Connecting two App Services within the same VNet - azure

I have two NodeJS App Services.
They can connect to each other with no problem using the URL which is created for App Services by default. (That is through the public internet.)
Then I successfully enabled VNet Integration for both App Services, and assigned the same VNet and also subnet two both of them.
How should I modify the connection URL now to connect to appservice2 from appservice1 (without using the URLs which are publicly available on the internet)?
I could not find any host name or IP address information in Azure Portal using which I could have successfully established the connection.
Thanks for any suggestions!

When you want two app services to connect to each other over a private network, there are generally two steps you have to take to set this up correctly. Note that the app service URL will always stay the same, it is only the networking part that changes.
Both app services should have vnet integration enabled, which allows the app service to route its traffic through the vnet.
If you want others (e.g. another app service) to connect to an app service via a vnet you can choose between:
a) Service endpoints
b) Private endpoints
Reading your question, I assume you completed the first step correctly. But you have to complete either step 2a or 2b to get this to work properly. I would recommend you choose service endpoints because they are more straightforward than working with private endpoints. Below you'll find a detailed description and considerations for every step.
1. Vnet Integration
The subnet you use as an integration subnet has to be a dedicated subnet. This means it is only used for vnet integration.
Only one app service plan can be used with this dedicated subnet, this one app service plan may include multiple app services.
If there is a network security group attached to that subnet, it needs to allow outbound traffic.
If there is an azure firewall attached to your vnet and you want to make a call to a public endpoint, it should allow outbound traffic.
Vnet route all should be enabled if you want all the outbound traffic to travel over the vnet.
If you want to read more, I would recommend reading this documentation.
Here is a simple example of how you would create vnet integration by selecting the dedicated subnet:
Service Endpoints
Service endpoints allow you to lock down inbound access to your app so that the source address must come from a set of subnets that you select.
Service endpoints are automatically provisioned by azure when you enable access restrictions to the app service.
This is a much simpler alternative to private endpoints.
Does not work in large-scale networks where you want to connect from an on-prem network to an azure vnet.
You may turn to this documentation to read about all the features and limitations of service endpoints.
Here is an example of how you would enable services endpoints for your app service by creating an access restriction:
Private Endpoints
Private endpoints also need a subnet, but you can connect as many private endpoints to the subnet as there are IP addresses available.
When you use private endpoints, you also need to have a private DNS zone. Otherwise, the app service URL does not resolve correctly to an IP address.
Private endpoints are more complex than service endpoints because of the extra subnet and DNS requirements.
Here is a nice tutorial that let's you set up an app service with private endpoint.
The following example shows you how to create a private endpoint for your app service. You have the option to let azure create a private DNS zone automatically, or you can do this manually:

If you want to access app services without public internet, then enabling VNET integration in those services alone won't be enough. You need to create a private endpoint that provides the IP from the virtual network to access the app service internally within the VNET and it also disables public access to the app service over the internet. Also please be aware that the private endpoint implementation will have some cost implications as well.
If your requirement is just to establish a secure connection between your virtual network & app service and to avoid access over the public internet, a service endpoint is the simplest solution. If you also need to access the app service from on-premises through an express route or Azure Gateway, a regionally peered virtual network, or a globally peered virtual network, Private Endpoint is the solution.
Steps to set up a service endpoint are detailed in the provisioning service endpoint link
Steps to set up a private endpoint are detailed in the connect to the web app using private endpoint link
Also if you want to deep dive into private endpoint configuration for app service, I would recommend you to read through the following tutorial


Subnet Delegation and Service Endpoints for Azure SQL Database in a vnet?

