Why is displayStart (Datatable 1.10) not working for me? - node.js

I am using Datable (1.10.3) and whatever value I set in the diplayStart field, the start parameter of the server request always goes as 0.
Here is my code:
this.table = $('#table').DataTable({
displayStart: 100,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
searching: true,
pageLength: 50,
searchDelay: 1000,
language: {
lengthMenu: 'Show _MENU_ records per page'
dom: '<"top"il>rt<"bottom"p><"clear">',
ajax: {
url: <url>,
type: 'POST',
headers: {
authorization: <token>
data: function (d) {
//setting request data
dataSrc: (json) =>{
return json.data;
error: function (xhr, error, thrown) {
if (xhr.status + '' === '401') {
location.href = '/';
columns: this.getColumns(),
drawCallback: function () {
//some operations
It seems to work fine if I initialise the table like the older version, like this:
this.table = $('#table').dataTable({...
But this initialisation breaks other preexisting function calls (like search and row) in the code.
Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong and how can I fix this?

I am not sure if displayStart works with server side.
I realize this is not an ideal solution if you dont find any other you can override the pipeline method forcing it to use whatever you want:
$.fn.dataTable.pipeline = function ( opts ) {
return function ( request, drawCallback, settings ) {
request.start = 20;
return $.ajax( {
"type": opts.method,
"url": opts.url,
"data": request,
"dataType": "json",
"success": drawCallback
} );
Taken the example from: https://datatables.net/examples/server_side/pipeline.html


Elasticsearch node js point in time search_phase_execution_exception

const body = {
query: {
geo_shape: {
geometry: {
relation: 'within',
shape: {
type: 'polygon',
coordinates: [$polygon],
pit: {
keep_alive: "1m",
Query fails with search_phase_execution_exception at onBody
Without pit query works fine but it's needed to retrieve more than 10000 hits
Well, using PIT in NodeJS ElasticSearch's client is not clear, or at least is not well documented. You can create a PIT using the client like:
const pitRes = await elastic.openPointInTime({
index: index,
keep_alive: "1m"
pit_id = pitRes.body.id;
But there is no way to use that pit_id in the search method, and it's not documented properly :S
BUT, you can use the scroll API as follows:
const scrollSearch = await elastic.helpers.scrollSearch({
index: index,
body: {
"size": 10000,
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": [ "vm_ref", "org", "vm" ],
"query": organization + moreQuery
"sort": [
{ "utc_date": "desc" }
And then read the results as follows:
let res = [];
try {
for await (const result of scrollSearch) {
} catch (e) {
I know that's not the exact answer to your question, but I hope it helps ;)
The usage of point-in-time for pagination of search results is now documented in ElasticSearch. You can find more or less detailed explanations here: Paginate search results
I prepared an example that may give an idea about how to implement the workflow, described in the documentation:
async function searchWithPointInTime(cluster, index, chunkSize, keepAlive) {
if (!chunkSize) {
chunkSize = 5000;
if (!keepAlive) {
keepAlive = "1m";
const client = new Client({ node: cluster });
let pointInTimeId = null;
let searchAfter = null;
try {
// Open point in time
pointInTimeId = (await client.openPointInTime({ index, keep_alive: keepAlive })).body.id;
// Query next chunk of data
while (true) {
const size = remained === null ? chunkSize : Math.min(remained, chunkSize);
const response = await client.search({
// Pay attention: no index here (because it will come from the point-in-time)
body: {
size: chunkSize,
track_total_hits: false, // This will make query faster
query: {
// (1) TODO: put any filter you need here (instead of match_all)
match_all: {},
pit: {
id: pointInTimeId,
keep_alive: keepAlive,
// Sorting should be by _shard_doc or at least include _shard_doc
sort: [{ _shard_doc: "desc" }],
// The next parameter is very important - it tells Elastic to bring us next portion
...(searchAfter !== null && { search_after: [searchAfter] }),
const { hits } = response.body.hits;
if (!hits || !hits.length) {
break; // No more data
for (hit of hits) {
// (2) TODO: Do whatever you need with results
// Check if we done reading the data
if (hits.length < size) {
break; // We finished reading all data
// Get next value for the 'search after' position
// by extracting the _shard_doc from the sort key of the last hit
searchAfter = hits[hits.length - 1].sort[0];
} catch (ex) {
} finally {
// Close point in time
if (pointInTime) {
await client.closePointInTime({ body: { id: pointInTime } });

AWS PUT request met with "Provided key element does not match schema."

