How to put 2 logic block in same async route in nodeJs? - node.js

I have a post route which calls a service and has a .catch handler to handle any errors, also the code itself has try - catch block. But when I'm trying to call another service only of first service callback value is not desired, it shows following errors. Eg. Await cannot be used outside async, or when it goes to condition 2, app crashes. Here's the structure-'/Students', async(req,res) => {
studentService(req.body). then ((res)=>{
....// if res.body == 'Student'
module.exports = router
Now how can I check that if res.body!='Student' or the studentService fails, then go to second block which calls another service and has it's own error handler.(Note- It executes only if first one is false or desired value not obtained)
Not sure where and how to place it.

I guess asynce in your example code is a typo.
Inside an async function you can use await rather than .then().
Also, it's probably best if you don't overwrite your route's res with the output from your studentService.
And, in a route you must do something in all cases. Send a result, throw an error, send an error, whatever. The else side of your if doesn't do anything in your sample.
You can throw an error by calling express's next() with a parameter.
So try this.
const createError = require('http-errors')
...'/Students', async(req, res, next) => {
try {
const student = await studentService(req.body)
if (student.body === 'Student') {
return res.send(student.body)
catch (error) {
return next(error)
try {
const something = await someOtherService(req.body)
if (something.whatever === 'Underpaid Adjunct Faculty') {
return res.send(something.body)
} catch (error) {
return next(error)
return next(createError(400, 'Got an error'))
module.exports = router


Try catch block doesn`t catch error in node.js

class AuthController {
static methods = {
GET: {
'/auth/signup': {
func: AuthService.signUp,
response: (data, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
static use(req, res) {
const route = this.methods[req.method][req.url];
if (!route) {
res.statusCode = 404;
res.end(JSON.stringify({ message: 'Not found 404!' }));
try {
const data = JSON.parse(req?.body?.data || '{}');
const result = route.func({ });
route.response(result, res);
} catch (err) {
console.log(err, 'here');
res.statusCode = err.statusCode || 500;
class AuthService {
static async signUp({ login, password }) {
if (!login || !password) throw new BaseError(400, 'kl', 'Custom error');
It shows the error in console but try catch block doesn't see it.
Here is the traceback.
I don't know what the reason is because the function which throws error is inside of the block. Help please!
The trace back that you attached tells you exactly what the problem is and what you need to do:
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch()
You can't catch an exception thrown by an async function with a try..catch block outside of that function, because script execution reaches the catch block before the async execution is finished. You therefor have to use .catch(..) instead:
const result = route.func({ }).catch((err) => {
console.log("catched error: ", err);
I see one issue. You have declared signUp() to be async. That means it always returns a promise and it means that any throw operations inside it reject that promise that it returns (the exception doesn't propagate synchronously). But, when you attempt to call it here:
const result = route.func({ });
You don't await it so when signUp() rejects, the promise goes into result, but nobody ever handles the fact that the promise rejected and you get UnhandlePromiseRejectionWarning from the system.
I can't see the whole overall design (of all the other routes), but perhaps you just need to add await to this:
const result = await route.func({ });
And, you would have to make .use() be async also.
Or, if signUp() doesn't actually need to be async, then just remove the async from its declaration and the throw will be synchronous (instead of being turned into a rejected promise) and your try/catch will catch it then.

How to handle error in async/await function?

I have a function like this:
async getPatient(patientId: string): Promise<PatientDTO> {
const patient = await PatientDAO.getPatients({ id: patientId })
if (patient.length === 0) {
throw new NotFoundError("Patient Not Found!")
return patient[0]
But I got an error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Patient Not Found!
This happened cause I have used async function. How can I make this code running properly?
In order to manage errors in an async function, you have to use a try/catch block:
async getPatient(patientId: string): Promise<PatientDTO> {
try {
const patient = await PatientDAO.getPatients({ id: patientId })
return patient[0]
} catch (error) {
// Do whatever you may want with error
throw error;
I should mention, that if you simply want to throw the error thats received from getPatients theres no need for a try/catch block at all. Its only needed if you wish to modify the error or perform an extra action according to the error that was thrown.
You have 2 options:
First one is try/catch block with await keyword. Please notice that await has to be used in async function.
try {
const patient = await getPatient(foo);
// handle your data here
} catch(e) {
// error handling here
Second one is catch function
.then(patient => {
// handle your data here
}).catch(error => {
// error handling here

