Which mongoose query fails using async await - node.js

I have a small requirement.
I am trying to add documents into 2 different collections as shown below. In the below code, **Test1_Model** and **Test2_Model** are Mongoose Models in Node.js.
try {
const test1 = new Test1_Model({ name: "Dummy" });
const saveTest1 = await test1.save();
const test2 = new Test2_Model({ field: "Something" })
const saveTest2 = await test2.save();
} catch(err) {
Now the requirement is to know that which of the above mongoose query returned an error and which one completed successfully. Yes, if test1.save() fails then test2.save() will not execute only but there can be a situation that test1.save() completes but test2.save() fails. So the aim is to know that exactly which of the query failed.
The above problem can be solved by replacing async/await into Promise handling using .then() and .catch(). You can find that solution below.
try {
const test1 = new Test1_Model({ name: "Dummy" });
const saveTest1 = test1.save().then().catch(err => {
throw new Error('Test1 Failed');
const test2 = new Test2_Model({ field: "Something" })
const saveTest2 = test2.save().then().catch(err => {
throw new Error('Test2 Failed');
} catch(err) {
This solves the problem but the aim is to know that by using async/await, can we do something like this.

You can create a wrapper for every promise and throw an error or pass data from it.
const promiseHandler = (promise) => {
return promise
.then(data => ([data, undefined]))
.catch(error => Promise.resolve([undefined, error]));
try {
const test1 = new Test1_Model({ name: "Dummy" });
const [saveTest1, error] = await handle(test1.save());
if (error) throw new Error(`Error is on saveTest ${error}`)
const test2 = new Test2_Model({ field: "Something" })
const [saveTest2, error] = await handle(test2.save());
if (error) throw new Error(`Error is on saveTest2 ${error}`)
} catch (error) {


Callable cloud functions - handle error in android

im trying to delete an user from firestore and from auth.
I have this callable cloud function:
export const deleteUser = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userEmail = data.userEmail;
const collection = data.collection;
try {
deleteUserByEmail(userEmail, collection)
return "deleted!"
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'there is no user with that email', error);
async function deleteUserByEmail(userEmail: string, collection: string) {
const auth = admin.auth();
const db = admin.firestore();
const { uid } = await auth.getUserByEmail(userEmail);
await db.collection(collection)
await auth.deleteUser(uid);
return uid;
in android i have this:
fun deleteFromFirebase(){
val data = hashMapOf(
"userEmail" to user.email,
"collection" to "User"
functions // Optional region: .getInstance("europe-west1")
.addOnCompleteListener() { task ->
Log.d("User", "ERROR")
val e = task.exception
if (e != null) {
Log.d("Admin", e.message.toString())
Log.d("User", "Deleted")
//make something
If the user in auth and the document nin firestore exist, works great.
But i tryed to generate some error.
So I deleted the user from auth and ran the function. The Android log says D/User: User deleted
but in the console from google cloud:
Function execution took 1878 ms, finished with status code: 200
Exception from a finished function: Error: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
How can I handle the error and get correctly in android? Thanks!
The deleteUserByEmail function is async and returns a Promise. Your return statement runs before the promises is resolved. Try refactoring the code as shown below:
export const deleteUser = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userEmail = data.userEmail;
const collection = data.collection;
try {
// add await, continues after Promise is resolved
await deleteUserByEmail(userEmail, collection)
return "deleted!"
} catch (error) {
console.log(error) // <-- check for any errors
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'there is no user with that email', error);
async function deleteUserByEmail(userEmail: string, collection: string) {
const auth = admin.auth();
const db = admin.firestore();
const { uid } = await auth.getUserByEmail(userEmail);
return await Promise.all([

Nodejs exports returns undefined on mongoose Insertion

I have created nodejs application by organising as module structure , The problem I am facing is that a mongodb insertion return undefined value from one of my controller, The issue I found is that my async funtion doesn't wait to complete my mongodb operation But I could not find a solution for that, my route and controller code is given below
const {
createEvent, editEvent
} = require('./controller');
router.post("/event/create", validateEventManage, isRequestValidated, async(req, res) => {
let data = {};
data.body = req.body;
let event = await createEvent(req.body);
console.log(event) // returned undefined
data.event = event;
exports.createEvent = async(data) => {
// return "test" // This works correctly
const eventObj = {
name : data.name,
description : data.desc,
type : data.type,
startDate : new Date()
const event = await new Event(eventObj);
await event.save((error,event)=>{
if(error) {
return error;
return event;
You should not await the new Event constructor.
Also, since you are using async - await you can
remove the callback from the save and try ... catch the error to handle it:
exports.createEvent = async (data) => {
// return "test" // This works correctly
const eventObj = {
name: data.name,
description: data.desc,
type: data.type,
startDate: new Date(),
try {
const event = new Event(eventObj);
await event.save();
return event;
} catch (error) {
return error;

Delete a MongoDB document in Express JS

I'm staggered by how much I'm struggling to delete a document in MongoDB from Express JS. I'm finding the mix of documentation and methods including deleteOne, findByIdAndRemove, some tutorials say you need to declare an ObjectId, and some don't. Madness.
Anyway, below is my code. I have a function to connect to the database:
const withDB = async (operations, res) => {
try {
const client = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', { useNewUrlParser: true });
const db = client.db('database-name');
await operations(db);
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error connecting to db', error });
And then the below is my delete command:
app.delete('/api/reports/delete-report/:id', async (req, res) => {
//call withDB function above
withDB(async (db) => {
//delete command
const result = await db.collection('reports').deleteOne( { _id : new MongoClient.ObjectId(req.params.id) } );
//get reports
const reportInfo = await db.collection('reports').find().toArray()
//put returned reports into the result provided
}, res);
For my troubles I get the message 'Error connecting to db'. If I make the delete command:
const result = await db.collection('reports').deleteOne( { _id : req.params.id } );
I just get the contents of the database returned, but there's no deletion.
The issue is:
new MongoClient.ObjectId(req.params.id)
You don't want to create another mongoclient. It needs to be
new ObjectId(req.params.id)
and make sure you import that class:
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb');

