How to dynamically delete MongoDB entry using API route - node.js

I would just like to simply delete a record from a dynamically displayed list. I've tried every permutation of the backend code and ai just can't get it to work.
The backend is called like this:
async function deletePost() {
try {
await axios.delete(`/api/delete/${id}`)
alert("Post deleted")
catch (err) {
// notify user that something went wrong
finally {
And /api/delete/${id} looks like this:
import { connectToDatabase } from "util/mongodb"
export default async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.query;
try {
const { db } = await connectToDatabase()
await db.collection("users").deleteOne({'_id': `ObjectId("${id}")`})
res.sendStatus(200).send({ done: true })
catch (error) {
return res.json({ error })
The console log shows the correct post id, the alert in the 'try' frontend code displays, but the dam post just wont delete. Can anyone offer any advice please? I have tried ".deleteOne({'_id': id})" but that does nothing either.

I believe you are searching for a string, instead of the ObjectId, so no documents match.
You can fix it by converting to ObjectId and then using the value converted, .deleteOne.
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId;
const { id } = req.query;
const convertedObjectId = new ObjectId(id);
db.collection("users").deleteOne({_id: convertedObjectId })
Actual example from documentation:
try {
db.orders.deleteOne( { "_id" : ObjectId("563237a41a4d68582c2509da") } );
} catch (e) {
Reference: MongoDB Documentation - Delete One.

Fixed problem:
app.delete("/cars/:id", async (req, res) => {
const carsId =;
const query = { _id: ObjectId(carsId) };
const result = await carCollection.deleteOne(query);


Express: res.send() returns an empty object

I have a setup that uses a MySQL server node and express, I have created an update statement on a SQL file and got it to work with the node via patch request on the postman.
It seems to work and it updates the server, however, when I try to get the recently updated object or even a success message, I get an empty object or nothing, even though the data has been updated.
Can anyone help me get some sort of response on postman?
UPDATE [dbo].[RetailerThemes]
SET [Name] = #name,
[PrimaryColourPalette_main] = #primaryColourPalette_main
WHERE [UniqueThemedPageName] = #UniqueThemedPageName
router.patch("/update", internal, async (req, res) => {
try {
//do the update
const updateRetailer =
await retailerController.updateRetailerConfigByName(req, res)
console.log(`Update Retailer Routes: ${updateRetailer}`)
} catch (error) {
const updateRetailerConfigByName = async (req, res) => {
try {
// Credentials from Request
let retailername = req.retailername;
// Data from Repository
const thisRetailerConfig = await retailerRep.updateRetailerConfigDetails(
console.log( `thisRetailerConfig: ${thisRetailerConfig}`)
} catch (error) {
async function updateRetailerConfigDetails(retailername) {
try {
const sqlcommanda = await tsql.loadSql(
let pool = await sql.connect(sqlConfig);
const themes = await pool
.input("name", sql.VarChar(150), "b") // change 80700 to variable
.input("UniqueThemedPageName", sql.VarChar(150), retailername)
.input("primaryColourPalette_main", sql.VarChar(9), "#c00")
if (themes.rowsAffected != 1) {
console.log("Retailer not found for ", retailername, sqlcommanda);
return { isFound: false };
const theme = themes.recordset[0];
console.log(`The Theme: ${theme}`)
return theme;
} catch (error) {
return {};
Here is a screenshot of what I get on the postman, the update works but the response is an empty object.

Delete a MongoDB document in Express JS

I'm staggered by how much I'm struggling to delete a document in MongoDB from Express JS. I'm finding the mix of documentation and methods including deleteOne, findByIdAndRemove, some tutorials say you need to declare an ObjectId, and some don't. Madness.
Anyway, below is my code. I have a function to connect to the database:
const withDB = async (operations, res) => {
try {
const client = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', { useNewUrlParser: true });
const db = client.db('database-name');
await operations(db);
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error connecting to db', error });
And then the below is my delete command:
app.delete('/api/reports/delete-report/:id', async (req, res) => {
//call withDB function above
withDB(async (db) => {
//delete command
const result = await db.collection('reports').deleteOne( { _id : new MongoClient.ObjectId( } );
//get reports
const reportInfo = await db.collection('reports').find().toArray()
//put returned reports into the result provided
}, res);
For my troubles I get the message 'Error connecting to db'. If I make the delete command:
const result = await db.collection('reports').deleteOne( { _id : } );
I just get the contents of the database returned, but there's no deletion.
The issue is:
new MongoClient.ObjectId(
You don't want to create another mongoclient. It needs to be
new ObjectId(
and make sure you import that class:
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb');