(Edited to incorporate comments)
So I apologize in advance for the long question. I don't know how else to ask it.
I'm trying to finish up a full-stack web app using React, Node, and DynamoDB. POST and GET requests are working fine, but I'm stuck on PUT. My mock PUT request works fine, but once I try it from the front end in React, I get the error mentioned in the title. I'll show the back end code first, then the mock update, and then the front end.
import handler from "./libs/handler-lib";
import dynamoDb from "./libs/dynamodb-lib";
export const main = handler(async (event, context) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
const params = {
TableName: process.env.tableName,
Key: {
userId: event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId,
activityId: event.pathParameters.activityId
UpdateExpression: "SET title = :title, activityType = :activityType, activityRoutine = :activityRoutine, activityComment = :activityComment",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":title": data.title || null,
":activityType": data.activityType || null,
// ":activityRoutine": data.activityRoutine == '' ? "None" : data.activityRoutine,
// ":activityComment": data.activityComment == '' ? "None" : data.activityComment
":activityRoutine": data.activityRoutine || null,
":activityComment": data.activityComment || null
ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW"
await dynamoDb.update(params);
return { status: true };
This mock update event works without issue:
"body": "{\"title\":\"test\",\"activityType\":\"testing\",\"activityRoutine\":\"\",\"activityComment\":\"\"}",
"pathParameters": {
"activityId": "long-alphanumeric-id"
"requestContext": {
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityId": "us-east-and-so-on"
But this code, which produces the exact same Javascript object as the mock, is not okay with AWS:
function saveActivity(activity) {
try {
return API.put("activities", `/activities/${id}`, {
body: activity
} catch(e) {
console.log("saveActivity error:", e);
async function handleSubmit(event) {
try {
await saveActivity({
title: title, activityType: activityType, activityRoutine: activityRoutine, activityComment: activityComment
// "key": {userId: userId, activityId: activityId}
// "pathParameters": {"id": activityId},
// "requestContext": {"identity": {"cognitoIdentityId": userId}}
} catch(e) {
If anyone needs to see more of the code, I'm happy to share, but I figured this question is already getting very long. Any code you see commented out has been tried before without success.
I'd also be happy if someone could point me in the right direction as far as the AWS documentation is concerned. I've been going off of a tutorial and modifying it where need be.
Any help is appreciated!

