Annotationchanged event in pdftron Xamarin forms - pdftron

I have to listen AnnotationModified event as shown below. But not sure on how/when because CurentPdfViewCtrlFragment is null.
Am using pdftron.PDF.Controls.DocumentView2 as given in this sample

You should override the OnTabDocumentLoadedEvent to ensure that the fragment is not null

I have to use MPdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.CurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment not base.Viewer.CurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment
Following code change works fine
mDocumentView.MPdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment.CurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment.ToolManager.AnnotationsModified += ToolManager_AnnotationsModified


Method to clear pre-filled data of a ST.future.Component

Is there a way to clear an input field while using the ST.component("locator"); API?
Using ST.component("locator").setValue(""); results in the following error:
TypeError: ST.component(...).setValue is not a function...
PS: Is the old forum now permanently closed? Is there a way to view older questions?
Edit: Seems like the other forum was down yesterday, therefore the PS.
If it's an Ext JS field you will need to use the ST.field API in Sencha Test, which has a setValue method. This method isn't available on the more generic ST.component API.
Or if it's a normal input field (not an Ext JS component), then you can do the following:
.execute(function(field) {
field.dom.value = '';

How to send Spinner item value to multiple subscibers using Rxbinding

Android :
What I've implemented till now is, get spinner value to the immediate subscriber using itemSelection().
Code :
Observavle observavle = RxAdapterView.itemSelections(spinner);
.subscribe(integer -> {
Log.v("spinner", integer.toString());
What I want to achieve is :
I want to subscribe multiple observers to this Observable.
For which I have created few Observers and used
Observable.subscribe(few more observers);
To get spinner updated value on these observers, but this is not working,
OnNext() of these observers won't get called on spinner value change.
(Note: This situation works perfectly in case of RxBinding Textview using on textchange() ).
Will surely upvote if you can help me with this.
You can use the share() operator:
Observavle observavle = RxAdapterView.itemSelections(spinner).share();
You can read more about share() in this blog post.

How can I change Magento theme via query string?

Is it possible to change Magento template via query string?
I am developing a custom template and sometimes I want to check if I broke something, so I want to change via query string the theme for the default one.
I am looing for something like this:
Does something like this exists?
You could write an observer that is listening to event <controller_action_predispatch>
The observer method could look like this:
public function changeTheme(){
if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('layout_switch') == '1'){
Then you would just need to call your page with e.g.
The short answer is no you can't (as far as I know)
However if it's your local installation (which you use only as a development enviroment!) you can use a trick:
Create another Store view and assign whatever theme you want to that store view and then access it like
as simple as 1-2-3.:) Create a new dev theme and copy all the files from the current live theme to the new one (both app/design and sking). Then observe controller_action_predispatch event and then in the observer function simply:
$controllerAction = $observer->getControllerAction();
if ($controllerAction->getLayout()->getArea() == Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND) {
$ipAddress = Mage::helper('core/http')->getRemoteAddr();
$ipAddresses = array('');
if (in_array($ipAddress, $ipAddresses)) {
Very helpful for design tweaks indeed. After the work is finished the observer should be disabled or module deactivated until next time

Updating multimedia component using TOM.NET

I am trying to update the metadata on the multimedia image in C# using Tridion's TOM.NET API like this
// make changes to the component mm multimedia text;
While this works for other components, it is failing for Multimedia images.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tcm:Error xmlns:tcm=""
ErrorCode="80040345" Category="19" Source="Kernel" Severity="2">
<tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="false" MessageID="16137"><![CDATA[
Unable to save Component (tcm:33-32599).
<tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="true" MessageID="15747"><![CDATA[
Unexpected element: MultimediaFileSize
Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong here?
Thanks for your responses. I was deleting the node but at the wrong place. I update the code like this and it works fine now.
if (localComponent.IsMultimediaComponent)
XmlNode multimediaFileSizeNode = localComponentXML.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name()='MultimediaFileSize']",tridionNamespace);
XmlNode dataNode = multimediaFileSizeNode.ParentNode;
Include only the tcm:Metadata node in your update?
Specifically, it is complaining about you specifying the size of the mm file, which you shouldn't, that's a system property. Clean up the XML you receive from Tridion to remove that property (it might then complain about another property, just do what it asks you to).
EDIT: Reading the error messages is a great skill to have...
When you do this you need to only save the modified metadata data (not the entire XML). Try removing all of the child nodes except tcm:Metadata from the XML structure before calling .UpdateXML()
Perhaps you could paste your sample XML if you need further assistance.
I usually do this way:-
mComponent = (Component)mTDSE.GetObject("YOUR-COMPONENT-ID", EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadAll);
mComponent.MetadataFields["YOUR-METADATA-FIELD-NAME"].value[1] = "VALUE TO BE REPLACED";

MgTwitterEngine Iphone

I am using mgtwitterengine in iphone to call twitter API. I want to retrive followers name
in my iphone.
I used textfield.text=[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]; but it is not showing correct result. it only show some alphabets...
could anyone tell me how to do this.
you are using
NSLog(#"%#",[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]);
getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus not responding the result, it returns connection identifier which is DF387EE5-05CE-40E3-A12D-4D016C581233 in your case
your API response will come in this method
- (void)userInfoReceived:(NSArray *)userInfo forRequest:(NSString *)identifier
this is delegate method you have to add this in your class.
[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES];
use like this it may help you, i got the values and printing on console
