Error :{"code":"InvalidUri","message":"The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server - Azure Batch Rest API - azure

I am trying to invoke Azure Batch Rest API to create a pool from ADF.
Below is the Post url I am trying -
testpool above doesn't exist but something that should be created once the RestAPi runs successfully.
However, I am getting the following error code -
Error details
Error code 2108
Troubleshooting guide
Failure type
User configuration issue
{"error":{"code":"InvalidUri","message":"The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.\nRequestId:b512af12-c1b7-474a-9773-dcf034b07e0e\nTime:2021-07-18T05:57:31.4199546Z","target":"BatchAccount","details":[{"code":"UriPath","message":"/subscriptions/a01c19ca-c50f-4be0-904d-************/resourceGroups/
Source Pipeline poolstart
Any leads will be highly appreciated ?

Thank you Poon. Posting your comment as Answer to help other community members.
Adding the PUT before the URL fixed the issue


ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition "UpgradeSubscriptionBlade [duplicate]

I am not able to create host pool in azure. I am getting the following error:
Session ID
Resource ID
Not available
Error code
Error reason
I would be grateful if anyone can help to resolve this issue.
I had the same error: ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition when I tried creating the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) on Safari browser. I used Chrome and it worked just fine. If you're using Edge, please check if it's in the latest version.

ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition error while creating host pool in azure

I am not able to create host pool in azure. I am getting the following error:
Session ID
Resource ID
Not available
Error code
Error reason
I would be grateful if anyone can help to resolve this issue.
I had the same error: ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition when I tried creating the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) on Safari browser. I used Chrome and it worked just fine. If you're using Edge, please check if it's in the latest version.

Jira Rest API Calls in Azure Data Factory

Good Day
I configured a Pipeline Copy Data job in Azure Data Factory to extract data from Jira with an API call using the rest API connector in Azure.
When i configure and test the connection it is successful.
Now when i try to preview the data in the Copy container i get the following error.
Does anyone know what this error means and how do i bypass it?
I believe i am not the first one trying to extract data from Jira via Rest API.
Thank you and Regards
Error occurred when deserializing source JSON file ".Check if the data
is in valid JSON object format.Unexpected character encountered while
parsing value:<.Path".....
I think the error already indicates the root cause.You data format is invalid JSON format,you could try to simulate rest api invoke to make sure if the situation exists.ADF can't help you handle the illegal deserialization.
In addition,according to the connector doc,ADF supports JIRA connector.Maybe you could try to have a try on that.

An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in Microsoft.Azure.Devices.dll

I'm referring this tutorial to create a device identity. However, getting an exception as below:
Here is my config file:
What is this Instrumentation key and value in App.Config? I just copied from the sample code. However, from where can I get it, in case I'm using a real device?
Am I missing any SDK or anything else?
Do I need to download something extra? the tutorial does not suggest anything.
Even when I'm running sample code from GiTHub getting the same error.
the following screen snippet shows a reason of this error, such as connectionString.
Use the connectionString from your Azure IoT Hub - see the tutorial section Create an IoT Hub step 6.
Can you check that the connection string you're using is in the correct format. It should look like:
"HostName={your hub name};SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey={your key}"
You can copy the complete connection string from the portal as described in the tutorial.
Issue resolve: I was missing my connection string.Which I got from "IoTHubOwner" from Azure portal login. :)

Azure .Net SDK Error : FsOpenStream failed with error 0x83090aa2

We are trying to download a file present in Data Lake Store. I have been following the below tutorial which uses .Net Azure SDk.
As we have already the file present in Azure Data Lake Store , I just added the code to download the file
FileCreateOpenAndAppendResponse beginOpenResponse = _dataLakeStoreFileSystemClient.FileSystem.BeginOpen("/XXXX/XXXX/test.csv", DataLakeStoreAccountName, new FileOpenParameters());
FileOpenResponse openResponse = _dataLakeStoreFileSystemClient.FileSystem.Open(beginOpenResponse.Location);
But it's failing with the below error
failed with error 0x83090aa2 ().
While debugging we inspected the beginOpenResponse.Location that been used in the second line code. It seems to the correct value as below
The error does not provide much information to track down the problem.
I agree that the store errors are currently non-printable comment. We are working on improving this.
According to my store developer, 0x83090aa2 is access check failed. Can you please check if you have access to the storage account and/or the path is correct?
