Separate data frames for each dictionary keys() dynamically - python-3.x

I was able to create separated DF for each key of the dict. However, wondering a way more dinamically, is possible:
My code that is working.
dict_keys(['PETR4_Dai', 'PETR4_H1_', 'PETR4_M15', 'PETR4_M5_',
# Petr4
dfp5 = dataDct['PETR4_M5_'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfp15 = dataDct['PETR4_M15'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfph1 = dataDct['PETR4_H1_'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpd = dataDct['PETR4_Dai'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpw = dataDct['PETR4_Wee'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
dfpm = dataDct['PETR4_Mon'].drop(['<TICKVOL>','<SPREAD>'],axis=1)
Thereby, I have tried to get it more dinamicaly:
#name of the DF:
lables = list(dataDct.keys())
df = []
for i in dataDct.keys():
listup = pd.DataFrame()
for label,value in zip(lables,df):
listup[label] = [(value)]
listup = pd.DataFrame()
for label,value in zip(lables,df):
listup[label] = [pd.DataFrame.from_dict(value)]
All cases did not work and I also tried with list and dictionaries. no success.I could not get it separated as well.
Wondering how to create DF for each key of the dict..using the key as name of the DF;
Any help would be appreaciated! Thanks in advance!

The only way I can think to do what you want is to create a new dictionary whose keys are the same as the keys in your preexisting dictionary, and whose values are DataFrames. In this sense you can dynamically create DataFrames (values) with names (keys), and call on them at will. (You could even assign a .name to the DataFrames that match the key name as well.)
import pandas as pd
new_dict = {}
for key in dataDct.keys():
new_dict[key] = pd.DataFrame()
new_dict[key].name = key


Using Pandas to get a contiguous segment of one dataframe and copy it into a new one?

Using Pandas, I'm attempting to 'slice' (Sorry if that's not the correct term) segments of a dataframe out of one DF and into a new one, where every segment is stacked one on top of the other.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
'DATE': [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100],
'OTHER': [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110],
'STEP': ['Power On','Start: 2','Start: 1-1','Start: 10-7','End: 10-7','Start: 3-1','Start: 10-8','End: 1-1','End: 3-1','End: 10-8','Power Off']
column_headers = df.columns.values.tolist()
col_name_type = 'TYPE'
col_name_other = 'OTHER'
col_name_step = 'STEP'
segments = []
df_blank = pd.DataFrame({'TYPE': ['BLANK ROW']}, columns = column_headers)
types_to_check = ['CMD', 'VERIFY']
type_df = df[df[col_name_type].isin(types_to_check)]
for row in type_df:
if 'CMD' in row:
if 'START:' in row[col_name_step].value:
idx_start = row.iloc[::-1].str.match('VERIFY').first_valid_index() #go backwards and find first VERIFY
step_match = row[col_name_step].value[6:] #get the unique ID after Start:
idx_end = df[df[col_name_step].str.endswith(step_match, na=False)].last_valid_index() #find last instance of matching unique id
segments.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
df_segments = pd.concat(segments)
Nothing gets populated in my segements array so the concat function fails.
From my research I'm confident that this can be done using either .loc or .iloc, but I can't seem to get a working implementation in.
My DF:
What I am trying to make:
Any help and/or guidance would be welcome.
Edit: To clarify, I'm trying to create a new DF that is comprised of every group of rows, where the start is the "VERIFY" that comes before a "CMD" row that also contains "Start:", and the end is the matching "CMD" row that has end.
EDIT2: I think the following is something close to what I need, but I'm unsure how to get it to reliably work:
segments = []
df_blank = pd.DataFrame({'TYPE': ['BLANK ROW']}, columns = column_headers)
types_to_check = ['CMD', 'VERIFY']
cmd_check = ['CMD']
verify_check = ['VERIFY']
cmd_df = df[(df[col_name_type].isin(cmd_check))]
cmd_start_df = cmd_df[(cmd_df[col_name_step].str.contains('START:'))]
for cmd_idx in cmd_start_df.index:
step_name = df.loc[cmd_idx, col_name_step][6:]
temp_df = df.loc[:cmd_idx,]
idx_start = temp_df[col_name_type].isin(verify_check).last_valid_index()
idx_end = cmd_df[cmd_df[col_name_type].str.endswith(step_name, na=False)].last_valid_index()
segments.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
df_segments = pd.concat(segments)
you can use str.contains
segmented_df = df.loc[df['STEP'].str.contains('Start|End')]
print(segmented_df )
I created some code to accomplish the 'slicing' I wanted:
for cmd_idx in cmd_start_df.index:
step_name = df.loc[cmd_idx, col_name_step][6:]
temp_df = df.loc[:cmd_idx,:]
temp_list = temp_df[col_name_type].values.tolist()
if 'VERIFY' in temp_list:
idx_start = temp_df[temp_df[col_name_type].str.match('VERIFY')].last_valid_index()
idx_start = cmd_idx
idx_end = cmd_df[cmd_df[col_name_step].str.endswith(step_name, na=False)].last_valid_index()
slides.append(df.loc[idx_start:idx_end, :])
I essentially create a new DF that is a subset of the old DF up to my first START index, then I find the last_valid_index that has VERIFY, then I use that index to create a filtered DF from idx_start to idx_end and then eventually concat all those slices into one DF.
Maybe there's an easier way, but I couldn't find it.

