Is it possible to Monitor Azure Integration Runtime? - azure

I am running few Data Pipelines in Azure Data Factory and its using Azure Integration Runtime for the compute.
I am trying to Monitor the CPU/Memory Usage Pipelines Consume and Utilise Azure IR.
I have checked in the Azure Monitor but the CPU / Memory Metrics are for Self Hosted Integration Runtime I think.
Also, with the Diagnostic Setting Enabled, I tried to verify the details in the Logs too but these details are not available.
Can anyone help to know more options?

If you are referring to the Azure AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime, then no there is not, and this is why (from
Microsoft has massive elastic pools across the various locations/regions they offer Azure, and at runtime ADF determines what pool/hardware it will use to perform the Pipeline activities. So there is really no way (and no need) to monitor the Azure Autoresolve IR. But if you are interested in monitoring Self-Hosted IR's then there are many ways to do it.
One simple and straight forward way to do it is by creating Azure Dashboards in the Metrics portion of Azure Monitor. As you can see from the screenshot below it provides good visual representation of usage/resources over time.
As you can see I'm visualizing the integration Runtime itself (CPU/Memory) as well as the Azure VM that is hosting the Integration Runtime. On top of this you can go into the Metrics dashboard to set up alerts if certain conditions are met (eg AVG CPU % usage is over 75% for the last 15 minutes). These alerts can send you a text message, or email... and even do things as complicated as triggering a LogicApp or WebHook for automated scaling up/out, advanced notifications, etc.
This in my opinion is the best way to monitor but another option could be to call the Azure Data Factory REST API to get monitor data for the Integration Runtimes
But this method would require you to incrementally pull in data, store it, parse it, and then visualize it or act upon it when that is already very well built in for you. Sometimes it's fun to recreate wheels though.

Yes It is possible to Monitor Azure Integration Runtime.
"Pipeline Runs" in Monitoring has the option to check the CPU Utilization specific to pipeline, Integration Runtime and more specific filters. You can find here, how its done.


Azure monitoring tool

I am trying to find the reason why azure data factory pipeline is running for long time. It may be due to n/w, database, copy actiovity or any other reason.
Is there a tool or plugin which can show all the metrics in one dashborad.
Datadog will work for this
Azure monitor is not showing all the required metrics in one dashboard.
So need a tool for this

Copy data from self-hosted Integration runtime to azure data lake?

I'm trying to copy data, using the copy activity in a synapse-pipeline, from a self hosted integration runtime rest api call to a azure data lake gen2. Using preview I can see the data from the rest api call but when I try to do the copy activity it is queued endlessly. Any idea why this happens? The Source is working with a self hosted integration Runtime and the Sink with azure integration runtime. Could this be the problem? Otherwise both connections are tested and working...
Edit: When trying the the web call, it tells me it's processing for a long time but I know I can connect to the rest api source since when using the preview feature in the copy activity it shows me the response....
Running the diagnostic tool, I receive the following error:
It seems to be a problem with the certificate. Any ideas?
Integration runtime
If you use a Self-hosted Integration Runtime (IR) and copy activity waits long in the queue until the IR has available resource to execute, suggest scaling out/up your IR.
If you use an Azure Integration Runtime that is in a not optimal region resulting in slow read/write, suggest configuring to use an IR in another region.
You can also try performance tuning tips
how do i scale up the IR?
Scale Considerations

Monitoring & Detecting Exceptions in Applications using Cloud Monitoring

I am new to GCP and come from an Azure background. Is there an equivalent of "Azure Application Insights" on the GCP side for Monitoring Applications?
Let me explain my use case more clearly with an example: If I have a .NET based web application running on a Windows VM on GCP can Google Cloud Monitoring help detect Exceptions raised by the running application and send out alerts.
Any pointers/links to further explore this type of monitoring capability would be helpful.
Cloud Monitoring will provide you with many statisctics - most probably with what you need. And if there aren't any metrics to suit you need you may create ones based on the logs collected from the VM.
By default there is a number of logs being ingested but if you want to have full range and experiment with various ones you may want to install a monitoring agent. Go through the documentation and have a look.
You can then use the metrics to create charts and have a live view on a number of things such as cpu utilisation, disk IO/s, dropped/sent/received packets etc. Here's the Cloud Monitoring documentation.
And finally - you can create alerts based on the metrics (set thresholds, time periods etc). They can be simple e-mail alerts for example but they can be sent via pub-sub and trigger some functions or apps too.
Since you're new to GCP it's a lot of reading ahead of you but you will easily find documentation for most of GCP's services.
If you provide more details I can update my answer and give you more precise answer.