If I am setting up an Azure SQL Database in a vnet which Azure App Service and Azure Function will access. Is using both Subnet Delegation and Service Endpoints the right way to go? I didn't fully understand the documentation.
Regarding subnet delegation, I read this Microsoft article and this stackoverflow post, which stated:
When you delegate a subnet to an Azure service, you allow that service to establish some basic network configuration rules for that subnet, which help the Azure service operate their instances in a stable manner.
That sounds like a good thing but makes me wonder how it worked efficiently w/o subnet delegation.
As for Service Endpoints, I read this Microsoft article, which states:
Virtual Network (VNet) service endpoint provides secure and direct connectivity to Azure services over an optimized route over the Azure backbone network. Endpoints allow you to secure your critical Azure service resources to only your virtual networks. Service Endpoints enables private IP addresses in the VNet to reach the endpoint of an Azure service without needing a public IP address on the VNet.
Does that mean I cannot reach the Azure SQL Database from my home machine w/a firewall rule?
They both sound like they have the same benefits and I'm struggling to understand the difference. I suppose the larger question is should I enable both for the simple architecture outlined above.
In the Microsoft service endpoints documentation they also mention:
Microsoft recommends use of Azure Private Link for secure and private access to services hosted on Azure platform. For more information, see Azure Private Link.
For some reason that seems like an Azure to on-premise thing.
• You cannot use a ‘Subnet Delegation’ along with a ‘Private endpoint’ since that subnet is delegated for the said service, in your case, the Azure SQL Database. Through a subnet delegation, you can define the NSG association for it, as well as associate multiple delegated subnets to a common NSG. You can also define the IP Address space for the delegated subnet, the route table association with it, the custom DNS entry configuration in Azure DNS as well as define the minimum number of IP Addresses available for that delegated subnet. Similarly, with regards to service endpoint, these stated functions are not available.
• In service endpoint, you do not have control over the routing mechanism as well as the IP address related allotment, reservation, or configuration. Also, managing DNS entries for the resources managed through them and controlling them through a firewall or NAT gateway isn’t required unlike a subnet delegation because all these things are managed by Microsoft Azure’s backbone network on your behalf.
Thus, both have their own features and specifications for enabling you to configure according to your own requirements.
Does that mean I cannot reach the Azure SQL Database from my home machine w/a firewall rule?
Yes, you will have to create a firewall rule to allow the access from on-premises system to Azure SQL Server/Database and configure the service endpoint accordingly to allow the VPN client IP Addresses for accessing the same over public internet.
Also, through Azure private link, you won’t be able to connect from on-premises to Azure as it uses a private IP address and a private DNS zone entry related to it to connect to Azure resources in the same virtual network.
To know more regarding the configuration of Azure service access from on-premises network, kindly refer to the below given link: -
Also, refer to the below snapshots regarding the configuration and selection of service endpoint for a particular subnet: -

Communication between apps in same app service plan?

To clarify what I'm not asking about, there's alot of documentation about using endpoints to expose apps in a App Service Plan to a vnet, which is useful for private communication between vnet hosted VMs or other resources outside the app service plan.
What I'm asking about is specifically communication between two apps inside the same app service plan. So if we had PlanA, and AppB and AppC both deployed to that plan, then if PlanA scales to two instances, each instance would have both AppB and AppC inside it. Very similar to an IIS farm hosting multiple applications.
If I want to disable public access for AppC, but still allow AppB to call AppC(imagine if AppC is a API service and AppB is a front end web app), is that possible? How would you resolve that call if the AppC doesn't have a public IP? Would the domain resolve to a privateIP that AppB can access?
The fact that two app services run in one app service plan means only that these app services can share the same set of computing resources (CPU, memory, etc.) and it does provide any network isolation or private IP addresses within an app service plan.
If you want to keep the existing setup and restrict access to AppC, you can whitelist IP addresses of AppB as follows:
Go to the AppB in Azure Portal, click Properties and copy the list of Outbound IP addresses.
Go to the AppC, click Networking -> Access Restrictions and deny access to everything apart from the outbound IP addresses you copied in step 1.
The domain will still have a public IP address but Azure will only allow accessing it from the IP addresses you configured and return 403 error to any other client.
However, if you want to have a truly private endpoint and more granular control over routing configuration, then consider integrating your app services with Azure virtual network as described here. Virtual networks are not limited to VMs, they can be used for app services too.

