how to run process from batch script - linux

I have simple batch script in linux debian - Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 - that stop process then deletes log files and start the process again :
killall -KILL rsyslogd
sleep 5s
rm /var/log/syslog
rm /var/log/messages
rm /var/log/kern.log
sleep 3s
The process name is rsyslogd. I have to close it before deleting the log files, for linux to empty the space from disk.
I see that killall -KILL closes the process by its name, but what is the opposite - the run command?
Calling it by its name without any command seems to not work. I will be glad for any tips, thank you.

Debian uses systemd to manage processes. You should, therefore, use the systemd's commands to stop and start rsyslogd.
systemctl stop rsyslog
systemctl start rsyslog
If you are using really old versions of Debian (so old that you should upgrade), it may be possible that sys V is still used. In that case, there is a file under /etc/init.d which is called rc.rsyslog or something comparable (use ls /etc/init.d to find the exact name). In that case, it would be
sudo /etc/init.d/rc.rsyslog stop
sudo /etc/init.d/rc.rsyslog start
Or it may be, that your systemd-package may be broken. In that case, the package can be re-installed:
apt-get --reinstall install systemd

To start rsyslogd:
systemctl start rsyslog
To stop it:
systemctl stop rsyslog
If you want to do both, use
systemctl restart rsyslog


Why might I get this error on a script that has been running fine for a year? - sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

I have a script that runs nightly. The userid is set up in sudoers to perform these functions. I do not intend to disable "Defaults requiretty", particularly without knowing why it's suddenly a problem now.
Here's what it does with sudo:
sudo lvcreate -- size 19000M –snapshot –name snap_u /dev/mapper/vg_u-lvu
sudo mount /dev/vg_u/snap_u /snapshot
sudo rsync -av --delete --bwlimit=12000 –exclude usr/spoolhold --exclude email --exclude tempfile /snapshot/ /u1/prev/dir
sudo umount /snapshot
sudo lvremove -f /dev/vg_u/snap_u
For the past few weeks it doesn't work most of the time. Sometimes when I run the commands "manually" it works fine. When it fails I see this message filling the log file:
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
The problem began when I switched some other scripts for a remote backup. The only things I changed in this script were comments. This script is invoked by an application program that uses ‘nohup’ to run it in the background.
During my testing I killed the process to stop it from running in the background when I wanted to run it again immediately. Since then I’ve had this problem. So, my questions are these:
Could this error be related to ‘killing’ those processes (Maybe I killed the wrong one)?
Any ideas for a solution?
1) Could this error be related to ‘killing’ those processes (Maybe I killed the wrong one)?
2) Any ideas for a solution?
This is related to requiretty configuration option in /etc/sudoers. It probably changed in there or in default during some of the updates. Set it to off and you should be good.

Arch Linux / systemd - prevent any kind of shutdown/rebboot

I'm running Arch-based Manjaro Linux and wrote myself a little update program, that starts every 7 hours and runs completely in the background. This update program is started by systemd.
What I wanna know is: How can I prevent any system shutdown/reboot during the time this program runs no matter if the user just wants to turn it off or any program wants to do so.
The best would be, if any shutdown/reboot action wouldn't be cancelled but delayed instead, so when the update program has finished its run, the shutdown/reboot continues.
My systemd parts are:
Description=UU Upgrades Timer
Description=UU Upgrades Timer Target
and in the folder
Description=UU Update Program
How can I achieve this?
If a user with sufficient permissions to reboot the server or manipulate processes wants to stop or reboot the machine you cant stop them. That's just how linux works. You should set up permissions and accounts such that no other users have root permissions or permissions sufficient to manipulate the process or user that the process is running as.
When I want to block myself from rebooting or shutdown, I alias my usual shutdown and reboot aliases to beep;beep;beep;.
In multiuser environments you could move the reboot, shutdown etc. binaries and move them back, when shutdown should be allowed again.
You could also temporarily move an executable shell script outputting information about the postponed shutdown possibility in place of the corresponding binaries. This script could set a flag, if a shutdown was requested.
Q&D example script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "preventing reboot"
mv /bin/reboot $BACKUPBINARY_REBOOT;
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > /bin/reboot;
echo '# original reboot binary was moved to'"$BACKUPBINARY_REBOOT" >> /bin/reboot;
echo 'echo request-reboot > '"$FLAGFILE" >> /bin/reboot;
echo 'echo reboot is prevented, your request will trigger later' >> /bin/reboot;
chmod 666 "$FLAGFILE";
chmod +x /bin/reboot;
echo "postponed reboot - press enter to allow it again and make up for requested reboot";
mv "$BACKUPBINARY_REBOOT" /bin/reboot;
if grep -q request-reboot "$FLAGFILE"; then
You can add another systemd service at /usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/ which will be run at shutdown, and have it check if your update script is running, and if so, cancel or delay the shutdown.