How to get hollistic view of Azure environment

There's an awful lot of disjointed documentation on monitoring network/resources in Azure. What I'm looking for is which pieces are needed to get information from VMs, NVA firewalls, azure load balancers, and other network resources and network connectivity into a single pain of glass in Azure. Only concerned about Azure, not on-prem for now.
I've come across azure monitor, log analytics work spaces, event hub, vm extensions, network watcher, insights, etc...but I'm not sure which are required and which are not. One doc leads to the next and I end up with 30 tabs open. I'll also need to be able to push logs to other security devices such as a SIEM.
Does anyone know of a deployment guide that wraps this all up in a more logical fashion? Does anyone have any feedback on which pieces from azure (not 3rd parties) are required at a minimum to accomplish a single pane of glass to view my Azure environment holistically?
General overview of observability in Azure
Likely, the thing you're looking for is Azure Monitor. It's an umbrella term for everything observability related inside Azure.
To store Metrics and Logs you need Log Analytics: it can query data with kusto query language, visualize results, define Alerts on queries.
Alerts is quite a complex beast, as it is spread across the entire cloud. Two types that I use the most:
log-analytics alert (which I mentioned above)
Alerts tab, which is available at every Azure component view. for example, open resource group, and scroll down to Monitoring section
Each component also has a subset of built-in metrics. Likely, you noticed that many azure components on the Overview view display some charts. For example, Azure Storage Account displays Total egress, Total ingress, and other line-charts. When you click on these charts you can customize them. These metrics and charts are free to use.
Microsoft also has all-in-one observability solution for Azure Functions and Web Apps: Application Insights
Dashboards allows to join multiple charts into a single view and share it with others.
If you care about security, Azure proposes Azure Security Center
Deployment/management strategy
I suggest to start with:
Create Log Analytics Workspace, which is the storage for metrics and logs. The azure docs article explains how to design it: how many instances to use, how to rate-limit ingestion (it might be expensive if goes out of control), how to access it and so on.
To get Azure components logs, look for Diagnostic Settings tab at a component page at Azure portal, but not all components has it (sic!). I suggest
sending the most critical data to Log Analytics workspace to store them in a queryable format for 30 days (it's in free tier). This is needed for investigating current issues with your infrastructure
if you might need logs later than 30 days - send them to Storage Account
you mentioned SIEM integration - route required events to Event Hub and then process the stream according to your requirements
So, if you need long-term storage - you need to create Azure Storage Account.
If you need real-time analysis - you need to build a pipeline based on Azure Event Hub.
If you have Azure Functions and Web Apps - add Application Insights. According to my experience, I would suggest starting with a separate instance per each Azure Function resource or Service.
Create Alerts for each component separately. If you do it through UI - open component page at the portal and look for Alerts tab there. If you're automating the process (please do so as soon as possible), do not expect easy trip: I used ARM templates and terraform - in both cases, there are dozens of barely documented features.
Join related components core-metrics into Dashboards and share it with the team. This guide is a good starting point. Note, when you share the dashboard, it's also persisted as an azure resource in the subscription.

Azure: Orchestration file transfers - Which Azure components are best suited?

I have a project in which we need to transfer files (mostly SFTP-based, but also HTTP), between 20+ systems. We have currently identified +200 different files that needs to be transferred. We would like a setup in Azure where the different transfers can be setup, monitored and logged, however, we are unsure which way to go.
The question is: Which Azure components would be best suited for the above task? Which components would you use?
One possible solution would be to implement at large set of Azure functions, each responsible for one file transfer. This would require us to setup the monitoring ourselves, and it will result in a very large number of functions.
We have also been looking towards Azure data factory and Azure Logic apps, but we are unsure if they would provide any benefits with regards to monitoring, re-running failed jobs etc.
As you already mentioned in your description,obviously, Azure Function is not suitable for your scenario because you have to build a large number of functions to do the transfer work.Moreover,it's painful to monitoring such scale of function executions.You need to distinguish the log data and persist them into table storage or something like that which causes more cost. So,it's passed!
In my opinion, ADF is the best solution for you.It could be monitored by many ways and it supports re-run feature,please follow this video.Also,another distinct feature for ADF is Self-Hosted Integration Runtime which supports transmission between on-premise system and Azure cloud environment.
As for Logic App,i'm can't find any re-run feature related to it so i don't think it could attract your attention.