I want to delete all the item but except of the current user

I am creating a call that deletes all the users except the current user logged in.
Here is my code;
exports.deletealluser = async (req, res) => {
try {
const { sub } = req.user;
const usersExceptCurrent = await User.find({ _id: !sub });
const deletedUsers = await User.deleteMany(usersExceptCurrent);
message: 'A all user is successfully deleted!',
} catch (err) {
return res.status(400).json({
message: 'Something went wrong.',
sub is the id of the current user. As you can see, I call find query first to filter the data which is not equal to sub. Then I use the usersExceptCurrent as filter to my deleteMany query.
But it returns status 400
And here is my axios call;
const onDelete = async () => {
try {
const { data } = await fetchContext.authAxios.delete(
fetchContext.userList.filter((row) => row === data.deletedUsers)
} catch (err) {
const { data } = err.response;
Use $ne
$ne selects the documents where the value of the field is not equal to the specified value. This includes documents that do not contain the field.
db.collection.find({ _id: { $ne: sub } })
Demo -
If you still face for _id should be ObjectId you can do
const ObjectId = require("mongodb").ObjectId;
db.collection.find({ _id: { $ne: ObjectId(sub) } })
See what ! does, converts to bool value in JS

Save in mongodb and pass created object to a function

I'm beginner at programing and I don't know how can I do something with the mongoose save result.
In my post endpoint I would like to not save and directly return but instead of it I would like to do something with the result of save method like take the _id value of the new object created and pass to a function.
Here's what my post endpoint is doing and I would like to after saving not return but instead call a function passing the checkout object created:'/', async function(req, res) {
const { checkinId, eventId, email } = req.body;
let CheckoutTest = {
checkinId: checkinId,
eventId: eventId,
email: email,
const newCheckout = new Checkout(CheckoutTest);
await, checkout) => {
if(err) {
return res.status(400)
}else {
return res.status(200)
.json({message: "Checkout successfully added!", checkout});
An elegant way to do this would be to add a try...catch block'/', async function(req, res) {
const { checkinId, eventId, email } = req.body;
let CheckoutTest = {
checkinId: checkinId,
eventId: eventId,
email: email,
const newCheckout = new Checkout(CheckoutTest);
try {
const newCheckoutObject = await
// Call the function that you wanted to after the save.
// You can pass in the "_id" of the object as shown here
const newData = await functionToBeCalled(newCheckoutObject._id)
return res.status(200).json({message: "Checkout successfully added!", newData});
} catch (err) {
return res.status(400).send(err);

Retrieve the GET query string parameters using Express

I seem to have troubles on getting the query string parameter on my Postman.
First, I wanted to get all of the game types API by using the url of:
Here is the code below:
const router = require('express').Router();
const GameTypeRepository = require('../../repository/GameTypeRepository');
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const game_types = await GameTypeRepository.findByName(;
} catch (error) {
const BaseRepository = require('../../../shared/repository/BaseRepository');
const GameType = require('../models/GameType');
class GameTypeRepository extends BaseRepository {
constructor(model) {
findByName(name, fields) {
const options = {
where: { name }
if (!!fields && fields) {
options.attributes = fields;
return this.model.findOne(options);
module.exports = new GameTypeRepository(GameType);
But when I execute the url to my Postman, I get this log on my terminal that says:
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `name`, `description` FROM `game_types` AS `game_types` WHERE `game_types`.`id` = 'dota2';
Which should be 'name' = 'dota2'
Any ideas on how to work with this? TYIA.
I have solved this problem by adding /type in my router.get('/type/:name,
router.get('/type/:name', async (req, res) => {
try {
const game_types = await GameTypeRepository.findByName(;
} catch (error) {
