Edit application.yml of jhipster from module - jhipster

I'm created a module of jhipster for integrate rabbitmq.
When I install the module, the module add for me the dependency in pom by:
this.addMavenDependency("org.springframework.cloud", "spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit");
this.addMavenDependency("org.springframework.cloud", "spring-cloud-starter-sleuth");
this.addMavenDependency("org.springframework.boot", "spring-boot-starter-cache");
When I regenerare a entity the module create the publisher and channel class.
To here all fine, but i nedd to add chennel confing in application.yml!
Is present a function in BaseGenerator, or other part, like addMavenDependency for add config in application.yml?
Tks in advance

Finally I have used not standard method, but work, using js-yaml library
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
let configFile = 'src/main/resources/config/application-exchanges.yml';
let doc = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf8'));
if(!doc) {
doc = {};
if(!doc.spring) {
doc.spring = {};
if(!doc.spring.cloud) {
doc.spring.cloud = {};
if(!doc.spring.cloud.stream) {
doc.spring.cloud.stream = {};
if(!doc.spring.cloud.stream.bindings) {
doc.spring.cloud.stream.bindings = {};
doc.spring.cloud.stream.bindings[`createUpdate${this.entityClass}-Output`] = {
destination: `createUpdate${this.entityClass}Exchange`,
contentType: 'application/json'
doc.spring.cloud.stream.bindings[`delete${this.entityClass}-Output`] = {
destination: `delete${this.entityClass}Exchange`,
contentType: 'application/json'
fs.writeFileSync(configFile, yaml.dump(doc), 'utf8');


How to save configuration settings for my NodeJs CLI app?

I'm crafting a nodejs application as a cli tool. I'm using yargs to define my commands and I'm using the .config() method to load default configuration settings from a .config or config.json file, like so:
const findUp = require('find-up')
const fs = require('fs')
const yargs = require('yargs');
const configPath = findUp.sync(['.config', 'config.json']);
const config = configPath ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath)) : {};
.command( require('./command/command-name'))
.option( .... )
.config( config )
I would like to create a command that I can use to configure my .config file. Something like:
my-tool configure --defaults key1=<value> key2=<value>
Is there an npm package available to do this, or would I have to roll my own?
I rolled my own.
# configure.js
const findUp = require('find-up')
const fs = require('fs')
exports.command = 'configure'
exports.desc = 'Set or view your configuration'
exports.builder = {
'defaults': {
desc: 'set configuration values',
type: 'array',
group: 'Parameters:'
exports.handler = function (argv) {
const configPath = findUp.sync(['.config', 'config.json']);
const config = configPath ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath)) : {};
if (argv.defaults) {
argv.defaults.map( arg => {
var args = arg.split('=');
if (args[1]) {
config[args[0]] = args[1];
} else {
delete config[args[0]];
var file = configPath ? configPath : "./.config";
fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
} else {
console.log( JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));

