Export PDF file from Excel template with Qt and QAxObject - excel

The project I am currently working on is to export an Excel file to PDF.
The Excel file is a "Template" that allows the generation of graphs. The goal is to fill some cells of the Excel file so that the graphs are generated and then to export the file in PDF.
I use Qt in C++ with the QAxObject class and all the data writing process works well but it's the PDF export part that doesn't.
The problem is that the generated PDF file also contains the data of the graphs while these data are not included in the print area of the Excel template.
The PDF export is done with the "ExportAsFixedFormat" function which has as a parameter the possibility to ignore the print area that is "IgnorePrintAreas" at position 5. Even if I decide to set this parameter to "false", so not to ignore the print area and therefore to take into account the print area, this does not solve the problem and it produces the same result as if this parameter was set to "true".
I tried to vary the other parameters, to change the type of data passed in parameter or not to use any parameter but it does not change anything to the obtained result which is always the same.
Here is the link to the "documentation" of the export command "ExportAsFixedFormat":
I give you a simplified version of the command suite that is executed in the code:
Rapport::Rapport(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
//Create the template from excel file
QString pathTemplate = "/ReportTemplate_FR.xlsx"
QString pathReporter = "/Report"
this->path = QDir(QDir::currentPath() + pathReporter + pathTemplate);
QString pathAbsolute(this->path.absolutePath().replace("/", "\\\\"));
//Create the output pdf file path
fileName = QString("_" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmssff") + "_Report");
QString pathDocument = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation).append("/").replace("/", "\\\\");
QString exportName(pathDocument + fileName + ".pdf");
//Create the QAxObjet that is linked to the excel template
this->excel = new QAxObject("Excel.Application");
//Create the QAxObject « sheet » who can accepte measure data
QAxObject* workbooks = this->excel->querySubObject("Workbooks");
QAxObject* workbook = workbooks->querySubObject("Add(const QString&)", pathAbsolute);
QAxObject* sheets = workbook->querySubObject("Worksheets");
QAxObject* sheet = sheets->querySubObject("Item(int)", 3);
//Get some data measure to a list of Inner class Measurement
QList<Measurement*> actuMeasure = this->getSomeMeasure() ; //no need to know how it’s work…
//Create a 2 dimentional QVector to be able to place data on the table where we want (specific index)
QVector<QVector<QVariant>> vCells(actuMeasure.size());
for(int i = 0; i < vCells.size(); i++)
//Fill the 2 dimentional QVector with data measure
int row = 0;
foreach(Measurement* m, actuMeasure)
vCells[row][0] = QVariant(m->x);
vCells[row][1] = QVariant(m->y1);
vCells[row][2] = QVariant(m->y2);
vCells[row][3] = QVariant(m->y3);
vCells[row][4] = QVariant(m->y4);
vCells[row][5] = QVariant(m->y5);
//Transform the 2 dimentional QVector on a QVariant object
QVector<QVariant> vvars;
QVariant var;
for(int i = 0; i < actuMeasure.size(); i++)
var = QVariant(vvars.toList());
//Set the QVariant object that is the data measure on the excel file
sheet->querySubObject("Range(QString)", "M2:AB501")->setProperty("Value", var);
//Set the fileName on the page setup (not relevant for this example)
sheet->querySubObject("PageSetup")->setProperty("LeftFooter", QVariant(fileName));
//Export to PDF file with options – NOT WORKING !!!
workbook->dynamicCall("ExportAsFixedFormat(const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&)", QVariant(0), QVariant(exportName), QVariant(0), QVariant(false), QVariant(false));
A this point I really need help to find a way to solve this problem.
I also wonder if this is not a bug of the QAxObject class.

I finally found a solution on another forum.
If anyone needs help, I'll leave the link to the answer.


Excel handling in jmeter to add multiple dynamic rows

I need to create an excel file for upload scenario in jmeter. The excel has 3 columns and number of rows is a dynamic value coming from parameter file.
The row values cannot have same data for different excel. So I am using random string to create data. By hard coding number of rows I am able to create file with below code using apache poi but facing issues to handle dynamic number of rows. Can somebody please provide solution?
Below is the code which is working fine for creating 5 rows.
def path = FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir;
def separator = File.separator;
def sourceFileName = "CreateDynamicExcel";
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Billing");
Object[] dataTypes = [
int rowNum = 0;
for (Object[] datatype:datatypes)
HSSFRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum++);
int colNum = 0;
for(Object filed:datatype){
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(colNumn+=);
cell.setCellValue((String) filed);
cell.setCellValue((Integer) filed);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(path+separator+sourceFileName+".xls"));
catch(FileNotFoundException e){
I don't think you should be inlining JMeter Functions or Variables in Groovy scripts because:
It conflicts with Groovy GString Template Engine syntax
Only first occurrence will be cached and used for subsequent iterations
So you can use the following expressions instead:
org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils.nextInt(100000000, 199999999)
In case of any problems - take a look at jmeter.log file, in case of any issues you should find the root cause or at least a clue there

