Method to clear pre-filled data of a ST.future.Component - sencha-test

Is there a way to clear an input field while using the ST.component("locator"); API?
Using ST.component("locator").setValue(""); results in the following error:
TypeError: ST.component(...).setValue is not a function...
PS: Is the old forum now permanently closed? Is there a way to view older questions?
Edit: Seems like the other forum was down yesterday, therefore the PS.

If it's an Ext JS field you will need to use the ST.field API in Sencha Test, which has a setValue method. This method isn't available on the more generic ST.component API.
Or if it's a normal input field (not an Ext JS component), then you can do the following:
.execute(function(field) {
field.dom.value = '';


How to navigate Edge extension local storage callback requirements

I'm trying to access the local storage data in Edge set by my options page, using my popup script. Is there a current, working example of this available?
I was using localStorage, but it would only update the popup if I reloaded the extension after saving changes in my options page. I want to make it easier on the user by allowing the popup to access it immediately after saving, without reloading. I found the, but documentation conflicts everywhere I look, and I can't find viable working examples.
I have used, per Edge documentation:"sample");
But it throws an error requiring a callback function. So then I used:
let sample ="example");
sample.then(ifGood, ifBad);
I get an error regarding property "then".
Then I simply tried adding a callback to the action itself:
sample ="example", callbackFunction);
function callbackFunction(data){
The end alert should display a string, but it just displays an empty Object. How do I access the data returned in the callback? I tried callbackFunction(this) as an argument in the get, but it throws an error about the syntax of the get.
I found a work-around using browser.runtime.reload() in the Options page when saving the changes. It still reloads the extension, but it does it without requiring the user to do it manually.
You should use this syntax: | null, callbackFn)
callbackFn = function fn(resultObject) {...}
When you pass null you will get whole storage object.
Look for example 1 or example 2 in my Edge extension.

Updating a Contentful entry

I've hit a brick wall whilst attempting to update a Contentful entry using a typical http request in Javascript; I receive the error code "VersionMismatch" which, according to the documentation, means:
This error occurs when you're trying to update an existing asset,
entry or content type, and you didn't specify the current version of
the object or specify an outdated version.
However, I have specified the current version of the entry using the 'X-Contentful-Version' header parameter as per the documentation, and have used the dynamic property value from 'entry.sys.revision' as the parameter value (as well as hardcoding the current version, plus a bunch of different numbers, but I always receive the same error). This post reported the exact same issue, but was seemingly resolved by adding this header parameter.
Here's my current code, that is also using the Contentful API to retrieve entries from my Contentful space, but I'm having to use plain Javascript to put the data back due to specific requirements:
var client = contentful.createClient(
space: space_id,
accessToken: client_token
client.getEntry(entry_id).then((entry) => entry).then(function(entry) {
// update values of entry
entry.fields.title = "Testing";
// post data to contentful API
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', '' + space_id + '/entries/' + entry_id);
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer my_access_token');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/');
// setting the 'X-Contentful-Version' header with current/soon to be old version
request.setRequestHeader('X-Contentful-Version', entry.sys.revision);
// convert entry object to JSON before sending
var body = JSON.stringify({fields: entry.fields});
Contentful developer here.
It looks like you get your content with the Contentful Delivery SDK and then try yo use that data to update content. That will not work. Instead I recommend using the Contentful Management SDK which will take care of all the versioning header for you.
I know its too late to answer here, but I am also facing same issue while doing this process.
So I asked this question and got the answer how we can achieve this without using Contentful-management sdk. My intention is not to suppress this sdk but we should be go to perform operation without it. I am trying to do it via postman but facing issue.
So I just post it and got the answer but understand the problem why I am not able to update the content because of two things
URL ( is the correct url if we are trying to update the content)
access_token (if we are using which means we have to generate our personal token (management token) in the contentful, we cannot use preview/delivery tokens)
These are the highlighted point which we need to consider while doing update. I posted the link below may be it help someone in future.
Updating entry of Contentful using postman