Use node crypto in angular 9

My project was in Angular 6 and it had following lines of code
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const decrypt = new Buffer(data.result.encr, 'base64');
const privatekey = Buffer.from(data.result.pk, 'base64');
this.decrypted = crypto.privateDecrypt(privatekey, decrypt).toString('utf-8');
return this.decrypted;
Which was working fine.
Now I migrated my code to Angular 9. And I find out that crypto has no longer support from NPM
It says that I have to use inbuild library of crypto. But I have no idea how to use it.
I thought crypto-js would help me. But it didn't.
If someone knows how to use crypto in Angular 9 or how to convert upper lines for crypto-js then it would be great.
Note: Encryption is happening on server side using crypto only as they have nodejs.
Thanks in advance.
After 3-4 days I am finally able to resolve this.
I installed crypto-browserify.
Delete node_modules folder and then again installed all dependencies by using npm-install
crypto-browserify provides same features as crypto
I recently acheived this in my MEAN Stack app. After installing crypto-js with following command:
npm i crypto-js --save
Following service in Angular-9 which can be used through out the project for encryption and decryption.
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import * as CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
providedIn: 'root'
export class CryptoJsService {
constructor() { }
get jsonFormatter() {
return {
stringify: (cipherParams: any) => {
const jsonObj = { ct: cipherParams.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64), iv: null, s: null };
if (cipherParams.iv) {
jsonObj.iv = cipherParams.iv.toString();
if (cipherParams.salt) {
jsonObj.s = cipherParams.salt.toString();
return JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
parse: (jsonStr) => {
const jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
// extract ciphertext from json object, and create cipher params object
const cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(jsonObj.ct)
if (jsonObj.iv) {
cipherParams.iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.iv);
if (jsonObj.s) {
cipherParams.salt = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.s);
return cipherParams;
/* Method for Encryption */
encrypt(value: any) {
const key = environment.crypto_js_key; // SECRET KEY FOR ENCRYPTION
value = value instanceof String ? value : JSON.stringify(value);
const encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(value,key,
{ format: this.jsonFormatter, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC }).toString();
return encrypted;
/* Method for Decryption */
decrypt(value: any): any {
const key = environment.crypto_js_key; //SECRET KEY FOR ENCRYPTION
const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(value, key, {format: this.jsonFormatter }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
return JSON.parse(decrypted);
In Nodejs, following utility could be used through out the app:
var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
var config = require('../config/environment');
module.exports.encrypt = function(value){
var JsonFormatter = {
stringify: function(cipherParams){
var jsonObj = { ct: cipherParams.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64) };
if (cipherParams.iv) {
jsonObj.iv = cipherParams.iv.toString();
if (cipherParams.salt) {
jsonObj.s = cipherParams.salt.toString();
return JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
parse: function(jsonStr) {
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
// extract ciphertext from json object, and create cipher params object
var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(jsonObj.ct)
if (jsonObj.iv) {
cipherParams.iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.iv);
if (jsonObj.s) {
cipherParams.salt = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.s);
return cipherParams;
value = value instanceof String ? value: JSON.stringify(value);
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(value, config.crypto_js_key, {
format: JsonFormatter, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC
return encrypted;
module.exports.decrypt = function(value) {
return CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(value, config.crypto_js_key, {format: JsonFormatter }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
Depending on the desired hash, the best option for me was ts-md5 lib.
import {Md5} from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
Md5.hashStr('blah blah blah'); // hex:string
Md5.hashStr('blah blah blah', true); // raw:Int32Array(4)
Md5.hashAsciiStr('blah blah blah'); // hex:string
Md5.hashAsciiStr('blah blah blah', true); // raw:Int32Array(4)

Using Babel to Get ApolloClient to ES5 CommonJS Module Format for Node Environment