EPPlus corrupt Excel file when having more than 65,530 rows

I'm running into an issue with EPPlus when there are more than 65,530 rows that have a column with a hyperlink. The example below is configured to create 65,530 rows. With this number it will create the Excel file correctly (not corrupt). Once you run it with anything over 65,530, the Excel file will be created but when you open it, Excel will report that is corrupt. Any ideas how to solve this issue?
int maxRowsToCreate = 65530; //-- no errors will be generated
//int maxRowsToCreate = 65531; //-- error will be generated. The Excel file will be created but will give an error when trying to open it.
string report = string.Format("D:\\temp\\hypelinkIssue-{0}.xlsx", maxRowsToCreate.ToString());
if (File.Exists(report))
using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(report)))
//Add the Content sheet
var ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Catalog");
ws.View.ShowGridLines = true;
var namedStyle = pck.Workbook.Styles.CreateNamedStyle("HyperLink"); //This one is language dependent
namedStyle.Style.Font.UnderLine = true;
ws.Column(1).Width = 100;
int rowIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxRowsToCreate; i++)
rowIndex += 1;
string fullFilePath = string.Format("D:\\temp\\{0}", Path.GetRandomFileName());
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].StyleName = "HyperLink";
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Hyperlink = new Uri(string.Format(#"file:///{0}", fullFilePath));
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = fullFilePath;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
The issue occurs when using ".Hyperlink". If instead I use ".Formula" and populate it with the "=HYPERLINK" Excel formula, it works fine. I was able to create 250k records with unique hyperlink using this approach. I did not try more than 250k but hopefully it will work fine.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
This only works with LESS than 65,530 hyperlinks
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].StyleName = "HyperLink";
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Hyperlink = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelHyperLink(fullFilePath, ExcelHyperLink.UriSchemeFile);
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = fullFilePath;
This works with more that 65,530 hyperlinks
string cellFormula = string.Format("=HYPERLINK(\"{0}\")", filePath);
ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Formula = cellFormula;
This is because Excel limits the amount of unique URLs in a file to 65,530. You should try to insert them as text, instead of a url.
For a possible solution, take a look at this answer.

Excel and Libre Office conflict over Open XML output

Open XML is generating .xlsx files that can be read by Open Office, but not by Excel itself.
With this as my starting point( Export DataTable to Excel with Open Xml SDK in c#) I have added code to create a .xlsx file. Attempting to open with Excel, I'm asked if I want to repair the file. Saying yes gets "The workbook cannot be opened or repaired by Microsoft Excel because it's corrupt." After many hours of trying to jiggle the data from my table to make this work, I finally threw up my hands in despair and made a spreadsheet with a single number in the first cell.
Still corrupt.
Renaming it to .zip and exploring shows intact .xml files. On a whim, I took a legit .xlsx file created by Excel, unzipped it, rezipped without changing contents and renamed back to .xlsx. Excel declared it corrupt. So this is clearly not a content issue, but file a format issue. Giving up on Friday, I sent some of the sample files home and opened them there with Libre Office. There were no issues at all. File content was correct and Calc had no problem. I'm using Excel for Office 365, 32 bit.
// ignore the bits (var list) that get data from the database. I've reduced this to just the output of a single header line
List< ReportFilingHistoryModel> list = DB.Reports.Report.GetReportClientsFullHistoryFiltered<ReportFilingHistoryModel>(search, client, report, signature);
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
using (SpreadsheetDocument workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(memStream, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
var workbookPart = workbook.AddWorkbookPart();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets = new Sheets();
var sheetPart = workbook.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
var sheetData = new SheetData();
sheetPart.Worksheet = new Worksheet(sheetData);
Sheets sheets = workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>();
string relationshipId = workbook.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(sheetPart);
uint sheetId = 1;
if (sheets.Elements<Sheet>().Count() > 0)
sheetId = sheets.Elements<Sheet>().Select(s => s.SheetId.Value).Max() + 1;
Sheet sheet = new Sheet() { Id = relationshipId, SheetId = sheetId, Name = "History" };
Row headerRow = new Row();
foreach( var s in "Foo|Bar".Split('|'))
var cell = new Cell();
cell.DataType = CellValues.Number;
cell.CellValue = new CellValue("5");
memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Guid result = DB.Reports.Report.AddClientHistoryList( "test.xlsx", memStream.GetBuffer(), "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
return Ok(result);
This should just work. I've noticed other stack overflow discussions that direct back to the first link I mentioned above. I seem to be doing it right (and Calc concurs). There have been discussions of shared strings and whatnot, but by using plain numbers I shouldn't be having issues. What am I missing here?
In working on this, I went with the notion that some extraneous junk on the end of a .zip file is harmless. 7-Zip, Windows Explorer and Libre Office all seem to agree (as does some other zip program I used at home whose name escapes me). Excel, however, does not. Using the pointer at memStream.GetBuffer() was fine, but using its length was not. (The preceding Seek() was unnecessary.) Limiting the write of the data to a length equal to the current output position keeps Excel from going off the rails.

