Calculating checkboxes Apple Numbers after filtering - excel-formula

In my numbers worksheet I create a table with the columns name, date and a column with checkboxes.
And a second table with a cell that counts the checkboxes they returned true. I used this formule COUNTIF(A;WAAR)
Now I created a filter on the column date but If I activate the filter the COUNTIF count all checkboxes if they are true and not only the filtered checkboxes with true.
Who knows how I can create this in Apple Numbers?

In Excel there is a function that allows you to do this. You can find further information on why countif does not yield the result you are looking for and which alternatives you have here. A similar solution does not seem to exist in Apple Numbers (see here).
You could add another column that turns 0 or 1 depending on whether you selected the specific date in a row and then reference this column in your sumif.


Using SUMPRODUCT on column found by lookup

I have a sheet which has the following properties where Column A is item name, and Column B is item build price (computed).
I have second sheet which has the build information for the items, which has 1st column is the components, 2nd is the price per component, and each column after is the quantity of components needed to make item which is named in row 1
What I am wanting to do is to in sheet 1 have the calculated cost to make in column C. I tried doing various sumproducts formulas, like
but it either doesn't work OR I get excel ran out of resources. Any ideas how to make this work?
You could use an INDEX/MATCH within your SUMPRODUCT. Adjust the ranges as needed.
The MATCH matches the Item Name in A2 within the range BlueprintInfo!$C$1:$E$1, returning 1 in this case.
Then use this as the column reference: in this case effectively INDEX(BlueprintInfo!$C$3:$E$6,,1), which is just BlueprintInfo!$C$3:$C$6.
This is the same as
which is what you'd use if you hard-coded Column C for Item A.

I want to index specific values in a specific range

I have a list of students that I have the following mark criteria,
from 0 to -500
from -501 to -1000
from -1001 to -5000
from -5001 to -10000000000
The list of students and the categorization were on sheet 1. On sheet 2 I have the criteria as headers.
I want a formula that I can use under lets say criteria 1
and it automatically fills all the account numbers that met the criteria under the column that has that criteria as a header.
Sheet 2:
You can use this array formula (ctrl+shift+enter !!) :
I hard coded the cut-off values, but this would be better of course with a reference to the cells above where you put the cut-off values (so you not only can copy down, but also copy right). In A$1:A$5 are the students/accounts, and in B$1:B$5 their scores. You can copy this formula down in each target column, ideally as far down as there are rows in your original list (just to cover the --probably unlikely-- case that all students' scores are in the same bracket...)
Of course change the ; delimiter with , if needed according to your regional settings.
Credit to this answer on SU :
A quick solution would be to enter all your data into each column, and then sort by your criteria. Each column would contain all the data, but only display the desired fields.
No VBA necessary.

Listing duplicate emails in Excel mailing lists

Im trying to create a list of values in 'sheet 3 column A', that are created by listing all values that are duplicates in two other sheets.
The duplicates are to be found by looking through each value in 'sheet 1 column P' and checking if that value also exists in
'sheet 2 column A'
I've tried reading up on this and there seem to be a number of functions I can use and not sure if I should use.
You need to use the VLOOKUP function, combined with IF. Together they are very very powerful. I really suggest you read up on them.
The following formula in Sheet 3, Column A (starting at row 2) will do what you want:
Copy that formula down from A2. I've assumed you have headings in row A. If you have more than 98 rows of emails (values to check), change $A$99 to be something like $A$9999.
So, let me get this straight. You have two workbook tabs. You want to get the intersection of the set (figure out where they are overlapping, duplicate, however you want to say it).
I would do one of two things, depending on how much you like Excel and moving your data around.
Option 1: Create a PivotTable of the data (assumes no duplicates within lists, only between lists)
Copy the data from the second list after the end of the first list (so both lists are now one list)
Insert a Pivot Table (on the ribbon), choosing your single column for the source
PivotTable options will pop up. Put the email address field in RowLabels and Count in the Summarize Values box.
Click on the count column of the pivot and sort largest to smallest.
All your duplicates will have Count > 1
Option 2 - use CountIf
This does not involve moving your data.
Go to sheet 2. In the next column over (from your info, it would be Column Q), put the CountIf function:
Then you can sort descending on your new count column to find duplicates.
CountIf performs very well in Excel if your lists are very large.
This can be refined slightly using iferror giving:
but is essentially the same thing

Write the matching values in a cell

I have two excel sheets.
The first sheet matches the dates without price, and the second sheet matches the dates with price. I want to compare the two dates and if they are equal I want to put the right price into the B colume, so that it looks like that:
I want to implement this with a excel formula. However, I have no idea where to start.
I appreciate your answer!!!
PS.: My excel version is 2010
You need to use the vlookup() formula in the cells in column B:
Where the first value (A2) is the value you want to look up.
The second value (E1:F4) is the table where you want to look your value up.
The third value (2) is the column number of your table where you want to look the value up.
Remember, the fourth value is always 0 (or false).

Excel function advanced filter

I have a list of sales people and a list of their sale revenues in two separate columns. How do I use an advanced filter or other sorting means to find the max of the sale revenue column and then have the formula output be the corresponding sales person?
Referencing this page:
In this example, assuming column A was your list of salespeople and column B was your list of sales revenues...
in any empty cell would return the highest sales revenue from column B.
I figured it out.
You first need to set a criteria. In the link's example, you would first (off to the side) make a small column that had a title of Value, then right under that put in the function =Max(B2:B6). Then click the "Advanced Filter" button. The data range would be the entire database, A1:B6. The criteria range is the new two row column you just made of Value and the Max formula. Then select and output range that will be big enough to hold your filtered data. in this case, a 2x2 grid will be enough. (Make sure to click the copy to new cell option at the top.)
The resulting filter will be the Date of the Max Value.
This is my first answer post on this site, so please let me know if I formatted it wrong.
