needs to return quicker?)
According to the Kudu Function Invocation Logs, this case reports "Never Finished", and when I click on the Toggle Output button to view the logs, they never come in.
When I viewed this function's run in the Logs section of that trigger, it seems like the function just stopped, and the log stream just reports no new trace:
2017-07-26T16:36:43.116 [INFO] [Class1] Update operation started processing 790 sales records ...
2017-07-26T16:36:43.116 [DBUG] [Class2] Matching and updating ids from the map...
2017-07-26T16:38:07 No new trace in the past 1 min(s).
2017-07-26T16:39:07 No new trace in the past 2 min(s).
2017-07-26T16:40:07 No new trace in the past 3 min(s).
2017-07-26T16:41:07 No new trace in the past 4 min(s).
So not sure why this function just seemed to stop - or perhaps it stopped collecting log statements (there are many), and for some reason, the function never completed.
Any ideas?
Approx time: 2017-07-26T16:00:00 UTC
InvocationID: d856c107-f1ee-455a-892b-ed970dcad128 (I think?)
If it is indeed being timed out, is there any way for us to know, (Exception? App Insights? etc.)
Based on my test, I found azure function will not stop your function if you don't set the timeout.
Here is my test, I create a ManualTrigger function which will log the message every 10 minutes.
The codes like below:
public static void Run(string input, TraceWriter log)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
log.Info( "Worked " + i*10 + " minutes ");
The log details:
In the log, you could find my function executed 70 minutes.It still works well.
The no trace means there are no new requests send to the azure function.
Currently, the HTTP Triggered method does not return until the work is complete. (Is this a problem - the HTTP trigger needs to return quicker?)
As Jesse Carter says, you couldn't execute long time function when you used HTTP Triggered method.
Since your client-side(send request) will have a timeout value. It will wait for the function's response.
Normally, if we want to execute long time function, I suggest you could use http trigger to get the request. In the http trigger function you could add a queue message to the azure storage queue.
Then you could write a queue trigger function which will execute the long time work.
If your HTTP method takes more than a minute, you should be offloading it to a Queue. Period. (I know the other answers have said this, but it's worth repeating).
Http connections are a limited resource.
While Azure Functions as an execution engine can handle long running
operations (as demonstrated by queue / service bus support), the
http pipeline may cut off / timeout long running requests.
Queue triggers can easily run for 30+ minutes. If your job is longer than that, you really should split it into multiple queue messages.
Also check out Durable Function support:
Regardless of the function app timeout setting, 230 seconds is the maximum amount of time that an HTTP triggered function can take to respond to a request. This is because of the default idle timeout of Azure Load Balancer. For longer processing times, consider using the Durable Functions async pattern or defer the actual work and return an immediate response.
Function app timeout duration: Check Notes