Serverless: dynamodb giving error on create record when trying with async/await

I am trying to create a record in dynamodb(Using dynamoose). code is
class Test {
constructor() {
this.table = dynamoose.model(tableName, tableSchema);
// userdata object - {
// cusotmerEmail: 'tushar.gaurav+testf40#accionlabs.com',
// customerBusinessName: 'DoogleDnd',
// customerFirstName: 'Tushar',
// customerId: 101211,
// customerLastName: 'Gaurav',
// isDeleted: false,
// sku: '100',
// userId: '5c1776e94bea867c3f896236'
// }
async createUser(userData) {
try {
const res = await this.table.create(userData);
console.log('Update user record - ', res);
return res;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
*input values to the create function are correct as the same input I tried with batchPut(), it's working.
And even update call to the table is also working.
async updateUser(userData) {
try {
const res = await this.table.update(userData);
console.log('Updated user record - ', res);
return res;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
This is the error I am getting -
Error - {"message":"The conditional request failed", "code":"ConditionalCheckFailedException", "statusCode":400}
This is the calling function -
module.exports.subscribeUser = async (event) => {
let inputBody = (typeof event.body === 'object' ? event.body :
inputBody.userId = event.pathParameters.id;
try {
// Validate input
await asisvc.validateInput(inputBody);
inputBody = await UserSvc.constructUserObject(inputBody);
console.log('Constructed object - ', JSON.stringify(inputBody));
const userData = await testObj.createUser(inputBody);
return Utils.buildResp(codes.ok, { userData }, {});
} catch (error) {
return Utils.buildResp(codes.badrequest, { Error:
Utils.getErrString(error) }, {});
I tried googling it, but didn't find any proper document.
Thanks in advance.
In Dynamoose by default we check to see if the primary key already exists in the table when using the Model.create method.
So your error:
{"message":"The conditional request failed", "code":"ConditionalCheckFailedException", "statusCode":400}
Indicates that the primary key already exists in the table. So you are trying to create a duplicate item.
In the documentation there is an options property that you can use to allow overriding the object.
For example the following code will allow overrides:
const res = await this.table.create(userData, {overwrite: true});

Bulk update to Postgres with node js performance issue

I'm facing performance issue while trying to do bulk update in PostgresDB. It's taking more than 180 seconds to update around 23000 records. PFB the code. I'm using pg-promise library. Is there anything I could do to improve the performance?
const pgp = require('pg-promise')();
const postgresDBConfig = {
host: Config.postgresDBHost,
port: Config.postgresDBPort,
database: Constants.postgresDBName,
user: Config.postgresDBUser,
password: 'pswd'
export async function getTransactionDetails(): Promise<any> {
return new Promise<any>(async function (resolve, reject) {
try {
let db = pgp(postgresDBConfig);
let query = "SELECT * FROM table_name";
.then(data => {
console.log("Executed successfully::");
.catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR:', error);
} catch (error) {
log.error("Error::" + error);
throw error;
export async function updateStatus(result: any, status: string) {
try {
let db = pgp(postgresDBConfig);
let updateData = [];
_.forEach(result, function (row) {
let updateInfo = {};
updateInfo["sessionid"] = row.sessionid;
updateInfo["status"] = status;
console.log("updateData::" + updateData.length);
const tableName = new pgp.helpers.TableName('table_name', 'schema_name');
let columnset = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?sessionid', 'status'], { table: tableName });
let update = pgp.helpers.update(updateData, columnset);
db.none(update).then(() => {
console.log("Updated successfully");
.catch(error => {
console.log("Error updating the status" + error);
catch (error) {
log.error("Error in function updateStatus::" + error);
throw error;
The code exhibits problems all over the place
You should initialize the database object only once
You should not use db.connect() at all, which you also use incorrectly for the async code
You again incorrectly use async block, skipping await, so it doesn't execute correctly.
You do not append any UPDATE logic clause, so it is updating everything all over again, unconditionally, which may be resulting in a delayed mess that you're in.
Here's an improved example, though it may need some more work from your side...
const pgp = require('pg-promise')();
const postgresDBConfig = {
host: Config.postgresDBHost,
port: Config.postgresDBPort,
database: Constants.postgresDBName,
user: Config.postgresDBUser,
password: 'pswd'
const db = pgp(postgresDBConfig);
const tableName = new pgp.helpers.TableName('table_name', 'schema_name');
const columnSet = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?sessionid', 'status'], {table: tableName});
export async function getTransactionDetails(): Promise<any> {
try {
const res = await db.any('SELECT * FROM table_name');
console.log('Executed successfully::');
return res;
} catch (error) {
console.log('ERROR:', error);
throw error;
export async function updateStatus(result: any, status: string) {
try {
let updateData = [];
_.forEach(result, row => {
let updateInfo = {};
updateInfo["sessionid"] = row.sessionid;
updateInfo["status"] = status;
console.log('updateData::', updateData.length);
const update = pgp.helpers.update(updateData, columnSet) +
' WHERE v.sessionid = t.sessionid';
await db.none(update);
console.log('Updated successfully');
catch (error) {
console.log('Error in function updateStatus:', error);
throw error;