Using Babel to Get ApolloClient to ES5 CommonJS Module Format
Im trying to use Babel to get the apollo-client module to work as ES5 in a non-browser, node environment. I've gone through step below which always give me the same result. Im trying to figure out if that result is right result for a node environment. When I import the babel processed documents into my project and call a method that should be exported, im getting, cannot find module. For context, the project is a fusetools.com demo. Fusetools does not support ES2015 Promises so the idea is that with the babel es2015 preset, it should work. I'm mostly chasing this down to learn something but it would be great if I could get it to work. Any comments on an easier way to do this, now that I understand it better, would be greatly appreciated. The project where I babeled the code can be found here. The fusetools project where i used the transformed code is here.
The error I get is :
LOG: Error: JavaScript error in MainView.ux line 9: Name: Fuse.Scripting.Error
Error message: require(): module not found: js/apollo-client/ApolloClient.js
File name: MainView.ux
Line number: 9
Source line: var ApolloClient = require('js/apollo-client/ApolloClient.js');
This is the code im trying to reach:
"use strict";
var networkInterface_1 = require('./transport/networkInterface');
var isUndefined = require('lodash.isundefined');
var assign = require('lodash.assign');
var isString = require('lodash.isstring');
var store_1 = require('./store');
var QueryManager_1 = require('./core/QueryManager');
var storeUtils_1 = require('./data/storeUtils');
var fragments_1 = require('./fragments');
var getFromAST_1 = require('./queries/getFromAST');
var DEFAULT_REDUX_ROOT_KEY = 'apollo';
function defaultReduxRootSelector(state) {
var ApolloClient = function () {
function ApolloClient(_a) {
var _this = this;
var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a,
networkInterface = _b.networkInterface,
reduxRootKey = _b.reduxRootKey,
reduxRootSelector = _b.reduxRootSelector,
initialState = _b.initialState,
dataIdFromObject = _b.dataIdFromObject,
resultTransformer = _b.resultTransformer,
resultComparator = _b.resultComparator,
_c = _b.ssrMode,
ssrMode = _c === void 0 ? false : _c,
_d = _b.ssrForceFetchDelay,
ssrForceFetchDelay = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d,
_e = _b.mutationBehaviorReducers,
mutationBehaviorReducers = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e,
_f = _b.addTypename,
addTypename = _f === void 0 ? true : _f,
queryTransformer = _b.queryTransformer;
this.middleware = function () {
return function (store) {
return function (next) {
return function (action) {
var returnValue = next(action);
return returnValue;
if (reduxRootKey && reduxRootSelector) {
throw new Error('Both "reduxRootKey" and "reduxRootSelector" are configured, but only one of two is allowed.');
if (reduxRootKey) {
console.warn('"reduxRootKey" option is deprecated and might be removed in the upcoming versions, ' + 'please use the "reduxRootSelector" instead.');
this.reduxRootKey = reduxRootKey;
if (queryTransformer) {
throw new Error('queryTransformer option no longer supported in Apollo Client 0.5. ' + 'Instead, there is a new "addTypename" option, which is on by default.');
if (!reduxRootSelector && reduxRootKey) {
this.reduxRootSelector = function (state) {
return state[reduxRootKey];
} else if (isString(reduxRootSelector)) {
this.reduxRootKey = reduxRootSelector;
this.reduxRootSelector = function (state) {
return state[reduxRootSelector];
} else if (typeof reduxRootSelector === 'function') {
this.reduxRootSelector = reduxRootSelector;
} else {
this.reduxRootSelector = null;
this.initialState = initialState ? initialState : {};
this.networkInterface = networkInterface ? networkInterface : networkInterface_1.createNetworkInterface({ uri: '/graphql' });
this.addTypename = addTypename;
this.resultTransformer = resultTransformer;
this.resultComparator = resultComparator;
this.shouldForceFetch = !(ssrMode || ssrForceFetchDelay > 0);
this.dataId = dataIdFromObject;
this.fieldWithArgs = storeUtils_1.storeKeyNameFromFieldNameAndArgs;
if (ssrForceFetchDelay) {
setTimeout(function () {
return _this.shouldForceFetch = true;
}, ssrForceFetchDelay);
this.reducerConfig = {
dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
mutationBehaviorReducers: mutationBehaviorReducers
this.watchQuery = this.watchQuery.bind(this);
this.query = this.query.bind(this);
this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this);
this.setStore = this.setStore.bind(this);
this.resetStore = this.resetStore.bind(this);
ApolloClient.prototype.watchQuery = function (options) {
if (!this.shouldForceFetch && options.forceFetch) {
options = assign({}, options, {
forceFetch: false
var fullDocument = getFromAST_1.addFragmentsToDocument(options.query, options.fragments);
var realOptions = Object.assign({}, options, {
query: fullDocument
delete realOptions.fragments;
return this.queryManager.watchQuery(realOptions);
ApolloClient.prototype.query = function (options) {
if (!this.shouldForceFetch && options.forceFetch) {
options = assign({}, options, {
forceFetch: false
var fullDocument = getFromAST_1.addFragmentsToDocument(options.query, options.fragments);
var realOptions = Object.assign({}, options, {
query: fullDocument
delete realOptions.fragments;
return this.queryManager.query(realOptions);
ApolloClient.prototype.mutate = function (options) {
var fullDocument = getFromAST_1.addFragmentsToDocument(options.mutation, options.fragments);
var realOptions = Object.assign({}, options, {
mutation: fullDocument
delete realOptions.fragments;
return this.queryManager.mutate(realOptions);
ApolloClient.prototype.subscribe = function (options) {
var fullDocument = getFromAST_1.addFragmentsToDocument(options.query, options.fragments);
var realOptions = Object.assign({}, options, {
document: fullDocument
delete realOptions.fragments;
delete realOptions.query;
return this.queryManager.startGraphQLSubscription(realOptions);
ApolloClient.prototype.reducer = function () {
return store_1.createApolloReducer(this.reducerConfig);
ApolloClient.prototype.initStore = function () {
if (this.store) {
if (this.reduxRootSelector) {
throw new Error('Cannot initialize the store because "reduxRootSelector" or "reduxRootKey" is provided. ' + 'They should only be used when the store is created outside of the client. ' + 'This may lead to unexpected results when querying the store internally. ' + "Please remove that option from ApolloClient constructor.");
initialState: this.initialState,
config: this.reducerConfig
this.reduxRootKey = DEFAULT_REDUX_ROOT_KEY;
ApolloClient.prototype.resetStore = function () {
ApolloClient.prototype.setStore = function (store) {
var reduxRootSelector;
if (this.reduxRootSelector) {
reduxRootSelector = this.reduxRootSelector;
} else {
reduxRootSelector = defaultReduxRootSelector;
this.reduxRootKey = DEFAULT_REDUX_ROOT_KEY;
if (isUndefined(reduxRootSelector(store.getState()))) {
throw new Error('Existing store does not use apolloReducer. Please make sure the store ' + 'is properly configured and "reduxRootSelector" is correctly specified.');
this.store = store;
this.queryManager = new QueryManager_1.QueryManager({
networkInterface: this.networkInterface,
reduxRootSelector: reduxRootSelector,
store: store,
addTypename: this.addTypename,
resultTransformer: this.resultTransformer,
resultComparator: this.resultComparator,
reducerConfig: this.reducerConfig
return ApolloClient;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = ApolloClient;
//# sourceMappingURL=ApolloClient.js.map
Any and all comments I might learn from are appreciated. Thank you.
One way to do this would be to use webpack like this:
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
// watch: true,
entry: {
ApolloClient: './config/ApolloClient.js',
createNetworkInterface: './config/createNetworkInterface.js',
Redux: './config/Redux.js',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'build/Libs'),
filename: '[name].js',
library: '[name]',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
module: {
rules: [
use: 'babel-loader',
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV),
Then in config directory you could have:
/* ApolloClient.js */
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
export default ApolloClient;
/* createNetworkInterface.js */
import { createNetworkInterface } from 'apollo-client/transport/networkInterface';
export default createNetworkInterface;
plus if you want to have Redux as well:
/* Redux.js */
import * as Redux from 'redux';
export default Redux;
However I was not able to get gql done this way and had to use bolav's fusepm.
Which you would use exactly as bolav has mention, first install it globally:
npm install -G fusepm and then fusepm npm graphql-tag
Once you have all these in place you can require them as follow:
var Redux = require('build/Libs/Redux');
var ApolloClient = require('build/Libs/ApolloClient');
var createNetworkInterface = require('build/Libs/createNetworkInterface');
var gql = require('fusejs_lib/graphql-tag_graphql-tag.umd');
This way still could use some TLC but for now, it works and get's the job done:
var networkInterface = createNetworkInterface.createNetworkInterface({
uri: 'http://localhost:8000/graphql',
var client = new ApolloClient.ApolloClient({
query: gql`
query {
allPosts {
edges {
node {
summary(length: 80)
personByAuthorId {
.then(data => data.data.allPosts.edges.forEach(node => pages.add(createPage(node))))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
Also if you like I've setup a whole project along with server that might be of an interest to you: fuseR
I made fusepm, which has a mode to convert npm modules to run them under FuseTools. It's still has a lot of bugs, but at least I managed to come longer than you:
fuse create app apolloc
cd apolloc
npm install apollo-client
fusepm npm apollo-client
And then in your javascript:
var ApolloClient = require('fusejs_lib/apollo-client.js');
fusepm uses Babel, with some custom plugins.

