Script to insert data into tables dynamically using Flask SQLAlchemy - python-3.x

I understand that the documented way to insert data into a table looks like
```class Table(db.Model):
__tablename___ = 'table'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
data = db.Column(db.String(50)
insert = Table(id = '0', data = 'new data')```
However, I am working on a project that has multiple tables all with different columns, lengths, and data. I have worked out how to get the dynamic data into a dict, prepped to create rows. Below is my actual code:
def load_csv_data(self, ctx):
data_classes = [Locations, Scents, Classes]
data_tables = ['locations', 'scents', 'classes']
tables = len(data_tables)
for i in range(tables):
with open('./development/csv/{}.csv'.format(data_tables[i]), newline='') as times_file:
times_reader = csv.reader(times_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
for row in times_reader:
data_columns = data_classes[i].__table__.columns
columns = len(data_columns)
insert_data = {}
for col in range(columns):
row_key = data_columns[col].key
row_value = row[col]
insert_data.update({row_key: row_value})
The challenge I am having is finding a way to do the actual insert based on these dynamic params. So if the above returns:
insert_data = {val1: val2, val3: val4, val5: val6}
I would like to convert this to:
insert = Table(val1='val2', val3='val4', val5='val6)
Everything I have tried so far has issued a __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: error.
Anyone have any thoughts on how I might accomplish this?


Get sqlalchemy table Model and Field objects from strings?

Very simple trying to run a query in Python 3 sqlalchemy to delete some records given string names of table and field to query against.
How do you get the table object from a string?
Given 1. how do you run a query via ORM with just a string of the field name?
I would assume all ORM's have an internal array or method like get with the name.
json_config = [
{"table": "tableA",
"field": "modified_on"
"expires": 30},
{"table": "tableB",
"field": "event_on"
"expires": 30}
for table_conf_item in self.json_config:
table_name = table_conf_item["table"]
field_name = table_conf_item["field"]
expire_after = table_conf_item["expires"]
table_obj = self.orm_session.TABLES[table_name]
field_obj = self.orm_session.TABLES[table_name].FIELDS[field_name]
result = self.orm_session.delete(table_obj).where(field_obj < expire_after)
print(f"{table_name}: removed {result.row_count} objects")
Given the table's name, you can use reflection to get a Table object. Using SQLAlchemy's core layer, this is reasonably straightforward:
import sqlalchemy as sa
engine = sa.create_engine(...)
tbl = sa.Table(name_of_table, metadata, autoload_with=engine)
If you want to work with multiple tables, it may be more efficient to store them a Metadata instance for later access:
metadata = sa.MetaData()
metadata.reflect(engine, only=list_of_table_names)
tbl = metadata.tables[name_of_table]
Once you have a Table object you can reference columns by name like this: tbl.c[name_of_field].
Full example:
import sqlalchemy as sa
# Setup
engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True, future=True)
tbl = sa.Table(
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('foo', sa.Integer),
with engine.begin() as conn:
vals = [42, 43, 42, 43, 56, 87, 89]
conn.execute(tbl.insert(), [{'foo': v} for v in vals])
del tbl
# Reflect the table.
metadata = sa.MetaData()
metadata.reflect(engine, only=['t'])
tbl = metadata.tables['t']
# Define some statements.
q1 =['foo'] == 42)
q2 =['id'], tbl.c['foo']).where(tbl.c['foo'] == 43)
q3 = sa.delete(tbl).where(tbl.c['foo'] != 42)
# Execute the statements.
with engine.connect() as conn:
rows = conn.execute(q1)
for row in rows:
rows = conn.execute(q2)
for row in rows:
with engine.begin() as conn:
with engine.connect() as conn:
rows = conn.execute(q1)
for row in rows:
Doing the same through the ORM layer is more complicated, as table and column names must be mapped to ORM entity classes (models) and their attributes. This replicates the previous example for a simple mapping (it assumes the same initial data as above).
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
Base = orm.declarative_base()
class Thing(Base):
__tablename__ = 't'
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
thing_foo = sa.Column('foo', sa.Integer)
engine = sa.create_engine(...)
Session = orm.sessionmaker(engine, future=True)
tablename = 't'
columnname = 'foo'
with Session.begin() as s:
# Get the mappers for the Base class.
mappers = Base.registry.mappers
# Get the mapper for our table.
mapper = next(m for m in mappers if m.entity.__tablename__ == tablename)
# Get the entity class (Thing).
entity = mapper.entity
# Get the column from the Table.
table_column = mapper.selectable.c[columnname]
# Get the mapper property that corresponds to the column
# (the entity attribute may have a different name to the
# column in the database).
mapper_property = mapper.get_property_by_column(table_column)
# Get the queryable entity attribute (Thing.thing_foo).
attr = mapper.all_orm_descriptors[mapper_property.key]
q = != 42)
entities = s.scalars(q)
for entity in entities:
with Session() as s:
for thing in s.scalars(
print(, thing.thing_foo)

Using Pandas to get a contiguous segment of one dataframe and copy it into a new one?

