imagine that i have a time for example 7:00 AM and also i have a duration for a task for example 12:30 (12 hours and 30 minute). when i subtract 7:00 from 12:30 it gives me ####### that the true answer should be 18:30 PM. what is the solution?
You were on the right path subtracting the two, but there are additional things you need to consider: A good description is on Microsofts help page if you scroll down to "Subtract" - this gives you a step by step guide and examples.
You can find the guide here:
Excel cannot display a negative time. This can be solved by adding one day to the initial time.
I'm currently working in a time-keeping proposal that'll automatically compute hours rendered exceeding the original shift ( Over-Time ), and Hours with Night Differential ( it starts at 22:00 and ends at 7:00 the following day ) and the combination of the 2 ( OT with Night Differential ). Please refer to my example for clarifications:
Time In is at H11*
Time Out is at I11*
OT is at K11*
Night Differential is at M11*
What I want as an output in L11* is the hours wherein both OT and Night Differential is at play.
Say Employee1 comes in at 16:00 with a supposed time-out at 1:00 the following day, that would mean he'd be entitled to a 3 Hour Night-Differential, but he rendered an hour of Over-time so he now has 4 Hour Night Diff, 1 of which is under OT. The result of L11 should be 1 hour of both OT and Night Diff. Do you have any suggestion as to how the formula should be? I've been stuck for days now, I appreciate every advice you can give me. Thanks in advance.
I have time in this - > 05/21/16 15:44
I'm not bothered about the date part, I want to see if the time falls between 10 AM to 8 PM or not. For this record it is 3 PM so its good.
I have tried extracting time out, tryin Median, Mod functions but nothing seems to work.
Two offers from Comments:
Scott Craner:
Dirk Reichel:
They differ according to treatment of time at the cusp.
I want a formula for Excel work like that
08:45 turns into 8:00
and at the same time if
8:55 turns into 9:00
So I mean ignore the minutes and round it to the hour except if the minute is 55 or above round it to the next hour as shown above.
I think =TIME(IF(MINUTE(A1) >= 55; HOUR(A1)+1;HOUR(A1));0;0) is what you need.
I need some help with a formula to automate my over-time and late time salary calculations. I get a report from our system which is in the following format:
"In Time" "Out Time" "Late" "Early" "OT"
All of these have values in the hh:mm:ss format however the cell is formatted as General.
The In Time has the time of the day I punch in.
The Out Time has the time of the day I punch out.
Late has the number of minutes I am late by from my check in time i.e. 10:00 not 10:15.
Early has the number of minutes I am early by.
OT has the number of hours and minutes I a work beyond my shift end time i.e. 6:00
I was hoping to get one column to tell me how much my salary would be deducted if I am late by x minutes. To give you an example, my day starts at 10:00 and I can come as late as 10:15 without any deductions. However for every minute I am late after that, I get a deduction which is calculated by the number of minutes I am late multiplied by my per minute salary ((((10000/30)/8)/60).
And in the second column, I was hoping to calculate how much additional salary I would get for my over time. For example, my shift ends at 6:00 and for every minute after 6:00 I am entitled to over time, which is calculated by the number of minutes I work over time multiples by my per minute over time rate (30/60).
Please let me know if you guys could help me with this. This could be used by almost anyone who wants to make sure their salary is calculated correctly.
"What I really need help with, is the formula for the Late Deduction and Overtime Calculations"
As I implied in my comments, the format of your data is all important. Excel stores times as fractions of a day. So 1 minute = 1/60/24
If you convert ÿour data to a normal Excel time, then the formulas for your Late Deductions and Overtime compensation would be as below. Where Late is the number of minutes you are late (stored as an Excel Time); and OT is the number of overtime minutes.
If these values are stored as plain numbers, omit the 24*60 feature. If these values are stored as Text, you need to change them to either regular numbers or fractions of a day. Exactly how to change them depends on what is making them appear as text.
Late Deduction
I'm creating a report which display duration of time (in hours) between two points in time.
Duration between 10:00 to 13:30 equals 3 hrs 30 minutes
This information is being saved into a spreadsheet (excel) in one "duration" column, titled "Duration (hrs)". The column needs to be sortable to allow sorting by longest duration, etc.
Should this be displayed as 3.5 or 3.30 using a numerical column format? Or as 03:30 using a time format? Is there a standard for this or purely down to preference?
Appreciate your thoughts!
Note also that if you use "hh:mm" for your time format, that will just give you max 24, so even if it goes over several days, you won't see more than 24 hours. If you want the TOTAL number of hours, use "[hh]:mm" to see e.g. 45:32
I think it's probably just down to preference - either method should work and be sortable
For a time format you can just subtract, e.g.
or for decimal just multiply by 24
Personally I think that time durations should be kept in time format.....