How to copy files from projects artifact to another project using cicd - gitlab

i go a CICD that make an artifact and save them in public folder
i need to copy some files of these artifacts to another project
what script i can't use or what the best way to do it?

Assuming, you want to copy file into another gitlab project.
Once artifact is built in a job, in a stage (ie : build), it will be available in all jobs of the next stage (ie : deploy).
stage: build
- echo "build artifact"
name: "public"
- "public/"
stage: deploy
- cd public/ # here are your artifact files.
- ls -l
- cd ..
# now implement copy strategy,
# for example in a git repo :
- git clone
- cd another_project
- cp ../public/source_file ./target_file
- git add target_file
- git commit -m "added generated file"
- git push
If your destination is not a git repository, you can simply replace by a scp directly to server, or any other copy strategy, directly in the script.
Another way to do it is to get the last artifact of project A, inside the ci of Project B.
Please see

When you do trigger to downstream pipelines, just use needs from job that push artifacts, then it will be passed to downstream.


How to run a script from repo A to the pipeline B in Gitlab

I have two repositories in GitLab, repositories A and B let's say.
Repo A contains:
read_ci.yml contains:
- initialise
create checksum from pipeline:
stage: initialise
- chmod +x
- source ./
Repo B contains:
gitlab-ci.yml contains:
project: 'Project/project_name'
- '.gitlab-ci.yml'
ref: main
Obviously, this doesn't do what my intention is.
What I want to achieve is in the project B pipeline to run the project A script.
The reason is that I want project A to be called from multiple different pipelines and run there.
an alternative to this for GitLab: Azure Pipelines. Run script from resource repo
Submodules would absolutely work as Davide mentions, though it's kinda like using a sledgehammer to hang a picture. If all you want is a single script from the repository, just download it into your container. Use the v4 API with your CI_JOB_TOKEN to download the file, then simply run it using sh. If you have many files in your secondary repository and want access to them all, then use Submodules as Davide mentiones, and make sure your CI job retrieves them by setting the submodule strategy like this:
If you want to run the project A script in the project B pipeline, you can add the repository B as a git submodule in A
git submodule add -b <branch-B> <git-repository-B> <target-dir>
You need also to add in the CI job, the variable GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive.

How to release built artifacts back-and-forth from one to another repo on GitLab?

I got a requirement to generate, archive and reuse the artifacts between two different repositories
Repository A: Compile Angular code and create a XLF file
Repository B: Use the 'XLF File' generated above and create a new XLF file
Repository A: Again use the newly generated XLF file to create the final output file
The activities mentioned above should be done using gitlab-ci.yml. I am not sure how to handle this using GitLab CI.
We can push the artifact from Repo A to Repo B. However, CI on Repo A should wait until Repo B pushes a new artifact to Repo A to complete the process
Ideally, you would not push a generated artifact to another Git source repository.
But a GitLab pipeline can retrieve an artifact produced by another one from its URL.
To avoid the back and forth, I would rather have 3 jobs instead of two
the first generates XLF file
the second curls/fetches that file, and use it to generate new XLF file
the third job curls/fetches that file, and complete the process.
How to release built artifacts back-and-forth from one to another repo on GitLab?
Repository A:
Compile Angular code and create a XLF file
Send a hook to repository B that it just compiled
just trigger: , works like a charm. It's even nicely visible in the gui.
or API
pass variables: PARENT_PIPELINE_ID: $CI_PIPELINE_ID to repository B so it can download artifacts from specific pipeline
Repository B:
Use the 'XLF File' generated above
use needs: to download artifacts
or API: have personal access token from repository A added to environment variables and use API to download artifacts .
create a new XLF file
use trigger: or API to trigger repository A
but this time trigger different .gitlab-ci.yml file like: trigger: - project: repositoryA file: second_stage.gitlab-ci.yml
or use like variables: SECOND_STAGE: "true" and use a variable to differentiate
Repository A:
run pipeline from the file second_stage.gitlab-ci.yml
download artifacts from repository B - needs: or API
use the newly generated XLF file to create the final output file
Overall, what you need is rules: and needs: documentation. On older gitlab, it was done with API.
CI on Repo A should wait until Repo B pushes a new artifact to Repo A to complete the process
Don't wait. Let the API trigger it.
I tried the following approach and it worked fine or at least I was able to proceed
Due to some reason 'variables' along with CURL did not work as expected but I did not analyze the root cause
Repo A - Pipeline
trigger-repob: (Trigger Project B of Repo B)
stage: repob
project: repob-namespace/projectb
branch: devops
image: $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/base-image:latest
stage: test_pipeline
when: delayed
start_in: 2 minutes
needs: (Use artifacts from Repo B/Project B)
project: repob-namespace/projectb
job: buildprojectb
ref: devops
artifacts: true
- do something here
Repo B Pipeline
image: php:7.4.11
stage: build
- do something here
- outputs/*.xlf

Is it possible in gitlab runner to checkout the repo without .git folder during deployment?

During deployment using gitlab runner it checkouts out the codebase including the .git folder, I presume this is the default behaviour?
Without manually cleaning the .git folder in our deployment script, is there an option to use git archive instead?
when: manual
stage: deploy
include-git: false
I have tried searching on google but couldn't find any relevant results (maybe due to bad search keywords)

GitLab CI including a project

So I have many many small projects on gitlab, all use the same CI script to build. To make entire system cleaner I put the CI script in its own project and the small projects CI script just pull the script from the central project i.e.
- build
- project: 'Company/CI-Templates'
file: '/Swift-Apple/Swift_Apple_Build.yml'
With the central script being like
- build
- git submodule sync --recursive
- git submodule update --init --recursive
stage: build
- xcodebuild archive -scheme "$AppName" -archivePath "build/App.xcarchive"
- xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath "build/App.xcarchive" -exportPath "build/" -exportOptionsPlist "ExportOptions.plist"
- appcenter login --token $AppCenterToken
- appcenter distribute release -f "$IPAPath" -g Collaborators -r "$Reason" --app $AppCenterPath
Now this runs as expected, the central script when called runs local in the project. The issue I have is "ExportOptions.plist" is a separate file that ideally id like to be in the central CI location, but as the script runs local when called, im unsure what file path to put in.
Could you download "ExportOptions.plist" from your central CI project with curl? Then you can load it locally.

GitLab CI - Run pipeline when the contents of a file changes

I have a mono-repo with several projects (not my design choice).
Each project has a .gitlab-ci.yml setup to run a pipeline when a "version" file is changed. This is nice because a user can check-in to stage or master (for a hot-fix) and a build is created and deployed to a test environment.
The problem is when a user does a merge from master to stage and commits back to stage (to pull in any hot-fixes). This causes ALL the pipelines to run; even for projects that do not have actual content changes.
How do I allow the pipeline to run from master and/or stage but ONLY when the contents of the "version" file change? Like when a user changes the version number.
Here is an example of the .gitlab-ci.yml (I have 5 of these, 1 for each project in the mono-repo)
# BUILD-AND-TEST - initial build
stage: build-and-test
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build
- "MyProject/.gitlab-ci.VERSION.yml"
# no needs: here because this is the first step
stage: publish
- dotnet publish --output $MY_PROJECT_OUTPUT_PATH --configuration Release
- "MyProject/.gitlab-ci.VERSION.yml"
- my-project-build-and-test
... and so on ...
I am still new to git, GitLab, and CI/pipelines. Any help would be appreciated! (I have little say in changing the mono-repo)
The following .gitlab-ci.yml will run the test_job only if the file version changes.
script: echo hello world
- changes:
- version
See also
Run jobs only/except for modifications on a path or file