for loop only reading one row

im trying use for loop on this to loop from datasheet, but its only reading one row, dont know where i did wrong any Ideas?
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormatter
cellDataFormatter = new DataFormatter()
//Create formula evaluator
fEval = new XSSFFormulaEvaluator(context.srcWkSheet.getWorkbook())
//Increment the rowcounter then read in the next row of items
RC = context.rowCounter;
if(RC<=context.srcWkSheet.getLastRowNum()){//Check if we've reached the last row
for(int i =0; i < RC; i++)
curTC = testRunner.testCase
sourceRow = context.srcWkSheet.getRow(i)//Get a spreadsheet row
//Step through cells in the row and populate property data
data1Cell = sourceRow.getCell(0)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data1",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data1Cell ,fEval))
data2Cell = sourceRow.getCell(1)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data2",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data2Cell ,fEval))
data3Cell = sourceRow.getCell(2)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data3",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data3Cell ,fEval))
//Rename test cases for readability in the TestSuite log
curTC.getTestStepAt(0).setName("data1-" + curTC.getPropertyValue("BC"))
//Go back to first test request with newly copied properties
From the API documentation for testRunner.gotoStep(0):
Transfers execution of this TestRunner to the TestStep with the specified index in the TestCase
Execution will continue after the indexed step. You are probably expecting it will return back to your loop, which is incorrect!
You probably meant something like: curTC.getTestStepAt(0).run(context.testRunner, context); API documentation.
You could also have an issue with the excel file you are providing. XSSFFormulaEvaluator I believe is only for old style *.xls excel format. Could be an issue if you're feeding *.xlsx format excel file.
In SoapUI NG Pro there's a DataSource test step that simply allows you to point to a file (xls or xlsx) and feed in the data

Insert image into a specified location

I have a Google Apps script which replaces placeholders in a copy of a template document with some text by calling body.replaceText('TextA', 'TextB');.
Now I want to extend it to contain images. Does anybody have idea how to do this?
Thank you,
EDIT: Just to make it clear what my script does. I have a Google form created in a spreadsheet. I've created a script which runs upon form submission, traverses a sheet corresponding to the form, find unprocessed rows, takes values from corresponding cells and put them into a copy of a Google document.
Some fields in the Google form are multi-line text fields, that's where '\r\r' comes from.
Here's a workaround I've come up with by now, not elegant, but it works so far:
// replace <IMG src="URL"> with the image fetched from URL
function processIMG_(Doc) {
var totalElements = Doc.getNumChildren();
for( var j = 0; j < totalElements; ++j ) {
var element = Doc.getChild(j);
var type = element.getType();
if (type =='PARAGRAPH'){
var par_text = element.getText();
var start = par_text.search(new RegExp('<IMG'));
var end = par_text.search(new RegExp('>'));
if (start==-1)
// Retrieve an image from the web.
var url = getURL_(par_text.substring(start,end));
// Before image
var substr = par_text.substring(0,start);
var new_par = Doc.insertParagraph(++j, substr);
// Insert image
var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
// After image
var substr = par_text.substring(end+1);
Doc.insertParagraph(++j, substr);
j -= 2; // one - for latter increment; another one - for increment in for-loop
totalElements = Doc.getNumChildren();
Here is a piece of code that does (roughly) what you want.
(there are probably other ways to do that and it surely needs some enhancements but the general idea is there)
I have chosen to use '###" in the doc to mark the place where the image will be inserted, the image must be in your google drive (or more accurately in 'some' google drive ).
The code below uses a document I shared and an image I shared too so you can try it.
here is the link to the doc, don't forget to remove the image and to put a ### somewhere before testing (if ever someone has run the code before you ;-)
function analyze() { // just a name, I used it to analyse docs
var Doc = DocumentApp.openById('1INkRIviwdjMC-PVT9io5LpiiLW8VwwIfgbq2E4xvKEo');
var image = DocsList.getFileById('0B3qSFd3iikE3cF8tSTI4bWxFMGM')
var totalElements = Doc.getNumChildren();
var el=[]
for( var j = 0; j < totalElements; ++j ) {
var element = Doc.getChild(j);
var type = element.getType();
Logger.log(j+" : "+type);// to see doc's content
if (type =='PARAGRAPH'){
if(el[j]=='###'){element.removeFromParent();// remove the ###
Doc.insertImage(j, image);// 'image' is the image file as blob
EDIT : for this script to work the ### string MUST be alone in its paragraph, no other character before nor after... remember that each time one forces a new line with ENTER the Document creates a new paragraph.