Updating multimedia component using TOM.NET

I am trying to update the metadata on the multimedia image in C# using Tridion's TOM.NET API like this
// make changes to the component mm multimedia text;
While this works for other components, it is failing for Multimedia images.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tcm:Error xmlns:tcm=""
ErrorCode="80040345" Category="19" Source="Kernel" Severity="2">
<tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="false" MessageID="16137"><![CDATA[
Unable to save Component (tcm:33-32599).
<tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="true" MessageID="15747"><![CDATA[
Unexpected element: MultimediaFileSize
Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong here?
Thanks for your responses. I was deleting the node but at the wrong place. I update the code like this and it works fine now.
if (localComponent.IsMultimediaComponent)
XmlNode multimediaFileSizeNode = localComponentXML.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name()='MultimediaFileSize']",tridionNamespace);
XmlNode dataNode = multimediaFileSizeNode.ParentNode;
Include only the tcm:Metadata node in your update?
Specifically, it is complaining about you specifying the size of the mm file, which you shouldn't, that's a system property. Clean up the XML you receive from Tridion to remove that property (it might then complain about another property, just do what it asks you to).
EDIT: Reading the error messages is a great skill to have...
When you do this you need to only save the modified metadata data (not the entire XML). Try removing all of the child nodes except tcm:Metadata from the XML structure before calling .UpdateXML()
Perhaps you could paste your sample XML if you need further assistance.
I usually do this way:-
mComponent = (Component)mTDSE.GetObject("YOUR-COMPONENT-ID", EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadAll);
mComponent.MetadataFields["YOUR-METADATA-FIELD-NAME"].value[1] = "VALUE TO BE REPLACED";

Monotouch/iPhone - Call to HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() connects to server when HTTP Method is DELETE

My Scenario:
I am using Monotouch for iOS to create an iPhone app. I am calling ASP.NEt MVC 4 Web API based http services to login/log off. For Login, i use the POST webmethod and all's well. For Logoff, i am calling the Delete web method. I want to pass JSON data (serialized complex data) to the Delete call. If i pass simple data like a single string parameter as part of the URL itself, then all's well i.e. Delete does work! In order to pass the complex Json Data, here's my call (i have adjusted code to make it simple by showing just one parameter - UserName being sent via JSON):
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost/module/api/session/");
req.ContentType = "application/json";
req.CookieContainer = jar;
req.Method = "Delete";
using (var streamWrite = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream()))
string jSON = "{\"UserName\":\"" + "someone" + "\"}";
HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
on the server, the Delete method looks has this definition:
public void Delete(Credentials user)
where Credentials is a complex type.
Now, here's the issue!
The above code, gets into the Delete method on the server as soon as it hits:
And hence the parameter sent to the Delete method ends up being null
And here's the weird part:
If i use the exact same code using a test VS 2010 windows application, even the above code works...i.e it does not call Delete until req.GetResponse() is called! And in this scenario, the parameter to the Delete method is a valid object!
Any ideas or Is this a bug with Monotouch, if so, any workaround?
if i change the Delete definition to public void Delete(string userName)
and instead of json, if i pass the parameter as part of the url itself, all's well. But like i said this is just a simplified example to illustrate my issue. Any help is appreciated!!!
This seems to be ill-defined. See this question for more details: Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?
In general MonoTouch (based on Mono) will try to be feature/bug compatible with the Microsoft .NET framework to ease code portability between platforms.
IOW if MS.NET ignores the body of a DELETE method then so will MonoTouch. If the behaviour differs then a bug report should be filled at

MgTwitterEngine Iphone

I am using mgtwitterengine in iphone to call twitter API. I want to retrive followers name
in my iphone.
I used textfield.text=[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]; but it is not showing correct result. it only show some alphabets...
could anyone tell me how to do this.
you are using
NSLog(#"%#",[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES]);
getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus not responding the result, it returns connection identifier which is DF387EE5-05CE-40E3-A12D-4D016C581233 in your case
your API response will come in this method
- (void)userInfoReceived:(NSArray *)userInfo forRequest:(NSString *)identifier
this is delegate method you have to add this in your class.
[_engine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:YES];
use like this it may help you, i got the values and printing on console
