Change color of folded text in Sublime - windows-10

Is there any way to change color of the folded text in Sublime. Default color is yellowish.

Open your .sublime-color-scheme file, go down to the "globals" dict, and add something like
"fold_marker": "#06FF05",
which will make it bright green. Obviously, feel free to select your own color.
All of the globals options are in the color scheme documentation under Global Settings.


Display Grid background pattern in sublimetext

I'm looking for a way to set a grid background style in sublime editor similar as gedit provides in preferences panel. The image below illustrates when the Display grid pattern is toggled on in gedit. It's possible to set this same feature in sublime?
This is not currently possible in Sublime, no.
The background of files is always a solid color, whose color is controlled by the color scheme set in the color_scheme setting. That gives you the power to set a global color scheme background color, one that's specific to projects, and even ones that are specific to certain files or types of files, but it's always a solid color.

How to change color of font?

How to change color of certain type label of syntax?
I know that there is file of color scheme but what line of that file is related to colors of certain label (e.g. class or function).
For example, there is a piece of code in Sublime Text 3:
I do not want to see label 'Node' (that is class-label) yellow but want to see it blue. How I can do it?
To do this you need to make a modification to the color scheme that you're using to tell it to color things in a different format. In particular, you need to know two things:
The color scheme that you're currently using.
The scope of the thing whose color you want to change.
To determine your color scheme, look in your preferences for the value of the color_scheme setting. Here I'm going to assume that it looks like this:
"color_scheme": "Mariana.sublime-color-scheme",
Depending on how you set up the color scheme this might have part of a path as well, like Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Mariana.sublime-color-scheme instead. The file may also have a tmTheme extension instead of sublime-color-scheme if you're using a legacy color scheme.
To determine the scope you need to change, put the cursor on the thing whose color you want to change and use Tools > Developer > Show Scope Name (or press the key that menu tells you about), then make a note of what the last line of the popup says. In this case, we're assuming it is:
Your color scheme has a rule in it that tells it that things with a scope that matches this should appear the color that they do, so you need to adjust that color to be what you want.
To do that, you create a file in your User package, which you can locate by using Preferences > Browse Packages.... The file that you create should be the name of the color scheme you're using (just the filename, not the path if any) with an extension of sublime-color-scheme (even if the extension on your color scheme is tmTheme.
In our example, that means that we would create a file named Mariana.sublime-color-scheme in the User package.
The content of your file should look something like this:
"rules": [
"scope": "",
"foreground": "var(blue)",
This tells Sublime that for anything whose scope matches, it should use the color outlined by the variable blue instead of what your normal color scheme is doing. As soon as you save the file, you see the results appear.
We use here instead of to make the scope match anything that's considered a class in any file. Basically the more of the scope from #2 above that you use, the closer the match will be. So if you use it all, it only affects C++.
The last thing to note here is that var(blue) will only work if your color scheme defines a variable named blue. The Mariana color scheme does, which is why I used that here. Yours may not, in which case you need to specify the color a different way.
The link in the example above points to the color scheme documentation with more details, but you could use something like #0000FF in place of var(blue) to get pure blue (adjust as required, that blue is likely far too dark).

LiClipse Dark editor color (white on yellow)

In LiClipse when you mark a variable the color changes to white on yellow background making it impossible to see.
I found where I can change the colors:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Color Teheme -> LiClipse Dark
However I could not find where this color is stored (the yellow background).
Anyone know?
The related color keys are occurrenceIndication and writeOccurrenceIndication.
Note that you have to Apply after you change the colors.
Still, it's strange that you got that color there as that's not the default, so, maybe you can try to Restore Defaults, reselect the LiClipse Dark theme and then Apply to see if it fixes itself.

How to change color of indent guide option in sublime text3?

How to change indent guide color.
You need to edit the color scheme file for the color scheme you are using, and find <key>activeGuide</key> and/or <key>guide</key> and change the hex color value in the <string> node below it to the value of the color you desire. See How do I edit the Solarized (Light) theme in Sublime Text 3 for details on how to make custom changes to color schemes.

How to change error colors for Komodo IDE color scheme

I'm customizing color scheme, and almost everything working right.
Except command output tab is showing errors in red italic font, color settings for which I cannot find anywhere!
In font&color settings there are "fonts", "colors", "common syntax", "lang-specific" and "indicators" tabs, with drop-down selectors.
There is not one option that has red italic color assigned!!
Default font is white on blue.
Where could I find color settings for command output errors?
Well, nobody is answering, and I found a hack that helps.
It seems, that there's really no gui menu option for error text color in command output, but there is setting in .ksf file for it.
I changed manually line that says
'Errors': {'Error lines': {'fore': 65535, 'hotspot': 1, 'italic': 0}},
where 'fore' is the foreground color, 'italic' is italic font, to what I wanted, and it worked.
I suppose, 'hotspot' means it's clickable, but I don't sure/don't care now.
I know this is kinda late from the original post but I stumbled on this one while searching for this problem, it led me to the hint as to where to look in the GUI.
In version Komodo 9.0+
Preferences > Colour Scheme
Select the tab 'Language Specific'
Select the 'Language Errors' (underneath Others)
The Element type Error lines seems to reflect STDERR