Using Pandas, I'm attempting to 'slice' (Sorry if that's not the correct term) segments of a dataframe out of one DF and into a new one, where every segment is stacked one on top of the other.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
'DATE': [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100],
'OTHER': [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110],
'STEP': ['Power On','Start: 2','Start: 1-1','Start: 10-7','End: 10-7','Start: 3-1','Start: 10-8','End: 1-1','End: 3-1','End: 10-8','Power Off']
column_headers = df.columns.values.tolist()
col_name_type = 'TYPE'
col_name_other = 'OTHER'
col_name_step = 'STEP'
segments = []
df_blank = pd.DataFrame({'TYPE': ['BLANK ROW']}, columns = column_headers)
types_to_check = ['CMD', 'VERIFY']
type_df = df[df[col_name_type].isin(types_to_check)]
for row in type_df:
if 'CMD' in row:
if 'START:' in row[col_name_step].value:
idx_start = row.iloc[::-1].str.match('VERIFY').first_valid_index() #go backwards and find first VERIFY
step_match = row[col_name_step].value[6:] #get the unique ID after Start:
idx_end = df[df[col_name_step].str.endswith(step_match, na=False)].last_valid_index() #find last instance of matching unique id
segments.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
df_segments = pd.concat(segments)
Nothing gets populated in my segements array so the concat function fails.
From my research I'm confident that this can be done using either .loc or .iloc, but I can't seem to get a working implementation in.
My DF:
What I am trying to make:
Any help and/or guidance would be welcome.
Edit: To clarify, I'm trying to create a new DF that is comprised of every group of rows, where the start is the "VERIFY" that comes before a "CMD" row that also contains "Start:", and the end is the matching "CMD" row that has end.
EDIT2: I think the following is something close to what I need, but I'm unsure how to get it to reliably work:
segments = []
df_blank = pd.DataFrame({'TYPE': ['BLANK ROW']}, columns = column_headers)
types_to_check = ['CMD', 'VERIFY']
cmd_check = ['CMD']
verify_check = ['VERIFY']
cmd_df = df[(df[col_name_type].isin(cmd_check))]
cmd_start_df = cmd_df[(cmd_df[col_name_step].str.contains('START:'))]
for cmd_idx in cmd_start_df.index:
step_name = df.loc[cmd_idx, col_name_step][6:]
temp_df = df.loc[:cmd_idx,]
idx_start = temp_df[col_name_type].isin(verify_check).last_valid_index()
idx_end = cmd_df[cmd_df[col_name_type].str.endswith(step_name, na=False)].last_valid_index()
segments.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
df_segments = pd.concat(segments)
you can use str.contains
segmented_df = df.loc[df['STEP'].str.contains('Start|End')]
print(segmented_df )
I created some code to accomplish the 'slicing' I wanted:
for cmd_idx in cmd_start_df.index:
step_name = df.loc[cmd_idx, col_name_step][6:]
temp_df = df.loc[:cmd_idx,:]
temp_list = temp_df[col_name_type].values.tolist()
if 'VERIFY' in temp_list:
idx_start = temp_df[temp_df[col_name_type].str.match('VERIFY')].last_valid_index()
idx_start = cmd_idx
idx_end = cmd_df[cmd_df[col_name_step].str.endswith(step_name, na=False)].last_valid_index()
slides.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
I essentially create a new DF that is a subset of the old DF up to my first START index, then I find the last_valid_index that has VERIFY, then I use that index to create a filtered DF from idx_start to idx_end and then eventually concat all those slices into one DF.
Maybe there's an easier way, but I couldn't find it.

Need help using a PySimpleGUI TABLE with Sqlite3

I'm trying to delete a row from my pysimplegui table that will also delete the same row data from my sqlite3 database. Using events, I've tried to use the index eg. -TABLE- {'-TABLE-': [1]} to index the row position using values['-TABLE-'] like so:
if event == 'Delete':
row_index = 0
for num in values['-TABLE-']:
row_index = num + 1
c.execute('DELETE FROM goals WHERE item_id = ?', (row_index,))
I realized that this wouldn't work since I'm using a ROW_ID in my database that Auto-increments with every new row of data and stays fixed like so (this is just to show how my database is set up):
conn = sqlite3.connect('goals.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE goals (item_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, goal_name text, goal_type text)''')
Is there a way to use the index ( values['-TABLE-'] ) to find the data inside the selected row in pysimplegui and then using the selected row's data to find the row in my sqlite3 database to delete it, or is there any other way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
Upon more reading into the docs I discovered a .get() method. This method returns a nested list of all Table Rows, the method is callable on the element of '-TABLE-'. Using values['-TABLE-'] I can also find the row index and use the .get() method to index the specific list where the Data lays which I want to delete.
