Auto update Chrome extension during development with CI/CD and update.xml - google-chrome-extension

I have a Chrome Extension in development, locally which is a React application.
I have set up a CI/CD pipeline so that the React app is built with yarn build to produce the dist directory containing the app files and the manifest.json. The pipeline then uses this npm package to create the .crx file and upload it to a public storage location along with the update.xml file which has been updated with a new version number and URL to the new .crx file.
I created a private key (key.pem) locally and stored in a key vault so that the "packing" job in CI pipeline uses the same private key each time. The public key has been added to the manifest.json so that the app ID stays the same each time.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<gupdate xmlns='' protocol='2.0'>
<app appid='blahblahooaejaldnohkhmaedknkfogn'>
<updatecheck codebase='' version='1.0.20210702.22' />
"manifest_version": 2,
"version": "1.0.20210702.22",
"key": "<my-public-key",
"update_url": ""
Steps to install and update:
Go to chrome://extensions/ > developer mode > load unpacked > select local dist directory.
The unpacked extension appears in the list of extensions with app id: blahblahooaejaldnohkhmaedknkfogn
Select the extension and click "Update"
Expected result:
Chrome queries the remote update.xml file, sees a version later than the initially installed version, downloads and installs the new crx file from the specified location.
Actual result:
The extension is not updated.
Note: I downloaded the crt generated by the CI/CD from the storage location and uploaded it here. The public key shown by that online tool matches the value of key in the manifest.json and the calculated app id matches the one in update.xml.
To dig a little deeper I opened Fiddler4 and sniffed the calls made by Chrome. Although I don't understand everything, part of one of the responses was:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><gupdate xmlns="" protocol="2.0" server="prod"><daystart elapsed_days="5296" elapsed_seconds="28389"/><app appid="mgndgikekgjfcpckkfioiadnlibdjbkf" status="error-unknownApplication"/><app appid="apbllhlpimnkljppmmdbiipfbjjimjgj" cohort="1::" cohortname="" status="ok"><updatecheck _esbAllowlist="false" status="noupdate"/></app></gupdate>
That "app id" is not mine (or is that the Chrome app id?), but the status of "error-unknownApplication" perhaps gives some hint as to what is going on.

No protection setting in Chrome allows an extension to update. This setting also allows to drag and drop .crx into chromium extensions.

Installing the chrome extension by "Load unpacked" button at chrome://extensions "ties" the install to the file system and doesn't allow for updates.
The extension needs to be installed via the .crt file for updating to work.
The ability to do this has been removed in Chrome for security reasons.
However you can use Chrome's developer version, Chromium to install the .crt file by dragging and dropping. Installing in this way allows the extension to be updated using the method in the original question (if everything is configured correctly).
This workaround was acceptable in my case.


Possible to edit web.config of cloud app deployed on windows Azure without redeploying app?

I would like to add rewrite URL code on azure web app's web.config without redeploying the whole app again. for this I am using 'app service editor' and 'kudu- debug console' for editing the web.config, first I cant save the file and gives me error.
after some search I found that under APP SETTING KEY value should be 0 instead 1
edited the value 1 to 0 and save the APP SETTING KEY, after that I am able to edited the config file, in order to test the code again I changed the value 0 to 1 and save the setting. but when I refresh the file which is opened in editor or kudu the pasted code disappeared, the site is connected with automatic azure deployment pipeline
How I can edited the web.config file without redeploying the app again.
Yes, it's possible to make changes without redeploying the app.
Some details:
Check Run the package document and we can find:
1.The zip package won't be extracted to D:\home\site\wwwroot, instead it will be uploaded directly to D:\home\data\SitePackages.
2.A packagename.txt which contains the name of the ZIP package to load at runtime will be created in the same directory.
3.App Service mounts the uploaded package as the read-only wwwroot directory and runs the app directly from that mounted directory. (That's why we can't edit the read-only wwwroot directory directly)
So my workaround is:
1.Navigate to D:\home\data\SitePackages in via kudu- debug console:
Download the zip(In my case it's which represents your deployed app, extract this zip file and do some changes to web.config file.
2.Zip those files(choose those files and right-click...) into a, please follow my steps carefully here!!! The folder structure of Run-from-package is a bit strange!!!
3.Then zip the into uploading the, the kudu always automatically extra them. So we have to zip the into first)
4.Drag and drop local into online SitePackages folder in kudu-debug console and we can get a now:
5.Modify the packagename.txt, change the content from to and Save:
Check and test:
Now let's open App Service Editor to check the changes:
In addition: Though it answers the original question, I recommend using other deployment methods(web deploy...) as a workaround. It could be much easier~

