How to change color of indent guide option in sublime text3? - sublimetext3

How to change indent guide color.

You need to edit the color scheme file for the color scheme you are using, and find <key>activeGuide</key> and/or <key>guide</key> and change the hex color value in the <string> node below it to the value of the color you desire. See How do I edit the Solarized (Light) theme in Sublime Text 3 for details on how to make custom changes to color schemes.


Disable gdb highlight colors

I'm using gdb on Fedora 32 and gdb prints information with highlight color.
However the color has less contrast for example dark blue text on black background.
How can I disable the highlight color?
Use set style enabled off to disable all styling, as the manual says.

Change color of folded text in Sublime

Is there any way to change color of the folded text in Sublime. Default color is yellowish.
Open your .sublime-color-scheme file, go down to the "globals" dict, and add something like
"fold_marker": "#06FF05",
which will make it bright green. Obviously, feel free to select your own color.
All of the globals options are in the color scheme documentation under Global Settings.

Display Grid background pattern in sublimetext

I'm looking for a way to set a grid background style in sublime editor similar as gedit provides in preferences panel. The image below illustrates when the Display grid pattern is toggled on in gedit. It's possible to set this same feature in sublime?
This is not currently possible in Sublime, no.
The background of files is always a solid color, whose color is controlled by the color scheme set in the color_scheme setting. That gives you the power to set a global color scheme background color, one that's specific to projects, and even ones that are specific to certain files or types of files, but it's always a solid color.

Vim on debian: cterm=bold doesn't work (using it over ssh with PuTTy as a client)

I've been trying to get colourschemes to work properly in VIM (on debian) when using it over ssh with PuTTy as a client (from windows7).
Such code from theme hi Search cterm=bold does not work - words are not bold.
I have tried a lot of themes - and I have found no themes with bold words (but using gvim on windows gives me bold words).
I'd appreciate any advice.
PuTTY by default represents bold as a brighter color, but you can change that at Change Settings > Window > Colours > [ ] Bolded text is a different colour. From the help:
Bolded text is a different colour
When the server sends a control sequence indicating that some text should be displayed in bold, PuTTY can handle this two ways. It can either change the font for a bold version, or use the same font in a brighter colour. This control lets you choose which.
By default the box is checked, so non-bold text is displayed in light grey and bold text is displayed in bright white (and similarly in other colours). If you uncheck the box, bold and non-bold text will be displayed in the same colour, and instead the font will change to indicate the difference.

how to get color scheme in Liferay

is it possible in Liferay to get programmatically color scheme of theme?
I have to include different icons depending of current color scheme. I know that it is possible to do it by using css but in my issue it is better to get color scheme in java code
If you want to get the color scheme of the current page that you are in try the following code
ColorScheme colorScheme = (ColorScheme )request.getAttribute(WebKeys.WebKeys.COLOR_SCHEME);
