How do I get the number of connected clients from Alfred? - fluid-framework

I found that Alfred knows all connected clients for a given (tenant, document) pair. However, I haven't found any HTTP or WebSocket APIs to get to this information. Did I miss something?
Why do I need this?
I'm building a bot (a server-side client to fluid) that will be responsible for converting file representation to fluid and vice versa. My bot needs to know when the last client is gone so that it can convert the fluid ops back into a (legacy) file.

We don't provide a service side API to fetch list of connected clients. However, we maintain the list of all writer clients in our quorum. Using this, you can always track list of writers connected to the session.
Note that for your scenario, this will require your bot to be already running so that it can track when everyone leaves the session. If you only want to spawn the bot only when every client leaves, you can track the noClient op. We send this op when everyone leaves the session.


How can I securely implement a notification system using socket?

I am currently working on a web application using the MEAN stack. It has a social aspect to it so I want to be able to push notifications to users.
The way I do it now is when something happens that should be a notification it gets stored in a mongo database with an unread flag. Each client will send a get request to the server every 30 second and will receive every notification marked as unread, and will then mark it as read.
I want to switch to using a message queue and sockets so less network resources will be used, and also provide the user with a real-time experience. I've thought about using redis and its pubsub structure but I can't seem to figure out how to do this securely. If I push out notifications to the affected users, won't it be easy for someone malicious to subscribe to somebody else's channel and receive notifications not meant for them? Am I missing something or is it just the wrong approach for such a system?
Edit: Figure I update with the solution I went with if anyone else reading this is having the same problem.
Instead of using rabbitmq, as the answer suggested, I figured that a much more easy and elegant solution is to just use When new sockets connects to the server I save a mapping from the userID to the socketId in a redis in-memory DB. (After I've validated their token) That way, if I need to push a notification to a user I just look up the socketId in the redis DB, and then send it to the correct socket.
This way I don't need any security beyond that as socketIDs are unguessable, and the message is only sent across the single socket that belongs to the given user.
This way it will only get sent through the connection of the given socket, as socketIDs are only used server side to keep track of all the connection. This means no one else can "listen" using someone else's socketID.
you can use RabbitMQ for this. Also authentication is there. Please go through following link and try.
also, you can apply authentication in existing structure using subscription auth tokens with all subscribed users only.
even redis has its security with topics. Please have a look in link below

Sending messages between clients

I'm working on a chat application and using / node for that. Basically I came up with the following strategies:
Send message from the client which is received by the socket server which then sends it to the receiving client. On the background I store that to the message on the DB to be retrieved later if the user wishes to seee his old conversations.
The pros of this approach is that the user gets the message almost instantly since we don't wait for the DB operation to complete, but the con is that if the DB operation failed and exactly that time the client refreshed its page to fetch the message, it won't get that.
Send message form the client to the server, the server then stores it on the DB first and then only sends it to the receiving client.
The pros is that we make sure that the message will be received to the client only if its stored in the DB. The con is that it will be no way close to real time since we'll be doing a DB operation in between slowing down the message passing.
Send message to the client which then is stored on a cache layer(redis for example) and then instantly broadcast it to the receiving client. On background keep fetching records from redis and updating DB. If the client refreshes the page, we first look into the DB and then the redis layer.
The pros is that we make the communication faster and also make sure messages are presented correctly on demand. The con is that this is quite complex as compared to above implementations, and I'm wondering if there's any easier way to achieve this?
My question is whats the way to go if you're building a serious chat application that ensures both - faster communication and data persistence. What are some strategies that app like facebook, whatsapp etc. use for the same? I'm not looking for exact example, but a few pointers will help.
I would go for the option number 2. I've been doing myself Chat apps in node and I found out that this is the best option. Saving in a database takes few milliseconds, which includes the 0.x milliseconds to write in the databse and the few milliseconds of latency in communication ( ).
SO I would consider this approach realtime. The good thing with this is that if it fails, you can display a message to the sender that it failed, for whatever reason.
Facebook, whatsapp and many other big messaging apps are based on XMPP (jabber) which is a very, very big protocol for instant messaging and everything is very well documented on how to do things but it is based in XML, so you still have to parse everything etc but luckily there are very good libraries to handle with xmpp. So if you want to go the common way, using XMPP you can, but most of the big players in this area are not following anymore all the standards, since does not have all the features we are used to use today.
I would go with doing my own version, actually, I already something made (similar to slack), if you want I could give you access to it in private.
So to end this, number 2 is the way to go (for me). XMPP is cool but brings also a lot of complexity.

