How to let users install pre-built apps like wordpress plugin on a nodejs / vuejs / postgres SaaS webapp - node.js

I would like to create a SaaS app where user start with a very simple webapp to which they could add functionnalities once they are available.
The constraint is I don't want to impose those functionalities and I want the user to be able to install them only if they want to.
This is how work wordpress with plugins. But how to do this kind of thing with a vuejs project that is built ? Once it's built there is no way to bring in new stuff right ?
This would ne paired with a REST api + Postgres.
As anyone created or used something that let us build those kind of webapp ?
I need help to know in which direction I should search about this.
Thanks !!


Stripping down unnecessary apps from Django project

I want to remove all the unnecessary apps that come as default while creating a project in Django.
My Project uses Auth0 for authentication and Firestore for database. I don't want the default database app, the admin app and the auth app.
By following answers to this question, I have removed the admin app.
Now I want to remove the auth and the database app. Is there any way to do so?
Any suggestion about something else that I can remove from my project will be helpful.
Thank you.
There's already questions with answers for that here in Stack. More precisely,
Run app without django.contrib.admin
Run app without django.contrib.auth.
Run app without database.
Also, as noted here, there's a Django Microproject with the bare minimum which you might find interesting.

How to deploy a React + Express app on a local network?

This is my first post here, let me know if I do it wrong. I would like to start by mentioning that I'm kind of a beginner developer. I've had a bunch of classes, but it's also my first time working on something of my own, from beginning to end (emphasis on "end").
I'm working on a relatively simple app, for user management (CRUD, with different levels of authorizations) and shop management. I was given the choice of the tools, framework, language, etc, to use, with the only constraints that 1/ the main device to use it will be a tablet most of the times 2/ nothing should be hosted online. I wanted to get more familiar with Javascript so I went with creating a React app (front) with Express Nodejs (back) and a MySQL database I access via Sequelize.
Development is going fine (for the most part thanks to many great posts here on SO), but I just got hit by the reality that I have never tried to build the app and see if it runs the way I intend. And I do not know how to do it. I should have researched that earlier.
So far, in development I always tested everything on PC and phone by running npm start (front end) and node server.js (back end), and the client runs in a browser (when using a phone I access the IP adress and port, like 192.168.x.x:3000). Backend listens to the 8080 port no prob, access to the MySQL database works as intended thanks to Sequelize. Frontend listens to port 3000 to display the user interface on the browser, and React makes it easy to develop features in front, and quickly troubleshoot them. Everything works fine, and as expected, anyone in the same network (and with a web browser) can access and use the app that way.
This is the behavior I want to replicate with a production build : having a computer host the build, and run the "server" so that the app is available to any device in the local network. So I guess I need to somehow make my build in a way to make it possible to turn on and off the "server" at will, maybe via a .exe ? Or turn it on at the same time as the computer ?
I know I should have researched that earlier and not doing so was a mistake. All I know is I'll have to use npm run build, to get the build folder, but I don't know what to do from there. Could you help me figure it out ? Among many things I'm not sure of, is whether or not the host computer (not mine) needs to have node.js installed ? Does it also have to have MySQL installed ? Do I make a single build that incorporates the backend and the frontend, or do I build both separately ? If so, how ?
Let me know if you need to see part of the code. Thanks in advance and have a great day.
EDIT : App was created using create react app
There are options to deploy on cloud like Cloud Servers. But I think you're looking for hosting the application on the local machine. You need to create a service, bundle the application and serve whenever you want.
Following link might be helpful

Update user properties in Active Directory using NodeJS

I am tring to make CRUD operations on Active Directory via nodejs.
The only package that handle CRUD operation in node that i have found is ad-
Are you familiar with other packages?
Is this the only one for update operations?
It seems that integration with Active Directory in nodejs is not popular and mature. Am I wrong? should I implement such integration in Java or .Net core?
The right way is the way that works :) If you are already using NodeJS, then do it in NodeJS if at all possible.
Communication with AD would happen through LDAP, so you can look for NodeJS packages for LDAP. Here are a couple I found:
But that one you linked to is more specific to AD (and AD does have its own flavor of LDAP) so I would choose that as long as it works for you.
If it doesn't work for whatever reason, either ask a new question here to get specific help, or you can start looking into making a separate Java or .NET app to do it. But I wouldn't consider a separate app just for AD queries unless you absolutely couldn't do it in NodeJS.

Connect to MongoDB remote server with Ionic

I'm trying to develop an application in phonegap/ionic and I want to use a remote database to store my data. I want to use MongoDB.
I already tried lots of ways such as this quick start guide.
By using this I can connect to DB but this is pure node.js and the require() function cannot be recognized when I try to add this code to an ionic starter app. Maybe require is not supported in ionic
Is there a way that can achieve it in Ionic?
Please let me know if you want some more information.
The thing is; you can't connect Ionic to MongoDB directly. No, there's not workaround, no magic involved, it's just not the way this is supposed to work. Ionic works on top of Angular and Angular is a frontend framework.
However, the way you should do it is that you basically create a (RESTful) API on your server side.
Most likely this will be made with Node.js which will talk directly to MongoDB and query it. A framework very well suited for this (you actually may be using it already) is Express.
After you write your (RESTful) API then you can consume it through your services in Angular by using Angular's $resource object.
Sure, this is not a step by step answer, and it seems you're just starting in this area, so you have some learning do to on your part (REST, RESTful, $resource, services...), but I wish you good luck and if you'll have any more specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them.

Is there a way to self-host mongoose databases?

I am getting started with writing an API for a project and the tutorial I am following suggests I sign up for a hosted solution. I think that is ridiculous. My project is simple and I do not feel the need to be locked in to a service. If it helps, I am using Express.
Mongoose is a node.js module (library) which is used to interact with a database, called MongoDB.
There are some websites like which offer plans for development for free, so you would jsut need to sign up and you will get a database without installink anything in your computer/server etc. This is why they say it is easier.
You can install MongoDB in your local computer to test (I think most of us have it) and use just that one for developing and testing.
To install MongoDB it all depends which Operating System you are using at the moment. But you can look up on google: "Install MongoDB MacOSX/Window/Ubuntu/etc.." and normally is just one simple command. To connect to it in your local you don't need a user or anything I guess.