Return out of express route from inside mongoose callback when error

I am trying various ways of handling errors. If I have a setup to add a new document and I want to check that the name is unique, I do something like
router.route('/addSomething').post(async (req,res,next) => {
await Document.findOne(
{name:}, // search parameter
(error,doc) = { // callback
if(error) return next(error) // pass system generated error to next() and exit route
else if (doc) return next(new Error("This name already exists")) // pass my own error to next() and exit route
// everything from now on shouldn't happen
await etc...
The problem I'm having is that the route function continues even though an error has returned (I understand this is because the return statement only returns from the callback function).
I'm looking for an elegant way of handling mongoose/mongodb errors and exiting the function at point of error, without putting try/catch blocks everywhere.
When you return next(...) inside your callback function you're not actually returning from the rest of your code, only inside that function. To fix this issue I have added a continue() function inside of your code to continue the incoming HTTP request.
router.route('/addSomething').post(async (req, res, next) => {
await Document.findOne(
{ name: }, // search parameter
(error, doc) => { // callback
if (error) return next(error) // pass system generated error to next() and exit route
else if (doc) return next(new Error("This name already exists")) // pass my own error to next() and exit route
continue(); // Call the continue function if function isn't already returned
function continue() { // Add a continue function
// Continue your code
// ...
Consider using util.promisify to get rid of the callback:
router.route('/addSomething').post(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
var doc = await util.promisify(Document.findOne)(
{ name: } // search parameter
} catch(error) {
return next(error); // pass system generated error to next() and exit route
if (doc) return next(new Error("This name already exists")); // pass my own error to next() and exit route
// everything from now on shouldn't happen
await etc...

Return res and next in a custom express function

How do I return both res and next in an express function:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// how do I set cookie and return next()?
return res.cookie('someToken', someToken, {
signed: true,
// etc...
return next();
} catch (err) {
// catch here, for example, return res.status(401).clearCookie...
An express request handler (like something you pass to app.get() or or something like that) does not pay any attention to the return value from that handler.
So, return inside such a handler is used only for flow control to stop further execution of the function.
In addition, your code has two return statements one after the other:
return res.cookie(...);
return next();
Which makes no sense because the return next() line of code will never be executed as the function has already returned on the line before.
If this is middleware and you intend for some other request handler to still have a chance to process this request, then you would want something like this:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
res.cookie('someToken', someToken);
It doesn't appear that there's any reason for the try/catch because neither of these should throw an exception (assuming your code doesn't have a syntax error in it).
But, if you really wanted the try/catch, you could do this:
const customfunction = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
res.cookie('someToken', someToken);
} catch(e) {
// make sure logs can see that this unexpected error is happening
console.log("customFunction error", e);
res.status(500).send("Internal Error"); // probably want a more glamorous error page

Nodejs Async/Await in api controller responds with unknown error

export function getAllHost(req, res) {
function findAllHost() {
let query = {}; = req.query && req.query.companyId ? req.query.companyId : res.locals.payload.companyId; = true;
if(req.query && {
let regexp = new RegExp('\\b' +;
query['name'] = {$regex: regexp, $options: 'i'};
return Host.find(query);
async function sendRes() {
let allHost = [];
let hosts = [];
try {
hosts = await findAllHost();
} catch(err){
for (let host of hosts) {
allHost.push(new Host_V1(host));
return allHost
sendRes().then(data => res.status(200).json(data)).catch(error => {
console.log("error is", error);
res.status(error.status || 500).json({
message: error.status ? error.message : 'Server Error'
I have been trying to adapt async/await into my code, so I converted one of the Promise based api controller to make use of async/await, but the thing that bothers me is that my server responds with 500, and the console.log inside my catch block doesn't print anything.
No error gets thrown.
I am using babel babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions to parse it.
What is it that I am doing wrong?
Your code is a bit overcomplicated, but judging by it you should receive an error in the console if one appears. It could instead be that you have a middleware producing an error? The main issue is that you're catching the error in the async function sendRes, so the .catch-method you call on the returned Promise will never be fired even if there is an error.
Like many others that are new to async/await, you've misunderstood and believe that you have to wrap every await expression in a try/catch-block. This is not the case. The error "trickles" up the call chain, and unless a particular function can provide a different return value, it's best to catch the error from the top-most callee. Take this simple example which shows a common anti-pattern: (await and async isn't even needed in these examples, but I added them for clarity)
But if you try to simplify your code, maybe something like the below snippet, you might be able to rule out if it's a middleware or not.
export async function getAllHosts (req, res) {
try {
let query = {
company: req.query && req.query.companyId ? req.query.companyId : res.locals.payload.companyId,
active: true
if (req.query && {
let regexp = new RegExp('\\b' + = {$regex: regexp, $options: 'i'}
let allHosts = (await Host.find(query)).map((host) => new Host_V1(host))
return res.json(allHosts)
} catch (e) {
console.log("error is", e)
res.status(error.status || 500).json({
message: error.status ? error.message : 'Server Error'
Take note of the (await Host.find(query)) line. If the Promise that's returned from Host.find() rejects, the .map()-method won't be executed on the data and execution will jump to the catch-block.
I also heavily discourage using Babel since async/await has been natively supported in Node since version 7.6.
EDIT : The value returned is indeed a promise
I think that the error is related to your 'SendRes.then' since what SendRes returns is not a promise but it's actually is the Array allHost
Your data argument is not an argument anymore it is the value returned from the sendRes function thanks to your async / await implementation.
const hosts = sendRes();
if you want to handle an error you must return something from your catch block so that you can can handle it here.
if (!hosts) res.status(500);
To simplify your code you can also get rid of the sendRes function and make your getAllHost express middleware an async function
async getAllHost(req, res) { /*...*/ }
try {
let allHosts = await findAllHosts();
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send({ error })