Google play still thinks I'm using "com.example" and won't let me upload

I'm trying to publish my app on the play store. I tried to upload, and got the error that I need to "use a different package name because "com.example" is restricted."
So, I changed the package from com.example to com.MyPackage, and redid the "generate signed apk" thing (used the same key), and tried again to upload, got the exact same error as before.
You have to change the applicationId on the app/build.gradle.
NOT the package name of the sources inside this directory app/src/main/java/YOUR_SOURCES

Spotify Folder in "My Documents"

I'm trying to make an app for Spotify, but I can't get the first step to work. I have made a folder named 'Spotify' in 'My Documents' (I use Windows 7 64 Bit), and made a folder inside it named 'test'. In 'test' I put a file 'index.html' to test if I can open it in Spotify, but I can't. I have a developer account, so that can't be a problem. When I type 'spotify:app:test' in the search bar, I get something like this:
(Note, in the screenshot it says spotify:app:tutorial, but I get the exact same result as displayed when I type spotify:app:test, saying failed to load application)
Also, I use Spotify version
Spotify cannot load an application unless it has a valid manifest file. The manifest documentation can be found here.
Alternatively, see the Spotify Apps Tutorial app for a working example of a valid manifest. Note that you at least need an identifier, version and name for a manifest to be considered valid.

Check if Chrome extension installed in unpacked mode

Is there a way to detect whether I'm running an extension that was installed from my .crx file or the extension was loaded as via 'Load unpacked extension...' button?
I'm aware about ID differences in that case, but I don't want to rely on hardcoded strings in the code.
If by "installed from my .crx file" you mean installed from Chrome Web Store you can simply check extension manifest.json for value of update_url attribute. CWS adds it when you upload your extension.
If you have a self-hosted .crx file, get your extension information using and check installType of returned ExtensionInfo object. If it says "development" that means that extension was loaded unpacked in developer mode. "normal" means that it was installed from .crx file.
Here is a code sample how to do this:
function isDevMode() {
return !('update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest());
const isProdMode = 'update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest()
An extension is running in developer mode (i.e. unpacked), when it does not contain the update_url field in its manifest.
This works because an unpacked extension's JSON manifest file should not contain the update_url field. This field is automatically added when publishing via the Chrome Developer Dashboard.
For example, debug logs that only appear during development.
const IS_DEV_MODE = !('update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest());
function debugLog(str) {
if (IS_DEV_MODE) console.log(str);
debugLog('This only appears in developer mode');

icon error in createNotification in Chrome extension

In my Chrome Extension, I am using webkitNotifications.createNotification to alert users. It's a great tool!! In the sample code given, the first parameter is optional and specifies an an icon and the Google instructions claim that it can be a local reference. When I use a local file, I get a broken image link. This even occurs when I use the sample for Notification Demo located here -
Does anyone else have this issue?
The icon is listed in my manifest file.
I can get around this by using a complete web reference, but I like to use this tool for error notifications and sometimes the error is caused by an interruption of internet access.
I am using chrome version 18.0.1025.151 m.
The problem with their sample is they have included "manifest_version": 2 in their manifest but not added a "web_accessible_resources" listing what resources should be available to pages.
You can read more about manifest_version 2 and what changes it introduces here....
...and about web_accessible_resources here....
To fix the problem in the sample, you can either remove the manifest version 2 bit (even the docs say this wont be required for a while yet). Or you can add the following to the manifest....
"web_accessible_resources": [
"Web Accessible" means the resources is being accessed from your server so you must make sure to include the path to the resources in your javascript and in the manifest,json.
