How to install node.js source code through cpanel filemanager - node.js

Hey guys... I have a complete web project source code built with node.js, but am trying to install it on shared hosting using cpanel file manager, and have uploaded and connected the database and SQL database but when I run the app on browser keep showing index page and all file uploaded...
I need help guys...


How to deploy Meteor Application on cPanel shared hosting

I am trying to deploy a meteor.js application on cPanel shared hosting. I don't have access to their cli.
I have followed this tutorial Host your Node.js app on Shared hosting. Go beyond localhost.
Now I am having hard time with a couple of things. I can't find any tutorial specific for meteor.js which is why I am facing some issues. Which are as follows
1. Without meteor Build
I uploaded the development version of my code. i.e the one with client,server,lib folders(without meteor build). The problem is that I am not sure about the "Application startup file".
I tried with "./client/main.js" and "./server/main.js" seperately but the site then returns 503.
2. With meteor Build
I then built my application and the build was generated with some errors. I then uploaded the tar.gz file and went with the main.js as Application Startup file. But now the cPanel is unable to detect package.json
Can someone please refer to a full guide of how to deploy a meteor app with cPanel.

deploying a node.js application on windows

I have developed a node.js application. I have two files serverpart.js and index.html (the html file is already referenced in server.js). During my development I run the application using command node serverpart.js and then access the client using http://localhost/8070. That was nice but now my application is ready and I want it to be accessed from other machines on the LAN. So please advice where should put these files(in some particular director). Do I need any web server for that please suggest.

Azure web app - extension, push and MySQL button cannot click/disabled

I created a web app using Linux and PHP 7.2, build in East Asia.
I want to install Laravel and connect MySQL DB but it's disabling me to click in extension and other button.
I have searched but I can't find a solution to this problem, can someone help me?
Extension option is not supported on Linux app.
About connect to Azure SQL DB, here is the official tutorial you could follow:
About install some module, the best way is writing the install command in workflow or package.json for installing automatically.

Need help in hosting the laravel project using nodejs chat system

Hi everyone i am having a problem hosting the website made in laravel(php) and chat system in NodeJs. I have done this using wamp server and running node server in my local pc computer. Now i am trying to put those in online, i uploaded in public_html/www folder, the laravel part worked but the chat built in nodejs showing js error saying websocket.
I have no idea how to make it run online. can you give me some clue how to solve this.

Running unity with NodeJS

I'm using NodeJS with Express and trying to run a Unity html file on my site.
Basically what I'm trying to do is to get a Unity html file I have to play on my NodeJS site. The files are WebPlayer.html and WebPlayer.unity3d. If I open up the local copy of WebPlayer.html in my browser, the game plays fine. However, if I try to run the game through my site, I get the message Failed to download data file. I've looked this up, and have seen people having the same issues as me, but couldn't find too many helpful suggestions from people using node. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Running the local copy in my browser (unity is loading the game and is working fine). file:///Users/thomasbaldwin/Desktop/WebPlayer.html
Running the WebPlayer.html file on my local server.
