problem when making call interconnection using the plivo api - node.js

I am currently working with the plivo api to build an ivr, however, I have used all the recommendations given by the documentation and so far I can not establish a successful connection within the conference calls in the application, below I attach the code that is involved in the conference function.
getDialConnecting(numberFrom, numberTo, route){
let ivr = new Ivr();
let client = ivr.getClient();
answerMethod: "POST"
}, function(err){
this function is called each time I make a conference call and enter the following parameters
I am currently working with the plivo api to build an ivr, however, I have used all the recommendations given by the documentation and so far I can not establish a successful connection within the conference calls in the application, below I attach the code that is involved in the conference function.
call.getDialConnecting(`${incomingNumber}`, `${incomingNumberTransmitter}`, 'conference');
in addition this is the path that is performing the handling of the function that accepts the call
const ivrGetConference ='/voice/conference', call.callRequestConfirmed);

My name is Mohammed Huzaif, and I work at Plivo as a Product Evangelist.
From the information shared, I'm unable to determine the error you may have received on your end or the documents utilised.
However, you can follow the below steps to build an IVR.
First, we'll create our IVR, To do so, follow the directions in this documentation.
Once the IVR system is developed, we will make a call to the destination number by using the URL generated in above step.
To make a call, use the below code.
Note: Replace the placeholders "from": with the caller_id, "to": Destination number, and "answer_url": the url generated in above step.
var plivo = require('plivo');
(function main() {
'use strict';
var client = new plivo.Client("<auth_id>","<auth_token>"); //
"+14151234567", // from
"+15671234567", // to
"", // answer url
answerMethod: "POST",
).then(function (response) {
}, function (err) {
In case, if you still need any assistance, feel free to reach out to our support-team.


How to add an extension number in twilio click to call using node js

As per the documentation here & the github source code here, I have cloned the application, its working perfectly.
Suppose if my sales person having some extension then how can I give that extension in this script. Normally, using senddigit I can pass the extension in twilio but I dont know how to implement that with this salesNumber.
twilioClient.createCall(salesNumber, phoneNumber, headersHost)
.then((result) => {
response.send({message: result});
.catch((error) => {
Please some one help on this.
I think you're looking at the wrong code snippet here. The code above doesn't call the Twilio client directly. Instead, it calls the helper function from this file to initiate the call.
Once the user picks up, they will be connected to the sales person via TwiML in this function:
voiceResponse: (salesNumber, Voice = VoiceResponse) => {
let twimlResponse = new Voice();
twimlResponse.say('Thanks for contacting our sales department. Our ' +
'next available representative will take your call. ',
{ voice: 'alice' });
return twimlResponse.toString();
In this function, you'll be able to send digits along as mentioned here.

Handling asynchronous calls in bot framework

We are using a Bot configured via Microsoft Bot Framework written in NodeJS. During the execution flow of a dialog, we present the user with certain information and then some server processing is done via SOAP and the result of this SOAP response would be needed before the next waterfall method starts.
In short, we have the below piece of code:
bot.dialog('changedefaultlogingroupDialog', [
async function (session, args, next) {
wargs[0] = 'change default login group';
var sourceFile = require('./fetchSharePointUserDetail.js');
session.privateConversationData.userSharepointEmail = global.DEVSharepointBotRequestorEmailID;
var get_SharepointUserId_args = ['get Sharepoint user id', session.privateConversationData.userSharepointEmail];
setTimeout(() => {
global.DEVSharepointTeamcenterUserID = require('./fetchSharePointUserDetail.js').DEVTeamcenterUserId;
console.log("Request has been made from directline channel by user id <"+global.DEVSharepointTeamcenterUserID+">");
session.privateConversationData.requestor_id = global.DEVSharepointTeamcenterUserID;
session.privateConversationData.create_ques = session.message.text;
}, 3000);
async function (session, result, next) {
Do processing here that is dependent on session.privateConversationData.requestor_id
As you can see from the above example, the setTimeout method is waiting for 3 seconds to have the SOAP response retrieved. While this worked in DEV landscape, it failed in our PRD landscape. So I wanted to know what is the more appropriate way of doing this. Is 'await' a correct case for using in this context?. I am asking this as this is in BOT Framework Context and not sure if that has any side affects.
Please suggest.
Await is the correct way to look at this.
I'm not familiar with the bot framework, but I'm guessing that they asynchronous part of your code happens during the login.
await sourceFile.login(get_SharepointUserId_args);
Would be where the asynchronous call is. It could also be in the fetchSharePointUserDetail.js
There is likely a better way to load that file as a module so that you are calling functions on a returned object, rather than returning variables from some code that is obviously executing something.