npm react-native-fetch-blob - "RNFetchBlob.fetch is not a function"

I am using the npm package react-native-fetch-blob.
I have followed all the steps from the git repository to use the package.
I then imported the package using the following line:
var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob');
I am trying to request a BLOB containing an image from the a server.
This is my main method.
fetchAttachment: function(attachment_uri) {
var authToken = 'youWillNeverGetThis!'
var deviceId = '123';
var xAuthToken = deviceId+'#'+authToken
//Authorization : 'Bearer access-token...',
// send http request in a new thread (using native code)
RNFetchBlob.fetch('GET', config.apiRoot+'/app/'+attachment_uri, {
'Origin': '',
'X-AuthToken': xAuthToken
// when response status code is 200
.then((res) => {
// the conversion is done in native code
let base64Str = res.base64()
// the following conversions are done in js, it's SYNC
let text = res.text()
let json = res.json()
// Status code is not 200
.catch((errorMessage, statusCode) => {
// error handling
I keep receiving the following error:
"Possible Unhandled Promise Refection(id: 0): TypeError: RNFetchBlob.fetch is not a function".
Any ideas?
The issue is you are using ES5 style require statements with a library written against ES6/ES2015. You have two options:
var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default
import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'
My import looks like this : import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob';
but I'v got an error : TypeError: RNFetchBlob.scanFile is not a function
My code:
const downloadAudio = async () => {
const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob;
const meditationFilesPath =
Platform.OS == 'android'
? `${fs.dirs.DownloadDir}/meditations/${id}`
: `${fs.dirs.DocumentDir}/meditations/${id}`;
let audio_URL = track;
let options = {
fileCache: true,
path: meditationFilesPath + `/${id}.mp3`,
addAndroidDownloads: {
// Related to the Android only
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
path: meditationFilesPath + `/${id}.mp3`,
description: 'Audio',
try {
const resAudio = await config(options).fetch('GET', audio_URL.uri);
if (resAudio) {
const audio = await RNFetchBlob.fs.scanFile([
{ path: resAudio.path(), mime: 'audio/mpeg' },
console.log('res -> ', audio);
Alert.alert('Audio Downloaded Successfully.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('error from downloadAudio', error);

Ember blueprint that injects environment config?