Access on-premise server from app service

We have set up a VPN gateway and used it to connect an on-premise network with an Azure VNet. We have successfully tested a number of scenarios
communication from VMs to on-premise DBs
communication from on-premise computers (desktops and servers) to VMs (SSH etc.)
communication from on-premise computers (desktops and servers) to services with Private Link endpoints (App Serivces, DBs etc.).
The use-case we are now attempting is to access an on-premise DB from an app-service. I have integrated the app-service to the routed VNet and also added a service endpoint to this VNet. I have seen infos that this should work but it is not getting though.
A second question is what is the actual source ip of the app-service when it connects to the on-premise server. Surely not the outbound IPs? These are non-exclusive public IPs. Opening these on our VPN firewall would be a risk. In this case is the solution to also give the app service in question a private link endpoint. Will it's source IP then be the private IP of the PL?
Private Endpoint is only used for incoming flows to your Web App. Outgoing flows will not use this Private Endpoint, but you can inject outgoing flows to your network in a different subnet through the VNet integration feature. When you enable Private Endpoint to your Web App, the access restrictions configuration of the Web App is not evaluated. So in this case, I don't think you need to set the service endpoint Microsoft.Web for your web app if you have set it. Reference from using Azure private endpoint for Azure web app.
When regional VNet Integration is enabled, your app makes outbound calls to the internet through the outbound addresses that are listed in the app properties portal. Regional VNet Integration works by mounting virtual interfaces with addresses in the delegated subnet. If WEBSITE_VNET_ROUTE_ALL is set to 1, all outbound traffic can be sent into your VNet. So the source IP address will be from the integrated subnet when app service comes to the on-premise server as the #silent's comment. Reference from how regional VNet Integration works. Please note that the feature supports only one regional VNet Integration per App Service plan.

How to make all outbounds calls from web app to be private

I've hosted a standard web app in azure that is public. The web app though needs to do outbound requests to resources in a private network that I own. What is the best way to do this? I've read some about hybrid connections, but networking/infrastructure is not my field and just reading about these things makes me kinda scared.
You can use Private Endpoint for your Azure Web App to allow clients located in your private network to securely access the app over Private Link. The Private Endpoint uses an IP address from your Azure VNet address space. Network traffic between a client on your private network and the Web App traverses over the VNet and a Private Link on the Microsoft backbone network, eliminating exposure from the public Internet. Although It does not enable your app to make outbound calls into your network but If you want to have all inbound and outbound in your VNet, then you need to use both Private Endpoint and Regional VNet Integration in two separate subnets.
You may refer to below links for more details on this:

Why we have a lot of connections between app services from same resource group?

We have three App Services in Azure (API1, API2, API3).
API2 is getting data from CosmosDB.
API3 is getting data from other CosmosDB.
Main API1 calls API2 to get some data. Then using this data calls API3.
We have poor performance of API1 and we are trying to figure out why. We noticed that there are too many connections in metrics. Also we have issue with SNAT ports.
We tried to setup these APIs to the same VNet but it doesn't help and we are not sure how to set up it correctly.
Do you have any idea what we should setup?
Seems like VNet helped us with SNAT ports issue but performance of API was still very poor.
What really helped us was change from Windows to Linux. When all APIs runs on the Linux servers we don't see any connections anymore.
Not sure what's specific configurations about three APIs on your side. If you want to use IP from Vnet instead of an external one, you can use a separate environment ASE.
Alternatively, you can use a private link to the app service. By using Private Endpoint, you can connect privately to your web app. Read Connect privately to a web app by using Azure Private Endpoint (Preview).
Today, you can secure this connection using VNet service endpoints
which keep the traffic within the Microsoft backbone network and allow
the PaaS resource to be locked down to just your VNet. However, the
PaaS endpoint is still served over a public IP address and therefore
not reachable from on-premises through Azure ExpressRoute private
peering or VPN gateway. With today’s announcement of Azure Private
Link, you can simply create a private endpoint in your VNet and map it
to your PaaS resource (Your Azure Storage account blob or SQL Database
server). These resources are then accessible over a private IP address
in your VNet, enabling connectivity from on-premises through Azure
ExpressRoute private peering and/or VPN gateway and keep the network
configuration simple by not opening it up to public IP addresses.
For more information, you could read here.