Any optimize way to iterate excel and provide data into pd.read_sql() as a string one by one

#here I have to apply the loop which can provide me the queries from excel for respective reports:
df1 = pd.read_sql(SQLqueryB2, con=con1)
df2 = pd.read_sql(ORCqueryC2, con=con2)
if (df1.equals(df2)):
print(Report2 +" : is Pass")
Can we achieve above by something doing like this (by iterating ndarray)
df = pd.read_excel(path) for col, item in df.iteritems():
OR do the only option left to read the excel from "openpyxl" library and iterate row, columns and then provide the values. Hope I am clear with the question, if any doubt please comment me.
You are trying to loop through an excel file, run the 2 queries, see if they match and output the result, correct?
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
# add user, pass, database name
con = create_engine(f"mysql+pymysql://{USER}:{PWD}#{HOST}/{DB}")
file = pd.read_excel('excel_file.xlsx')
file['Result'] = '' # placeholder
for i, row in file.iterrows():
df1 = pd.read_sql(row['SQLQuery'], con)
df2 = pd.read_sql(row['Oracle Queries'], con)
file.loc[i, 'Result'] = 'Pass' if df1.equals(df2) else 'Fail'
file.to_excel('results.xlsx', index=False)
This will save a file named results.xlsx that mirrors the original data but adds a column named Result that will be Pass or Fail.
Example results.xlsx:

Subtracting values to groups in pandas

I have the following DataFrame:
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['I'] = [-1.922410e-11, -6.415227e-12, 1.347632e-11, 1.728460e-11,3.787953e-11]
df['V'] = [0,0,0,1,1]
off = df.groupby('V')['I'].mean()
I need to subtract the off values to the respective df['I'] values. In code I want something like this:
for i in df['V'].unique():
df['I'][df['V']==i] -= off.loc[i]
I want to know if there is another approach of doing this without using loops.

Splitting Multiple values inside a Pandas Column into Separate Columns

I have a dataframe with column which contains two different column values and their name as follows:
How Do I transform it into separate columns?
So far, I tried Following:
use df[col].apply(pd.Series) - It didn't work since data in column is not in dictionary format.
Tried separating columns by a semi-colon (";") sign but It is not a good idea since the given dataframe might have n number of column based on response.
Data in plain text format:
d = {'ClusterName': ['Date:20191010;Bucket:All','Date:20191010;Bucket:some','Date:20191010;Bucket:All']}
How about:
df2 = (df["ClusterName"]
.str.replace("Date:", "")
.str.replace("Bucket:", "")
.str.split(";", expand=True))
df2.columns = ["Date", "Bucket"]
Without hardcoding the variable names, here's a quick hack. You can clean it up (and make less silly variable names):
df_temp = df.ClusterName.str.split(";", expand=True)
cols = []
for col in df_temp:
df_temptemp = df_temp[col].str.split(":", expand=True)
df_temp[col] = df_temptemp[1]
cols.append(df_temptemp.iloc[0, 0])
df_temp.columns = cols
So .. maybe like this ...
Setup the data frame
d = {'ClusterName': ['Date:20191010;Bucket:All','Date:20191010;Bucket:some','Date:20191010;Bucket:All']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
Parse over the dataframe breaking apart by colon and semi-colon
ls = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
splits = row['ClusterName'].split(';')
df = pd.DataFrame(ls, columns =['Date', 'Bucket'])

Convert huge number of lists to pandas dataframe

User defined function=> my_fun(x): returns a list
XYZ = file with LOTS of lines
pandas_frame = pd.DataFrame() # Created empty data frame
for index in range(0,len(XYZ)):
pandas_frame = pandas_frame.append(pd.DataFrame(my_fun(XYZ[i])).transpose(), ignore_index=True)
This code is taking very long time to run like in days. How do I speed up?
I think need apply for each row funcion to new list by list comprehension and then use only once DataFrame constructor:
L = [my_fun(i) for i in range(len(XYZ))]
df = pd.DataFrame(L)
