not allowed to access or modify file "/local/notesdata/xsppers" - xpages

We have this error message in our xpages application when saving a ticket with an attachment.
It is basically, fileUpload1 bound to a document field (document1) and Button with;
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=11: [TypeError] Exception occurred calling method not allowed to access or modify file: /local/notesdata/xsppers/166/08CABEF7AE5340E0DF9C8D46CF56B3B917EA65C6
not allowed to access or modify file: /local/notesdata/xsppers/166/08CABEF7AE5340E0DF9C8D46CF56B3B917EA65C6
The error says not allowed to access or modify the file within /local/notesdata/xsppers.
My question is how to get access to that folder in the server? What to change or do in the security settings on the server for the /xsppers/ folder.
Or a workaround for this issue. By the way I do not have access to the server. Please help thank you
I saw a related question/issue but I am unable to put a comment as I am new - that is why I posted a new question.. Sorry for that


Chrome extension background script "Cannot access contens of URL devtools..." error?

I have a background script called events.js
I am occassionally getting this error
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Cannot access contents of url
Extension manifest must request permission to access this host.
It is apparently being generated not by events.js but by "_generated_background_page.html" but appearing in my background console log.
I suspect it is being caused by my call in events.js to:
chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(function(e) {
// do stuff
It is driving me nuts. Can anyone please tell me what is going on?
Similar issue happened to me today. One of those facepalm moments. I discovered as i had a breakpoint in my background script to check something before the content-script was executed in the handle message, that this background devtools tab became the active tab and tired to inject the script and not the intended tab from which I activated my extension.
Hence the error.
Cannot access contents of url

eg-01-java-jwt example returning empty body

I'm trying to use the example project, but I keep getting this message:
DocuSign Exception!
Reason: 0
Error Reponse: null
I have configured everything following the instructions in the repository page.
I have tried debugging the class responsible for the HTTP Post, but so far I got nothing.
Probably you need to grant consent for the integration key to impersonate the user.

Microsoft Flow - Block uploading Video files to a Sharepoint site

I am an owner of a Sharepoint site and want to make sure all members of the site don't upload video files. Since SP doesn't have the ability to filter out files by Type - I want to use Microsoft Flow to do this task.
So I have created this flow which triggers on creation of new file in Documents folder of my SP site. Then it runs a Condition, which checkes the property of "File content type" - if it starts with "video/" - then it should delete the file uploaded. It looks like this:
#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['Content-Type'], 'video/')
But when I run this Flow, I then get this error:
BadRequest. The request failed. Error code: 'InvalidRequestContent'. Error Message: 'The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'details', line 1, position 455.'.'.
What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately there is no OOTB way to configure these settings yet. Your workaround to create a flow is just what I would have suggested. Ofcourse you can also still create a workflow that does that but why old fashioned if you already made your experience with flow.
This is a known issue and I would encourage you to vote for that feature here.
In OneDrive you can restrict certain file types from syncing using the poweshell:
Set-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction -ExcludedFileExtensions "wmf;mp4;mkv"
For your flow I would suggest to make an extra step "get file content" and use the content type you get there for your filter instead of the one from your "triggerOutputs"

Uploading a file to SharePoint copyintoitems throws error

I am uploading files to SharePoint using the API Copy.CopyIntoItems. The upload works when the destination url is given as "http://sharepointserver/sitename". However, when the url is given with the domain name, like
"http://sharepointserver.domain/sitename", then the CopyIntoItems API call fails, and the error returned is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Any idea on why there is a strange behavior when the url changes?
You can not use the url with the domain name, like "http://sharepointserver.domain/sitename" for Copying item
The following answer on SO links to a thread on MSDN, which explains in detail why this behaviour occurs:
Link to the MSDN thread:
CopyIntoItems errors when using destination URI with FQDN

tcm:Error ErrorCode="80040302" can someone explain this error?

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<tcm:Error ErrorCode="80040302" Category="16" Source="Kernel" Severity="2" xmlns:tcm=""><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="false" MessageID="4613"><![CDATA[Unable to get list of Publication items.]]><tcm:Token>RESID_4485</tcm:Token><tcm:Token>RESID_4452</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="false" MessageID="4394"><![CDATA[Unable to Initialize TDSE object.]]><tcm:Token>RESID_4537</tcm:Token><tcm:Token>TDSE</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="true" MessageID="16226"><![CDATA[Access is denied for the user IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist.]]><tcm:Token>IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Details><tcm:CallStack><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Security.AuthorizationManager.LoadAccessToken(String,IEnumerable`1,IEnumerable`1)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Security.AuthorizationManager.LoadAccessToken(String,String)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Session..ctor(String,String,UserContext)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.BLFacade.SystemFacade.InitializeUserContext(UserContext,String,String)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>UtilitiesTDS.GetUserContext</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>TDSE.Initialize</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>TDSE.GetListPublications</tcm:Location></tcm:CallStack></tcm:Details></tcm:Error>
this error occurs while executing this line :
TridionCollection<Component> components = new TridionCollection<Component>(folder.GetListItems(ListColumnFilter.XMLListExtended, rowFilter), "[contains(#IsShared,'false') and contains(#IsLocalized,'false') ]");
I think the error itself is quite clear: User IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist has no permission to access Tridion. Now you need to understand why this user is trying to connect. There are several ways to resolve it. Try to figure out who is trying to connect with this user. Apparently IIS, but why (is it expected to connect with this user?)
If you are logging in with user A and you see error like this, it means that you want to impersonate user A with IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist. Just add IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist to impersonation users of Tridion and it will be fine.
If this user is some kind of service user that you are want to use to perform maintenance tasks or so - just create user in CM
Next time, please post some more details of what you were trying to do and where exactly you have a problem, otherwise your question will be downvoted and you will hardly get any answer.