Efficient Chat Streams

I'm attempting to create an application which will work as a chat app. I'm currently contemplating the best way to do this and I'm thinking of going with a server sent event package such as the following. Every conversation would have an id, and the message would be emitted under the id. For instance
stream.emit(1512, "Hello") would send the message and
stream.on(1512, function(message){console.log(message)}) would print the message. Only the chat members would have the chatId.
I was initially thinking of using websockets but I thought that not every user should be receiving data, as chats were private and I didn't want to configure authentication within websockets.
Back to server sent events:
I have a few questions on the topic.
Are they efficient and, if not, what would be a more efficient solution
Is the method of sending chat through a randomized, hashed, id (such as 309ECC489C12D6EB4CC40F50C902F2B4D) secure?
Would you recommend a different method for sending chat? This is to be implemented as a mobile application where individual users can chat privately with oneanother so, again, security is pretty important.
I recommend the client-call package (disclaimer: I wrote it). It provides a very simple method to run a client-side method from the server code.
Besides this, you can always just put the chat messages to a db collection and remove them after some time.

How to model Push Notifications on server

Brief Description:
Well, since many days I've been looking for an answer to this question but there seems to be answers for 'How to create a Push Notification Server' and like questions. I am using node.js and it's quite easy to 'create' a push notification server using sock.js (I've heard isn't good as compared to sock.js). No problem till here. But what I want is how to model such a server.
OK, so, let's say I've an application where there's a chat service (just an example this is, actual thing is big as you might have guessed). A person sends a message in a room and all the people in the room get notified. But what I want is a 'stateful' chat - that is, I want to store the messages in a data store. Here's where the trouble comes. Storing the message in the database and later telling everyone that "Hey, there's a message for you". This seems easy when we need the real-time activity for just one part of the app. What to do when the whole app is based on real-time communication? Besides this, I also want to have a RESTful api.
My solution (with which I am not really happy)
What I thought of doing was this: (on the server side of course)
Data Store
Data Layer (which talks to data store)
| |
Real-Time Server Restful server
And here, the Real-time server listens to interesting events that the data-layer publishes. Whenever something interesting happens, the server notifies the client. But which client? - This is the problem with my method
Hope you can be of help. :)
I think I forgot to emphasize an important part of my question. How to implement a pub-sub system? (NOTE: I don't want the actual code, I'll manage that myself; just how to go about doing it is where I need some help). The problem is that I get quite boggled when writing the code - what to do how (my confusion is quite apparent from this question itself). Could please provide some references to read or some advice as to how to begin with this thing?
I am not sure if I understood you correctly; but I will summarize how I read it:
We have a real-time chat server that uses socket connections to publish new messages to all connected clients.
We have a database where we want to keep chat logs.
We have also a restful interface to access the realtime server to get current chats in a lazier manner.
And you want to architect your system this way:
In the above diagram, the components I circled with purple curve wants to be updated like all other clients. Am I right? I don't know what you meant with "Data Layer" but I thought it is a daemon that will be writing to database and also interfacing database for other components.
In this architecture, everything is okay in the direction you meant. I mean DataStore is connected by servers to access data, maybe to query client credentials for authentication, maybe to read user preferences etc.
For your other expectation from these components, I mean to allow these components to be updated like connected clients, why don't you allow them to be clients, too?
Your realtime server is a server for clients; but it is also a client for data layer, or database server, if we prefer a more common naming. So we already know that there is nothing that stops a server from being a client. Then, why can't our database system and restful system also be clients? Connect them to realtime server the same way you connect browsers and other clients. Let them enjoy being one of the people. :)
I hope I did not understand everything completely wrong and this makes sense for the question.

Socket connection on iPhone (IOS 4.x)

I am working on a Chatting application (needs to connect to a server) on iPhone. The sending packet from iPhone shouldn't be a problem.
But I would like to know whether it is possible for iPhone to establish a incoming socket connection to server continuously or forever under mobile environment.
OR What do I need to do to give the connection alive ? Need to send something over it to keep it alive ?
Not sure why you want to have chatting app to have persisted connection... I'd better use SMS like model. Anyways, Cocoa NSStream is based on NSSocket and allows a lot of functionality. Take a look at it.
Response to the question. Here is in a nutshell, what I would do:
Get an authentication token from the server.
this will also take care of user presence if necessary but now we are talking about the state; once presence is known, the server may send out notifications to clients that are active and have a user on their contact list.
Get user's contact list and contact presence state.
When a message send, handle it according to addressee state, i.e. if online, communicate back to the other user, if offline, queue for later delivery or reject.
Once token expires, reject communication with appropriate error and make the client to request a new token.
Communication from server to client, can be based on pull or push model. In first case, client periodically makes a request and fetches all messages. This may sound not good but in reality, how often users compose and send messages? Several times a minute? That's not too much. So fetching may happen every 5-10 seconds.
For push model, client must be able to listen and accept connections.
Finally, check out SIP, session initiation protocol. No need to use full version of it though. Just basic stuff.
This is very rough and perhaps simplified. I don't know the target complexity of your chatting system. For example, the simplest thing can also be that server just enables client to client communication by distributing their end points and clients take care of everything themselves.
Good luck!
Super out of date response, but maybe it will help the next person.
I would use xmppframework and a jabber server.
