FFImageLoading not shows webp image in Release Mode Xamarin.iOS - xamarin.ios

Set Build Action -> Bundle Resource. works fine in Local when deployed to device but not works in release mode.

Finally I have resolved it by adding "--optimize=[+|-]remove-dynamic-registrar" in both Debug/Release mode. Hope it will help somebody.


Flutter - The emulator is not working properly

Changing the code and debugging the emulator also applies the previously used code and the emulator works.
I don't know what the problem is, but the updated code doesn't apply to the emulator and the code I used before runs.
I will be very grateful if you give me an answer or a hint.
Try the command flutter clean to remove the existing build output and run your app.

Leaks Instrument not running in xcode 8.3.2

I have tried following the solution to this question.
All instruments work perfectly but leak instruments cause this error:
An error occurred trying to capture Leaks data, Error retrieving leak information.
I want to be able to use Leak Instrument without any errors.
Image is also shown below.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
This happened to me after updating the provisioning profile. It started working after restarting Instruments.
Switch to Console view to know the specific reason
For me the issue was caused by deleted Pod. Cleaning the project fixed that.
Try Checking your provisioning profile for Profile Tool on scheme of the app.
Go to Scheme editing window (just press command shift and , (comma)).
Set Build Configuration to Debug.
check that if you switch the Address Sanitizer.I close Address Sanitizer and then it works.
Edit Scheme -> Diagnostics
i upgrade the Xcode from 8.3.2 to 8.3.3 , it not works. Then I tried running it on true device , it works well.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/YouProject
close xcode restart your system then check it

Failed to debug the Windows Azure Cloud Service Project. The output directory does not exist. / Azure SDK 2.3 / VS 2013

I have Azure SDK 2.3 installed on my Windows 7 machine. The target .Net framework is set to 4.0. I'm able to upgrade my solution to Azure SDK 2.3 and build with no problems. However, when I try to run the solution, I get the following error:
Failed to debug the Windows Azure Cloud Service project. The output directory does not exist.
If I revert the solution back to Azure SDK 2.2, the problem goes away. So there's some configuration that's added by the Azure SDK 2.3 upgrade that is causing this issue. This ONLY happens when I'm running the Azure Emulator. One thing I've noticed is that the build process somehow removes the "Debug" folder from the csx directory. When I manually add it back in, the build process removes it again and then I get the same error above. I'm at a loss as to what might be causing this since my "Active solution configuration" is all set to DEBUG for "Configuration" and ANY CPU for "Platform". I've tried all the troubleshooting steps from earlier threads on this issue (with Azure SDK 1.8) with no luck. I would appreciate any helpful suggestions on this. Thanks.
NOTE: Interestingly enough, if I deny all rights to the DEBUG folder in CSX, the emulator launches but then it fails because it doesn't have access to the DEBUG folder. So I'm puzzled by why the VS build process wants to remove that Debug folder.
ANOTHER NOTE: Apparently, it's the normal process for VS Build to wipe out the Debug folder. The run process with debug is supposed to recreate that Debug folder with everything in it. That doesn't happen. I confirmed this by reverting it back to Azure SDK 2.2 and noted that the run w/ debug actually recreates that Debug folder. This recreation process fails to happen when I upgrade to 2.3.
For me, the issue was I changed the Debug Solution Configuration to something other than Debug. Renaming it back to Debug fixed the issue.
I was able to solve this issue by simply uninstalling Azure SDK 2.3 and then re-installing it. That's it!
Got it solved by doing the following:
Change to "Release" configuration.
Build and run.
Change back to "Debug" configuration.
Build and run. No error now.
I was seeing the same error that the csx folder was empty. Doing the following fixed my issue:
Right click your *.ccproj > Debug > Start New Instance
None of the above worked for me, what did work was deleting the file
Close and reopen VS, build and run

Cannot launch Xamarin.iOS app on device

I am developing an iPad application with Xamarin.iOS and MVVMcross. So I have a PCL with my View-Model and my Model, and an iOS project with the view. I use Visual Studio.
Before, I used Xamarin.iOS 6.3.6 beta version, and when I tried to launch the app on the device, an .app file was created and getting it with my Ipad, I could launch the application (impossible to launch directly from Visual Studio).
Yesterday, I uploaded Xamarin.iOS to 6.4.1. On simulator, everything's okay. When I try to launch the application on device, now the app is directly installed but the build stop and the following error appear in the debug output :
Failed to load AOT module '<my PCL>' while running in aot-only mode: doesn't match assembly.
And if I click on my app icon on the device,a black screen appear and disappear immediately.
Does someone know why this error appear?
This looks like something was cached somewhere or not updated correctly.
Here are a few ideas to try:
Delete the app from the device.
Clean & Rebuild your app.
Build & install from Xamarin Studio on your Mac.
Copy the Debug configuration to a new configuration (DebugTest for instance), and run that configuration instead.
I regularly get the same issue here.
The workaround that I use is to switch the platform in the Visual Studio build Configuration Manager to "iPhoneSimulator", run a quick debug session on that, then switch the platform back to "iPhone", and the problem disappears for a while.
Unfortunately I have no intelligent reason as to why this works. It seems to be doing a better job of the "Clean and Rebuild".
After reading a similar bug, I found that clearing the mtbs folder on the OS X host which is located at $HOME/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/ fixes this problem for me.
I have to do it so frequently I just have a PuTTY session open on my Windows box to clear the folder. I do hope that Xamarin fixes this issue soon.
Make sure Linker Behaviour is set to Don't Link
Clean, rebuild, remove old version from app.
Worked for me at least.
This happened to me after I upgraded to XCode 5/iOS7. I noticed a warning that I hadn't installed XCode Command Line Tools. After I did that I rebuilt the application and it now runs.
I just had this problem and got it to work again by opening the Apple project properties and changing the provisioning profile identity from "Distribution" to "Developer".
My workaround on Mac is to
Close Solution in XS
Quit XS. Command-Q
Reopen it and reopen solution.
After that it usually works again.

Android emulator constantly rebooting on Ubuntu Maverick

and thank you for your time.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator to write an app for Android, and as compared to Windows, where the emulator was quite stable, in Linux I get the following symptoms:
emulator restart with no reason, sometimes after a runtime error, sometimes right after launching my app, and sometimes just right after booting completely after being launched
emulator informs that "process $1 is not responding", where $1 is generally the system process, but sometimes may be acore, or the calendar. This may happen while installing my app on the emulator, right after loading it, or right after unlocking the screen.
As it is easy to imagine, testing code like this can be quite difficult, so I was wondering, has anyone else stumbled upon this problem, and/or know how it could be solved?
Thank you very much in advance, and pls let me know of any info I should provide.
You should verify that the emulator is working fine without Appcelerator first. Definitely update to the latest SDK (r8) and create a new emulator AVD and see if the problem is there without Appcelerator.
I think I found a solution, but I don't claim it is universally valid: I just erased the virtual device created under Titanium, changed the project file for it to use SDK 1.4.2, and had it launched again under 1.4.2. It certainly didn't build my app, but at least it created a new virtual device, which I use now to build against 1.5.0, working like a charm so far.
Thanks again Manfred for pointing me in the right direction!