Request to Cloudflare DNS from Cloudflare worker not returning the DNS result

I have a Cloudflare (CF) worker that I want to have make a few DNS requests using the CF DNS (https://developers.cloudflare.com/
So a pretty basic worker:
* readRequestBody reads in the incoming request body
* Use await readRequestBody(..) in an async function to get the string
* #param {Request} request the incoming request to read from
async function readRequestBody(request) {
const { headers } = request
const contentType = headers.get('content-type')
if (contentType.includes('application/json')) {
const body = await request.json()
return JSON.stringify(body)
return ''
* Respond to the request
* #param {Request} request
async function handleRequest(request) {
let reqBody = await readRequestBody(request)
var jsonTlds = JSON.parse(reqBody);
const fetchInit = {
method: 'GET',
let promises = []
for (const tld of jsonTlds.tlds) {
//Dummy request until I can work out why I am not getting the response of the DNS query
var requestStr = 'https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?ct=application/dns-json&name=example.com&type=A'
let promise = fetch(requestStr, fetchInit)
try {
let results = await Promise.all(promises)
return new Response(JSON.stringify(results), {status: 200})
} catch(err) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify(err), {status: 500})
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
I have just hardcoded the DNS query at the moment to:
and I would expect that the JSON result I would get is:
"Status": 0,
"TC": false,
"RD": true,
"RA": true,
"AD": true,
"CD": false,
"Question": [
"name": "example.com.",
"type": 1
"Answer": [
"name": "example.com.",
"type": 1,
"TTL": 9540,
"data": ""
however instead in results I get what appears to be the outcome of the websocket established as part of the fetch() (assuming I go around the loop once)
"webSocket": null,
"url": "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?ct=application/dns-json&name=example.com&type=A",
"redirected": false,
"ok": true,
"headers": {},
"statusText": "OK",
"status": 200,
"bodyUsed": false,
"body": {
"locked": false
So my question is, what am I doing wrong here such that I am not getting the DNS JSON response from the API?
fetch() returns a promise for a Response object, which contains the response status, headers, and the body stream. This object is what you're seeing in your "results". In order to read the response body, you must make further calls.
Try defining a function like this:
async function fetchJsonBody(req, init) {
let response = await fetch(req, init);
if (!response.ok()) {
// Did not return status 200; throw an error.
throw new Error(response.status + " " + response.statusText);
// OK, now we can read the body and parse it as JSON.
return await response.json();
Now you can change:
let promise = fetch(requestStr, fetchInit)
let promise = fetchJsonBody(requestStr, fetchInit)

How to return unauthorized response from before hook in feathersJS

I have parts of app (modules) that gonna be forbidden for certain people, so I wanna check that in before hook and send unauthorized response if its needed.
I'm successfully throwing error on backend, but on my frontend I still get successful response as if there was no error.
Here is how my code looks like:
1.Function that checks if app is forbidden for user that sent request:
function isAppForbidden(hook) {
let forbiddenApps = [];
query: {
$limit: 1,
$sort: {
createdAt: -1
}).then(res => {
let array = hook.params.user.hiddenApps;
if(array.indexOf('qualitydocs') >= 0 || res.data[0].forbiddenApps.indexOf('qualitydocs') >= 0) {
hook.response = Promise.reject({error: '401 Unauthorized'});
//this part is important, the rest not so much
//what im expecting to do here is just to return unauthorized response
return hook;
But this for now just throws error on backend like:
"error: Unhandled Rejection at: Promise Promise {
{ error: { code: '401', message: 'Unauthorized' } } } code=401, message=Unauthorized"
And frontend still gets successful response (200 with requested data)
And I just call this function in before hooks:
before: {
all: [
hook => includeBefore(hook),
hook => isAppForbidden(hook) //here, rest is not important
find: [],
get: [],
create: [(hook) => {
hook.data.authorId = hook.params.user.id;
update: [],
patch: [],
remove: []
the response im expecting to get, looks something like this:
Found the solution... the key was to wrap the content of function in promise... so it now looks like this:
function isAppForbidden(hook) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
query: {
$limit: 1,
$sort: {
createdAt: -1
}).then(res => {
if (hook.params.user.hiddenApps.indexOf('qualitydocs') >= 0 || res.data[0].forbiddenApps.indexOf('qualitydocs') >= 0) {
reject(new errors.NotAuthenticated());
} else {
and it works as a charm

Error "Object does not support property or method 'selectize'" on selectize initialization

i'm triyng to use this code
valueField: "value",
labelField: "label",
searchField: ["label"],
maxOptions: 10,
create: false,
render: {
option: function (item, escape) {
return "<div>" + escape(item.label) + "</div>";
load: function (query, callback) {
if (!query.length) return callback();
url: "../ajaxPage.aspx?functionName=GET_03&fieldValue=" + encodeURIComponent(query),
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: {
maxresults: 10
error: function () {
success: function (res) {
$(this.node).find("select") is a simple select:
<select name="tagName" id="tagId"></select>
I include this js in my page:
but when i use .selectize i get this error at runtime:
"Object does not support this property or method selectize"
Any idea about this error?
yes... i'm using jQuery.
I load dependencies in this order:
do you think is this the wrong order?
You may have to include the css before all the js files.