Here is the edited code that made it work for me:
if event == 'Delete':
row_index = 0
for num in values['-TABLE-']:
row_index = num
# Returns nested list of all Table rows
all_table_vals = window.element('-TABLE-').get()
# Index the selected row
object_name_deletion = all_table_vals[row_index]
# [0] to Index the goal_name of my selected Row
selected_goal_name = object_name_deletion[0]
c.execute('DELETE FROM goals WHERE goal_name = ?', (selected_goal_name,))
Here is a small example to delete a row from table
import sqlite3
def deleteRecord():
sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Python.db')
cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
print("Connected to SQLite")
# Deleting single record now
sql_delete_query = """DELETE from SqliteDb_developers where id = 6"""
print("Record deleted successfully ")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Failed to delete record from sqlite table", error)
if (sqliteConnection):
print("the sqlite connection is closed")
In your case id will me the name of any column name which has unique value for every row in thetable of the database

Error while getting user input and using Pandas DataFrame to extract data from LEFT JOIN

I am trying to create Sqlite3 statement in Python 3 to collect data from two tables called FreightCargo & Train where a train ID is the input value. I want to use Pandas since its easy to read the tables.
I have created the code below which is working perfectly fine, but its static and looks for only one given line in the statement.
import pandas as pd
SQL = '''SELECT F.Cargo_ID, F.Name, F.Weight, T.Train_ID, T.Assembly_date
FROM FreightCargo F LEFT JOIN [Train] T
ON F.Cargo_ID = T.Cargo_ID
WHERE Train_ID = 2;'''
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( SQL )
names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
rows = cursor.fetchall()
Temp = pd.DataFrame( rows, columns=names)
I want to be able to create a variable with an input. The outcome of this action will then be determined with what has been given from the user. For example the user is asked for a train_id which is a primary key in a table and the relations with the train will be listed.
I expanded the code, but I am getting an error: ValueError: operation parameter must be str
Train_ID = input('Train ID')
SQL = '''SELECT F.Cargo_ID, F.Name, F.Weight, T.Train_ID, T.Assembly_date
FROM FreightCargo F LEFT JOIN [Train] T
ON F.Cargo_ID = T.Cargo_ID
WHERE Train_ID = ?;''', (Train_ID)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( SQL )
names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
rows = cursor.fetchall()
Temp = pd.DataFrame( rows, columns=names)
The problem lays in your definition of the SQL variable.
You are creating a tuple/collection of two elements. If you print type(SQL) you will see something like this: ('''SELECT...?;''', ('your_user's_input')).
When you pass this to cursor.execute(sql[, parameters]), it is expecting a string as the first argument, with the "optional" parameters. Your parameters are not really optional, since they are defined by your SQL-query's [Train]. Parameters must be a collection, for example a tuple.
You can unwrap your SQL statement with cursor.execute(*SQL), which will pass each element of your SQL list as a different argument, or you can move the parameters to the execute function.
Train_ID = input('Train ID')
SQL = '''SELECT F.Cargo_ID, F.Name, F.Weight, T.Train_ID, T.Assembly_date
FROM FreightCargo F LEFT JOIN [Train] T
ON F.Cargo_ID = T.Cargo_ID
WHERE Train_ID = ?;'''
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( SQL, (Train_ID,) )
names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
rows = cursor.fetchall()
Temp = pd.DataFrame( rows, columns=names)

Separate data frames for each dictionary keys() dynamically

I was able to create separated DF for each key of the dict. However, wondering a way more dinamically, is possible:
My code that is working.
dict_keys(['PETR4_Dai', 'PETR4_H1_', 'PETR4_M15', 'PETR4_M5_',
# Petr4
dfp5 = dataDct['PETR4_M5_'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfp15 = dataDct['PETR4_M15'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfph1 = dataDct['PETR4_H1_'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpd = dataDct['PETR4_Dai'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpw = dataDct['PETR4_Wee'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpm = dataDct['PETR4_Mon'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
Thereby, I have tried to get it more dinamicaly:
#name of the DF:
lables = list(dataDct.keys())
df = []
for i in dataDct.keys():
listup = pd.DataFrame()
for label,value in zip(lables,df):
listup[label] = [(value)]
listup = pd.DataFrame()
for label,value in zip(lables,df):
listup[label] = [pd.DataFrame.from_dict(value)]
All cases did not work and I also tried with list and dictionaries. no success.I could not get it separated as well.
Wondering how to create DF for each key of the dict..using the key as name of the DF;
Any help would be appreaciated! Thanks in advance!
The only way I can think to do what you want is to create a new dictionary whose keys are the same as the keys in your preexisting dictionary, and whose values are DataFrames. In this sense you can dynamically create DataFrames (values) with names (keys), and call on them at will. (You could even assign a .name to the DataFrames that match the key name as well.)
import pandas as pd
new_dict = {}
for key in dataDct.keys():
new_dict[key] = pd.DataFrame()
new_dict[key].name = key
