Docusign - developer account query - docusignapi

We have a developer account and I am starting to integrate it into our system. The system is based on Laravel/VueJS and I've 2 additions Eric Tucker Docusign SDK and the official Docusign SDK.
I've managed to create a template in our developer area, with custom fields (a question later regarding them) but wonder what happens when I have completed the system on our website. What happens going live? I presume that any template created in our account is used by associated users on our system - or do they have to create templates on their account and create custom fields etc?

When you go live you'll have to move your templates/custom fields to the new production account (or the existing one).
More information about going live -


Docusign - eNotary in Sandbox

I am using the sandbox account and trying to setup an eNotary Profile. Being that its a sandbox area, I would assume that I don't need a valid notary ID to create one.
Can someone help me setup a Notary Profile on my sandbox account?
QA Question Newly Added: Will ALL test users have to go through this same process? or is it just the main account needs it setup. Reason being, we have a client that will be using the system. For our teams, and their teams, we will need accounts to test this.
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I assume you are talking about IDV which is a special kind of recipient authentication that require them to use an ID before they can sign a document.
This feature is not available in the sandbox normally because there's cost associated with each transaction.
We may be able to assist you on a case-by-case basis if you have a legitimate need to test this functionality in the developer sandbox.
see for more information about recipient authentication.
Setting up eNotary requires some back-end switches to be flipped on your account. Please open a Support Case requesting that be enabled and provide your Demo account ID.

DocuSign API - templates from different user accounts

Short version: Does the DocuSign API have the ability to send different templates from different user accounts?
Long version: We have a web form that gathers information - chooses the template id and pre-fills info into a form and then sends it along to signers. Right now our programmer coded a procedure that sends all templates out of one user account so all docs are listed in one account. We want to change that so different templates originate from different user accounts which can be easily determined at the template creation point.
Is this possible? If so, what is the API call or specs to make this happen? Is there anything on the account side that needs to change?
Yes there's a solution for this, but first let me clarify. You can only send from a template that's in your account.. you can not access templates from other accounts.
With that said, all of you have to do is copy or migrate the templates into the account that you want to send from. There's two general methods of doing this:
Manually download the templates from the first account then re-upload into the second account using the DocuSign website.
Programmatically download the templates from account A then create (or POST) the templates up into the second account.
Obviously you'll need valid user credentials from each account to be able to access the templates and upload, and I believe only users with Admin privileges can do this.
For #1 here's a guide that explains how to download/upload templates through the DocuSign UI:
For #2 see the Templates: get call to retrieve a single template, see Templates: list to list all account templates, and see Templates: create to upload (or create) a new one in a given account.

Cross Account Template Accessibility

It appears that it is possible to generate an envelope using a template that does not belong to the account that was authenticated in the REST call. The two accounts were completely unrelated. Access to the generated envelope is limited to the account that generated the envelope; however the access to the template seems to be allowed to any account.
Scenario where this behavior was noticed:
- Account 1 - Created Template #1
- Account 2 - Generate an envelope using Template ID generated by Account 1
I could not find documentation or configuration related to behavior.
I need to confirm if the behavior is intended/supported before we plan to utilize the functionality.
Probably your best solution if you want to use Templates from one account in another is to simply move them. You might only be able to do this in the classic UI so you might have to switch back through your preferences, but you can:
Download the actual XML for each template you want to "share" across accounts.
Open the second account and select to upload template(s) and chose the XML files you downloaded.
As mentioned you might have to switch back to the classic UI to download/upload, but you definitely will not be able to use Templates from one account when you are an un-authenticated user in another account.

Docusign account configuration management

I am writing an application that uses Docusign and I’m trying to figure out the best way to manage my Docusign account in general.
Here is the use case:
1) My software uses custom Docusign templates and tabs and uses the Docusign API to accomplish populating the templates, tabs, and generating envelopes
2) The user will have to provide their own Docusign account to use my software
1) How do I get the custom templates loaded into their Docusign account?
Can templates be shared between totally disparate Docusign accounts?
Other options I think might work are an export or import of the templates (but that is clunky).
Maybe I can use the API to upload the templates as well???
2) Who’s Docusign Integrator Key do I use?
Do they need to generate one from their Docusign account and I use that one from my software? Or do I ALWAYS use my developer integrator key???
3) Who’s API username and password do I use to log in via the API?
I assume theirs, but I’m not a fan of needing to save a bunch of Docusign passwords in my database.
Any other options for setting this up the right way???
Thanks everyone!
For future inquires, include if you're using REST or SOAP.
Here are the answers to the questions that you have above.
1) How do I get the custom templates loaded into their Docusign account?
Can templates be shared between totally disparate Docusign accounts?
Other options I think might work are an export or import of the templates (but that is clunky).
Maybe I can use the API to upload the templates as well???
Templates can only be shared within users on the same account. There isn't a way to upload a template via the API either. You can use composite templates for a standardized template across multiple accounts (depending on SOAP/REST, the coding changes here)
2) Who’s Docusign Integrator Key do I use?
Do they need to generate one from their Docusign account and I use that one from my software? Or do I ALWAYS use my developer integrator key???
Your application will always use your Integrator Key, which will only work in Demo until you go through the Certification to get the Integrator Key promoted to production.
More info on that process here:
3) Who’s API username and password do I use to log in via the API?
I assume theirs, but I’m not a fan of needing to save a bunch of Docusign passwords in my database.
Any other options for setting this up the right way???
You will need specific permissions enabled on a user and on an account to make API calls successfully. Most integration's use a system user to login and make these calls. If you're working within multiple accounts that you do not have administration over, you will end up running into permission errors.
It sounds like you're wanting to setup a Partner integration, which does differ a little from a standard integration.

Team Foundation Service won't let me add members

I have successfully set up a Team Foundation Service account and have been using it with Visual Studio 2012 for source code control, no problems. Note this is the online service, not the old TFS product. I now want to add another Live ID account so they can write and track bugs. Using the Manage Members link I have tried two different Live ID accounts as well as their name but it always says they are not a known user. I know the Live ID accounts are correct. Do I have to invite them or add them some other way first? All of the examples show it "just working".
Are you adding them via the web interface? You should be able to do this by clicking the cog icon in the site. This launches the admin site, you can go into a collection, or add from the Security tab. It really depends on where you want to add them (if they only need access to specific projects/collections it's done at that level), you can add a new user from the Overview or Security tabs by entering their Live ID/email address.
