Microsoft Graph create share link for specific people - sharepoint

I would like to share document by link in sharepoint from microsoft graph code. Default behaviour is that every person who has link can see this file. I want to make this link working just for specific people.
So my code look like this:
Permission permission = await _graphClient.Sites[_options.SiteId]
.CreateLink("view", "organization")
This create share link for all people in organization. Now I would like to grant permissions (
await graphClient.Shares["{sharedDriveItem-id}"].Permission
But I have no idea what should be in place "{sharedDriveItem-id}". When I put there itemId it doesn't work. Also if I put there it also doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?

From this documentation.
Once you create the shared link the response object returns an id, that's what you should use in place of the {sharedDriveItem-id}. See a similar response object below.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "123ABC", // this is the sharedDriveItem-id
"roles": ["write"],
"link": {
"type": "view",
"scope": "anonymous",
"webUrl": "",
"application": {
"id": "1234",
"displayName": "Sample Application"
"hasPassword": true

Okey, I found solution. There are few steps:
As sharedDriveItem-id I used encoded webUrl following by this instruction
When I was creating link ( in place scope i put "users"- there is no option like that in documentation but without that it doesn't work
I added Prefer in header
I was using clientSecret/clientId authorization so I had to add azure app access to Sites.Manage.All and Sites.FullControl.All in Graph Api Permissions
Everything works If you using Microsoftg.Graph nuget in newest version (4.3 right now if I remember correctly)


VS Code Extension Settings

I have created a working VS Code extension. The extension allows someone teaching code to provide students with real-time access to the teacher's code.
I want to add one more feature to the extension to allow the teacher to connect the VS Code extension to an account form a separate web application. The teacher would login to their account on the web application, generate a token, and place that token in the VS Code extension settings.
I have spent hours looking for documentation or examples on how to add settings to a VS Code extension but can't find anything.
Is this possible? Does anyone know how to do this? Or aware of any good documentation/examples?
Yes a little tricky as what you are looking for are configurations - which can be created by an extension and set by a user.
Configuration docs (settings)
Contribute configuration keys that will be exposed to the user. The
user will be able to set these configuration options as User Settings
or as Workspace Settings, either by using the Settings editor or by
editing the JSON settings file directly.
There are examples and extensive docs at that link above.
Here is sample code from an extension I wrote which creates 2 settings:
"configuration": [
"title": "Find and Transform",
"properties": {
"find-and-transform.enableContextMenus": {
"type": "boolean",
"scope": "machine",
"default": true,
"markdownDescription": "Show `Search in this File`, `Search in this Folder` and `Search in the Results Files` in the context menus."
"find-and-transform.enableWarningDialog": {
"type": "boolean",
"scope": "machine",
"default": true,
"markdownDescription": "Enable a warning dialog if there are bad argument keys or values in settings and keybindings."
Maybe you looking for that extension :,
it acts like google docs, with live share.

How to get the user id from Slack to bot service

I am creating a simple bot using Azure LUIS and this is my first one. I made some decent progress after doing some research and also now integrated with Slack as channel to test it.
The bot functionality is working fine, but I am looking to identify the user. So that I can personalize the bot conversation and also to pull the user specific information from his profile table.
Is there anyway, that I can get a UID or any reference ID of the slack user and so I can store that in my user table along with user profile?
So next time, when the user greets the bot, the bot can say "Hello, John." instead of justing say "Hello."
Yes. You can use the channelData object to get the ApiToken, and user values. For example, in C#, you could use turnContext.Activity.ChannelData to get those values in JSON:
"SlackMessage": {
"token": "............",
"team_id": "<TEAM ID>",
"event": {
"type": "message",
"text": "thanks",
"user": "<USER WHO MESSAGED>",
"channel": "............",
"channel_type": "channel"
"type": "event_callback",
"event_id": ""............",
"event_time": 1553119134,
"authed_users": [
Then, using those two pieces of information, you can then retrieve info from Slack.<ACTUAL TOKEN HERE>&user=<USER WHO MESSAGED>&pretty=1
And get a response that has the info you need:
"ok": true,
"user": {
"team_id": "<TEAM ID>",
"real_name": "Dana V",
Ideally, you would would probably want to have bot user state setup and check that first, then if not there, then make the API call to Slack, then store in state. Therefore further requests don't need to go to Slack, but will just pull from the state store.
Basically, you could/should do this in the onTurn event. First, create your user state storage such as here.
Then you could check for that value and write to it if not populated. This example on simple prompts, might be helpful. You won't need to prompt for your user's name, as this example does, but does read/write username from state. You could still use dialogs, but you won't need them for the name prompting as you are doing that dynamically.
You can see here where username is being set and here where it is being retrieved. In this case, it is in the dialogs, but again; you would/could just do in the turn context (using logic to get and if not there, set).
I found the solution by priting the whole session object, which is having all the required informaiton. This could be same as mentioned by Dana above, but after debugging, this follwing made simple without making any changes.
var slackID =
With above, I am able to identify the user.