Script not starting on boot with start-stop-daemon

My script (located in /etc/init.d) is creating a pid file ($PIDFILE), but there is no process running. My daemon script includes:
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE -m -b --startas $DAEMON --test > /dev/null || return 1
The script works fine when executing it manually.
You need to create startup links.
sudo update-rc.d SCRIPT_NAME defaults
then reboot. SCRIPT_NAME is the name of the script in /etc/init.d (Without the path)
Was able to get it working, but tried so many things, don't know exactly what fixed it (probably an error in script or config). However, learned a lot and wanted to share since I can't find much of the same in the internet abyss.
It seems Ubuntu (and many other distros based on Ubuntu, including Mint) has migrated to Upstart for job and service management. Upstart includes SysVinit (using /etc/init.d daemons) compatibility that still can use update-rc.d to manage daemons (so if you are familiar with that usage, you can keep on using it). The Upstart method is to use a single .conf file in the /etc/init folder. My SCRIPT.conf file is very simple (I'm using a python script):
start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec python /usr/share/python-support/SCRIPT/
This simple file completely replaces the standard script in /etc/init.d with the case statement to provide [start|stop|restart|reload] functions and the pointer to /usr/bin/SCRIPT. You can see that it includes runlevel control that would normally be found in the /etc/rc*.d files (thus eliminating several files).
I tried update-rc.d to create the necessary /etc/rc*.d/ files for my daemon. My daemon bash script is located in /etc/init.d and includes the start-stop-daemon command as in my original question. (That command also works fine from terminal.)
I had /etc/rc*.d/ files, the bash script in /etc/init.d and /etc/init/SCRIPT.conf file during boot and it seems that Upstart likely first looks for the .conf file for its direction because the SysVinit command service SCRIPT [start|stop|restart|reload] returns Unknown Instance, however you can find the process is running with ps -elf | grep SCRIPT_FILE.
One interesting thing to note is the forking of your daemon when using .conf. The script as written above only spawns one fork of the daemon. However, total independence of the original script is possible by using expect fork or expect daemon and respawn (see the Upstart Cookbook for reference). Using these will ensure that your daemon will never be killed (at least by using the kill command).
I continued to test both my daemon and the boot process by utilizing the sudo initctl reload-configuration command. This reloads the conf files where you can test your daemon by the sudo [start|stop|restart] SCRIPT command. The result of the start command is:
$ sudo start SCRIPT
SCRIPT start/running, process xxxx
$ sudo restart SCRIPT
SCRIPT start/running, process xxxx
$ sudo stop SCRIPT
SCRIPT stop/waiting
Also, there is a nice log in /var/log/upstart/SCRIPT.log that gives you useful information for your daemon during boot. Mine still has a very annoying bug that prevents root from displaying osd messages with notify-send from my daemon. My log file includes a gtk warning (I will open another question to solicit help).
Hope this helps others in developing their daemons.

Upstart tracking wrong PID of Bluepill

I have bluepill setup to monitor my delayed_job processes.
Using Ubuntu 12.04.
I am starting and monitoring the bluepill service itself using Ubuntu's upstart. My upstart config is below (/etc/init/bluepill.conf).
description "Start up the bluepill service"
start on runlevel [2]
stop on runlevel [016]
expect fork
exec sudo /home/deploy/.rvm/wrappers/<app_name>/bluepill load /home/deploy/websites/<app_name>/current/config/server/staging/delayed_job.bluepill
# Restart the process if it dies with a signal
# or exit code not given by the 'normal exit' stanza.
I have also tried with expect daemon instead of expect fork. I have also tried removing the expect... line completely.
When the machine boots, bluepill starts up fine.
$ ps aux | grep blue
root 1154 0.6 0.8 206416 17372 ? Sl 21:19 0:00 bluepilld: <app_name>
The PID of the bluepill process is 1154 here. But upstart seems to be tracking the wrong PID.
$ initctl status bluepill
bluepill start/running, process 990
This is preventing the bluepill process from getting respawned if I forcefully kill bluepill using kill -9.
Moreover, I think because of the wrong PID being tracked, reboot / shutdown just hangs and I have to hard reset the machine every time.
What could be the issue here?
Clearly, upstart tracks the wrong PID. From looking at the bluepill source code, it uses the daemons gem to daemonize, which in turn forks twice. So expect daemon in the upstart config should track the correct PID -- but you've already tried that.
If it is possible for you, you should run bluepill in the foreground, and not use any expect stanza at all in your upstart config.
From the bluepill documentation:
Bluepill.application("app_name", :foreground => true) do |app|
# ...
will run bluepill in the foreground.

Stop Unlisted Services

I have just reinstalled LAMPP. When I try starting LAMPP using /opt/lampp/lampp start, it says another ftp and mysql daemon is already running along with another web server. I deleted the old instance of LAMPP without stopping all the services. When I use service --status-all these services aren't listed.
Is there any way I can stop it now?
Yes, with this : pkill -f apache; pkill -f httpd
You can run that on each service you want to stop.
To test if it's still running, try pgrep -fl <APP_NAME>.
If it's the case, consider using pkill -1 -f <APP_NAME> and if still present pkill -9 -f <APP_NAME>. -9 is the higher signal. Don't use -9 by default, you will facing problems with not well closed applications (file descriptors and other system stuff)
see man 7 signal.
