How to add an extension number in twilio click to call using node js - node.js

As per the documentation here & the github source code here, I have cloned the application, its working perfectly.
Suppose if my sales person having some extension then how can I give that extension in this script. Normally, using senddigit I can pass the extension in twilio but I dont know how to implement that with this salesNumber.
twilioClient.createCall(salesNumber, phoneNumber, headersHost)
.then((result) => {
response.send({message: result});
.catch((error) => {
Please some one help on this.

I think you're looking at the wrong code snippet here. The code above doesn't call the Twilio client directly. Instead, it calls the helper function from this file to initiate the call.
Once the user picks up, they will be connected to the sales person via TwiML in this function:
voiceResponse: (salesNumber, Voice = VoiceResponse) => {
let twimlResponse = new Voice();
twimlResponse.say('Thanks for contacting our sales department. Our ' +
'next available representative will take your call. ',
{ voice: 'alice' });
return twimlResponse.toString();
In this function, you'll be able to send digits along as mentioned here.


problem when making call interconnection using the plivo api

I am currently working with the plivo api to build an ivr, however, I have used all the recommendations given by the documentation and so far I can not establish a successful connection within the conference calls in the application, below I attach the code that is involved in the conference function.
getDialConnecting(numberFrom, numberTo, route){
let ivr = new Ivr();
let client = ivr.getClient();
answerMethod: "POST"
}, function(err){
this function is called each time I make a conference call and enter the following parameters
I am currently working with the plivo api to build an ivr, however, I have used all the recommendations given by the documentation and so far I can not establish a successful connection within the conference calls in the application, below I attach the code that is involved in the conference function.
call.getDialConnecting(`${incomingNumber}`, `${incomingNumberTransmitter}`, 'conference');
in addition this is the path that is performing the handling of the function that accepts the call
const ivrGetConference ='/voice/conference', call.callRequestConfirmed);
My name is Mohammed Huzaif, and I work at Plivo as a Product Evangelist.
From the information shared, I'm unable to determine the error you may have received on your end or the documents utilised.
However, you can follow the below steps to build an IVR.
First, we'll create our IVR, To do so, follow the directions in this documentation.
Once the IVR system is developed, we will make a call to the destination number by using the URL generated in above step.
To make a call, use the below code.
Note: Replace the placeholders "from": with the caller_id, "to": Destination number, and "answer_url": the url generated in above step.
var plivo = require('plivo');
(function main() {
'use strict';
var client = new plivo.Client("<auth_id>","<auth_token>"); //
"+14151234567", // from
"+15671234567", // to
"", // answer url
answerMethod: "POST",
).then(function (response) {
}, function (err) {
In case, if you still need any assistance, feel free to reach out to our support-team.

slack how to know if bot recently posted

I am using botkit, i have a bot that responses to a certain word.
But i don't want the bot to response if it recently did so.
Currently i am using channels.history method to retrieve 4 recent messages then find the bot id, if its there it won't reply. This is not pretty, i've been searching for useful methods to use but i can't find any. I just want to find out if the bot recently posted or not and do actions base on it.
const targetBotID = 'GKALXJCM6'
latest: message.ts,
count: 4,
inclusive: 1,
}, function(err, response) {
if(err) { bot.reply(message, 'Something is wrong with me, check log if there is??'); }
const recentPostFound = response.messages.filter(function (member) {
return member.user === targetBotID;
return bot.reply();
return bot.reply(answer) // Answer if no matching id found
I can see two solutions to your issue:
Record previous actions of your bot in some kind of app context (e.g. database). Then you can verify each time if your bot already answered.
Consider using Events API instead of loading the chat history each time. Then your bot gets exactly one event request for each new message in a channel and you can be sure that your bot will only react once.

Return Stripe Response within Firebase Function to Swift Application

I’m trying to make an iOS that connects to Stripe and can show user information and data and things.
I’m doing this by using Firebase Functions, so I don’t have to maintain a server, and also because I’m a newb to the extreme.
But when I try to say, get a customer by using the Firebase callable functions, ex.
exports.getCustomer = functions.callableFunctions((data, context) => {
data.customerID, function (err, customer) {
I’m not sure where to place the “return” in order to actually use that ‘customer’ object in my app. I tried to stick a “return customer” under the console.log, but it’s never....... returning. I’ve also tried creating an empty string variable that I set after the console log and return, but that is always coming up as an empty string on the app.
Sorry for the typesetting issues, and this question is very theoretical - I’m typing on my phone because I don’t want to forget it and I’ll be away from my computer for a while.
Can anyone provide any guidance on how I’d return the ‘customer’ object to my iOS app?
As detailed here, since the release of the Stripe node.js API version 2, they added support for promises: "Every resource method now returns a Promises/A+ compliant promise in addition to supporting the conventional callback".
So you could do as follows:
exports.getCustomer = functions.callableFunctions((data, context) => {
const stripeCustomerID = data.customerID;
return stripe.customers.retrieve(stripeCustomerID)
.then(customer => {
return { customer: customer };
.catch(err => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('<status error code>', 'xxxxxxx');
As indicated in the doc, have a look here for the possible values of

twilio survey is stuck, for my phone number only

I have a node js/express application that is using the twilio automated voice survey, and I have this issue where if my phone number calls the survey, the program jumps to the last statement in the survey, and then ends. None of the questions of the survey are asked.
However when any other number calls, the survey works as normal. Does anyone have some insight on this problem?
I even tested the node js/express application with another twilio number, and this problem still arises with my phone number.
I am using ngrok as a webhook for the application.
I am not sure if the problem is somewhere in my mongoDB, and I do not think I have filtered my number anywhere in the node js application
Please let me know if there is any useful information I can add to make this question more insightful
Here is some relevant code from the survey, which takes in the survey data (the survey questions), filters through the users recorded responses (survey response):
var SurveyResponse = require('../models/SurveyResponse');
var survey = require('../survey_data');
module.exports = function(request, response) {
complete: true
}).limit(100).exec(function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
} else {
survey: survey,
results: docs

Twilio: Hangup a call in an existing conference, ERROR 20404

Following situation:
Someone called my Twilio Number
Twilio requested my url
Caller gets into a conference (don't starts until a second person join)
TwiML makes call to a Mobile
The Moblie dont accept the call
=> no second Person enters the conference so it wont stop and the caller is stuck there.
My solution is to end the whole call if this happens, I already know where to place the endCall function so this is not my problem. The function looks like this (You'll find it in the twilio API too):
status: "completed"
}, function(err, call) {
My programm logic is fine, I see that this function is called at the right place but I receive this Error:
{ status: 404,
message: 'The requested resource /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC/Calls/AC.json was not found',
code: 20404,
moreInfo: '' }
I already red whats at the moreInfo url but I disqualify
the solutions there. Maybe you have an idea whats the problem with this.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You are almost all the way there. Your problem is that you are using your accountSid when trying to update the call's status.
You need to get hold of the callSid of the original call. You will find the callSid in the parameters that you receive in the incoming webhook when the person calls your Twilio number.'/calls', function(req, res, next) {
var callSid = req.body.CallSid;
// store callSid somewhere for use later
// return TwiML to set up conference and dial your mobile number
You'll need to save that callSid and then use it at this point later when you want to hangup the call.
status: "completed"
}, function(err, call) {
Let me know if this helps at all.