Azure Search, listAdminKeys, ARM output error (does not support http method 'POST')

I am using this bit of code as an output object in my ARM template,
"[listAdminKeys(variables('searchServiceId'), '2015-08-19').PrimaryKey]"
Full text sample of the output section:
"outputs": {
"SearchServiceAdminKey": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[listAdminKeys(variables('searchServiceId'), '2015-08-19').PrimaryKey]"
"SearchServiceQueryKey": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[listQueryKeys(variables('searchServiceId'), '2015-08-19')[0]]"
I receive the following error during deployment (unfortunately, any error means the template deployment skips output section):
"The requested resource does not support http method 'POST'."
Checking the browser behavior seems to validate the error is related to the function (and, it using POST).
listAdminKeys using POST
How might I avoid this error and retrieve the AzureSearch admin key in the output?
Update: the goal of doing this is to gather all the relevant bits of information to plug into other scripts (.ps1) as parameters, since those resources are provisioned by this template. Would save someone from digging through the portal to copy/paste.
Thank you
You error comes from listQueryKeys, not admin keys.
you wont be able to retrive those in the arm template, it can only "emulate" POST calls, not GET
With the latest API version, it's possible to get the query key using this:
"SearchServiceQueryKey": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[listQueryKeys(variables('searchServiceId'), '2020-06-30').value[0].key]"

How to create account linking?

I'd like to create AccountLinking to recognize users.
I tried with reference to the links below.
How to authenticate user with just a Google account on Actions on Google?
And then when i tried Accout Linking on the actions on Google simulator.
I got this result.
"response": "It looks like your Test account is not linked yet",
"audioResponse": "//NExAARc...",
"debugInfo": {
"sharedDebugInfo": [
"name": "Account Linking Url",
"debugInfo": ""
And then I did a copy & paste that link into my browser.
But i got this result.
400. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_scope
Some requested scopes were invalid. {valid=
[], invalid=[name]}
How can I fix it?
The name scope isn't a valid scope. (And the scope is valid, but deprecated.)
See for the scopes you want, but probably profile and email are the ones you're looking for.

unable to configure a permission role in RavenDB

looking for some help or a blog post really regarding using the auth bundle with RavenDB..
using the HelloWorld example:
i'm trying to disable the user from querying for orders.. i've tried different auth roles approaches but i can't get the damn thing to work.
at present i've:
* created a authorization user
* created a authorization role
Id: Authorization/Roles/Orders
"Permissions": [
"Operation": "order/1",
"Tags": [
"Allow": false,
"Priority": 1
ID: Authorization/Users/ayende
"Name": "Ayende Rahien",
"Roles": [
just can't get my head around how to filter out the orders from queries.
for example, querying orders/1 will return an order of 1 prior to applying the permission.
after using:
session.SecureFor("Authorization/Users/ayende", "orders/1");
I would expect orders to return no orders..
do i have this concept totally wrong or just configured my permission's wrong?
You can use the IsAllowed method to check whatever or not you can access a document or now, but also to check why you can / can't access a document.
Have you applied your permission to the document then invoked SaveChanges? Maybe if you post your code it would easier to tell what's happening.
