How the Get action method is getting called in Docusign API example - docusignapi

This is a newbie question about the DocuSign API. I just downloaded the C# example. Excellent flow, which demonstrates the API capabilities. But I do not understand how the Get() action method is getting called in eSignature\Controllers\EgControllers. I do not see any route to the Get() action method and the default routes defined in Startup.cs point to an Index action method, not Get. Shouldn't the Get() action method be named Index()?

I assume you downloaded a C# Quickstart that include a lot of calls built using the C# SDKs.
The C# eSignature SDK is making all calls for you, including the GETs.
When you use an SDK, it's a wrapper that handles the calls for you, so you don't have to worry about GET or POST or JSON.
For example, this line in the C# code you have (eSignature/Examples/GetEnvelopeInformations) is making a GET call inside the SDK:
return envelopesApi.GetEnvelope(accountId, envelopeId);


OpenAPI Generator issue with Destination service API specification

I want to get all destinations on subaccount and instance level. In SAP API business Hub, I found the API information and "SAP Cloud SDK" tab to generate code by OpenAPI generator.
I downloaded the API specification and added dependencies into Cloud SDK for Java project. The code is generated successfully with some errors (unknown models)in generated api classes.
For example in DestinationsOnSubaccountLevelApi.class, model OneOfDestinationNameOnly is imported and used in method but it is not generated in model package.
I looked into API specification and found that there were two types of response entity. That is the reason why the code could not be generated properly. I can modify the API specification to make it work but it should not be the long term solution. Is there any other way to fix this issue?
Unfortunately the SAP Cloud SDK Generator for Open API services is not yet able to understand oneOf relationship that is modeled in the specification.
As an alternative, would you consider using the DestinationAccessor API for resolving single destinations?
You can also directly instantiate an ScpCfDestinationLoader, which allows for querying all destinations:
ScpCfDestinationLoader loader = new ScpCfDestinationLoader();
DestinationOptions options = DestinationOptions
Try<Iterable<ScpCfDestination>> destinations = loader.tryGetAllDestinations(options);
Similar to the default behavior of DestinationAccessor API, in the code above only the subscriber account will be considered. Other options are:

Generate openApi DTO's with NestJS without a Controller

I am writing a NestJS service that provides a REST API and it publishes some messages to NATS. We are using the NestJS support to generate OpenAPI docs, and from the OpenAPI docs we generate an SDK that we import into our clients. This all works great, but only the REST API of our code is in the SDK.
What we'd like to also do is to have NestJS include the DTO's for the content for the messages we publish to NATS. Then our SDK will also include interfaces for these DTO's, and then our clients can cast the message content to the correct interface (based on the message subject). This way, the publisher of an event defines the content of the event, and users of it don't have to replicate the interface, yet they get strongly-typed code.
I've tried adding the #Api decorators to the DTO, but it appears that unless the DTO is used in the definition of an #Controller, it is not included in the resultant openApi docs.
I was hoping for a way to decorate a "random" DTO in my code so it will then be included in the swagger docs, and in-turn included in a generated SDK. Is something like that possible?
you can also pass extraModels array as a part of SwaggerDocumentOptions
SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config, {
extraModels: [.......]

Independent NPM library that validates request based on swagger file

We are building APIs using Swagger, AWS API gateway and Lambda functions with NodeJS. The API gateway will do the request validation, however as per the design, the lambda functions need to re-validate the request object as an API Gateway Proxy Request Event. This makes sense as in theory we can reuse the lambda functions by invoking them via other event source (e.g. SNS).
Therefore we need an NodeJS tool which can validate the request (not only body but also params, etc) based on the swagger spec - exactly what the swagger-tools and a few other tools (e.g. swagger-request-validator) are doing, but not as a middleware.
I did some search but could not find one, also looked into swagger-tools source code, reckon its validation component was written in the way that cannot be easily used separately.
Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks in advance.
You can use swagger-model-validator.
var Validator = require('swagger-model-validator');
var swaggerFile = require("./swagger.json");
const validator = new Validator(swaggerFile);
name: 'meg'
}, swaggerFile.definitions.Pet, swaggerFile.definitions, true).GetErrorMessages())
This outputs:
[ 'photoUrls is a required field' ]
validator.validate returns an object, so you can also check if the returned object contains anything under the errors attribute. It should be as simple as
if (validator.validate({
name: 'meg'
}, swaggerFile.definitions.Pet, swaggerFile.definitions, true).errors) {
// do something with error
I have used Swagger's sample JSON for this answer.

Precompiled Azure Function and SOAP endpoints

I'm writing a precompiled Azure function that will perform a SOAP call to ServiceNow. The code works as a standalone exe but I can't seem to get it converted to a precompiled function. In know it's because my DLL can't find the app.config file but what's the best way to get around it. Error message below. ServiceNow requires I set certain bindings and endpoint configuration. The other contractors for their ServiceNowSoapClient class allow me to specify a url directly but don't seem to allow me to get to the binding settings.
Exception while executing function: Functions.TimerTriggerCSharp.
System.ServiceModel: Could not find endpoint element with name
'ServiceNowSoapDev' and contract 'ServiceNowReference.ServiceNowSoap'
in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be
because no configuration file was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the
client element.
In WCF you can define your client binding and endpoint programmatically instead of using app.config. Use the constructor of the generated client with two parameters:
new ServiceNowSoapClient(binding, remoteAddress);
See more code here.

Global request/response interceptor

What would be the easiest way to setup a request/response interceptor in ServiceStack that would execute for a particular service?
A request filter (IHasRequestFilter) works fine but a response filter (IHasResponseFilter) is not triggered if the service returns non 2xx status code. I need to retrieve the status code returned by the method as well as the response DTO (if any).
A custom ServiceRunner and overriding the OnBeforeExecute and OnAfterExecute methods seems to work fine but I find it pretty intrusive as the service runner need to be replaced for the entire application and I couldn't find a way clean way to isolate per functionality the tasks that need to be executed in those methods.
Is there some extension point in ServiceStack that I am missing that would allow me to execute some code before each service method and after each service method? A plugin would be ideal but how can I subscribe to some fictitious BeforeExecute and AfterExecute methods that would allow me to run some custom code?
Just after posting the question I found out that global response filters are executed no matter what status code is returned by the service which is exactly what I needed. So one last question: Is it possible to retrieve the service type that will handle the request in a request filter? I need to check whether this service is decorated by some custom marker attribute.
I have found out a solution to my question about how to retrieve the service type in a custom request/response filter:
appHost.RequestFilters.Add((req, res, requestDto) =>
var metadata = EndpointHost.Metadata;
Type serviceType = metadata.GetServiceTypeByRequest(requestDto.GetType());
A custom ServiceRunner and overriding the OnBeforeExecute and OnAfterExecute methods seems to work fine but I find it pretty intrusive as the service runner need to be replaced for the entire application
Quick note, you can opt-in and choose only what requests should use a custom service runner, e.g:
public override IServiceRunner<TRequest> CreateServiceRunner<TRequest>(
ActionContext actionContext)
return useCustomRunner(actionContext.RequestType)
? new MyServiceRunner<TRequest>(this, actionContext)
: base.CreateServiceRunner<TRequest>(actionContext);
IHttpRequest has OperationName. I think thats what you are after.
