How do I fix $GOPATH/go.mod exists but should not - Linux Fedora - linux

I am new to Golang, I am following this tutorial but for some reason I keep getting this message every time I try to run the code:
$GOPATH/go.mod exists but should not
I have tried to look at answers like this one: but I dont understand what is GOPATH and where is it.
I am using Vi as an editor on Linux Fedora

GOPATH defaults to $HOME/go on Unix.
Remove the file $HOME/go/go.mod or explicitly set $GOPATH to a different directory.

$GOPATH should point out to the src directory, in my case in Debian, I set $GOPATH to /usr/local/go/src and the problem was solved.
export $GOPATH=/usr/local/go/src
What is GOPATH ?
GOPATH is a variable that defines a folder, under which GO expects our code to reside . For more details, you can check this link


Spark Installation Problems

I am following instructions from here:
I downloaded and prebuilt version of Spark , untarred it and mv it to /usr/local/spark.
According to this, this is all I should have to do.
Unfortunately, I can run the interactive shell as it cant find the file.
When i run :
I get
-bash: ./bin/pyspark: No such file or directory.
I also notice that installing it this way does not add it to the bin directory.
Is this tutorial wrong or am I missing a trick?
You need to change your working directory to /usr/local/spark. Then this command will work.
And also, when you untar it, it usually will not add it to bin folder. You need to add it manually by adding the path to environment variables.
Update your working Directory to /usr/local/spark and execute the command. Hopefully this will fix the issue.

Cargo path setup for rust-racer

I just installed racer using cargo. After installing it say this:
Installing /home/karthik/.cargo/bin/racer
warning: be sure to add `/home/karthik/.cargo/bin` to your PATH to be able to run the installed binaries
How do I do this? Googling didn't help. Also, Should I be setting a PATH variable for cargo bin as well?
Edit: OS is Ubuntu 14.04 and I have super user access
You have to add the cargo bin path to your PATH variable and set the RUST_SRC_PATH in .profile or .bash_profile.
Related unix.stackechange question
There are two steps:
(1) Add the Cargo bin to your PATH variable. You can run $ whereis cargo to find the bin path, and then do $ sudo -H gedit /etc/environment where you can add that new path section to your current PATH variable. You will need to save and close the file (and you can ignore the error message in the terminal during the saving portion) in order for it to take effect.
(2) Run $ rustup component add rust-src to download the necessary Rust source files for you.
At this point Racer should work properly.
This is based on the answer here.

Adding a permanent value to $PATH on Raspbian

I am quite new to Linux so I'm sorry for my newbie question,
but for about and hour now I'm trying to add Node.js to $PATH with no luck :(
I've used the following line to add Node
it worked, but when I logged off the terminal and logged in again, the path disappeared.
Later I tried adding the same line to .profile , .logins.defs and .bashrc.
All didn't work so I removed the line.
Please help me with this!
P.S , when I added the line to .profile I was able to call Node, but when I changed my directory in order to navigate to a Node project directory, I received the following error:
-bash: node-v0.10.24-linux-arm-armv6j-vfp-hard/bin/node: No such file or directory
You should add an absolute path, not a relative one. You added this to your path: node-v0.10.24-linux-arm-armv6j-vfp-hard/bin. That's a relative path, not an absolute one (absolute paths start with a /). You can change your line to:
where DIR is the full path of the directory containing node-v0.10.24-linux-arm-armv6j-vfp-hard.
It's probably a good idea for you to read a bit on how this all works - it's not that complicated once you see it explained. See for an example.
You have $HOME already set to your home directory.
So you can use this in your .profile:
If you set it as an absolute path you will not be able to copy that .profile to another user who is set up similarly.
I see there is another question that deals with installing node.js on Debian - and must admit I am surprised it is installed per-user. So if you do the install for another login you might want to copy your .profile to the new login to solve this same issue. There would be no per-user editing required if you use the $HOME variable like this. Just a simple copy or cut and paste.
For reference, here is that other question/answer: install node.js on debian

Set slash directory in git bash

I have msysgit installed in my PC. I want to change the path of / using environment variables. Currently it is pointing to c:\program files\git. How can I change this?
Note: I am able to change path of ~ directory using HOME environment variable. I am looking for similar solution for this.
The software package that installs git bash is similar to Cygwin (I think it may be based on Cygwin, but I'm not sure of that). It's designed to emulate a UNIX-like environment under Windows.
As far as I know, the location of the / directory (referred to as the root directory) is fixed when you install the software. If you want / to refer to a different location in the Windows filesystem, you'll need to reinstall the software and, if possible, specify a different location. It can't be changed by setting an environment variable.
What exactly are you trying to do? There may be some way to accomplish your goal other than changing the location of /.

Choosing between multiple executables with same name in Linux

The system I am using has gnuplot installed in /usr/bin. I don't have root, but I needed a newer version of gnuplot, so I installed it to $HOME/usr/bin.
I added $HOME/usr/bin to my path, but it still executes the one in /usr/bin if I just use the gnuplot command. I'd rather not have to specify $HOME/usr/bin/gnuplot every time I have to use it.
How do I tell Linux to use the one in my home directory, and not the one in /usr/bin?
Executables are found in PATH order. You need to prepend ${HOME}/usr/bin to your path, like so:
export PATH="${HOME}/usr/bin:$PATH"
Executables are found in PATH order. Your PATH apparently is set up such that /usr/bin precedes ~/usr/bin/.
Besides modifying the PATH as has been explained, you can also use aliases like this (in BASH)
alias gn=$HOME/usr/bin/gnuplot
then you just run it with
What Bombe says is ok. I would add that you should declare your user specific PATH entries inside your user's bashrc ($HOME/.bashrc), so your PATH settings only apply to your user.