How to get Conference Sid at the time of dialing twilio call

I've been working with twilio, using Node.js, and dialing call between two web end points. One is client and other is agent. I'm using following code to dial call.
function dialCall(calledNumber, url) {
to: `client:${calledNumber}`,
from: twilioNumber,
url: url
.then(call => call.sid));
I'm using following twiml to establish a call.
const generateTwiml = (conferenceName) => {
let twimlResponse = new VoiceResponse();
twimlResponse.say(`Welcome to unity dialer.`, {
voice: 'alice',
const dial = twimlResponse.dial({
timeLimit: '600',
startConferenceOnEnter: true,
endConferenceOnExit: true
}, "Test Room");
return twimlResponse.toString();
I've been successfully calling both agents and clients and getting callSid of both calls. However, my question is that at this point of time I also want to get conference Sid as well as I'm dialing the call as conference. What is the method to get that. As per documentation there is a method to fetch conference using conference name and status. However, if I use this some time the same is not returned due to race condition and I have to implement set time out function for same arbitrary delay. I've been getting the result but is there any other solution available for that.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
At the time you return the TwiML to create the conference there is not yet a conference resource so there's no way to get the conference SID at that stage.
As you describe, you can use the conference resource to list conferences and filter by the name you give it. However, you can't list the conferences at the time you return the TwiML because that conference hasn't been created by then.
Rather than setting a timeout, which could be flaky, I recommend you use the statusCallback attribute of the <Conference> TwiML to set a URL to callback to when the conference starts. In the parameters to that callback you will get the ConferenceSid.

Using Twilio API resources within Twilio Functions

I've nearly finished my phone system with twilio and the final part is a voicemail playback. If the call fails or is declined, the calling party can leave a message and it saves to the twilio recordings. All server side code is done in Twilio Functions.
Now I want the end party to be able to check their voicemail by dialing an extension and playing back the saved messages. Everything up to the playing back of messages is done because I can't get the recording uri from a list of recordings.
Note NodeJS is not my strong suite.
I have tried playing back all recordings with:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const twilioClient = context.getTwilioClient();
let response = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
twilioClient.recordings.each(recording =>;
callback(null, response);
But I don't the expected result (i.e. I get a 200 OK and the <Response/> xml). I have Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN enabled in the functions configuration.
I feel like it has something to do with the callback and the request to the api being asynchronous but I couldn't find much information on the recordings docs (
Found the documentation I was after in the automated docs (
callback: function (recording) {
response.say('New Message');
const recordingSid = recording.sid;
done: function () {
callback(null, response);

Stripe module issues at Parse

I am developing a project which integrates Stripe + Parse for iOS. It uses web hooks and Cloud code via node js. Currently i am in need of implementing a couple of functions:
cancel user subscription with flag atPeriodEnd;
subscribe cancelled customer once again (named multiple subscriptions via Stripe docs).
As for the first one: I'm sending a request as follows in Parse's API -
Stripe.Customers.cancelSubscription(request.params.customerID, 1, null)
but the second parameter, i.e. atPeriodEnd remains 0 when i receive Stripe's response and my webhook catches request for cancelling user immediately. Also i have checked Stripe's dashboard to see parameters that i pass and it says 'No query parameters'. Hope you can help me with this one out.
Second one: as i mentioned earlier user needs to have ability to subscribe once again after cancellation. That means that i already have a valid customer saved at Stripe and all i need is to 'attach' to him a new subscription. There is a method for this at Stripe docs:
stripe.customers.createSubscription("cus_00000000000", { plan: "planName" }, function(err, subscription) {
But i can't find similar to this in Parse's API. Hope you can help with this one out.
Sorry if there are some mistakes or misunderstandings for you - feel free to ask, i will answer as much clear as i can. Thanks!
Here is a workaround to #1 - make an http call directly to the stripe endpoint using Parse.Cloud.httpRequest. (I agree that Stripe.Customers.cancelSubscription in the Parse cloud module does not seem to be working)
Parse.Cloud.define("cancel", function(request, response) {
var user = request.user;
var customerStripeId = user.get("stripeId");
var key = "<stripe_api_key>"
var url = "" + customerStripeId + "/subscription"
method: 'DELETE',
params: { at_period_end: true, key: key },
url: url,
success: function() {
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Delete failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
