ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition error while creating host pool in azure - azure

I am not able to create host pool in azure. I am getting the following error:
Session ID
Resource ID
Not available
Error code
Error reason
I would be grateful if anyone can help to resolve this issue.

I had the same error: ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition when I tried creating the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) on Safari browser. I used Chrome and it worked just fine. If you're using Edge, please check if it's in the latest version.


ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition "UpgradeSubscriptionBlade [duplicate]

I am not able to create host pool in azure. I am getting the following error:
Session ID
Resource ID
Not available
Error code
Error reason
I would be grateful if anyone can help to resolve this issue.
I had the same error: ErrorLoadingExtensionAndDefinition when I tried creating the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) on Safari browser. I used Chrome and it worked just fine. If you're using Edge, please check if it's in the latest version.


I am deploying a Service Fabric application and encountered this error for a resource of type Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applicationTypes/versions:
Status: Failed
Code: ClusterChildResourceOperationFailed
Message: Resource operation failed. Operation: CreateOrUpdate. Error details: {
Has anyone run into this issue before? If so, what was the root cause of the error?
When I encountered this error, my application type name in my manifest did not match the application type name that I was deploying to.
It is possible to view far more useful/relevant error messages under these scenarios by going to the Service Fabric Explorer.
NOTE: The "new" UI does not show these useful error details, you need to select the "View old SFX" interface option
Then clicking on the "Type" that I was uploading the application to, revelaed far more descriptive and helpful errors:
From my experience, this is an issue with the version number of the sfpkg not aligning with the version in the template's Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applicationTypes/versions. Try looking into the application package's ApplicationManifest.xml file for ApplicationTypeVersion for the right version.

Error :{"code":"InvalidUri","message":"The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server - Azure Batch Rest API

I am trying to invoke Azure Batch Rest API to create a pool from ADF.
Below is the Post url I am trying -
testpool above doesn't exist but something that should be created once the RestAPi runs successfully.
However, I am getting the following error code -
Error details
Error code 2108
Troubleshooting guide
Failure type
User configuration issue
{"error":{"code":"InvalidUri","message":"The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.\nRequestId:b512af12-c1b7-474a-9773-dcf034b07e0e\nTime:2021-07-18T05:57:31.4199546Z","target":"BatchAccount","details":[{"code":"UriPath","message":"/subscriptions/a01c19ca-c50f-4be0-904d-************/resourceGroups/
Source Pipeline poolstart
Any leads will be highly appreciated ?
Thank you Poon. Posting your comment as Answer to help other community members.
Adding the PUT before the URL fixed the issue

An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in Microsoft.Azure.Devices.dll

I'm referring this tutorial to create a device identity. However, getting an exception as below:
Here is my config file:
What is this Instrumentation key and value in App.Config? I just copied from the sample code. However, from where can I get it, in case I'm using a real device?
Am I missing any SDK or anything else?
Do I need to download something extra? the tutorial does not suggest anything.
Even when I'm running sample code from GiTHub getting the same error.
the following screen snippet shows a reason of this error, such as connectionString.
Use the connectionString from your Azure IoT Hub - see the tutorial section Create an IoT Hub step 6.
Can you check that the connection string you're using is in the correct format. It should look like:
"HostName={your hub name};SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey={your key}"
You can copy the complete connection string from the portal as described in the tutorial.
Issue resolve: I was missing my connection string.Which I got from "IoTHubOwner" from Azure portal login. :)

how to debug error 500 Internal Server Error on an Azure App?

I got an "500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred while starting the application" after deploying my application:
I keep finding the following error message but I am unable to find out on msdn websites any information describing how I can specify the SAS URL
INFO: The app was working for a long period and I didn't have to set the SAS URL; I wonder why suddenly Azure is generating exceptions
INFO2: the app works perfectly on my local machine
Any help is welcomed as I couldn't find any solution by reading the related topics on stackoverflow
System.ApplicationException: The trace listener AzureBlobTraceListener is disabled. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The SAS URL for the cloud storage account is not specified. Use the environment variable 'DIAGNOSTICS_AZUREBLOBCONTAINERSASURL' to define it.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.WebSites.Diagnostics.AzureBlobTraceListener.RefreshConfig()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
An error was triggered by W3SVC-WP : {app name}02000780
I found out on eventid that the code 02000780 meant that a file was missing
I eventually found out that it was possible to log further information by enabling the stdoulog inside the web.config. Read When a .NET Core Azure App Service won’t start: 502.5 Process Failure
I opened the debug console and found out that a directory wasn't found https://{app_id}
Voilà! I corrected the code and the app is up and running!