I'm relatively new to Ember and was wondering if there is a way to create a blueprint/generator that would inject a new value into the environment config while maintaining all existing configuration. Is there some Ember magic that allows an existing file to act as the blueprint template? My ideal implementation would look something like this:
ember g platform foo
// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
// Existing config values here...
APP: {
platforms: {
foo: 'abc123' // Generator injects the 'foo' platform and a GUID
// Existing environment-specific settings here...
return ENV;
Is this something that would be more easily accomplished using Node's fs.readFile() and fs.writeFile()? If so, how could I parse environment.js?
No there's no existing magic in Ember to my knowledge sorry. When you generate a route, something very similar to what you are talking about happens but the code is rather complex. The ember generate route new_route function has a call to this function
function addRouteToRouter(name, options) {
var routerPath = path.join(options.root, 'app', 'router.js');
var source = fs.readFileSync(routerPath, 'utf-8');
var routes = new EmberRouterGenerator(source);
var newRoutes = routes.add(name, options);
fs.writeFileSync(routerPath, newRoutes.code());
which then exectutes interpreter level like code to add the router and revert it back to code:
module.exports = EmberRouterGenerator;
var recast = require('recast');
var traverse = require('es-simpler-traverser');
var Scope = require('./scope');
var DefineCallExpression = require('./visitors/define-call-expression.js');
var findFunctionExpression = require('./helpers/find-function-expression');
var hasRoute = require('./helpers/has-route');
var newFunctionExpression = require('./helpers/new-function-expression');
var resourceNode = require('./helpers/resource-node');
var routeNode = require('./helpers/route-node');
function EmberRouterGenerator(source, ast) {
this.source = source;
this.ast = ast;
this.mapNode = null;
this.scope = new Scope();
this.visitors = {
CallExpression: new DefineCallExpression(this.scope, this)
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype.clone = function() {
var route = new EmberRouterGenerator(this.source);
return route;
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype._ast = function() {
this.ast = this.ast || recast.parse(this.source);
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype._walk = function() {
var scope = this.scope;
var visitors = this.visitors;
traverse(this.ast, {
exit: function(node) {
var visitor = visitors[node.type];
if (visitor && typeof visitor.exit === 'function') {
enter: function(node) {
var visitor = visitors[node.type];
if (visitor && typeof visitor.enter === 'function') {
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype.add = function(routeName, options) {
if (typeof this.mapNode === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Source doesn\'t include Ember.map');
var route = this.clone();
var routes = route.mapNode.arguments[0].body.body;
return route;
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype._add = function(nameParts, routes, options) {
options = options || {};
var parent = nameParts[0];
var name = parent;
var children = nameParts.slice(1);
var route = hasRoute(parent, routes);
if (!route) {
if (options.type === 'resource') {
route = resourceNode(name, options);
} else {
route = routeNode(name, options);
if (children.length > 0) {
var routesFunction = findFunctionExpression(route.expression.arguments);
if (!routesFunction) {
routesFunction = newFunctionExpression();
this._add(children, routesFunction.body.body, options);
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype.remove = function(routeName) {
if (typeof this.mapNode === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Source doesn\'t include Ember.map');
var route = this.clone();
var routes = route.mapNode.arguments[0].body.body;
var newRoutes = route._remove.call(
if (newRoutes) {
route.mapNode.arguments[0].body.body = newRoutes;
return route;
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype._remove = function(nameParts, routes) {
var parent = nameParts[0];
var name = parent;
var children = nameParts.slice(1);
var route = hasRoute(parent, routes);
var newRoutes;
if (children.length > 0) {
var routesFunction = route.expression && findFunctionExpression(route.expression.arguments);
if (routesFunction) {
newRoutes = this._remove(children, routesFunction.body.body);
if (newRoutes) {
routesFunction.body.body = newRoutes;
return routes;
} else {
if (route) {
routes = routes.filter(function(node) {
return node !== route;
return routes;
} else {
return false;
EmberRouterGenerator.prototype.code = function(options) {
options = options || { tabWidth: 2, quote: 'single' };
return recast.print(this.ast, options).code;
So then there's the alternative, which involves reading the file, adding in your new environment in the correct place after parsing the file correctly, and then writing the stream back. The complexity of what you are wanting to do probably outweighs the time it would take to do this manually IMO. If this is something you are doing often, maybe consider writing a script in another language that's better(read as more people use it for this) at textual file manipulation
